Succubus Tail (Original Version)

Chapter 8.2

I knew that if at any moment I told her to stop, she would. In some ways, it was part of the appeal of it all. Both that she cared so much for me and autonomy, as well as that I couldn’t help but admit that I did want to be here with my body spread out for all these people to see. I couldn’t deny it, not when I could have easily just requested we take this somewhere private. This wasn’t like sex with Yulia, who didn’t care nearly as much for how I felt. This was so much better, so much sweeter.

My orgasm came, and a lusty moan swirled out into the breeze. An arm wrapped around under my breasts as my legs gave out, and my head leaned back against Victoria’s shoulder. Still, she didn’t stop. Instead, she picked up pace. 

“Please,” I groaned. 

“You want me to stop?” she asked quietly.

I shook my head. “Nn, I -- Just fuck me.” 

She hummed, as though in thought, taking her time all the while I grew closer to yet another orgasm. The fingers that weren’t buried deep inside me casually slid up to my breast and twisted my nipple. I moaned and orgasmed once again around her unceasing fingering. 

“You think you’ve earned that yet?” she asked teasingly. 

With a loud groan, I begged, “Please. Oh fuck, I need you. Mistress, need your cum. I’ll do anything.”

“Oh, ‘Mistress.’ I quite like that.” She gave a small chuckle. “Yes, I like that quite a lot.”

Her fingers left from inside of me, leaving my vagina empty and aching to be filled once more. Despite having begged her, I couldn’t help but bring my own fingers back down to fill the void she’d left. I watched somewhat anxiously as she pulled out a potion and chugged it down. 

At my curious look, she said “It should be enough to let me manage a couple of spells for a bit.”

Her hand grabbed my arm, pulling it out of my cunt, to my frustration. She pulled me closer to the fountain and proceeded to bend me over until my arms pressed down against the smooth stone siding that people often used to sit on. My butt still faced back toward the watching crowd, and I felt continual shivers running up and down my body from both the anticipation and the overwhelming flood of lust clouding my mind. It took only a few seconds before I found myself unable to wait, and my hand found its way into my cunt once again. Ragged breaths left me as I masturbated to yet another orgasm in front of the watching crowd behind me. 

Victoria chanted two separate spells, and a moment later an orb circled up around us. We could see through it, though the view was distorted. I was glad to actually recognize this spell as one I’d learned previously myself. It allows the caster to see out of the sphere but not let anyone see within. 

When I glanced back to Victoria, she sighed. “Just cause you want to fuck out here in public, doesn’t mean I want them to see me naked.” She gave a shrug as though it didn’t particularly matter and smiled. “Maybe I’ll be a bit more comfortable with it the next time.” She circled behind me and slapped my ass. “For now, we’ll do things the way I prefer.”

Her hand clutched around my arm pulling it back in front of me, while her other slid along my tail, my sensitive red skin feeling like a sizzling fire. She stroked it up and down, teasing me as I waited impatiently for her to fuck me. As her fingers made me twitch and squirm beneath her, I began to worry that she was going to bring me to yet another orgasm without giving any of the sexual energy from her that I so desperately needed. My fears were put aside after several long moments of torturous pleasure. Something pressed against my pussy, and it felt too big to be mere fingers. I sighed with immense satisfaction as she slowly but easily slid into me. Not wanting to take things nearly as slowly as she was, I began thrusting myself back and forth along her surprisingly warm cock. Normally her toys began a bit cooler to the touch, and I wondered if she’d given it a new enchantment. 

A slap met my ass once more, and the cock was removed from inside me. 

“Now now, I didn’t say you could start doing whatever you wanted. I’m the one in charge here, and we’re gonna go at my pace.”

I sighed. “Yes, Mistress.”

“That’s a good girl.” She gently rubbed the cheek of my ass. “Now, no moving unless I say you can.”

The thrust into me came quickly, and I could tell that she was getting somewhat impatient with the pace of things herself, despite clearly wanting to stretch it out. Relief washed through me once again as she easily slid her cock in and out of my vagina. I tried my best to not meet her thrusts with my own, but it was admittedly difficult. My body knew what it wanted, and I was incredibly horny. Pushing back against her cock felt like the most natural thing in the world to me. 

Her pace picked up, becoming more and more frantic. 

“Oh, fuck yes,” she groaned. “Fuck, your cunt feels so good.”

I was meeting her thrusts fully with my own at this point, but she seemed beyond caring, too concerned with reaching her own orgasm to stop and complain. 

“You’re such a naughty little slut, aren’t you? Can’t --” she gasped, “control yourself.” Her fingers gripped tightly around my hips as she slammed into me harder. 

“Yes,” I hissed out between two moans. “I’m -- I'm a naughty slut. My Mistress’s cumslut.”

“Well, let's give you what we both know you want.”

With gasping breaths, she pushed fully into me. I felt the warm cock inside me twitch and warmth begin to fill me. Its continued twitching reminded me surprisingly of a real cock. I groaned again as I imagined Victoria with a real dick, shooting her load inside of me. 

Energy began to flood through me, stemming the tide of lust I’d built up. My cunt milked her cock for all it would give until finally, it stopped. Still, we stayed there connected, both taking well-needed breaths. 

Several blissful moments later and she pulled out of me, leaving me feeling empty once more. Still somewhat dissatisfied, I turned toward her, sitting up but staying down on my knees. To my surprise, what greeted me wasn’t a dildo or strapon of some kind, but instead a very real-looking cock. 

Noting my shocked look, Victoria grinned down at me. “Quite the shocking development, hmm? Hopefully, I haven’t cocked things up between us.”

My eyes squinted as my face stared up at her in an unimpressed scowl. “Those are terrible jokes.”

“Really? Perhaps I’ll need to work on raising the bar a bit. I’m sure you’ll be able to help.”

I groaned as I realized it was just another pun. 

“Well? Why don’t you put that little mouth of yours to use?” She raised an expectant eyebrow and took a step forward, bringing her cock closer to my face. 

I rolled my eyes but decided to give her what she wanted. I was still quite horny, after all. Leaning forward, my lips met the tip of her cock. It twitched in response, surprisingly me slightly and smearing cum across my lips and up to my nose. I licked it off, tasting the sweet flavor of our mixed cum, before breathing in the arousing aroma. 

Slowly, I reached out my tongue, brushing it against the tip of her cock and cleaning more of the cum off of it. A small amount of precum began to form, which I quickly licked up as well.

She groaned in frustration as I continued my slow but enjoyable pace. “Such a little tease.”

I grinned back, happy to be the one to have a little bit of control for once, and met her eyes with a smirk of my own.

“Not so nice when the tables are turned, hmm?” I snarked back. 

She huffed. “I’ll show you some turned tables.” Her hands gripped around each of my horns, and my eyes widened. “Open wide,” she said with a devilish grin.  

Using my horns as handles, she lined up my face and pushed forward. Her cock met my lips, only to slide past them as the cum-covered rod lubricated my mouth and easily slipped in. In half a second, she’d pushed fully into my mouth toward the back of my throat until the entirety of her dick was within me. I groaned, rumbling around the sweet-tasting member. My eyes looked up to meet hers once more. 

“Quite the familiar position,” she said, as her fingers ran through the hair along the top of my head. She moved back, pulling the cock almost fully from my mouth, before plunging back in with a contented sigh. “The toy we used before was actually a lot more sensitive. Though I must say, there’s a certain satisfaction to having my own cock sucked. We’re definitely going to be doing this again.” 

She moved in and out once more, as my eyes continued to stare into her own. 

“That reminds me. If you want me to stop, just tap my leg okay?”

I gave the best nod I could as she began to slowly fuck my face. She gave a kind smile, and we continued to peer into each other’s eyes as though we could see into the other’s soul. Together, we shared the joys of being dominant and dominated, of being in each other’s care, of feeling each other’s love and pleasure. As she pushed forward one final time, a wonderous spark of connection passed through us, as though we were one entity, experiencing the delights of the universe and soaring through the stars together. 

Together we came, pure bliss filling my mind and her’s alike. Internally, I giggled at the idea of bonding with someone like this as their cock pulsed cum down my throat. When her moan reached my ears, I wondered if I’d giggled around her dick as well. What a strange life I lived now, I thought. 

An eternity passed in the mere blink of an eye, and she pulled out of my mouth. With a dopey smile, I fell back into the grass, staring up past the obscuring spell that curved around us and into the sky. Victoria moved beside me, cuddling up together in our post-orgasmic glow. 

“That was great,” I muttered as I laid there in a hopeless daze. 

She nodded into my neck, her long hair tickling my shoulder. “Yeah.”

As I glanced over into her radiant green eyes, my happy smile slowly receded. I couldn’t keep pretending that there wasn’t something I’d been hiding from her. After everything she’d done for me, she needed to know; I wanted her to know. It was time for a confession, I decided. 

“There’s something I should tell you.” A chord of fear struck into my heart. Would she still like me afterward? Was this the last moment we would have together? Would she be repulsed by me? With a gulp, I continued, a slightly nervous stutter in my voice. “I -- I used to be a boy.” My eyes left hers as shame welled within me. This was wrong, my mind suddenly demanded. It was not how boys were supposed to behave, not how I was supposed to behave. It was perverse. “Before I became a succubus, I was a boy named Gordon.”

Her fingers met my chin, and she graced my lips with a gentle kiss. 

“It’s alright,” she replied. My eyes met hers once again, as a smile spread across her face. “There’s nothing wrong with who you were before, or with who you are now. Don’t be ashamed. Gordon or Ivy, no matter who you decide you are, I will be here for you.” She brushed the hair from my eyes. “Besides, I already knew who you were before.”

I blinked. “Huh?”

She gave a small somewhat sad sigh. “Ivy, you’ve been the talk of the school, it’d have been difficult for me not to find out.”


“From here on, I’ve got your back okay? No matter what, I’ll be here for you.”

A small smile spread across my face, and I leaned toward her to kiss her once more. 

“Alright,” I said. “Together.”

--- One Month Later ---

Patiently, I waited as the door unlocked from the other side. Or rather, impatiently I waited, it would be more accurate to say. My hand fiddled along the collar from my Mistress, a newer collar she had just recently gotten for me. The small heart-shaped lock on it brought a smile to my lips. Only the two of us held the key to remove it. 

With a light click, the door opened, and a girl in a bright flowing green dress that matched her beautiful eyes entered. She strutted smoothly into the room, a happy smile spreading across her face. 

“Why, don’t you just look beautiful in that?” she appraised as she scanned my slight and skimpy outfit. 

I smiled as I leaned forward on my knees, giving her ample view of my lowcut cleavage. I’d been waiting for several days to surprise her with this delectable attire, having waited for what seemed like forever for it to be made. My fingers fiddled with the useless skirt, too short to actually provide any modesty at all. Her eyes traced from my almost fully visible breasts to the bondage straps that suggestively hugged most of my body. The thin bra that some of them were attached to was nearly as useless as the skirt below it. 

“I made sure to request that they be made from a fairly durable material,” I said with a grin. “You know, just in case.”

Victoria chuckled, “What a good little slut you are. I suppose you’re ready for some play time then?”

I nodded vigorously, fluttering my eyebrows and looking up at her with my bright red eyes as I thrust out my chest once again. She walked up directly in front of me and reached down to the top of my head, scratching the spot just beside my horn that I’d come to love.

“Well, my adorable little pet, I suppose that means that dinner today will be a bit delayed.”

My eyes glanced over to the small pet bowl that sat on the floor next to the desk, and I shrugged. “There’s plenty of time to eat later.” A flutter of joy went through my belly as I looked back up to my Mistress’s glowing face.

She grinned back. “Well, let’s not delay any more then, my beautiful little Ivy.”

Welcome to the last chapter, at least the last for now. I hope you've enjoyed the story as much as I have! It's been a fun ride. As always, I want to mention my Patreon, in case anyone has somehow missed it lol. I'm aspiring to eventually become a full-time writer and quit my regular job, if I can. It'll be a slow process, I expect, but I'm hoping that over time I'll be working there less and doing a ton more writing instead. Any support you can give me on this journey would be a big help! As well, if you wanna get a headstart on my new story and gain access to my patron discord, that's the place to find it. It may be a few weeks I expect before I begin posting here, but it'll definitely be sometime next month. I think I'm gonna have even more fun with Lunar Marked than I did with Succubus Tail. And yes, for those wondering, it will have smut. The main concept for the story is a trans cultivation-style fantasy. I'm super excited! Chapter 3 is already nearly complete. At this point, I'm just doing some editing before posting it. =3

Well, until next time everyone! Feel free to come chat with me here in the comments. I'll see ya in the next one!

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