Succubus Tail (Original Version)

Chapter 6.2

“First things first. You need to be properly punished,” Yulia said. My mind went once more to the night I’d spent tied to the floor in front of her bed, brought continually over and over again to orgasm. 

I shuttered in anticipation, as the desire for an orgasm rushed through me, and I itched to touch myself there and then. No, no that would be bad, I thought. I needed real relief. I needed energy, not to be deprived of it. “I -- but -- I saved you. We made it out,” I said weakly. 

She sighed and gave a brief but surprisingly kind smile. “I’m not saying that I’m ungrateful for you getting us out of there, Ivy.” I was momentarily surprised she was still using my name. “I’m no fool; I realize you could have left me. But it was you who caused the whole situation to start with. A sensible person would probably send you back to the Under for a stunt like that, at the very least. I’m willing to give you another chance. You’re foolish, not malicious. I’ll make a great little subservient demon out of you with a bit of proper guidance and discipline.” She gave me a long look before turning around. “Stay here while I find some clothes.”

I took a deep breath as she entered her closet. What sort of punishment had she in mind, I pondered fretfully? Would she use the same one as before, or come up with something different? I tried to scramble my mind through the possibilities. It was difficult with how horny I felt. Everything I could imagine just ended up turning lewd. Though with the way Yulia seemed to lean, it was likely to be that sort of punishment. Hopefully, I would survive it without being driven mad. The dream flashed through my mind again before I shook off the thought.

My eyes turned once more to the closet. I wouldn’t say that I hated Yulia, but I didn’t really feel that I particularly liked her. There was certainly some resentment there. Would I be okay with being owned by her from now on? Would I come to resent her? Or was it possible that I would come to just accept the situation, or perhaps to even love her eventually? The future felt so forboding and unknown to me. 

Yulia strolled back out of her closet in a long and noble dark-red dress. A different wand sat in her hand, likely one she’d used years before, as her normal one was lost to the Above. She walked past me toward the door.

Come, we’re heading to the courtyard.”

Nervously, I followed behind her, still just as naked as I was before. I was tempted to ask for clothes, yet knew that my nudity was intentional. Whatever plan she had, I wouldn’t be needing clothes for it. I bit my lip, holding my breath as I crossed the threshold of the door, exposing my naked body to the hallway. As much as I wanted to stop and turn around to hide within the room, I knew I couldn’t, both because of the magic of the contract and the fact that Yulia wouldn’t allow it. I was getting my punishment, willingly or not. It brought home the fact that she truly did own me. She had ever since she’d obtained the contract, perhaps even before it. If only I’d been able to have a contract with someone like Victoria instead. I imagined that she would have gone about making it with me quite differently than Esme had. Demonic contracts could be powerful. They were more than just a tool for obedience. With time and dedication, they could boost the power of both the summoner and the demon. I could imagine me and her being a powerful duo together. But it wasn’t meant to be, I supposed.

We passed several girls still in the dorm hall. It appeared to still be early morning, and many of them were either making their way to class, chatting with each other, or otherwise preparing for the day. Many of them ignored me or at least gave the appearance that they were. Others blatantly stared. I could feel their eyes rolling up and down my naked body. I tried to cover myself as best as I could, for what little good it did me. With hands and arms covering my privates, I shuffled down the hall on Yulia’s tail, partly wishing she would go faster, partly worried about our destination. Meanwhile, my fingers itched to play. My cunt was wet and waiting. I needed release, or I was going to end up begging for it. And I didn’t want to be brought to that, not in public at least. Hopefully, Yulia would be generous.

The doors outside flung open, as she marched through them. My eyes scanned around the courtyard, looking for who happened to be around. There were a few people lounging, and a couple of others making their way along the winding paths. Several heads turned our way as the doors pounded shut behind us. 

Yulia continued forward, heading toward the courtyard’s center. There were a few things around the central area of the yard. Several large old trees stood tall, casting shadows and rustling in the breeze. An old fountain that no longer worked sat gathering mold. And off to the side stood an old wooden pillory. I paled as Yulia walked directly toward it. I’d completely forgotten this was even here. I squeezed my hands together nervously as I followed, hoping I was mistaken. As she stopped in front of it and turned to me, I knew it wasn’t to be. 

“I don’t believe I need to tell you what to do,” she said. 

My eyes met hers. This was a test, an obvious one. I hesitated for a second and then walked over to the pillory. Slowly, I bent over, first placing my arms into the two holes below me, followed by my head. The wooden board above was pushed down, snapping into place, and locking me into the device. Almost instinctively, I tried to pull my arms out of it, finding that they wouldn’t budge. 

“Good girl.” Yulia walked around in front of me and placed her hand on my head. Between my two horns, she gently petted me. In resignation, I continued looking down at the ground. All I could see of her was her heeled feet and the long red dress fluttering in the breeze. “I’ll be gentle,” she said. 

She whispered a few magical words, and I looked up just as her wand began to transform. Its color darkened, and it stretched outward forming a small rod that split into numerous pieces of thin black rope. As it completed, she whipped it through the air. With a devious smile, she moved back around me. 

“Move your tail,” she said. Her hand reached out to gently caress my ass. Slowly, my tail moved up down my back and curled around my belly. I couldn’t hold it in my hands, unfortunately, and hoped that I wouldn’t accidentally move it in the way. Several seconds went by, and I focused on my breathing. Instead of staring down, I closed my eyes, though I could feel the piercing stares of everyone in the courtyard. I was sure that numerous people had stopped to watch at this point. 

Yulia’s hand left my rear, and I heard her back up a step. I held my breath.

I flinched as the fiery crack of the whip met my skin without warning, a sting of pain following a half-second after. The sound ended up much worse than the pain itself, to my surprise. While it did hurt, it was easily manageable. It didn’t stop my second wince as the flog hit my ass a second time. It wasn’t an unbearable sort of pain, or even really as bad as the pain of a paddle. It was different. I’d expected to scream and shout in agony as the flog tore through my skin. But no skin was broken, and instead of a scream, I moaned in pleasure. It wasn’t like the paddle, it was better, I realized. As the third strike came, I sucked in a breath and arched my back as well as I could in my position. My tail twitched, though I kept it in place. If she hit my sensitive tail, it would truly hurt. My legs trembled as she smacked me once more, slightly harder than the previous times. 

“Are you enjoying this?” she asked after I moaned once more. “I probably shouldn’t be punishing you like this. I suspect it will only encourage you further in the future.” She sighed as the flog stung me once more. “But truthfully, it's so satisfying I couldn’t resist. I’d been hoping for an excuse to put you in the pillory here. Perhaps I’ll think up a real punishment for you later. Can't have you thinking what you did was acceptable.” 

Several more whips and my legs were close to giving out with nothing to support them. They wobbled as I focused on keeping them beneath me. I desperately wanted to touch myself. My cunt was dripping wet, begging to be fondled. Would she make me beg for an orgasm, making me continually hornier until I couldn’t take it anymore? What was her plan, I wondered?

As though she had read my mind, she bent down and whispered to me, “They’re all staring at you, you know. Wondering whether they are going to get a turn with you. There’s about ten of them now, watching and waiting, both guys and girls. And as word gets out, it won’t be long before half the students in the school have crowded the courtyard for a piece of you.” The sting of the whip increased once more with her next hit. “What would you say, I wonder, if I told you I was going to let them? Would you beg me to let you go if I lined them all up behind you? Or would you let them each have their way with you, fucking you one by one in turn as you come over and over again?” I flinched as another sting was particularly painful. “Perhaps we’ll have to find out.” I could hear the grin in her voice as she relished in the control she had over me.

Despite having my eyes closed, I could tell that people had moved closer. I could hear the low whispers of their voices, the rustling of the grass, and their soft chuckles as they laughed at my predicament. Would Yulia truly line them up to whip and fuck me, I wondered? I wasn’t sure. It seemed like the sort of thing she might do. She had a malicious bend to her nature, though it would be the furthest I’d seen her truly take it. I shivered at the idea of it. Partly horrified and partly wishing she would go through with it. 

Her hand gently rubbed my increasingly sore cheeks as she continued, “Of course, the main reason I brought you out here was to let them all watch. I knew you’d love all their lusty stares at your naked quivering body. A little slut like you can’t get enough of it, I’m sure. Perhaps I’ll just keep you without clothes from now on. What’s a horny bimbo succubus like you need them for?”

The crack of the flog stung my ass once more as her hand left it. I sucked in a moaning breath. I felt so close to cumming. Right here in front of all these people. It was mortifying and a huge turn on all in itself. I wanted to run off and hide. But more than that, I wanted to cum and wanted them to see me. The flog snapped again and I moaned out. If only Yulia would stick her fingers in me and bring me to an orgasm. Or at least touch me. Maybe I would cum eventually all by myself, but I worried it would take forever. 

“Yulia!” someone shouted in clear annoyance, a familiar voice. 

My eyes opened and I looked to the side to see a figure move around several people to my left a few meters away. 

My cheeks reddened as Victoria made her way toward us, and my mind stuttered. W-why was she here?

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