Succubus Tail (Original Version)

Chapter 2.2

Please note that this chapter has a hetero student/teacher sex scene in it, which I realize isn't everyone's cup of tea. It'll be pretty obvious when it's about to happen, for those who prefer to skip it.

My plan was simple: get to class early before the halls began to get crowded. Then I’d rush to the library afterward. As I walked, I encountered a problem that I was by no means used to dealing with. I had a tail. Without me realizing it, it had pulled up the bottom of my dress slightly, exposing my ass to whoever might happen to pass by. 

Quickly, I pulled the fabric back down and muttered out, “Stupid tail,” as I scurried forward. If I wasn’t careful I was going to end up flashing someone, or even worse a hall full of people when I wasn’t paying attention. It didn’t even matter how short the dress was if my tail kept dragging it up. 

As the first person passed me in the hall, my cheeks flared. It didn't matter that I knew logically I looked the part of a girl, and a succubus to boot, I couldn't help but feel ashamed and mortified about my outfit. Part of me couldn’t help but wonder how visible my embarrassment might be with my reddish skin. Either way, I refused to meet the girl’s eyes as I passed by her. Several more people went by me before I made it to class. One boy called something out to me, but I ignored him as he and his friend thankfully didn’t make a move to approach me. It was in utter relief that I finally made it to the classroom. As I made my way to the door, I realized I didn’t have anything to take notes with. Briefly, I considered going back to my new room and asking Yulia for something, or perhaps even going back to my old one and getting stuff from there. I dismissed both ideas quickly, deciding the best thing to do would be just asking the professor himself. It was Yarev’s class, so I hoped he would understand, given my recent predicament. 

I'd made it to class far earlier than I’d ever been before. There was a good chance many students hadn’t even rolled out of bed yet. As I went in, I noted that only the most studious were there and already seated. I made my way to Yarev, who surprisingly already stood in front of a dark wooden podium, apparently reading something. The man hadn't struck me as the sort to be in the classroom this early, despite always being here when I arrived. He looked down at me with a scowl as I approached. 

“Right, I have you in this class, don’t I?” he muttered. “Well, what is it?”

“Forgive me professor, I -- was wondering if I could borrow something to take notes with?” 

His scowl deepened and he began muttering to himself as I fidgeted with my dress. The only bit that I managed to catch was the phrase, “Useless demon.” A bit louder he said, “You couldn’t be bothered to bring your own?” He shuffled through his papers along the podium until he found one that was blank. “Here, I suppose this will do.” 

I didn’t dare question why he would only give me the one or if he would give me something to write with. Instead, I mumbled out a thanks and moved to my seat. I decided to just ask one of the random girls in the class, who was gracious enough to lend me a pen. As my naked butt pressed against the cool chair, I shivered slightly and tried to pull down my dress further.

It was a while before class started, and I could feel my hormones begin a slow stir within me as I waited. I'd expected it, yet had hoped it would come much later in the day at least. The eyes in the class followed me as more and more students entered. I could hear the whispers throughout the room and knew that many had to be about me, the random demon sitting in “Gordon’s” seat. Did they realize who I was? There was no chance that word hadn’t spread by now. 

Their eyes made me both uncomfortable, yet somehow increasingly turned on. I could only hope that I wouldn’t regret Yulia’s offer to relieve my hunger. I just needed to make it to the end of class and then through a trip to the library. It couldn’t be as hard as popular knowledge made it out to be for succubi to go a day or so without sex, I was certain. I didn’t have much direct experience with succubi, but I expected they at the very least didn’t need to have sex four or five times a day to not be driven mad by lust, as some of the more exaggerated rumors suggested. I didn’t doubt that some succubi had that much sex in a day, yet that was likely by personal choice more than any real need. 

Class finally began as the last few students made their way into the room. The professor tapped the podium with his wand and began his lesson. I shifted uncomfortably as I felt eyes still watching me. I could feel the lust of some of the people in the class, like a thick fog gathering to circle around me. I took a deep breath as I shifted once more and thought I could almost smell a faintly sweet aroma. My eyes stared down toward the table in front of me, in a vain effort to keep attention away from me and not meet the eyes of anyone else. Meanwhile, my mind was so scattered from the staring students and growing lust, that I utterly failed to pay any attention to the class itself. 

Things only became progressively worse as time continued. My mind began to drift, remembering the feeling of being tied up as Yulia made me lick her cunt. I could almost feel the energy that had poured through me as she came with her legs wrapped around my face. I shivered and continued to fidget, my eyes closed shut tightly. The eyes around the room felt as though they were sinking into me. I knew that my imagination was only making matters worse, yet somehow I couldn't stop it. The erotic moan of Yulia's voice rang through my memory, almost loud enough to be real. My hands moved between my legs and I could feel how wet I had become as I pressed my fingers into the cloth of my dress. 


I jolted and my eyes shot open as a hand came down along my desk. I looked up to see Yarev standing above me. 

“You’re distracting the class.”

My eyes drifted around the room taking in all the eyes staring towards me. The entire class truly was watching me. It really hadn't been just my imagination. As my eyes scanned the room, several of the guys grinning. I gulped. Had -- had I moaned out loud or something, I wondered? Had that moan been real? I could feel the blood drain from my face in mortification. 

“My office. Now,” the teacher demanded. 

I got up from my chair and followed behind him, hoping desperately that there wasn’t a wet spot in my dress. 

“I suppose I should have expected this from a creature like you,” he continued as he shut the door. “If this becomes a continual problem, I will remove you from the class, understand?” 

I nodded back and watched as Yarev cleaned off a space along his desk. I’d never really thought of Yarev as a handsome man. But looking at him now, I couldn’t deny its truthfulness. He was tall and lithe, with dark hair that always seemed a little messy no matter how much effort he seemed to put into it. I suspected he was in his early 30s or perhaps late 20s in age. Quite young for a professor. 

He looked back over to me, a scowl still on his face. It somehow didn’t detract from his handsome features. In fact, I felt a strange shiver run through me as his eyes met mine. “On the desk. It’s time for your punishment.”

I’d been hoping it wouldn’t come to this, that perhaps in a school like this, teachers would feel their students were too old for such a punishment. I certainly hadn’t expected such a thing to ever happen to me here. I was generally well behaved in classes, unlike the many fools I had for classmates. Slowly, I made my way to his desk and paused in front of it. Yarev’s firm hand pushed me forward until I was bent over it. I made a useless attempt to keep my dress from riding up as he walked to the other side and opened a drawer. He pulled out a thick wooden paddle and then stared me in the eyes with his typical frowning expression. I couldn’t help but look away in embarrassment. Somehow the thought of him pulling up my dress and hitting me with it was turning me on even more than I had been before.

“It’s not often that I feel the need to punish a student here,” Yarev said. “But some clearly need something more direct than a stern discussion. Pull up your dress.”

I hesitated for only a moment before slipping my thumbs around the skirt of my dress and pulling it up to my belly as Yarev made his way back behind me. My tail flicked completely free and stretched out as my ass was exposed to the open cool air. I breathed out a lusty sigh of anticipation. A hand gripped around my sensitive tail and I let out a squeak that quickly turned into a moan. He pulled it tightly up, making me lift my bottom up off the table slightly as though presenting it to him.

The teacher grumbled something behind me and then said, “Stop putting your tail in the way.” Then a hard stinging smack landed across my butt as the wooden paddle met it, and I yelped out in surprise. “What did you do wrong?” he asked accompanied by a harder smack. 

“I --” I winced as the paddle hit me once more. “I disrupted the class.” I couldn’t bring myself to admit how it was that I’d disrupted it. 

“And?” Another hit landed along my ass and I whimpered.

“I-I wasn’t paying attention?” He hit me twice more, each on a different cheek. I let out a sudden moan and felt a drop of cum slide down my leg. Why! Why was this turning me on? Was this just normal for me now as a succubus? 

Yarev sighed. His next hit was harder, and I moaned both in pain and desire. Part of me wanted him to stop, while another continually larger part wanted him to keep going. Could I cum from just being paddled, I wondered? If he kept going long enough, we were going to find out. 

After several more paddles, they stopped. I was breathing hard, my eyes clamped closed and fingers clawing into his desk as I waited, still not certain if I wanted him to continue. 

“This is why I hate succubi,” Yarev said. “Troublemakers who find pleasure even in a punishment, and too careless and easily distracted to be of any use with real labor.” 

I winced as his hand rubbed against my sore cheek. 

“Please,” I muttered out softly. I wasn’t sure if I was asking for him to continue or stop. 

The professor snorted. “You’ll need to be more specific than that, demon.”

“I -- I need. I’m --”

I couldn’t bring myself to say it, but as yet another drop of cum slid down my leg, I knew what I wanted, what I needed. All I could do was let out a loud moan. 

Yarev tossed the paddle along his desk to my side and I felt his fingers trail down my lower back. I pressed my ass more firmly into the air in response. 

“What you need is to learn to control yourself.” He smacked me once more, this time with his hand, and I yelped. “As this is partly my doing, I suppose I should help in taking care of it.”

I shivered as he released my tail and I heard the sounds of him unbuttoning his pants. I could have said something. I could have run out the door. Perhaps an hour or two ago I would have. Instead, to my utter mortification, I waited for him to take me. 

One of his hands grabbed along my hip, and I felt him press forward. As the tip of his already hard cock met my lower lips, I shivered and moaned loudly. Somehow I already felt close to cumming. He pressed into me and slowly but easily began to slide in. My vagina wrapped tightly around his cock like it was made for it. He pushed forward until he was in me completely, and I went over the edge. My first orgasm flooded through me and I moaned loudly once more. As it came down, I felt my tail swishing from side to side, and he grabbed it once more in apparent annoyance. 

“You’re too loud,” he grumbled. “Should have gagged you.” Despite having his cock filling me, the man somehow still managed to seem annoyed. 

His hands wrapped around my waist and he began to slowly pull back out, until only the tip of him was still within me. I let out another squeal and moan as he shoved himself back inside. With a firm grip around me, my tail still pinned under one of his hands, the professor started thrusting in and out of me, gradually picking up speed. Another orgasm slowly built up within me as my pleasure continued to grow. Somehow even the stinging pain of him pressing into my bottom seemed to help rather than hinder it. As I hit the peak and began to claw into his desk, he pulled back and slapped my ass once more just as I began to cum.

“Stupid creature. Stop ruining my desk.” I could only moan in response

He grabbed my arms and forced them back behind me. With one hand, he locked my wrists together, and then he entered me once more before my orgasm had even finished. He was rougher this time, forcing his way in and out of me with vigor and pressing me harder against the desk. My moans picked up as he continued. Somehow some part of me could tell he was close. And I knew instinctively I would cum again when he did. I could feel his warm cock near-pulsing tightly within me. 

He picked up speed becoming rougher and rougher. With one final hard shove forward, he pushed all the way back into me, pressing his body against my sore ass. I moaned as his cock pulsed, and I felt the first squirt of cum enter me. Much like with Yulia, I felt a flood of sexual energy rush through me, pulsing along with his cock, and I orgasmed right along with him. I moaned in absolute delight. It was the sort of pleasure a girl could become addicted to. I had to get Yulia to do this to me. 

My fingers clawed into his desk once more, but this time he didn’t seem to care. He pulled out of me, and I slumped against the cold wood with a loud sigh. Yarev buttoned back up his pants, and I heard him make a sigh of satisfaction of his own. 

“I believe I needed that. Perhaps we can make this a regular thing. Do come to me again if you need my assistance. Though not in the middle of class next time.” He gave my ass another smack. “Now be a good little demon and get out of my office.”

I managed to pull myself up on shaky legs and slip back into my sandals. My dress seemed only a little wet, though I worried about my cum-filled cunt. I’d have to just put up with it since I had nothing else to change into. Yarev walked to the door and opened it for me. As I hesitantly exited, I felt heat flood through my face. The whole class was staring at me. Most of the guys grinned with knowing smiles, at my humiliation. I stopped and stared, stunned for a moment as all their eyes bore into me, seeing me for what I was, what I’d become. 

Then I ran.

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