Strongest Villain System

Chapter 28 - Reactions from all parties

Xun taught his internal skills, and Su Xin didn’t want to hide it.

The first person I knew was Ji Gang who was still in the happy forest.

After Ji Jigang heard the news, the first reaction was envy, followed by resentment.

虽然 Although he is not a bad-thinking person like Li Bad, but who is a bottom-line man like him who doesn’t desire to be able to work internally?

But now everyone under Su Xin has learned the internal skills, but he has no Ji Gang. How can he not hate him?

However, he also knows that he is in such an awkward situation under Su Xin, not to mention that Su Xin does not teach his internal skills, and now he is left in the happy forest, it is estimated that it is only in the face of the third tiger.

Ji Gang is now very poorly connected in Happy Forest.

I used to rely on my identity with the Third Lord Tiger. Which of these people, Su Xin, was not respectful of him?

Since the last time he blatantly opposed Su Xin’s assassination of Dai Chong, these gang members have all begun to treat him with a cold eye, ashamed.

I can only bear with Ji Gang this time. He is not an idiot. This is Su Xin’s territory. Once he annoys Su Xin, I am afraid that Su Xin will really desperately kill him.

刚 For Gang Su, Ji Gang is really a little bit unclear.

虽然 Everything he did seemed reckless, but there was another meaning behind it.

And this man is moody and the city is extremely deep. Ji Gang dare not guarantee that he can leave the happy forest calmly after angering him.

But Ji Gang was so eager to get internal strength. After thinking about it, Ji Gang decided to go to Li Gang.

Although Li Bad is now reused by Su Xin, what he said is also the third tiger man. With this relationship, Ji Gang feels he can try it.

Every morning now, the gang members will practice internal strength and physical body in the performance martial arts field.

坏 And during this time, Li Gang also practiced in his own house. He will not teach Yan Wuchang to teach the fighting skills until the afternoon.

So Ji Gang came to Li Bad’s room door quietly in the morning and knocked twice gently.

“Come in.”

Wu Ji just pushed in, but Li Gang frowned: “What are you doing?”

“Haha, you and I have known each other for so many years, as for such a student?” Ji Gang’s smile was not concerned about Li Bad’s harsh tone.

“Say something, don’t waste time.” Li bad coldly.

As soon as Li Gang said this, Ji Gang also converged his false smile, and said directly: “In that line, I will not circle with you any more. You will give me a copy of Su Xin’s internal strength.”

不可能 “Impossible! Boss Su didn’t teach you, I can’t even teach you. If you want to learn, you can go to Boss Su directly.” Li Bad didn’t even hesitate and refused resolutely.

Ji Gang did not expect Li Gang to answer so decisively, he said coldly: “Li Gang! You must know that your boss is not Su Xin, but the third tiger! I do n’t want to learn this technique myself , But ready to be given to the third master! “

“From then on, he is not.” Li bad gave him a glance, said coldly.

“You …” Ji Gang pointed at Li Gang, and whispered, “Su Xin is so public, why do you follow him all the way to the dark? It is said that during the general assembly meeting, Su Xin offended the criminal hall chief Dong Chengwu, Offended this, do you think Su Xin will be able to please him in the future? “

“I only know that I can get a lot by following Su Xin, but following the third tiger, what have I got these years? I have killed hundreds of people for him in recent years, but the rewards I received did not exceed one in total. One hundred and two! “Li Bad said coldly.

Wu Jigang was suddenly speechless, and he couldn’t argue with this. Sanye Hu was really a bit embarrassed about his employees.

I do n’t know if it ’s because he is old and has no sons. Tiger San Ye is very fond of money, but he is very harsh on his men.

坏 Li Gang is the first fighter of Tiger Sanye, but each time the battle ends, he won more than 12 times.

Wu Suxin is now giving his men twelve silver coins each month, which seems to Ji Gang to be a loser.

“Don’t you dislike money?”

“I don’t like money, but I also need to eat!”

I looked at Li Bad and became so stubborn to follow Su Xin that Ji Gang had no choice but to turn around and leave.

However, instead of returning to his own house, he walked towards the third master of Shunyi Fanghu.

Anyway, I ca n’t get the internal strength by myself, so fortunately I told the third tiger the news, anyway, it is also a credit.

As a celebrity under Tiger Sanye, Ji Gang came to Tiger Sanye’s house, and the connection newspapers were all eliminated, so he could go to Tiger Sanye directly.

In the hall, Ji Gang fisted to Tiger San Ye: “San Ye, Su Xin has given his internal skills to his subordinates in the past few days. He has brazenly cultivated the power, and his heart is awesome!”

The three grandpas of Hu Hu shook hands casually: “Don’t make a fuss, I know all these.”

“Ah? You all know it?” Ji Gang froze suddenly.

The grandfather of three tigers said arrogantly: “The boy made such a big movement, I’m not blind and deaf, how could I not know.”

Ji Jigang immediately bowed his head. It seems that besides Su Xin, Tiger San Ye still ambush others.

“By the third master, Li Li, he is now walking with Su Xin, but it is a little closer.”

Wu Jigang didn’t explicitly say that Li Bad had completely turned to Su Xin, and the appearance of such provocation was too obvious. As long as he said such a thing, the third tiger should know what he meant.

Sure enough, Lord San’s face suddenly sank, and then a sneer appeared: “Li bad is not dissatisfied with me any more than a day or two, but I did not expect that my righteous son’s ability is quite big, even Li bad can take over. “

“San Ye, what shall we do? Just watching Su Xin so arrogant?” Ji Gang asked.

Master San Hu clapping his hands, Master Li came out from behind.

“Send this to the master, and make clear what Su Xin taught the internal strength of the public, no need to add oil and vinegar.” Tiger San Ye took out a few pages of thin book and gave it to Master Li.

Wu Jigang’s eyes widened suddenly: “Is this the inner strength of mind taught by Su Xin?”

Master San Hu nodded a little and said, “It’s just a low-level internal skill. It’s no big deal. Give it to the helper and let the helper take it.”

“Three masters, what should I do?” Ji Gang asked.

“Of course you still go back to Happy Forest and keep staring at Su Xin.”

Wu Jigang said with a bitter face: “But the third master, I have now completely offended Su Xin, and staying there, I am worried about what will happen.”

“Rest assured that with me, Su Xin he dare not treat you.” Tiger Sanye promised.

Wu Jigang had no choice but to nod to promise and return to the Happy Forest again.

But when he walked out of Tiger Sanye’s house, he felt a little cold.

He originally thought he was a confidant in the mind of the Third Lord Tiger, but now it looks far from it.

The Third Lord of the Tigers has other eyes and ears in Happy Forest, I don’t know this.

Before he sent the helper to send the mind and the message, the third master Hu specially called Master Li who did not understand martial arts to send it, and he was not allowed to send it. The fear was that he was peeking at the mind on the road.

This is what Ji Gang resents the most. This thing Happy Forest has more than two hundred helping the public to learn. It is already a rotten street thing, but it still doesn’t let itself be seen. What is the third person Tiger really thinks of himself?

The powerful Master Li Badhu Sanye is not at ease, and some thoughtful Master San Hu is not at ease. It is estimated that only Master Li, who has no chicken power, can be assured.

Although he was not in his heart, Ji Gang could only return obediently to the happy forest again. After all, he had offended Su Xin before, and now he can only stand on the side of Tiger San Ye.

此时 At this time, helping the master Sha Feiying and the three church masters also learned about this from Master Li. Sha Feiying threw his mind on the table and asked with a husky voice: “What do you think?”

Lin Fuhu, the master of Zhan Zhantang, opened his mouth and laughed, “This kid is quite playful and very thoughtful.”

It is tantamount to talk about him, but in fact, he is also in favor of imparting the internal skills of his disciples. After all, the strength of their battle hall will increase greatly.

Dong Chengwu, the host of the punishment court, sneered, “Prank! It’s just prank! Who allowed him to teach the internal skills of the public? Hu Saner is also old, and he can’t even control his own staff!”

“The gang rules didn’t seem to say that internal skills are not allowed to be taught, right?” Lin Fuhu raised the bar aside, Dong Chengwu just snorted and ignored him.

Zhuang Li, the master of good deeds, picked up the “Initial Internal Gong of Quanzhengjiao” and glanced, saying, “The entry-level internal power of Taoism, a little boy who just practiced martial arts, is worth little money.”

Sha Feiying coughed twice and said, “This kid can really make a mess, even the lower internal mentality can be taught randomly? Wait to tell Hu San, look at this kid, don’t let him engage in Something else. “

Dong Chengwu nodded, he understood what Sha Feiying meant, but he didn’t deal with it this time.

Of course, this time Su Xin really killed them and they couldn’t handle them.

He did not write that he could not teach his martial arts, and that Su Xin was still teaching his martial arts, and it did not hinder anyone.

If it is for this reason to punish Su Xin, it will cause dissatisfaction among many of the gang members.

However, Sha Feiying and others did not worry too much, just as Dong Chengwu said, Su Xin was just making a fool.

If the martial arts soldiers are really so easy to train and control, their Flying Eagle Gang will not be at the bottom of the three gangs and four associations in Changning.

“By the way ~ ~ This kid from Changlefang, how can there be internal strength?” Dong Chengwu suddenly asked.

地方 In places like Changning Mansion, warriors are scarce. Feiying’s help to these people has been learned from Sha Feiying.

除了 In addition to the seven gangs of the Three Gangs and Four Meetings in the entire Changning government, the only places where there are martial arts are those of the heads of the government’s government.

Zhuang Li stroked his chin and said, “It should be the martial arts passed on by their family. I investigated Su Xin. This boy is not from Changning. According to their neighbors, when his mother moved to Changning, his mother said Sheng Beijing accent. “

Dong Chengwu nodded and asked no more.

The warriors in the southern Hunan region, Changning Mansion, are scarce and wither, but in the capital of the capital, the military style is strong.

Su Xin’s basic internal mentality can be learned at any martial arts museum. If the Su Xin family were relocated from Shengjing, this would be normal.

Sha Sha Feiying stood up and said calmly: “Okay, don’t discuss it, please pay attention to this guy in the future, and don’t let him cause anything more.

小 This boy has such a little fame in the eyes of the younger generation of disciples who help Feiying, but if he is too frustrated, Cheng Wu, you will take him away. “

When I heard Sha Feiying’s indifferent words, Dong Chengwu immediately took a nap, as if seeing the night more than ten years ago, the helper had said this to himself.

At that time, the Flying Eagle Gang did not have a master, and there were more than 30 big bosses, but overnight, nearly half of the big bosses landed.

The three of them can become the host, not because they are the strongest, but because they are the most obedient ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are in ~ www ~ Please read for mobile users.

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