Strong Waist

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Oriental Spell

Chapter 15 Oriental Spells

In the equipment room, a figure is training with sweat.

Le Kai was running on a treadmill with a bare upper body. It was obvious that his body was swollen again, and the muscles all over his body also felt bloated.

This is a side effect of rapid weight gain in a short period of time. In the future training, you should continuously strengthen various strengths to achieve the purpose of tightening the muscles.

Muscle building is nothing more than eating and exercising.

Today’s Lucky has a height of 1.82 meters, but his weight can reach 77 kilograms.

This is indeed a little difficult to do in the big and tall Premier League. The weak core and the lower set will also put Lekai at a disadvantage in physical confrontation.

To this end, Lucky once again found Patras for muscle building training.

Patrice is very pleased with this, and he is very happy that Yu Lekai has a clear understanding of himself.

Even if Lucky didn’t bring it up, Lucky’s weight gain problem was within the scope of his plan.

“Final set of machine training, then flexibility training!”

After   , the old man ran to the warehouse and took out two yoga mats and various equipment.

Lekai had a wry smile on his face. If equipment training is boring, flexibility training is painful.

Patrice has great flexibility.

Lake is hard to believe that a 63-year-old man can do all kinds of yoga movements with high flexibility.

Le Kai lies on the yoga mat, bends his right thigh, twists his lower body to the left, and reaches his right knee with his left hand, while keeping his upper body still.

He exhaled lightly, feeling the stretch in his muscles.

It’s been two weeks since the last training session.

During this period, Lucky’s performance in training was satisfactory enough.

Whether it is his training attitude or his level of effort, he is one of the few in the team.

And after each day’s training, Lucky and Patrice will stay and continue to practice.

This kind of hard training also made Lucky’s body gain weight quickly.

At the age of 17, he is still in the stage of growing his body, so Lucky has a high demand for food and calories, and his good appetite also brings him great convenience in gaining weight.

In just two weeks, Lucky has completed a 3kg weight gain.

With the blessing of    a full six pounds, Lucky’s tonnage and deterrence became stronger.

At least in the training game, both Arshavin and Walcott have started to avoid physical confrontation with Lucky.

As long as this guy withstands the first impact, the ball under his feet is guaranteed to be broken.

At the same time, Lucky’s passing talent has also been witnessed by everyone.

Although it was only once, it was under Wenger’s special order.

But it still amazes everyone.

With Gervinho clearly in the penalty area, Le Kai stunned with a curved ball that went around the back of Juru’s head accurately and came to the foot of Shamacher’s shot accurately.

Both had their own feedback on that pass.

Julu; “I can feel a cool wind passing behind my head, I believe the ball is very close to the back of my head”

Shamacher; “Very comfortable long pass, I don’t know how he saw that I was going to run to that place, but the ball really came, I even doubted, he calculated my feet, when I was ready When I shoot, the ball is just within my range and I’m off the charts!”

This is Le Kai’s highlight performance, and Wenger’s jaw dropped in shock.

Although he looked forward to Lucky’s future, it was obvious that this guy gave him too many surprises.

After this time, Wenger also hopes that Lekai can make more long pass assists.

But after that, Le Kai seemed to be misfiring, not because he didn’t want to pass, but as long as he came to the frontcourt, he would be interfered by the opponent’s midfielder.

Under the condition that Lucky’s ability to control the ball is not yet perfect, if you force it, you will only face the risk of losing the ball.

To this end, that time became his only highlight moment.

But even so, Wenger has begun to take a different view of Lucky.

Organizational ability aside, that coquettish and precise long pass really amazed him.

This skill of Lucky will play an extremely terrifying role in counterattacks.

Arsenal will not have to rely on Arteta’s rapid progress.

Pass the ball directly to Lucky’s feet and make a precise long pass, this guy can directly form a connection with Van Persie in the frontcourt.

Of course, Lucky’s shortcomings are also obvious.

This guy is like a serious partial student, with enough ability to set the world with one foot, and enough flaws to destroy everything.

But Wenger believes it will all be fine.

This comes from Lucky’s training attitude. This guy is already an out-and-out training madman.


Wenger has never seen such a self-disciplined person.

The first person to come to the training ground every morning is guaranteed to be him, and he is also the last to leave.

Impressive training + extra training, without any other activities.

Be aware that the Kearney training base is not far from the city of London.

The bustling city of London has taken away the talents and careers of many amazing players.

And children of this age are always playful.

But Wenger couldn’t find these things in Lucky at all, as if he was a training madman, and training was beyond eating and drinking.

And Lucky’s active training also resonated to varying degrees.

For example, Alexander Song, who is also a defensive midfielder, also began to work hard. This guy seemed to feel the pressure, and he took the initiative to find the coach to ask for training.

This is an unprecedented thing.

Although the previous Song was not lazy, he did not take the initiative to practice.

But now he did it.

The changes here are worth pondering.

According to Patrice, Lucky knows a kind of mysterious oriental spell, and he always says something in his mouth during training.

After each recitation, as if regaining strength, proceed to the next stage of training.

Both are very curious about this.

But neither Wenger nor Patrice knew what that sentence meant.

‘Look at me, I won’t kill you! ’

But come to think of it, this should be a very scary thing.

The second round of the league has ended, and the third round is about to begin.

No surprises, Arsenal lost 2-0 to Liverpool at home.

There was an uproar at the Emirates Stadium.

Before the game, Arsenal fans were confident that they wanted to beat Liverpool, but it was a head-on.

This has been a two-game winless start.

Arsenal, who only scored one point in two rounds, also fell to the middle and lower reaches of the league standings, showing a faint trend of collapse at the beginning.

In this case, they have to face Manchester United led by Ferguson in the next round!

This is a formidable opponent!

Today’s Manchester United does not have the dominance of the Class of 92, but it has Rooney, Nani, Ashley Young and other good players. Under the overall balance of the lineup, they still have a very high winning ability.

The current Arsenal face Manchester United, but there is not much chance of winning.

After Arsenal’s second-round defeat, major media also began to say that “the side effects of Cesc Fabregas’ departure began to appear”,

This kind of remark made the whole Arsenal feel extremely angry.

They hated Cesc Fabregas.

As a traitor, they also don’t want Cesc Fabregas’ departure to have an impact on the club.

But the truth is, Cesc Fabregas is too crucial for Arsenal.

Arsenal can’t do enough now.

Even the new captain Van Persie, who has been given high hopes, does not seem to have produced convincing results so far.

And in this case, the third round of the league ensues.

In the evening, after training, Wenger will announce the 18-man squad for the expedition.

Lekai didn’t have any expectations for this, after all, even if Wenger gave him a place, he wouldn’t be able to play.

“Van Persie, Walcott, Arshavin, Shamacher, Lansbury, Oziakup, Sunu, Rosicky, Kirkland, Ramsey, Juru, Traore, Koscielny , Jenkinson, Miquel, Szczesny, Fabianski”

Finally, Wenger raised his head slightly and looked towards the back row, stared at Lucky for a moment, then turned his head to look at Chamberlain and said, “Chamberlain!”

Chamberlain was stunned for a moment, and a flush appeared on his face, obviously very excited.

It has been three months since he joined Arsenal, and he has finally entered the squad, heading to the playing field with the first team, and is likely to get a chance to make his debut.

Chamberlain turned his head towards Le Kai, raised his chin slightly, and said, “I’ll play first, don’t worry!”

Le Kai laughed angrily, rolled his eyes angrily, and muttered in his heart.

After this game, see if you can still laugh.

Actually, if possible, Lucky doesn’t want Chamberlain to be on the big list, this is not a good time for his debut.

The possibility of being slaughtered in the first game is simply too cruel for Chamberlain.

But Lucky has no way to decide these things, so he can only let nature take its course.

After returning to the locker room, Chamberlain was so excited that he began to play with his hair in front of the mirror.

looked left and right, and said with a distressed face: “You said, what style should I do tomorrow?”

Lucky ignored it.

In the evening, Lucky and Billy’s family had dinner.

At this moment, Billy suddenly said; “Little lucky, I’ll take you to see the ball tomorrow!”

Le Kai raised his head in amazement and said, “Go to Manchester City?”

Billy shook his head and said; “Go to London, where there is a bar where fans gather. I will go there to watch important games. It just so happens that you can also get to know the Arsenal fan group and have a good relationship with them. When you play, they will be there. Will cheer you on from the home stand!”

Le Kai raised his eyebrows, he was a little moved.

This time is actually a boring training, and it is time to relax.

But this game. Is it really worth watching?

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(end of this chapter)

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