Streamer in the Omniverse

Unusual night and a policewoman.

I drove for a few hours while listening to the rest of the group singing along to the songs I played on the radio. I left the playlist on shuffle, so it didn't get too repetitive; I even hummed along to some.

After a while, I stopped the Humvee in case anyone in the group needed to use the bathroom or just stretch their legs. Having Saya in my lap while driving was nice; I could tease and play with the tsundere the whole way, but it also cramped my legs' circulation, which wasn't so great.

While the rest of the group did their thing, mostly loitering around the Humvee, I took the time to update the map, as I needed to start using the stream more effectively. I don't want to rely on luck again.

[Live Map LV4: 50000 SP]

[VoidBag LV5: 200000 SP]

(SP: 13482)

Ignoring the fact that it was getting worryingly expensive, the map update was more significant than I thought, as it literally disappeared!

I was worried for a moment before realizing that the map hadn't actually disappeared. It had appeared in the upper right corner of my vision; literally, it had turned into a minimap, just like in Terraria.

It retained all its functions and gained a few more. Also, of course, it became a minimap in my vision. It had a kind of "alarm" system that I could set up in case someone approached me, whether that person was a friend, foe, or neutral. I could also set the distance, which was good.

Now, I didn't have to worry about getting caught in an ambush like that so easily, as I could know who my "enemy" was just by looking at the map with a simple mental command.

The rest of the journey was peaceful, with not many surprises other than the occasional zombies with a higher desire for being run over. Of course, these also ended up in my inventory, as I could collect them from a distance now.

[GeniusBillionairePlayboy] Want to take a quick look down? Just for me to test something. (Iron Man smiling innocently emote).

Stark was the only one who really noticed something, or at least the only one who commented on it. The rest of the (CHAT) just enjoyed the scenery, as I switched the camera to the outside of the car from time to time before returning to the first person.

Interesting fact: now I could "talk" to the (CHAT) without seeming crazy. I just needed to use the waypoint function of the map, as the stream could see the map too. I didn't even really need to write; just think about what I wanted to appear.

("Nah, I'm good like this, you know? It's dangerous to take my eyes off the road")

It wasn't entirely a lie; I had stopped teasing Saya a while ago, as the little lion had fallen asleep in my lap, forcing me to drive with one arm, as the other was supporting her head.

She wasn't the only one; practically the whole group was asleep.

Saeko was slouched in the passenger seat, drooling over the seat. In the back seat, Kohta and Takashi had found a strange way to sleep side by side, still sitting.

Rei and Shizuka were already asleep, both sitting together while holding little Alice in their laps, who seemed to be the only one, aside from Saya, who was comfortable while sleeping.

The only one who wasn't, curiously enough being Zeke, was looking out the window with a half-closed gaze at the zombies. I checked the map; they were just zombies, as people I didn't know appeared in yellow, not red.

Even the (CHAT) was practically empty, with only three viewers remaining, those being Stark, Wizard, and our mysterious friend, whom I wasn't sure about.

[GeniusBillionairePlayboy] You're lucky, you know, as no one seemed to notice that you were playing with the "little lion." Teasing the girl like that is mean... (Iron Man approval emote).

[WiseWizardGleam] Leave the boy alone, Anthony. We've all been young. Don't tease him for that. (Emote of an old wizard with disapproving eyes).

[JiraiyaIsAnIdiot] It's true, the kid didn't do anything wrong. If he were my idiotic disciple, he would have done much worse and probably gotten a beating. At least Devas is someone with morals. I'm sure if Saya wasn't willing, he wouldn't have done anything. (Frog emote waving in approval).

("Of course, I wouldn't do anything. What do you think I am? And by the way, don't you guys sleep?)

I could speak, of course, since everyone was asleep, but I didn't want to wake anyone up, so it was easier to just "talk" using the map. Looking at the night sky, I could see that the moon had already risen high; it was late.

("It's late. It must be night there too, as the stream equalized the time between worlds. I get Stark wandering off, but what about you two?)

[GeniusBillionairePlayboy] Hey! Know that I'm a very busy man; I just delegate my responsibilities, the privilege of being rich and all. It's late indeed, but I'll stay a little longer. I don't have anything to do anyway. (Iron Man yawning emote).

[JiraiyaIsAnIdiot] I really have nothing to do. Ma has already gone to sleep, and I find it fascinating to watch you; it's quite different from ninjas and frogs, the way you act, I mean. (Frog emote waving).

[WiseWizardGleam] I'm used to staying up late. I'll keep you company; it seems tedious just driving like this at night.

An image of a small glowing frog flashed in my mind. Could it be? That would explain some things, like how he seemed to know the three sennin and all. I just didn't understand why he had pretended to be Orochimaru and imitated Jiraiya.

("Well, thanks for the company, but I'll stop the car soon. The stream is also about to shut down, so you can go to sleep. Good night.")

They kind of ignored it and stayed with me until the stream turned off on its own. Nice guys, I appreciated them staying here to keep me company, even though it wasn't necessary.

I ended up stopping the car in a park near a mall I found. I threw a green tarp over the Humvee to camouflage the car and some tree branches I picked up using the inventory. I set the minimap "alarm" to alert me if something came within a hundred meters of the car.

Seeing that it was really cold, I didn't want to turn on the car heater to avoid unnecessary attention. I just threw a blanket over the drooling samurai, then the two unlucky ones in rock, paper, scissors, and finally, Alice and her personal pillows called Rei and Shizuka.

Leaning the seat back a bit, I lay down while hugging Saya to prevent either of us from falling and threw a blanket over both of us.

I drifted off to sleep slowly, comforted by the warmth of the body I was hugging, a sweet dreamless night.


POV: Saya Takagi.

[Beginning of the Lemon, if you want to skip, press CTRL-F and type: End of the Lemon]

I woke up slowly while yawning and rubbing my eyes, not understanding where I was. I wasn't a morning person, that was clear, but I quickly realized that I was being hugged by someone.

Looking up, I could see that it was Devas. I was facing his belly while he hugged me with a blanket over both of us. It was very dark, so I assume he covered the Humvee with a tarp or something.

I grabbed my phone and put it under the blanket so the light wouldn't wake anyone. I could see that it was about two twenty in the morning. When I was about to put the phone away to go back to sleep, I felt something poking my stomach. I didn't even need to point the phone to know what it was, but I did it anyway.

Even through the pants he was wearing, the bulge his member made on the inside was visible. I blushed as I remembered my actions; I didn't know what had come over me to do that. Bringing my hand to my lips, I could recall the taste of his dick. It was a strange taste, unlike anything I had tasted before, but I didn't dislike it.

"It wouldn't hurt for me to take a closer look, would it?" I whispered softly. Gathering courage, I slowly pulled down his pants until his member sprung out and nestled between my breasts.

I hadn't seen any other dicks in person. Of course, I'd watched porn like everyone my age. The censorship didn't help, but I had an idea of what they were like. So, even with the censorship, I knew Devas was big. I hadn't paid full attention before this morning, but he was larger than I expected.

He wasn't a monster like some of the hentai I'd seen, but eyeballing it, he looked to be seven inches, maybe more, almost eight. It was much bigger than anything I'd ever watched.

I bit my lips as I slowly reached out to touch it. I knew it was wrong, since Devas was sleeping, but I couldn't resist. He teased me all day while driving, squeezing my breasts with his arms and blowing on my neck and ear. I was horny all day. This would be my little revenge.

My hand was small. Next to him, it seemed even smaller. Holding the shaft lightly, I could feel the heat radiating from it. It was hard and yet soft at the same time. It was strange. The veins on its surface only made it more "exotic" to me.

I couldn't help but start moving my hand up and down slowly while massaging my chest with the other. It was wrong, but I couldn't resist. I was so "hot" that it was almost unbearable.

  I must have spent a few minutes doing that before needing to bite my lips to avoid moaning while climaxing forcefully. Still, I couldn't help the small grunt that escaped my lips as I felt my legs tremble and my body relax.

I leaned my head on his belly as I felt the last waves of my orgasm pass and sighed in relief. That had been good, probably the best of my entire life. Just the thought that someone could catch me made it even more exciting.

Looking down, I could see that he was still hard. So, I accelerated the pace as I felt his cock in my hand. It only occurred to me that if he came, it would make a mess when his cock started to tremble and pulse more and more.

I quickly looked around for something I could use to catch the cum that was about to come out, but it was too dark, and there was nothing nearby. I knew that if I let him come like this, I would be caught the next morning, and it would be cruel even for me to leave him with blue balls after all this.

With no other option, I lowered my head slightly as I took the head of his cock into my mouth. I could feel the taste instantly attacking my taste buds along with the masculine scent that wafted into my nose. Unconsciously, I was lightly sucking while moving my head back and forth and running my tongue around the tip.

I stayed like that for a few seconds before feeling the first jet of cum shoot into my mouth. I instinctively swallowed before realizing what it was. I pulled back a bit and let the next ones fall on my tongue, jet by jet.

It was more than I expected, as it practically filled my mouth before stopping. When he stopped coming, I took the tip out of my mouth and tasted the cum. It wasn't a good taste, but it wasn't bad either. It was a mix of sweet and salty that, after a while, I began to enjoy.

  Using my tongue to move the substance around in my mouth, I savored the taste before lifting my head and swallowing. It was warm; I could feel it slowly going down my throat.

Looking down, I could see that he was still hard. His penis pointed at me as if it had a life of its own, asking me to take responsibility for my actions.

Well... it's not like I enjoyed that or anything, but before I knew it, I was once again with my mouth around his shaft, gently sucking up and down.

It was only after swallowing the sixth load that his penis went limp again, and I could put it back in his pants.

Closing my eyes, I went back to sleep with a light smile on my face and a full stomach. I was satisfied in more ways than one. It's not like I liked the taste or anything, but I wouldn't be opposed to doing it again someday...

Meanwhile, I blamed the darkness in the Humvee and my excited brain, as I hadn't realized that, all this time while I was "feeding," I was being watched by two dark eyes from above.

[End of the Lemon]


POV: Devas Asura.

For someone who proclaimed herself a genius, Saya had some pretty idiotic ideas. There's no way she seriously thought I wouldn't wake up with someone literally masturbating me and then sucking my dick? I'd have to have serious problems not to feel that and wake up.

She was insatiable too, apparently, as she literally milked me until I had nothing left to offer before going to sleep with a smile that reminded me of a lioness after a good hunt. It seems the nickname I gave her made more sense than I expected.

Of course, I'm not complaining, quite the opposite. If she has the courage to wake me up next time, it'll be even better. But she's too naive if she expected no one to notice tomorrow. Aside from the fact that she wasn't as quiet as she thought, she had orgasmed too, as I could feel it on my leg.

I sighed as I checked if she was really asleep. Confirming that she was, I mentally commanded the inventory to quickly swap her underwear and skirt for a pair not soaked in her fluids. I even chose a pair practically identical to what she was wearing, so as not to make her suspect that I was awake.

Our luck was that there wasn't much smell lingering in the air from Saya's little "experiment." I just needed to spritz a bit of perfume, and, God willing, by the next morning, the whole scent would have vanished.

With everything finished, I double-checked one last time to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything before swapping my wet pants for Saya's fluids and closing my eyes to go back to sleep.

The next morning, or rather, after a few hours, I was awakened by the minimap alarm, indicating that something or someone had crossed the hundred-meter line I had set as a marker.

Pulling up the minimap quickly, contrary to my expectations, it wasn't a zombie but rather a yellow dot, a person. Glancing at my phone, I could see it was almost ten in the morning. It seems Saya left me more exhausted than I anticipated.

Waking up the group quickly, I mentioned that there was someone nearby, causing the sleepy faces to practically disappear. I ignored the look Saya was giving my crotch, as it wasn't the time to comment on anything, and stepped out of the Humvee while ordering them to stay inside, waiting for me.

Of course, they disagreed, but I simply brushed off their protest, pointing out that I alone would be faster and easier to check if the person was friend or foe. I managed to leave after promising that if I didn't return in ten minutes, they could come after me.

I walked slowly through the vegetation next to the park, following the small yellow dot. It didn't take long before I had the person in question in my sight.

It was a woman. She was wearing a police uniform, or at least it looked like one. I didn't know what kind of uniforms the police wore in Japan. Nonetheless, I didn't approach, as I didn't know how she might react, and I could see she had a weapon on her waist, which only made me more apprehensive about introducing myself.

I noticed that about three minutes had passed since I left the Humvee. I was about to turn back when I realized the policewoman was facing one zombie, pointing her gun, oblivious to another one approaching from her side.

Was she stupid? It couldn't be! Aside from the fact that shooting would only attract more zombies, why hadn't she shot yet!? She didn't even realize she was being flanked!

I sighed in disappointment and disbelief before running out of my hiding spot toward the woman while shouting.

"Watch out! Behind you!"

Not exactly behind her, but to the side. Anyway, my shout was enough to startle her, turn reflexively, and notice the zombie approaching her. Still, she hesitated to shoot! Damn it!

I ran towards her as fast as I could, but I didn't need to do anything, as before the zombie could bite her, she finally shot. She had good aim, managing to hit the zombie's head.

She turned to me while keeping the gun raised.

"Stop! Who are you?! Identify yourself!"

The idiot had forgotten about the first zombie? It couldn't be, damn it! I stopped running, as she had a gun pointed at me, and pointed behind her. I couldn't help but curse at her.

"There's another one, you dumb creature!"

I could see the recognition in her eyes before it turned into horror as she turned to the first zombie, which was just a few steps away from her. Fortunately, it was far enough for her to shoot it without getting bitten.

By the time she turned to shoot the first zombie, I had started running again. So when she killed the zombie and was about to turn back to me, I was already on top of her, holding her gun in my hands and sending it to my inventory.

The now disarmed woman took a few steps back in fear before grabbing her baton and holding it with both hands, pointing it at me.

"W...w...what did you do to my gun? Where did it go?"

She seemed even more nervous and scared when she realized her pistol wasn't with me and seemed to have disappeared into thin air. At this point, I was already regretting saving her. It would be a favor to humanity to prevent this woman from having children and polluting the human gene pool with her stupidity.

"Could you please not point that at me?" I said, looking at the baton without moving. "Didn't you notice I saved you twice just now?" I sighed as I put my hand in my pocket and took the gun out of the inventory, pretending to pull it out of my pocket.

I could see that she tensed up with the action, especially when she saw the gun in my hand. Well, at least she had survival instincts.

Seeing that I had her attention, I crouched down as I placed the gun on the ground and kicked it back to her. She quickly put her baton back on her belt while retrieving the gun and pointing it at me.

I didn't worry, as the gun's bullets were in my inventory. I just stood there, raising my hands.

"Well, now you're armed. Want to talk?"

She hesitated for a moment before lowering the gun and looking at me with suspicion and relief.

"Who are you? I patrolled this area yesterday, and there was no one here." She seemed to hesitate but ended up holstering the gun again. That was good, as seconds later, I could hear the Humvee coming out of the trees behind me.

It was her lucky day because I'm sure that if she had pointed the gun at me, Kohta, who was on the Humvee's roof, would have blown her head into pieces as small as what she called a brain.

I just sighed as I signaled to the group that everything was okay and turned to the policewoman.

"A quick summary, we're survivors." I pointed to the group that had exited the car at this point, and I looked at the policewoman with suspicion.

"I'm Devas, by the way. I thought it was polite to introduce oneself before demanding it from someone else. Not pointing a gun at someone who saved you would be nice too," I said, unable to avoid the sarcasm in my voice.

It seemed like she had caught on, as she blushed slightly while apologizing.

"S..s..sorry, these past few days have been... stressful to say the least. I'm not at my best." She lowered herself as she apologized, before standing up and continuing.

"I'm Officer Matsushima Himada. Sorry for earlier, I apologize for how I acted."


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