Streamer in the Omniverse

Unexpected Game and Plan

Even though it wasn't really my home, I had spent the past week since I arrived in Terraria sleeping in the tavern. So, when I woke up to my alarm at six in the morning and didn't recognize the environment I was in, my body practically moved on its own, heading for the copper sword under the pillow.

I had to restrain myself from grabbing the sword and potentially tearing apart a good pillow when memories of the previous day came flooding back.

Sighing, I got up, stashed the sword in my inventory, and headed to the bathroom to start the day. I need to discuss with the rest of the group what they want to do. If it goes too much against my goals, which were basically to steal everything in sight and kill all undead, unfortunately, we might have to go our separate ways.

After a few minutes in the bathroom, I finished brushing my teeth and taking care of my morning necessities. I went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. I'll make something for the girls as a thank-you for yesterday's food as well.

It didn't take long for me to have company. I had already finished frying the eggs and was finishing up the third burger when Rei greeted me from the kitchen door.

"Good morning, Devas, did you sleep well?" she said with a yawn and a sleepy voice.

When I turned to respond, I had to thank my lucky stars that I hadn't started the stream yet.

She was wearing some kind of leopard-print babydoll, which would be sexy under normal circumstances, but it seemed like the couple in this house was more eccentric than the average Japanese. Apparently, even the small amount of sweat she had produced last night was enough to make the fabric practically transparent.

I could see everything, from the contours of her slender body to the subtle details of her lingerie beneath the babydoll.

Rei had chosen to sleep without a bra, only in white panties, which gave her a distant image that hovered between innocent and sexy. Her lack of a bra gave me an unobstructed view of her breasts, which were pressing against the babydoll due to their ample size, while being framed by her light brown hair. This made the sight of her nipples even more erotic, as they were partially hidden by the strands.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I returned my gaze to the stove, avoiding looking too much; she clearly had no idea of her current state, judging by her drowsy condition. It would be rude to take advantage of her like this.

Placing my hand next to the inventory, I spoke in a low tone, "Women's clothing." I didn't specify anything since I didn't know her size. Less than a second later, I had a set of clothing in my hands.

Without turning around, I tossed the clothes in her direction. "Take these and be careful as you move, Rei." I couldn't see her, but I could hear a small "huh?" from behind me, followed by a small scream. Interestingly, I didn't hear footsteps leaving the kitchen, which puzzled me.

"Aren't you going to leave to change?" I couldn't help but ask, incredulous that she wouldn't, would she?

Rei's voice, now more awake, responded from behind me. "I don't want to risk the boys seeing me like this. I'll change right here."

Damn, did she think I was what?

"You know I'm a man too, right? I turned around out of courtesy, but since you stayed here to change, I don't think it would be bad if I took a look, would it?" Let's see what she thinks about that. That old prude who raised me may have taught me to respect women, but this was too much! What did she think I was? A herbivore?

She took a moment, but her response was the opposite of what I expected: "As far as I'm concerned, it's fine. You've seen everything already. Take it as a reward for punching Shido yesterday." Shido, you damn angel! I knew your face was so punchable for some reason other than you being a complete jerk! I'll remember to give you another punch if I ever meet you again.

With her permission, without hesitation, I turned around, and she was indeed changing. It wasn't a trap or anything like that.

Rei was still in her babydoll. She was looking me in the eyes. I thought she might say something or realize that I was actually going to look and leave the kitchen, but she simply bent down and started taking off her panties, giving me a blurry view of her pink slit through the thin fabric of the babydoll.

I don't know what she saw on my face, but she smiled at me and removed the babydoll in one fluid motion, without covering herself or anything like that. She stood in front of me, giving me a full frontal view of her naked body. She was teasing me, wanting a reaction from me.

I had to practically manually control every muscle in my face not to react and let her have the satisfaction of winning this little game, but it was difficult. Her body was well-toned, not muscular, but enough to highlight the curves of her body.

She pouted at my lack of reaction, but then smiled and turned around, bending over so that the upper part of her body was almost parallel to the floor and spreading her legs, giving me a full view of her dripping pussy at that moment. She was really enjoying this little game of ours.

Turning her face over her shoulder, she lifted one leg and started putting on the panties I had handed her. It was a light blue lace panties. It seems the VoidBag managed to get some measurements right. It also seemed to take into account my taste, as the panties looked perfect on her from my point of view.

She slowly pulled the panties up her thick thighs until they reached her bubbly butt and concealed her femininity behind the silk fabric. I had to bite my tongue not to react and let her win this game.

My lack of reaction seemed to make her even more excited. She stood up, tossing her hair forward, giving me a view of her delicate back, and grabbed the bra with one hand.

"Can you help me? I'm not used to the clasp on this brand." She turned the bra in her hand, waiting for me to take it.

I smiled at this. Two can play this game, and you're way too young to even dream of winning me over. Walking toward her, I took the bra from her hand and unhooked it, letting only my nails touch her skin as I began to put the bra over her breasts.

She trembled at the light touch of my nails. I took the opportunity to bring my mouth close to her ear and lightly blow on it. "You're lucky, you know, if we didn't have company in the house, it wouldn't be hamburgers on the table right now." I could feel her breathing becoming heavier and more labored as I spoke.

Finishing putting the bra on her, I took a step back. When she turned around, I could see that her face was red, with her mouth slightly open. She had a hazy and lustful look on her face. Seriously, I hadn't even touched her yet, and she was already like this? How sensitive was she?

I approached again, standing just inches from her. Her body was small compared to mine. She seemed to realize that by the way she was looking at me, as if I were going to devour her at any moment.

Bending down, I put my face close to her neck and sniffed, making her shudder again and rub her thighs together. She probably hadn't taken a shower last night, if the heavy sweat and blood smell that permeated her body were any indication.

But you know, I had been almost a year without sex because of college and work that took up all my time on Earth, and I had practically fought every day I was in Terraria, which didn't leave me any time for anything else.

This smell wouldn't normally be one of the best, the combination of sweat and blood wasn't one I particularly liked, but at this moment, it only served to excite me even more, and the way she trembled like a small animal wasn't helping either, it made something animalistic inside me practically roar with joy.

But I had to restrain myself from doing anything I would regret. I had only known her for less than a day, but I already had a sense of her personality. Her current state was essentially a combination of teenage hormones and her body seeking comfort after a stressful situation. I don't think she would have had the same reaction in a normal situation.

For the first time, I touched her, held her chin gently, almost tenderly, and lifted her face until her eyes met mine. My dark brown meeting her light brown. Then I leaned in and whispered softly in her ear.

"Run, bunny, run."

It must have been a combination of instinct and her following my command because she basically grabbed the rest of her clothes from the table and flew out of my sight towards the bathroom.

Shaking my head, I mumbled as I watched her flee. "I let you off the hook this time, Rei, but the next time you tease me, I won't be so kind."

Looking down, I could see that my 'little friend' had awakened, pitching a tent in my pants. Sighing, I went to the kitchen sink and turned it on full blast, putting my head under the cold water stream to calm down.

After the tent in my pants had disappeared, I grabbed a towel from the inventory, dried my hair, and went back to cooking the burgers as if nothing had happened. Damn... I needed to get laid; I was already regretting it...

Using my head rather than my lower instincts, I finished frying the burgers and placed them all on plates with the eggs, setting them on the table. I'll start the stream after breakfast; in the meantime, I'll go back to studying the runes to occupy my mind.

While the rest of the group was still asleep, I grabbed my phone and resumed studying the runes. They were essentially an assembly language; I needed to understand what each rune meant to kind of 'program' what I wanted them to do.

The only difference between the runes and a normal programming language was that, in a normal programming language, if I made a mistake, the code wouldn't work; with runes, if I made a mistake, the runes would still try to work and probably explode in my face.

I intended to create a kind of rune matrix that would draw mana from the surrounding environment to function since the mana in my body was minuscule. The only problem was that I felt like I was missing some runes to stabilize the matrix, and I had no idea where to find them.

Of course, I wasn't going to start writing random symbols and hope to stumble upon the missing runes; the chance of that going wrong was so high it would be easier to teach a fish to climb a tree. So, the only option I had was to find an alternative to prevent the matrix from exploding or something like that.

Listening to footsteps coming from the hallway, I interrupted my train of thought and stashed my phone in the inventory. I'll look for an alternative later; for now, let's focus here.

The first to appear was Saeko, followed by Saya and then Shizuka, all dressed in yesterday's clothes. It seems that Rei had informed them to change clothes, or maybe they just didn't want to walk around in their pajamas in the house.

The last to appear was Rei herself. Unlike the others, who were wearing the same clothes from yesterday, she was wearing the clothes I had given her: a simple set of a t-shirt, skirt, boots, and a jacket. She also had wet hair, so I suppose she took a shower during that time.

Rei, when she saw me, looked away and blushed but didn't say anything and went to the fridge to grab something.

Saeko seemed to notice something but didn't say anything and greeted me, followed by the others.

"Good morning, Devas, how was the night?"

I replied, still seated. "Good morning, it was fine, slept like a baby. I was quite tired yesterday." She just nodded without saying anything more. But Rei had a strange reaction when I said that. She looked at me with... pity? She seemed guilty of something? What the hell?

Before I could ask what was wrong, Saya came marching towards me like a little pink-haired soldier. Interestingly, she held Milton with her right arm.

"Clothes, now!" She extended her arm and demanded in a commanding tone. It seems they figured out where Rei's new clothes came from, but judging by the group's lack of reaction, I guess she kept how she received them from me to herself.

I just stared back at her in silence. The resident tsundere met my gaze with one of her own, but her tough facade lasted only a few seconds before crumbling, and she looked away.

"Please." I could hear her mutter softly.

Raising an eyebrow, I continued to stare at her. "Please, what?" It was funny to see her struggle to find something to say. She really wasn't used to being polite, was she? From what I remember, she was the daughter of a yakuza bigshot or something, an arrogant princess, basically.

She squirmed a bit but recovered and pushed her glasses up with one finger, speaking more naturally, "Could you give me some clothes too... please?"

I nodded, "See, it wasn't hard, here." I requested three more sets of female clothing and handed them to her. The clothes came in different sizes, so I guess the VoidBag could really approximate sizes based on my vision.

"Here, for the three of you, you can go change; the food isn't going anywhere."

Saya quickly grabbed the clothes and left the kitchen without thanking me. Saeko gave me a nod and bowed slightly in appreciation. Shizuka didn't say anything, and I don't think she even realized where she was, as she seemed more like a zombie than the others I had killed yesterday. She wasn't a morning person, was she?

As I watched Saeko lead the air-headed nurse out of the kitchen, I shouted to Saya, "And take a shower, you three stink, no need to conserve water!" I could hear a distant thud as if someone had tripped and hurried footsteps in the direction of the bathroom. Chuckling to myself, I waited for the three to leave before turning to Rei.

She glanced at me briefly but didn't say anything and looked away. I simply looked at her and said briefly, "Want to talk about it?" She didn't respond, just shook her head in denial. I nodded and sat down to finish my burger; if she didn't want to talk, that was fine by me, I would give her the time she needed.

She sat down and began eating in silence too, not an oppressive silence, but it was awkward. After finishing chewing, I swallowed and cleared my throat lightly. "And the other two, Takashi and Kohta, are they awake yet?"

She shook her head without meeting my eyes but answered, "No, Takashi has always slept in late as long as I can remember, and Kohta hasn't woken up either."

Looking at the clock on my phone, I could see that it was already seven-thirty. Well, let's wake up the guys, don't want to waste daylight. Getting up, I gestured for her to continue eating and went to the room of the two.

Even before reaching the room, I could already hear what I would guess was the engine of an industrial tractor, though it might also be snoring. Knocking on the door a few times but receiving no response, I opened it. Inside, the two guys were sleeping in the most uncomfortable position I had ever seen.

The room had only one bed, so the two had to share it, but probably out of embarrassment, they slept on opposite sides of the bed, which made this strange scene possible.


Kohta was sleeping with his head at the foot of the bed, his own foot resting on Takashi's face, pushing his neck to the side. Takashi, on the other hand, had the face of someone who seemed to have smelled something foul, which probably wasn't far from the truth.

Takashi was sleeping in the normal position on the bed, but at some point during the night, he must have shifted and ended up putting his leg inside Kohta's shirt, with his foot pressing against the nerd's throat, which caused him to produce that tremendous snoring sound. I don't know how they didn't wake up; seriously, my neck hurt just imagining sleeping like that.

Approaching the two, I knew they wouldn't wake up if I called them, so I went with the next best option.

Approaching the creator of this snoring monstrosity, I placed two fingers to cover his nose. I only had to wait a few seconds before his body realized he couldn't breathe anymore, and he started to thrash around, unfortunately kicking Takashi in the face, which startled the guy and made him fall out of bed.

Seeing that my plan had worked, I took advantage of the confusion and left without anyone noticing me. Returning to the kitchen, Rei looked at me with a puzzled look, probably wondering why I returned without the two.

I simply sat down. "They're coming, they were awake when I checked on them." She just nodded and continued eating.

A few minutes later, I had finished my burger and was reading on my phone while Rei tried to get the kitchen TV to connect to some news channel. The guys from the group, besides me, arrived in the kitchen.

I had to hold back from laughing. Takashi had a bruised left eye as if someone had kicked him in the face, while Kohta was holding his nose with his hand as if someone had punched him.

"I already said it was an accident; I usually don't move around when I sleep, it just happened!" Kohta said with a nasally voice due to holding his nose. Takashi just nodded and replied dryly, "I believe you; I usually don't punch people in my sleep, it just happened."

Seeing the two of them arguing, Rei turned to me with a questioning look. I simply raised a finger to my lips and said, "Shhhh," to signal her to stay quiet and covered my nose while mimicking a kick with my leg. She seemed to understand the meaning of these gestures and chuckled a bit but quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

The rest of the morning was quieter, while we waited for the three to finish their shower, I went back to reading. Takashi and Kohta had already showered last night, so they just sat down to eat. A few minutes later, the three returned from their shower and joined us for breakfast.

While they were eating, Saeko noticed that I had made the burgers and thanked me, which prompted the others to thank me as well. When everyone had finished eating, we sat down to discuss what we would do today.

"I'll be the first to say that I'm a tourist; I arrived in Japan not long ago." Less than a day, in fact. "So, I don't know anyone here. Does any of you have family nearby or something?"

The first to speak was Kohta, who was maintaining his nail gun. He shook his head. "No, my dad is in Amsterdam for business; he's a jewelry trader, and my mom is a fashion designer since—" Saya interrupted him.

"What is this? An RPG? Where did you get that character sheet?" I admit it was somewhat surprising, but I didn't think it was a lie. Shizuka seemed to find it funny because she chuckled a bit before commenting.

"If this were a manga, your dad would be the captain of a foreign cruise ship," which in turn made Kohta scratch his neck in embarrassment.

"Actually, that was my grandfather; my grandmother was a violinist."

Saya seemed to give up and shrunk on the couch, muttering something I couldn't hear. It was really surprising that his family was like that, and he was so shy, but from what I remembered, he was only like this when he didn't have a weapon in his hands.

Shaking my head, I brought the conversation back on track. "Well, let's worry about Kohta's family later then." I pointed to the nearest person. "And you, Saeko, do you have family?"

She nodded in agreement. "Yes, but it's just my father. He's at a dojo far from here, so we can go to someone closer." That's two.

"Shizuka?" I pointed to the nurse lying on the couch. It took her a moment, but she responded, tilting her head to the side.

"My parents have passed away, and my relatives live far away, but I'll go with you if you don't mind." She finished by sticking her tongue out and playfully hitting her closed fist on her head.

Ignoring the airhead and moving on to the next person, I pointed at our bunny.

"And you, Rei, do you live nearby?" She thought for a moment but shook her head in denial.

"I live past the Onbetsu Bridge, near Komuro-kun and Saya-san's house." Saya and Takashi nodded in agreement. Saya pushed her glasses up with her finger and added.

"He and I live in the same area, past the Onbetsu Bridge. It's a bit far, but I think we can make it if we leave early."

I hummed to myself.

"Let's get going, then. I've already picked up most of the things from the house and put them in my inventory. If anyone has any ideas, let me know; otherwise, we'll find another house like this along the way."

I remembered they stayed in an apartment, but I didn't know why or whose it was. Damn teenage hormones, making me pay more attention to 2D boobs than the story.

Seeing the group nod, I was about to give up when the airhead nurse suddenly exclaimed excitedly.

"I know a place we can stay!" She seemed happy to have remembered, like a puppy that had performed a trick.

I waved my hand for her to continue.

She sat up and continued. "It's a place on the way; we can rest there so we don't have to walk all the way to Onbetsu Bridge today."

Saya raised an eyebrow and put her hand on her hip while saying, "Is it your boyfriend's place or something?" Shizuka seemed embarrassed and got up while waving her hands in denial.

"No, no! It's a friend's place!" She clasped her hands together and looked to the side. "She's always busy traveling, so she gave me the keys. I usually go there to air out the place."

Well, it was this friend's apartment that I remembered. "Is it an apartment, Shizuka?" Just to make sure, I'll ask.

She nodded quickly. "Yes! It's an apartment near the river. It's even close to a convenience store." She seemed excited, and so was I, another place for me to permanently borrow things from.

"Oh, she also has a car. It looks like a tank; it's this big!" She opened her arms to show the size of the car, which only made her breasts bounce; was she not wearing a bra?

Shaking my head, I got up. "It's settled then; let's head to Onbetsu Bridge. If we take too long, we'll go to her friend's apartment." I pointed to the nurse. "Is everyone okay with that?"

Receiving several nods from the group, I nodded back. "Alright, let's get going then; let's make use of the sunlight." I then headed towards the door of the house to start removing the makeshift barricade.

While I was clearing things away, I had a feeling that I was forgetting something, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it

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