Streamer in the Omniverse

Night and… how do I turn this off?

[RedHuntressLive]: WHY ARE YOU NAKED? WHAT!! I go to the bathroom for 5 minutes, and this happens? Should I be seeing this? Yang told me not to see these things, but no one will know, right? Right! I'll just take a quick peek between my fingers.

Ignoring Red for now, I looked back at Emily.

On any other occasion, I might have thought this girl wanted something sexual with me, but the way she was looking at me, or rather, looking at my underwear, was almost desperate, and by the way this happened after she saw the rest of my clothes, I have a sense of why this is happening.

"I decline, it's not for sale."

But I'd be crazy to sell my underwear to use one from this backward planet. I don't even want to know what underwear from this world is like, if just trying on my shoes and looking at my clothes is enough to make a teenage girl want to wear my used underwear.

She seemed to want to continue, but something in my look made her hesitate and sigh in defeat.

"Alright, I'll buy the clothes from you for fifty silvers, it's the best price you'll find. I'll even throw in a change of clothes for free."

I believed her. Based on the prices I heard while walking on the street, a meal was something like two to five copper coins. If we assume that one silver coin is worth a hundred copper coins, she offered me the equivalent of a hundred meals for a shirt, pants, a belt, and a pair of sneakers and socks. No one would refuse that. "Deal!" I said to her as I extended my hand for her to shake. She seemed to hesitate and look down once more, but in the end, she shook my hand.

"I'll get the money, pick out the clothes that fit you best, I'll be right back."

While I waited for her to return, I searched the room for something that would fit me and talked to Red.

"So, I kind of forgot you were here, sorry you had to see that." I didn't forget, but based on her reaction, I thought it would be better to say I forgot she was there than to say I thought she was a guy.

[RedHuntressLive]: It's okay! Based on what you explained to me, it must be normal to be confused. I don't know what I would do in your situation... and it wasn't that bad, just... different.

Before I could respond, she typed another message quickly.

[RedHuntressLive]: Anyway! You seem familiar for some reason; seeing you without a shirt gave me a kind of déjà vu! Weird, isn't it?!

Happy that I didn't lose my first viewer, I shrugged.

"Déjà vu is strange, that's what it is." Just another thing I should worry about. Maybe I don't believe in the coincidence that my first viewer found me familiar, especially one from another world! There's something there, for sure.

In the end, before Emily returned, I had chosen brown pants that seemed to be made of linen, a white shirt of cotton or wool, I wasn't sure, and a pair of leather sandals. They weren't the most comfortable clothes, but they would do for now.

After a few minutes, Emily returned with a small bag of coins. I just opened the bag to see if the coins were really silver. They looked to be about fifty. I could count them right there, but I figured Emily deserved at least the benefit of the doubt.

She just nodded at that. "It was a pleasure doing business with you... But you..."

"I'm sure I don't want to sell my underwear, thank you." I cut her off before she could finish. I'm afraid the price she offers me will make me do something I'll regret later.

She gave me a sad look and pouted.

"Alright, but if you want to buy any weapons or armor, come back here. If I see you in another shop, I'll hunt you down, got it!"

I might even feel intimidated if she didn't look like a kicked puppy. I just turned and waved. "It was a pleasure, Emily. See you around."

Stepping out onto the street, I could see that the sky had already started to turn orange, and the activity in the streets had decreased as well. It was getting dark.

[RedHuntressLive]: It's really another world! It's still morning here, and it's already getting dark there!

Aside from the fact that in a normal situation, I would just be on the other side of her world, this would explain the time zone difference. I wasn't going to be the one to point that out to her since in this case, she was actually right.

"Well, let's look for a place to sleep." I'm pretty sure I passed by an inn while walking through the city, or would it be a kingdom?

Backtracking a few streets, I could see a building with a sign that read "Wandering Traveler Inn." Thinking about it, I could read as well, just missing the writing part. It seems I received a full language package.

Entering the inn, it was simple but cozy. Right at the entrance, there were several tables with people chatting, eating, and drinking. Waitresses walked between the tables with trays of food and drink, and to the right was the counter, which seemed to double as a bar since there were several people drinking and laughing.

Walking over there, I could see that the bartender, or receptionist, was a man of about thirty or forty, a bit chubby with stubble and a mustache. Even before I spoke, he looked at me and smiled.

"Good evening, my friend. How are you? Need something?" Only a bartender could be so friendly.

"Good evening. I need a room for the night and a meal. A drink would be nice too. How much for everything?"

He nodded and smiled again.

"Ten copper coins for the room and four coins for the meal. It's your first time here, isn't it? The drink is on the house."

I smiled at that and thanked the friendly man. I wasn't going to refuse hospitality. The man jotted something down on a piece of paper and handed it to one of the waitresses, then returned to the counter. Walking to the corner of the counter, I waited for the food to be ready. I'm not sure if Red realized that I couldn't respond to her without sounding crazy or if she didn't want to type anything, but there were no more messages.

After a few minutes, the waitress returned and handed me a glass of beer along with a simple plate of rice with meat and beans, or at least it looked like that. It could have another name, maybe even grow on trees, but it didn't matter; I was hungry, that was enough.

I wasn't a big fan of alcoholic beverages, only drinking socially, but the drink paired well with the dish, so I didn't complain, besides the fact that it was free.

After a few minutes of eating in silence, I finished and got up, leaving the plate and glass with the man.

"I'm going to bed, my friend. I've had quite a day today. Could you give me the room key?"

He just nodded and fetched a key from under the counter; it had the number twelve written on it.

"The stairs are the second-to-last door."

I thanked him and made my way to my room. The second floor was just a hallway with several doors. Walking to the end, I inserted the key into the door with the number twelve and entered.

The room was simple. It had a window overlooking the street, a simple bed with a blanket and pillow, a table with a chair in the corner of the room, and a door leading to the bathroom.

I tossed my sandals next to the bed and stowed my inventory under the pillow, then flopped onto the bed.

"What a long day..." I sighed and closed my eyes, enjoying the silence.


Damn it...

Opening my eyes, I could see that the noise was a message from Red. It seems that while I have my eyes closed, I still get notifications.

[RedHuntressLive]: Are you going to sleep already? Good night. When will the next stream be? Are you going to adventure tomorrow?

I sat up on the bed and waved. "I'll see what I do tomorrow. I need to get an idea of things first. But thanks for reminding me. I need to end the stream."

I grabbed my phone from the inventory and opened the streaming app, but to my great fortune, after searching for a while, I couldn't find the power-off button, just a countdown of five hours.

Searching a bit more, I found something in the shop that confirmed my suspicions.

(Forced stream closure: 500 SP)

Wonderful, there was a price to turn off the stream; otherwise, I would have to wait for it to turn off on its own after eight hours. Looking at the SPs I had earned so far, the number didn't look good.

(SP: 13)

Even the number was unlucky, how magnificent! I sighed and turned over, lying down on the bed again.

"There's no power-off button, Red. Looks like I'll have to wait another five hours before the stream ends. Want to chat about something?" I wasn't going to sleep with her watching me; that would be weird.

Luckily, Red declined.

[RedHuntressLive]: I'd love to, but I need to get ready. I have to catch the BullHead to the Valley. I have the Beacon initiation today. Wish me luck!!

I waved; at least I could sleep without someone watching me.

"Good luck, Red. You can do it, go ahead!"

After that, the number of viewers dropped back to zero, but I received a notification.

(Congratulations on having your first follower, achievement unlocked: "First of Many" - Reward: 500 SP).

I just blinked resignedly and lay back down. It was good to know that the app had some kind of achievements; I would need to look into everything more carefully tomorrow. For now, I just need to sleep.

I'll leave the stream on as well; I'm not going to spend my SP to turn off the stream with zero viewers. If some crazy person wants to watch me sleep, so be it. I'm too tired to care.

Closing my eyes, I waited a few minutes before feeling myself fall asleep, then I knew nothing more, enjoying the sweet slumber.

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