Streamer in the Omniverse

New viewers and update.

It wasn't really hard to find the forge. Even though I hadn't been out for three months, the memory was still fresh in my mind. After all, it was one of the first places I went when I arrived in the kingdom.

After marking the shop on the map, I entered and had a brief chat with Markus, who was at the reception.

A quick conversation later, I had found out that yes, three months had passed. So much so that Markus asked if I was okay, as when one of his clients disappears for so long, they've usually gone on a mission outside the kingdom that would take months, retired, or died.

In my case, being new to the guild, he didn't think I would go on long missions or had retired, hence the concern.

"Nah. I won't die that easily, but thanks for the concern," I dismissed his worry with a wave of my hand.

"I just went to visit a friend who lives a bit far. But now I'm back in full force." I smiled slightly as I used the excuse I had already planned.

I knew there were villages nearby and some a bit far from the kingdom; a quick chat with anyone on the street would easily reveal that. So it wouldn't be uncommon for me to have a friend or relative in one of them.

"I understand, I'm glad it wasn't anything serious then." The man seemed genuinely relieved. It seems Markus was really a good person. "So, what do you want then? I don't think you came here just to chat or let me know you're back."

I nodded in agreement. "As much as I'd like to talk, I'm busy; I need to go to the Guild to pick up some missions." I said as I took the bag I was holding and placed it on the counter.

It wasn't the VoidBag, but a bag I had taken from the inventory to put the clothes I was going to sell.

Speaking of which, note it down, brain; let's look later if there's any kind of backpack, ring, or bag with a larger space inside that is common. That way, I wouldn't have to hide the inventory.

"Here, Emily asked me last time if I had clothes like the ones I sold to her." I said as I showed the contents of the bag to him.

"I picked up some on my trip, see what you think; I don't mind selling them all." I pointed to my own body, indicating that I already had mine.

Markus nodded in agreement, but before he could even touch any clothes in the bag, Emily seemed to teleport next to him and pushed him out of the way while she grabbed the clothes herself.

He just looked at me confused while Emily, whom I had discovered last time I was here, was his daughter, went through all the clothes quickly with a happy look on her face.

I swear, when she reached the boxers I had put in there, she smiled even more and looked at me with a predatory gaze to the point that I'm sure the only reason she didn't jump me right there was that her father was in the store with us.

After some time discussing the price of the clothes, I ended up selling them for seven gold, which was more than I really expected.

It didn't take even two seconds after the sale for Emily, whom I had now noticed was wearing the same clothes that were mine when I first came to this world, grabbed the bag and ran to the back of the store, probably to try on her new clothes.

I shook my head as I turned to Markus, who still looked confused by the whole exchange.

"I brought only clothes roughly Emily's size, but if you want, I can see if I can get something in that style for you too."

That seemed to bring the man back to Earth, or would it be Terraria in this case? He turned and nodded slowly with a small smile at his daughter's antics.

"By the way she's acting, I suppose the clothes are great. I'll take that offer then. Do you want anything else?"

I nodded in agreement. "How much would a set, let's say..." I thought for a moment before continuing. "Ten full suits of iron plate armor cost?"

He looked at me confused before shaking his head and responding. "It's going to be expensive. Plate armors are much pricier, and ten full sets?" I imagine he did the math quickly in his head because after a few seconds, he replied.

"About five gold coins per set, so all ten, fifty gold coins." Much more than I had on hand at the moment, but still cheap.

"Done, when can I come to pick them up?" I responded instantly, which made the man look at me puzzled.

"Not wanting to be rude, but it's quite expensive. Do you have that money? You didn't tell me you were a new contractor from the Guild?" I understood the reason for the question; fifty gold coins were not a small amount, and he was right to be suspicious, after all, it was a big sale.

I put five of the seven gold coins I had just received on the counter. "This should cover one of the armors; I'll be back tomorrow with the rest of the money." I waved lightly, unconcerned.

"How long would it take to have everything made?" I asked Markus, who had taken the coins.

"I would need to take your measurements precisely to adjust the armors I have in stock, so about a week." He thought for a moment before adding. "If you want me to forge all ten sets for you from scratch, it will take longer, about a month, and it will be more expensive too."

A month? I didn't know if I had that time; if a good mission came up for me to accept and I didn't have the armors, that could be bad.

"Let's do this. Get me five adjusted sets and five forged from scratch." It was better that way; at least I would have some armors on hand in case something happened. "Focus on the adjusted sets, how much would that be, and when can I come to pick up the first one?"

He nodded to the request and replied. "If I take your measurements today, the first one should be ready in a day, the rest by the end of the week since it's only five sets." He stopped for a moment, jotting something down on paper and handing it to me. "The rest will take longer to forge, but about two weeks, three if something happens. It will all be seventy gold coins."

Expensive, but as I said before, I'll get the money; it won't be difficult to sell the things I have in the inventory.

After that, I took the measurements so Markus could work and said goodbye to the man, but something had stayed in my head as I walked to the Guild.

"Did I grow?" I asked aloud as I walked down the kingdom's main street.

It wasn't much; the last time I measured my height, I was 1.82 meters, but now I was 1.86; I had grown 4 centimeters, and I wasn't sure why.

I was 21 years old; it didn't make sense for me to grow; I had stopped growing at 19.

[WiseWizardGleam]: Your race and your magic probably. Probably your body is adapting to stay in its best shape to survive. (Emote of an old wizard thinking).

[GryffinHouseMatron]: I can only theorize since I'm not sure how magic in your world works, but my best guess would be your mana nourishing your body, and it using those "nutrients" to develop.

[YellowHuntressLive]: You're also much more muscular. Even training as you trained in these last months shouldn't have caused this change so easily. (Emote of a yellow bear licking its lips).

[GeniusBillionairePlayboy]: You know Captain America, right? Something similar happened to him, but on a much larger scale. The theory of your body being nourished and using it to adapt seems to be the most plausible. (Emote of Iron Man thinking).

[RedHuntressLive]: Hey! One question! (Emote of Little Red Riding Hood raising her hand). I get you wanting armor, but why 10 whole sets? (Emote of Little Red Riding Hood with a ? on her head).

My body adapting...

I sighed as I shrugged. Well, whatever, it wasn't a bad thing; I just hoped I wouldn't get much taller than this; I like my current height.

I pulled the map from the corner of my vision and "spoke" to the (CHAT).

("Responding to you, Red, I'll try to enchant the armors, not so confident in using the runes yet, but I'll try nonetheless").

I had some ideas that Dumbledore and I came up with in the last few months as we studied the runes.

I would have to test alone since unfortunately, the runes didn't work properly in the headmaster of Hogwarts' world, or rather, they didn't work with him.

It seemed our magic was similar enough for him to activate the runes, but different enough for them not to work correctly or to work in the wrong way.

So, while Dumbledore was looking for a way to make the runes work with his magic, I was on my own to conduct my more ambitious experiments.

What I wanted with the armors was to try to enchant them somehow, with each armor having a different effect. One with fire resistance, another with ice or electricity resistance.

One could increase my strength, another speed, I wanted to have a variety to use in any situation, and since I could use the inventory to switch armor in an instant, I wouldn't have a problem using it in the middle of battle.

Basically, it was Requip Magic on a budget since I would need to make my armors and weapons, but it was a start.

Enchanting my "shield" was also something I planned, but since it would be kind of hard for me to find another reinforced bank door in Terraria, I would wait to do that after I already had more experience with the runes since I didn't want to accidentally melt or explode the door from the inside.

After that, the day went normally without many surprises; I went to the Guild and picked up some low-ranking missions to raise my own ranking, and I ended the day by going to Geralt's inn.

The man was surprised since he hadn't seen me in three months, but after explaining things using the "lie" I invented, everything had returned to normal.

The man even remembered the room where I stayed.

In the room, I was just relaxing and chatting with the viewers since it was still relatively early. That was until the stream started sending notifications again.

I found it strange, of course, as this wasn't common. Grabbing my phone, I went to see what it was about.


[First mission completed! - Achievement unlocked: Worlds to Explore! - Reward 5000 SP!]


I blinked confused. This wasn't supposed to arrive hours ago, why did it take so long?

My thoughts were interrupted by a donation on the stream.

[GeniusBillionairePlayboy]: Donated 1000 SP!: DS! There are a ton of people! Where did all this come from?

A ton of people? What the hell was Stark talking about? I was confused for a few moments before realizing the number of viewers in the corner of my eye.

[Viewers: 1328]

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed as I got up from the bed. Where did so many people come from?

It didn't take even two seconds for the (CHAT) to get cluttered, and hundreds of messages appeared.

  [XxDarkMasterXx]: What is this? What app is this that appeared on my phone? Does it have something to do with that crystal in the middle of the island?

[Imayoufathar]: I recognize you! You're the foreigner who saved me and my harem! I knew you were suspicious! What is this floating thing???!!!!

[ZombieSlayer132]: A zombie apocalypse, and now this? What? Aliens?! Is the world really ending?

[AsuraLady]: Devas? Is that really you? How is this possible? How did you connect the stream to the island? (Emote of a surprised little lion).

[CrystalApostle]: You guys don't understand?! This is a sign; the great crystal will help us in these times of crisis! Have faith!

[SniperHirano]: It's not even 10 minutes since this thing appeared, and there are already lunatics worshipping it? Oh, well. Hey, Aniki! How do you know what this giant pillar on the island is? Why are you on it? (Emote of a weapon with a maniacal smile).

[ZombieSlayer12]: Fear not! This is not a danger! If something happens, I will protect everyone! Stand behind me!

[GeniusBillionairePlayboy]: So many people! I can't read anything properly; it's too fast!! (Emote of scared Iron Man). Where did all these crazies come from?!

[Souichiro.T]: Devas, do you know what this thing is? It appeared tonight; what's the reason for this?!

[Yuriko.T]: I understand... that's why my little girl wasn't afraid of this crystal; she knew it was something involving you, Devas.

[xXxAngelOfTheNightxXx]: Why does this look like a stream? What is this room? An inn?

[WiseWizardGleam]: What a surprise; I didn't think the chat would get crowded so early... (Emote of an old wizard with shining eyes).

[RedHuntressLive]: WOW! So many people! I need to use my semblance just to keep up with the chat! How fun! (Emote of Little Red Riding Hood with stars in her eyes).

Reading the (CHAT) quickly, or what I could read before the messages disappeared, I noticed some recognizable nicks, like Red, Stark, and Dumbledore, but more importantly, I recognized some unknown nicks.

Souichiro.T?, Yuriko.T? SniperHirano?

It didn't take a genius to figure out who these people were, and I'm sure that "AsuraLady" was Saya.

My thoughts were racing. Wasn't the Pylon just a teleportation point? Did it connect the stream directly to the world? But if so, shouldn't there be many more people than just a thousand?

No... that's not it.

Many comments said that the stream app appeared after the Pylon emerged in the middle of the island, so does it have some kind of limited range? Are these just the people on the island where the survivors from the property are?

While my brain went into overdrive trying to understand what was happening, the stream decided it was a good time to send the rest of the notifications.


[50 Simultaneous Viewers! - Achievement unlocked: 50? That's almost 51! - 5000 SP!]

[100 Simultaneous Viewers! - Achievement unlocked: 100? That's almost 101! - 10000 SP!]

[500 Simultaneous Viewers! - Achievement unlocked: 500? That's almost 501! - 50000 SP!]

[1000 Simultaneous Viewers! - Achievement unlocked: 1000? That's almost 1001! - 100000 SP!]

[50 Simultaneous Viewers! - Feature unlocked: Stream Config/Mods!]

[100 Simultaneous Viewers! - Feature unlocked: Stream Endless Mode!]

[500 Simultaneous Viewers! - Feature unlocked: Stream Games!]

[1000 Simultaneous Viewers! - Feature unlocked: General Update!]


Okay, there were many things at once, but what caught my attention the most were the Stream Config/Mods. Checking my phone, I saw that many things had changed in the stream app, but what I was looking for was the settings.

Funny how the settings would only appear after the stream hit fifty viewers...


[Settings (CHAT): (CHAT) single (X) - (CHAT) multiple ( )

All Viewers (X)

Only Members ( )

Only Mods ( )

Only Important Destinations ( )

Custom Chat ( ) ]

Without hesitation, I separated the stream (CHAT), leaving it in multiple (CHAT). In one of them, I set the configuration to "All Viewers," and in the other, "Only Members."

It didn't take long for my older viewers to notice the second (CHAT). Just to make sure, I disabled the option to become a member for now since I wanted to have an uninterrupted conversation before deciding what to do.

I also took the opportunity to go to the store and buy the front camera, which would film me from the front, focused on my face.

[Front Camera: 10000 SP (Acquired)]

I turned on the front camera, with the stream focused on my face. I took a deep breath before starting to speak.


I began to speak, but I couldn't help licking my lips slightly as I swallowed; my mouth felt dry.

It was strange; I knew this day would come, that I would have much more than just a dozen viewers, but still, it was strange to say the least, knowing that over a thousand people were watching me.

"It's not an alien invasion or another apocalypse, I can assure you."

Not that it mattered much to people who didn't know me, but I'll try to reassure them anyway; I don't want the safe haven that the island was to explode because of me, even unintentionally.

"I'll briefly explain what all this is in a summarized way." I let my words sink in as I read the (CHAT), which was still chaotic but less than before. Well, it seems that at least people are listening to me.

I took the (Beginner's Guide to Streaming) that had been collecting dust in my inventory for months and placed it somewhere off-camera, where I could read without the viewers noticing the book.

Call me a coward, but I had no idea what I was doing here; it was one thing to talk to about ten people I already knew, and another thing to know that a thousand people were watching me.

I took a deep breath and began. I'll introduce myself first, and then I'll improvise from there; any doubts, I'll check the guide.

"First of all. My name is Devas Asura, or in Japan, it would be Asura, Devas. My last name being Asura and my main name being Devas."

A simple introduction of my name.

"About all of this." I pointed to myself and the stream in general. "I'll be honest with you. It's a stream, as many of you must have noticed. But not a common one like most." I hesitated a bit before getting up and leaving the room.

Let's rip off this bandage all at once; let's show some Terraria to the new viewers.

Meanwhile, I took the opportunity to read the (CHAT) from members to see what my older viewers were typing.

[GeniusBillionairePlayboy]: Damn, genius! Seriously, it's a stream? (Iron Man emote sighing in disappointment)... Just calm down, you're better than this, DS!

[WiseWizardGleam]: Don't be petty, Anthony; it's the first time the stream has so many viewers. Devas is doing his best, I can assure you. (Old wizard emote waving in approval).

[RedHuntressLive]: Don't get nervous, Devas! I don't like crowds either, or stages, or talking to people! (Blushing Little Red Riding Hood emote)... Just forget that last part. I trust you! (Encouraging Little Red Riding Hood emote).

[JiraiyaIsAnIdiot]: Breathe, kid. If there's one thing I know you can do, it's adapt. I may not have been the first viewer of your stream, but what I've seen in these three months was enough.

[JackMom]: Calm down, treat these people like you treat us. Just breathe and do what you always do. (Smiling goldfish emote).

I smiled faintly and took a deep breath to calm myself. Alright, here we go; I was "The Streamer," right? Let's start acting like one then.

I descended the stairs to the main hall of the inn, where several people were chatting, eating, and drinking. And not all of them were human.

If there was one thing Terraria had, it was a variety of races and peoples, and this was even more visible at night since most gathered to drink and celebrate a day of work.

I switched the camera to third-person and let the stream have a full view of the hall. All the people and races that were there.

Dwarves were drinking and dancing at the table nearest to the corner of the hall.

Beastkins were scattered throughout the hall.

A woman with cat features, a man with deer features, two women who seemed to be twins with rabbit features, and many more throughout the tavern.

Not to mention the animals accompanying their owners, who were probably Guild contractors and summoner class.

Animals that were similar but still different from those on Earth.

The scene seemed to have been literally taken from a medieval fantasy book. It was a noisy and chaotic tavern, but still, it seemed to beckon you.

"As I said, this is not a common stream after all. I'm not on Earth; I'm not on the same planet as you."

I raised my hand and waved gently to the hall, as if presenting it to the stream.

"This is the world I currently reside in. Welcome to my stream."

I couldn't help but smile at the (CHAT) exclamations and reactions. I wasn't a streamer; it's something I was thrust into, something I didn't choose.

But this part, knowing that the people watching me saw the same thing I did, had the same feelings I had when I first saw Terraria.

The disbelief, the surprise, the excitement, the thrill that I felt and still felt coursing through my veins by knowing, by seeing, by feeling that all of this was real.

This part was something I liked, something I could appreciate. Sharing this with other people, knowing they were watching me as I showed them this world and many others was something good.

"This, viewers of my dear stream, is Terraria."


Omake: Letter - Recipient: Sally Jackson.

I still didn't know what to think about this revelation. Devas being from another world was already strange, but not unimaginable, after all, I had already met gods! Devas being from another universe wasn't that surprising to me.

But in this other universe, did he know some stream members because they were just stories? Animes? Comics?

I held my trembling hand lightly. This was strange, what did this mean then? I already knew I was just a simple mortal, that there were gods, beings much more important than a mere human like me.

But this... what did it matter then? And if my world was also just a simple story? Narrated by someone? My thoughts were spiraling down a horrible path before my precious little fish pulled me out of this descending spiral.

"Mom? Are you okay?" My dear Perseus, or Percy, as he liked to be called, asked from the kitchen door.

"Of course, son, Mom just came to get some water. What are you doing awake at this hour? You know you need to wake up early tomorrow for school." It was cute how his little face frowned in dislike when school was mentioned; my little boy really didn't like to study, but I could understand.

From what the Lord of the Seas told me, demigods were made differently, with most, if not all, having ADHD and dyslexia. It must not be easy for Percy to sit in a classroom.

My little fish came with sleepy eyes and hugged me, burying his face in my belly.

"I don't want to go to school. It's boring. Can I stay home? I want to watch Devas!" He said with a muffled voice, not lifting his face from my belly. "He's cool, and very awesome. Can I skip tomorrow to watch the stream early?"

I sighed as I hugged my son. "Sure, but only tomorrow, understood, dear? You need to go to school, got it?" I said with my best authoritative voice.

Percy didn't seem to care and raised his face while smiling. "Thanks, Mom! You're the best mom in the world!" He jumped a little and gave me a kiss on the cheek before running back to his room.

"I'll go to bed to wake up early tomorrow! Love you, Mom! Good night, sleep well!"

I shook my head and couldn't help but chuckle lightly. My little boy never woke up early, but it seemed that for watching Devas's stream, anything was possible.

I waited a few seconds, and when I was sure I was alone in the kitchen again, I picked up the letter that Devas had sent me and started reading it slowly.

[Dear Sally Jackson... Frankly, I'm a complete disaster at writing letters. I'm going to treat this as if it were a normal conversation, so I apologize if it seems offensive in any way.

Well, let's start with the "big revelation." Yes, I did air quotes with my fingers as I wrote that, as if you were here seeing it. I admit it wasn't one of my brightest moments.]

I couldn't help but laugh lightly as I read this part; Devas was a funny person, it seemed like the man always knew how to find the best in a bad situation.

As far as I knew, he was twenty-one, just a year older than me when I had Percy.

At that age, my concern was just going out, enjoying the romance I had with the Lord of the Seas, and having fun. Even when I had Percy, it was like a dream; me, a mortal, carrying a child of a god.

And then came Percy, my dear little fish; he was everything I had ever dreamed of for my son.

But Devas? He had been taken from his home world and thrown into another without explanations. I didn't have all the details, but from what I knew, Terraria didn't seem like a good place to live.

And yet, he always moved forward, without hesitation, even knowing it was dangerous, he risked himself to try to get stronger, to achieve what he wanted.

I didn't know what I would do in that situation, but I knew I wouldn't handle it as well as he did. That's why I admired Devas; he always moved forward, always tried to improve, or as the other stream members liked to say.

"Devas adapted, evolved as he progressed."

It was a small joke, a "meme" as Stark liked to call it, but I could see the truth within those words.

I shook my head and returned my focus, reading the rest of the letter.

[You must be wondering why I said I wouldn't tell about your world, and well, there's a simple reason, and you know what it is, it starts with "d" and ends with "eities." Difficult riddle, isn't it?

Well, I've never been a big fan of them, I'll admit, but the Greeks, in particular... I don't like them, seriously. Aside from one or two, the rest could very well stick their heads up each other's asses and explode into oblivion.

So, not to take any chances, I thought it best not to say anything about your world. Even sending this letter is risky, but still, I thought it best to send it to clarify some things that I don't find sensible to say on stream, as it's more personal to you.

First of all. The damn thought that nothing matters, that if the world I'm in is a story, why bother? What did it all matter.]

I widened my eyes. How did he know my thoughts? Could he see the future now too? Percy's father had said that the sun god had the gift of foresight; did Devas have something similar?

[How do I know this, you must be wondering. Well, I kind of went through the same thing, after all, what guarantees me that this isn't a story? The world I was in, Terraria, was a game for me before. What guaranteed that it still wasn't?

That I wasn't just a playable character in this game and that nothing would change? Or worse, that all of this was a story being told by someone?

But you know what? Screw it, yes, screw it if this is a story, if everything is just a sham, screw that nothing matters.

My life is mine; I'll live it the way I can and know how to. So, Sally Jackson, tell me, are you just going to give up and drop everything, or are you going to move forward as the example of a woman, a mother that you are?

Yes, I know you. Well, not you, you, but you from the book. Ah, you get it, what a hassle. I hate writing; it's much easier just to say things face to face.]

I shook my head again, but I could feel a weight lifting off my shoulders. Devas was right, as strange as the way he expressed it.

What would change? Didn't I already know that the gods dictated the world? That fate was three old ladies, and they really existed? What would change if my world theoretically was a book?

I won't just give up. I had Percy and my life; that was enough. I couldn't leave my little fish alone in this world.

Well, let's finish this letter quickly. I need to wake up early tomorrow and kill my daily quota of zombies. So, I'll give you a small list of advice. You can choose to follow them or not.

Percy, the boy. I know what he is, and I know he has a "scent" that attracts monsters. So, as much as you try to hide him using your miserable "husband" (damn, if I end up going to your world, I'll beat Gabe up, if you don't mind), it won't be forever.

At some point, his scent will leak, and some kind of creature will be knocking at your door. So, do us both a favor: enroll the boy in a martial arts class or something.

My recommendation: have him do fencing. He'll be good at it; you can trust him.

If you don't want him near swords, that's okay. Put him in karate, Muay Thai, Krav Maga, any martial art, but keep the boy in shape.

Keep the phone with the stream always with you, and Percy always with his. Don't lose it! I repeat, don't lose it!

I have a theory that my title, "The Streamer," that you and the rest of the people saw before, and the stream, make people holding the phone "hidden," so to speak, from clairvoyance and those god voyeur things.

So, always have the phone with you. Just in case, it's better to be safe than sorry, after all.

Finally, something you probably already know, but I'll write it here in case you don't.

First: Never take a plane, the king of the gods, or as I like to call him, "Lord-every-hole-is-a-goal." Don't like the sea? Then don't go to the sky; it will go wrong.

Second: If something seems wrong, it's because it is wrong! Follow your instincts, and especially Percy's. If the boy says, "There's something strange, Mom, let's go?" listen to him and leave the place immediately.

Don't act like an extra in a cheap horror movie; follow your instincts and run. Usually, that's enough to survive.

Well, that's it. There are a few more things I would like to write, but as they say, ignorance is bliss. So, unfortunately, I'll leave you in the dark. It's better.

Overall, that's it. I wish all the best for you and Percy, Sally Jackson. Take care of the boy and yourself.

I'll try to help as I can. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything, money, clothes, food, anything. Just ask; I'll help you as much as I can.

That said, I'll go to sleep. Good night.

Signed: Devas Asura.

PS: If you put the boy in a martial arts class, don't forget to tell him to restrain himself, or he might break someone's bones.

PSS: I think you're already doing this, but if you're not, here's an idea: Research on the internet or ask someone what kind of medicine makes a person drowsy and especially. Impotent.

Put it in the food of the pile of crap you insist on calling a husband, and it should solve some problems.

PSSS: Your cookies are delicious!

PSSSS: Burn this letter after reading it, pour acid on it, take what's left and burn it again, and then bury it in the grounds of a Catholic church.

As arrogant as the lord of the heavens is, he doesn't have the balls to mess with the Big G.

I don't know if he exists in your world, but it's valid to think that he does. So do that; that way, the information in the letter should stay safe.

Or just leave it with the phone; that should work too.]

At the end of the letter, I had to cover my mouth with my hand to avoid waking up the entire neighborhood with my laughter.

I wiped the tears from my eyes with my fingers and smiled; this time, a genuine smile of happiness.

I'll follow Devas's advice. I may not have known him for a long time, but I felt that he really wanted the best for me and, especially, for Percy.

As he said, right? Just follow your instincts; mine told me that listening to Devas was the right choice, so I'll do that.

I just wondered why he tried so hard to help us. Was it because of Percy? Or was it because of me?

I looked at my body; I might not be twenty anymore, but I was still as beautiful as ever. Had I managed to seduce a man from another world just with my description in a book?

I chuckled lightly. It seems that the Greek pride had passed on to me somehow.

I picked up the letter and folded it, putting it behind the phone. I don't want to risk burning the letter and prefer not to risk attracting the attention of another god or his angels.

I yawned as I walked back to the bedroom. It was late; I better go to sleep.

Entering the room, Gabe's snores were loud as always. I didn't hesitate and threw myself on the bed, not worrying about waking up my "husband."

Devas was cute trying to help me, but if he thinks I haven't drugged Gabe for years, he's sorely mistaken.

I lay on my bed with lighter shoulders and slept the best night I had had in many years. A sweet night with pleasant dreams.

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