Streamer in the Omniverse

Invitation, flight, Faunus, and game.

Here’s the promised chapter. It was supposed to come out in a few hours, but given my luck, the timer might just decide to reorganize and release this in 2 months. Better not take any chances.

So, if anyone wants to read 3 out of 7 chapters ahead of my 2 stories, that’s possible on my (P)(A)(T). If not, I still appreciate you reading my stories.

That said, good night and happy reading!



POV: Salem

I let my gaze wander over everyone in the room, my attention lingering no more than a second on each person. Funny, that seemed to be enough to make them tremble and break into a cold sweat.

I stayed silent for a few seconds. The only sound in the room was that of my fingers tapping the armrest of my throne.

"Arthur. Did you manage to get past the new CCT defenses?" The look in the man’s eyes told me everything.

"N-no, Your Majesty... But I can do it if I have more—"

"I don’t want to hear your excuses, Arthur," I interrupted. The man shrank where he stood. "You’ve been trying to break through the CCT blockade since it was implemented and have yet to succeed."

Arthur was a clever man in his field. If he weren’t, I wouldn’t have recruited him. The problem was his arrogance. To Arthur, he was the best, the smartest, while everyone else was nothing but ignorant fools.

Foolishness. The world has never lacked for geniuses, and even among them, some stand out. Arthur had been surpassed, but his arrogance wouldn’t let him admit it.

His fear would.

"Stop your futile attempts. You’ve been outdone, admit it. I tolerate failures, but not the same failures." The frustration on his face was clear. The beginnings of what I knew to be anger as well.

I let my magical energy seep out. No spells were needed. Arthur wasn’t the only one to fall to his knees.

"Yes, Majesty!" His voice shook along with his body.

I let my magical energy escape for a few more moments before reining it back in.

"Cinder, report," I commanded.

"As ordered, I didn’t dare approach the target while gathering information and waited hours after confirming his departure to enter Mistral..."

Cinder didn’t lift her head or hesitate to begin recounting. The information she had wasn’t new, nothing I hadn’t known for days, but it was useful to have another perspective.

Devas, that man… I didn’t know whether to call him arrogant, ignorant, or what he truly was: young. A foolish youth who thought himself a hero. How many before him had appeared, confident in their abilities, believing they could kill me?

Frankly, I’d have more success counting the grains of sand in the desert surrounding my abode.

But I wasn’t foolish enough to think there wasn’t something different this time. Ozma seemed too calm, too relaxed… too confident…

Was the Guardian of the Relic of Knowledge what gave him such confidence? Had he managed to bring her to his side, despite her impartiality over all these years?

I won’t lie, seeing her casually walking through the streets of Mistral surprised me. Not only that, but also teaching at Ozma’s school as a substitute teacher, of all things.

The Spirit responsible for the relic that holds all the knowledge in the world, acting as a mere substitute teacher. It was, in a way, comical.

Jinn, as humans and Faunus called her in the videos Arthur gave me, had more emotions than I expected from something artificial, but in a way, it was to be expected from a being handcrafted by the Brothers themselves…

She seemed attached to Devas… Why? The man wasn’t the first to visit her. What did he have that was different from Ozma and the hundreds of maidens who had sought her out?

A color flashed in my memory: Purple.

I raised my hand. Even without lifting her head to look, Cinder’s voice fell silent.

"Hazel, you were closest to Vale when that purple flame appeared. What are your thoughts and feelings on it?" I commanded. The moment I mentioned the flames, I could see Cinder shudder slightly.

"Permission to speak freely, Your Majesty?" Hazel asked. The tremor in his voice was restrained; he was always the most polite when addressing me.

He was also always the best at hiding his fear.

"Don’t waste my time."

"I couldn’t feel anything from that flame. No heat, no power. It was as if the flame was merely an illusion."

"An illusion…" I murmured. As expected, he hadn’t felt what Cinder and I did.

That flame… The feeling it conveyed…

The moment the flame appeared near Vale, I could sense it clearly. My connection to the Grimm alerted me to something abnormal, the same happened with Cinder, with the Grimm within her arm.

It was the first time I’d seen the Grimm afraid of something other than the Dark Brother himself. I hadn’t even thought it possible for them to fear anything other than their creator.

Was that Ozma’s trump card? Or was it the combination of that purple flame with the Relic of Destruction?...

I mentally scoffed.

What Devas was doing was a blatant provocation. Ozma didn’t have such courage, not anymore.

Seeing him walking through Mistral with the Relic of Knowledge at his waist, while Jinn walked beside him, surprised me a bit, and it wasn’t hard to connect the dots when he appeared in Vacuo, accompanied by an unknown woman, only to leave a day later.

Three relics, two, maybe three maidens, since Ozma must have used one of the relic’s questions to try to heal the Fall Maiden, a warrior with silver eyes, and that purple flame…

Not to mention that man…

Ozma had the advantage in this generation, an advantage he hadn’t had in a long time. Was it such an advantage in our game that gave him so much confidence? Or was it just Devas?...

After the man appeared, the pieces on the board started moving faster… toward a possible endgame...

In truth… maybe it wasn’t a provocation...

"How many days until the end of the Vytal Festival?"

… Maybe what Devas was doing was an invitation.

"Six days, Majesty," Hazel replied.

"Six days…" I rested my cheek on my hand and tilted my head. "Arthur, I’ll give you specifications for clothes and garments. I want them ready in two days, at most."

Cinder, Hazel, Arthur, and Cinder’s two brats. Five people. They weren’t cultured or trained in etiquette enough, but they would serve as an impromptu entourage.

The surprise on everyone’s face when they realized what my words meant amused me a little.

"We’ll leave in three days. Be prepared." I waved my hand.

After being alone in the throne room, I took a few seconds to organize my thoughts before moving a finger in the air.

I quickly spun my magic and created an ice mirror in front of me with a thought. This current hairstyle wouldn’t do. I’ll need a formal dress as well...

Though such an invitation hadn’t been made formally, I was still a queen and needed to be presentable.

I smiled slightly, the Grimm around the castle stirred... My army stirred.

"How nostalgic..." It had been some time since I was last invited to such an event. A long time... "Let’s see how you fare, then..."

Ozma seems to have let you take the reins of the game, so show me what you have, whether it’s arrogance, ignorance, confidence, or something else...

"... Devas."

... Devas.


POV: Devas Asura

Running was liberating—it always had been a feeling I particularly enjoyed—but running in the air?...

"You seem happy." Jinn’s voice echoed through the wind around us.

...It was liberating.

It wasn’t anything complex, or some kind of complicated emotion, no, it was just... liberating.

I wasn’t running at maximum speed, far from it; I hadn’t even broken the sound barrier. I also wasn’t using Shadowflame to burn the air around me and reduce friction, no, I was just... running.

The wind against my skin was comforting, looking down and simply seeing the ground hundreds of meters away was, in a way, surreal, even with everything I had already experienced. It was kind of silly, actually. I’d been through more, seen more, but still, this amused me.

I had stopped laughing in the first few seconds after I started running, but the slight smile on my face said it all.

"I am happy," I replied to Jinn.

I never needed much to be happy, and I don’t think that’s going to change.

I spent a few minutes running, not even making up some kind of excuse like, "I’m testing the Greaves," or "I’m training." No, I just took this time to relax a bit and let my thoughts quiet down.

Jinn seemed to notice, as she stayed silent. I casually glanced at the chat; it was early, and even though the number of viewers was large, the number of messages was small in comparison.

It had become a sort of custom in the chat where the morning was usually calmer. It was generally the time I used to have breakfast.

Interestingly, I later discovered that many people had started having breakfast at the same time, hence this 'quiet moment.' It was like one big, relaxed breakfast.

Of course, if something out of the ordinary happened, that calm would be broken, like when I created equipment that allowed me to fly easily. The chat, a few minutes ago, wasn’t calm, but after the initial surprise, everything more or less got back on track.

I casually read through the chat messages while letting my body move on its own, stopping my gaze on a few that caught my attention.

[(MOD)GeniusBillionairePlayboy] Hey, DS, just randomly, hypothetically speaking, if a weird bald guy with an eyepatch asked me to join a super-secret group with a somewhat suspicious name, should I accept? I kinda don’t want to… (Iron Man emote looking uncertain)

[AdvocateOfGenderEquality] Bald guys are evil, I vote no. (Emote of a generic guy nodding wisely.)

[MagicalGirlSera-Tan] One of the bald guys I know is the laziest creature to ever set foot on this planet. He’s kind of suspicious too… Could Fa-chan have a secret organization? (Emote of a magical girl scratching her chin)

[(MOD)GeniusBillionairePlayboy] Oh yeah, that hot redhead you said might show up and I should be careful of? She showed up. I wouldn’t have even noticed she was actually a redhead if it weren’t for Jarvis. She kinda triggers some instincts I didn’t even know I had, good and bad. (Iron Man emote pointing at a spider)

[(MOD)Jarvis] The data I could find on Natalie Rushman has a 95.4% chance of being false. I cannot continue my in-depth search without being detected, Mr. Stark. (Emote of a robotic butler working on a computer).

Damn... Things are already starting to move in Marvel? I thought it would take just a year, maybe more...

"Do you have your defenses up?" I asked. Stark replied with just: "Do you think I’m an idiot?"

"Yes." I ignored the middle finger emotes and continued. "The bald guy is partially trustworthy, paranoid as hell, and probably the most stressed-out man on the planet. Well, your planet, that is."

I’m sure Fury didn’t shave his head, nor was he born bald; he probably lost it all from stress.

"My recommendation is: decline. The paranoid bald guy has already put you on his radar; like it or not, he’s going to spy on you." In fact, he was probably already doing that for some time. "Be yourself, decline and give a reason, Stark."

"As for the redhead, she’s a spy, her name is fake as hell, and avoid thinking with your dick." That was the easiest way to die when dealing with the Black Widow. "She knows how to fight very well, is trained in dozens of martial arts, espionage, and seduction. If a fight breaks out, don’t go hand-to-hand, and definitely don’t step out of the armor."

It was best not to start a fight, but if shit hit the fan, it was better to shoot from afar. Damn, weren’t there versions of Natasha that had been born during World War II?...

Damn Marvel and its ridiculously confusing timelines.

I spent the next few minutes giving Stark information I thought wouldn’t get him killed. Him knowing about Natasha was already risky; ignorance was bliss, which was true when dealing with a spy who would clearly notice that the man spying on her suspected something.

But in this case, knowing about Natasha was the lesser of two evils. Stark wasn’t an idiot, even though I liked to call him that. The man had ways to protect himself and had prepared.

My concern wasn’t so much with Fury and Natasha but with SHIELD, or in this case, HYDRA. Stark was good, but at this point, HYDRA would eat the man alive.

Damn sick organization with retarded goals that changed depending on the timeline.

"Let me know if anything bizarre or different happens," I said after a few moments of silence.

"Stark typed: Bizarre and different in what way?" Jinn’s voice echoed, as curious as the question she was reading.

"Bizarre like: flying hammers covered in lightning falling from the sky or aliens trying to invade Earth. The usual, you know?" Stark’s 'WTF' was the expected reaction. "Your world is a mess."

Damn Marvel. I’m going to need to grab some comics I had in the VoidBag to read. I’m sure I had at least a few hundred of them in there.

("I can read the comics if you want. I don’t have much to do anyway.") Jinn’s voice echoed in my head.

("I can’t project the comics I haven’t read yet. I can only recreate what I’ve already read.")

("It shouldn’t take long for me to be fully recovered. I could have tried to come out some time ago, but I didn’t want to risk it.") Jinn explained. ("Can you recreate some of the comics for me to read, or maybe a book?")

("Wise of you.") I nodded while running back to Beacon. At the same time, I spun my spiritual energy and recreated a book I thought Jinn would enjoy reading.

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

One of the tales from One Thousand and One Nights. It was a more ‘romanticized’ version I had read during school for a project. Jinn wasted no time starting to read.

It didn’t take long for me to return to Beacon. I considered running directly to Amity, but to avoid any unnecessary trouble, I just landed around the Emerald Forest.

And by landed, I mean, I fell.

"I always wanted to go skydiving…" I murmured, stopping the flow of mana to the Greaves, and with that, what was keeping me in the air. It didn’t take long for my body to start plummeting toward the ground.

The sensation of the fall was, contrary to what I expected, relaxing. I closed my eyes as I let my body go slack. The fall lasted only a few seconds; just enough time to cross the hundreds of meters separating me from Remnant’s ground.

A few moments before hitting the ground, I moved my body in the air and commanded my mana, molding it into wind that swirled around me and slowed my descent until my feet gently touched the ground.

It was much easier to control my mana without being bombarded by dozens of pieces of information per second.

I had to organize everything in my brain afterward too; the knowledge the relic had given me was more instinctive than truly mine, I needed to study it later.


"Am I late? The traffic was kind of heavy because of the festival and all." Ozpin just shook his head, amused.

"The fights start in a few minutes." He gestured for us to start walking. "James kind of went crazy over your creation. Miss Rose also looked like she was about to faint."

"Honestly, I thought I’d be attacked by her the moment I landed." Not just by Ruby, but by the whole RWBY team. I was expecting some requests for a ride and all that.

"Trust me, she intended to. The only reason she’s not here is because of the preparation for the fights."

"They’re up against the Atlas team, right?" I hummed, glancing around for a moment. "FNKI, if I remember correctly… Was it decided if it’s going to be two-on-two or a standard four-on-four?"

"It’s going to be the normal setup. The outcome was decided by a coin toss."

"Having everything be random for the ‘unpredictability of a Huntsman’s or Huntress’s career’ was your idea, wasn’t it?" I understood why, but damn.

Besides the arena being random, with some combinations being nearly impossible and even ridiculous in nature, the battle model and team positions were also randomized.

"Adaptability is the main trait a Huntsman or Huntress needs to have. Knowing how to fight with fewer teammates and in any terrain is important."

"I don’t see how fighting on a snowy mountain with lava rivers fits into that." That combination was just unfair. I blinked. "Is there a place like that in Remnant?"

"There was, but I think the lava rivers cooled down some time ago, and the ground thawed."

"Some millennia ago, actually." Jinn’s voice sounded in my mind. I noticed the ‘Jinn-Mic’ was on, so the CHAT could hear her too.

"That place was a mountain with a large concentration of Ice and Fire Dust that balanced each other, creating that landscape. Basically, something very rare."

"It was a great training spot. I spent a few years living near there." Ozpin commented, somewhat nostalgic. "The landscape was beautiful too."

"I can imagine…" I hummed. Maybe I could see something like that in another world. Sure, the arena had it, but I don’t think it would be the same.

As we walked, I noticed a Faunus couple looking in our direction from the middle of a crowd that I realized was composed entirely of Faunus. It didn’t take long for me to realize they were looking more in my direction than anywhere else, and it took even less time for me to notice the similarities they shared with someone I knew.

The same black hair, the same yellow feline eyes, though Blake’s were darker than the man’s and lighter than the woman’s. The resemblance between the woman and Blake, by the way, was even greater than with the man.

The same cat ears, though the woman’s were larger and had gold piercings, the same face shape, a very similar height, the same suspicious gaze…

"If those two aren’t Blake’s parents, I’ll jump off Amity without Aura." I murmured to myself. I could see the woman’s ears twitching in my direction and a slight smile forming on her face.

I noticed that she recognized me from somewhere too, probably from the CCT.

"As if that would hurt you." I ignored Jinn and turned to Ozpin, who didn’t seem too surprised.

"You knew about them." It wasn’t a question.

"I was informed they were coming just a few hours ago. I’m surprised they arrived so quickly, by the way." Ozpin replied, not moving toward the crowd.

"Aren’t they important people in Menagerie?" I asked. I still didn’t understand how the Faunus had accepted that name for their kingdom…

Many of the Faunus around them were clearly trained, not to mention Blake’s mother and father. One look was enough for me to know they were probably the strongest among the Faunus there.

"Very much so. Ghira Belladonna and Kali Belladonna are the current leaders of Menagerie." Ozpin explained before continuing. "But from what I was informed, though they are officially here on business regarding Menagerie, the speed of their arrival and presence in Amity is likely due to something more informal."

"Blake." I responded. Ozpin nodded.

When Blake’s name was mentioned a second time, the woman’s ears twitched in my direction again, but this time she wasn’t the only one who reacted; I noticed the fluctuation in another person’s emotions.

A woman with brown hair tied in a long ponytail and of short stature. She seemed to be one or two years older than Blake, and the slight spots on her skin reminded me a bit of a chameleon, as did the shape and curve of her hair.

The jealousy and slight anger emanating from her were intriguing… An ex of Blake’s? Maybe…

But what interested me most was her point on the Minimap. Everyone’s, including Blake’s parents, was yellow; hers wasn’t. The dot representing her oscillated between yellow and red. Sometimes, the colors changed so quickly that they even appeared together.

This one had some issues…

I subtly signaled to Ozpin in her direction. Winter must have also noticed the flickering that woman’s dot was doing and had probably already alerted James to have people keep an eye on her.

In the short time I let my thoughts wander, Blake's parents, Ghira and Kali, started walking towards us. The other Faunus followed close behind.

Ozpin was the first to speak when they approached.

"Mr. Ghira, Mrs. Kali. A pleasure." He extended his hand to Ghira and, after a handshake, nodded slightly to Kali before gesturing towards me. "This is Devas, the new professor at Beacon and a friend of mine."

"Pleasure to meet you both." I nodded slightly to them and then fell silent. If they were here on official business, there was no reason for me to interfere.

If I could avoid anything involving politics, I was avoiding it.

Their gaze lingered on me for a few seconds. Not just them, but practically all the Faunus, especially the brown-haired woman, who was glaring daggers at me.

Kali seemed to be analyzing me the most, particularly my eyes, for some reason. I don’t know what she saw or thought she saw, but one of her ears tilted slightly as she subtly nodded.

("She’s probably thinking her daughter has a thing for older men," Jinn’s voice whispered in my mind.)

("I’m pretty sure Blake likes Yang.")

("She’s a young adult who reads porn in public. She likes both of you. In fact, she’s hot for both of you at the same time,") Jinn hummed, amused. ("She hides it well, but her thoughts are... something, to say the least.")

("Not that you don’t know, after all, sensing everyone’s emotions around you kind of makes that easier,") she continued with a slight hint of guilt in her voice. ("Again, sorry about that.")

Jinn didn’t have access to my memories, but she had learned a few things when she was pulled into my mind. It wasn’t much—she actively resisted acquiring the information when it happened—but learning a thing or two was inevitable.

("Forget it, I already told you, it was both our faults.") I sent my thoughts to her in a light tone before continuing. ("You’re the most voyeuristic being Remnant has ever given birth to, aren’t you?")

Jinn seemed relieved.

("I was created to have all the information from Remnant’s past and present. I’m not voyeuristic, that’s just my job.") She laughed. I could see her body swaying slightly in a rocking chair.

While I was having my little mental conversation with Jinn, part of my attention was focused on the conversation Ozpin was having with Blake’s parents.

"I thought it would take you a few more hours to arrive. Did something happen to change that?" Ozpin lightly probed.

"We came early to enjoy the Vytal Festival. It’s been some time since my wife and I last attended," Ghira explained. The guy had a gravelly voice, and up close, he seemed even bigger, both in height and width.

The guy was a freaking mountain of muscle.

"As you and your… friend have guessed, we’re also here to see our dear daughter. It’s been a while since she’s been in touch with us, and we miss her," Kali added, looking in my direction. Her ears twitched slightly again.

Her voice had a slightly husky tone as well, but unlike her husband’s, hers reminded me of a cat’s purr…

"Would either of you gentlemen happen to know where she is? I saw in the news that her team is competing in the festival." Kali’s eyes subtly gleamed yellow as the light reflected in them.

…A cat with its prey in sight.

Blake’s desperate comments in the CHAT, telling me not to say anything, made it clear she wasn’t expecting her parents’ visit. She hadn’t even told them where she was?

I just wanted to understand her pleas of “Don’t attack Illia, please. I’ll talk to her!” That only made me more inclined to tie Blake up and throw her into her mother’s arms.

"I’m afraid Miss Blake Belladonna is occupied at the moment." Ozpin ignored the looks he was receiving and glanced at the watch on his wrist. "She and her teammates should be heading to their match right now."

Ozpin rotated his wrist, causing his clothes to cover the watch, and straightened up, tapping his cane lightly on the ground.

"It may take some time until the match is over. Would you like a private room? I imagine the trip must have been tiring." Ozpin’s tone was polite, almost excessively so. The guy was in full-on political mode here.

Ghira and Kali exchanged glances before Ghira turned to the Faunus who had followed them. They didn’t seem too tired at first glance, but I could tell it was just a strong front.

I didn’t know the exact distance from Menagerie to Vale, but it was far. They must have taken at least a day, maybe two, to get here, not to mention that they arrived earlier than usual, according to Ozpin. There was a good chance they made the trip with few or no breaks.

Although they didn’t appear too tired, I could sense that everyone’s Aura levels were low, their muscles were tense, and the emotion emanating from them was lethargic.

“We’ll accept the offer, if it’s not a bother,” Ghira said in a polite tone.

Ozpin nodded and began to lead them away. I took the opportunity to say goodbye as I heard the crowd in the arena starting to get more excited. The match was probably about to begin.

“Well, that’s my cue to leave. I have work to do, after all, and it looks like I’m running late.” I took a few steps before being stopped by Kali’s voice.

“Work? Besides being a professor, are you also security?”

“Good guess, but no.” I replied. “I’m the narrator and commentator for the matches. Or at least one of the three.” Kali and Ghira hid their surprise well, but others were less successful.

(“Beacon is very well known, even in Menagerie. It’s surprising for them that a professor from such a prestigious school is a commentator.”) One of the voices in my head responded. By the way, the voices were multiplying. That might be a problem…

(“But being security is okay?”)

(“For them, being security means you’re strong enough to be trusted with the job.”) Jinn spoke again. (“Especially at a prestigious event like the Vytal Festival.”)

(“I’m sure half of the security here is weaker than the third-year students I saw at Beacon.”)

(“I never said they were right.”)

I refocused on Kali as she spoke again.

“I see… I couldn’t help but notice that you seem to know my daughter. Do you teach her?” She hid her surprise in her voice as she asked.

“Not just her, but her team as well.” I replied before adding, “I’m the assistant professor in the combat class. I teach most of the students below the third year.”

“Below the third year?” The brown-haired woman asked, stepping forward. “After that, do the students no longer need your instruction?”

From the look Kali and Ghira gave the woman, I wasn’t the only one to notice the implication in her words.

“I don’t think we’ve been introduced.” I ignored the not-so-subtle jab and extended my hand. “I’m Devas, nice to meet you, miss...?”

“I’m Ilia Amitola.” She glanced at my hand for a second before taking it and shaking it firmly. Cute, I barely felt the squeeze.

She seemed to notice, as I could sense the frustration emanating from her. Additionally, her skin started to turn slightly red, as did her hair and eyes, and the spots on her skin began to turn yellow.

If I had any doubt before that she was a chameleon, I didn’t anymore. Was that her Semblance? My instincts told me it wasn’t…

(“It’s her Faunus trait. It’s a rather uncommon and rare feature.”) My blue-tinged schizophrenia informed me.

Uh? Cool.

“As for your question, Miss Amitola,” I began to explain politely as she withdrew her hand. “Beacon has a very flexible curriculum from the third year onward. Attendance isn’t really required, given the amount of missions the students start participating in from that year.”

Glynda had given me a ‘Manual for Teachers Hired Spontaneously by My Impulsive Boss.’ Besides the amusing title, the manual explained various things about the school, even if briefly.

“The vast majority of those students choose to skip most classes, focusing on self-training and only seeking advice from professors when they encounter difficulties.”

By the third year, the students already had a good idea of what they were doing, so the more general classes, like combat instruction, weren’t as useful anymore.

At this moment, Ilia could very well have been a tomato from how red she was, literally. It wasn’t even from anger, I could feel; frustration was the strongest emotion emanating from her.

Before she could open her mouth to speak, Kali placed a hand on Ilia's shoulder and squeezed. From the way Ilia’s Aura flickered rapidly, glowing a gray-brown color, the squeeze must have been quite firm.

“Forgive Ilia, she’s a bit stressed from the long trip,” Kali apologized for the chameleon Faunus while staring at Ilia, who shrank back.

“I understand, I don’t handle long trips very well either.” I pretended to believe that was the real reason. Kali pretended to believe I believed it and changed the subject.

“One last thing, I know you said you’re running late, but could you send Blake our way after her team’s match?” Her tone had become calmer. The sense of longing she radiated was genuine as well.

“I’ll bring her to you after the match,” I confirmed.

“Thank you very much.” She nodded in thanks before murmuring, “That will save me the trouble of hunting her down around Amity.”

Everyone around heard that last part, and everyone pretended they hadn’t. Ghira didn’t even seem fazed; it looked like he was used to his wife’s behavior.

Blake had cool parents.

Completely ignoring Kali’s last remark, I waved and finally said goodbye as I turned and headed towards the commentary room. It didn’t take me long to get there and open the door.

I sensed Neo’s attack from miles away. I caught the weapon coming toward my neck between my fingers.

“An ice cream scoop?” I blinked, looking at the ‘weapon’ before facing Neo, who was hanging from my wrist. “Have you completely lost it?”

“Toman won’t let me go out and have fun. I’m bored.” She gestured quickly with one hand and pointed to the side. Toman sighed.

“Stabbing people is a terrible way to have fun, Neo. It interferes with business.”

“I don’t think that’s the only reason.” I pointed out. Toman didn’t deny it. I turned to Neo. “Want to play something?”

“Aren’t you going to commentate the matches?” She gestured while still hanging on.

“I can do both.” I shrugged and walked toward my chair. Neo let go when I sat down.

“Do you have a gun?” She blinked, glancing at my pants quickly. “One that shoots bullets?”

“That’s a rather suspicious question.” Neo chuckled silently. “Why do you want a gun?”

“Want to play Russian Roulette?” She made a gun with her fingers and pointed it at her own head.

“Healthy game.” My words carried irony.

“We have Aura. The worst that could happen is a headache.” She pulled up a chair and sat between me and Toman, who was ignoring Neo with practiced indifference.

“Or death, if the Aura control fails…” Lisa murmured beside us in a somewhat disturbed voice.

“Same thing.” Neo signaled quickly before turning to me. “So, do you want to play?”

I shook my head before sighing and pulling a gun from the VoidBag. Neo and Toman didn’t even blink at seeing me pull something out of nowhere; Lisa seemed surprised but hid it well.

I quickly changed the stream title while doing this.


I tossed the gun to Neo, who smiled happily and maniacally, started removing bullets from the cylinder, leaving only one, and then spun the cylinder.

I took the gun from her hand and tossed it to Toman.

“Did she use her Semblance to fake the spin?” I asked. He sighed and spun the cylinder before handing the gun back to Neo. She didn’t seem embarrassed by what she had done.

“Who goes first?!” She signaled quickly as she took the gun back. I could practically see the exclamation in her signals, they were so fast.

“Is anyone else joining?” I looked at Toman and Lisa.

“I don’t want to waste Aura and get a headache for nothing.” Lisa declined and turned to the panel to start commentating the match that was about to begin.

“I haven’t reached that level of madness yet. I’ll pass.” Toman waved his hand.

With the refusals, Neo didn’t hesitate to start the game… aiming the gun at me before pulling the trigger.

I caught the bullet with my teeth.

“I’m sure that’s not how you play this game.” I spat the bullet aside. Neo shrugged and laughed silently before putting another bullet in the cylinder and spinning it, this time without using her Semblance.

She didn’t hand me the gun and aimed it at her own head before pulling the trigger. The bullet didn’t fire this time.

“You caught a bullet with your teeth?!” Toman exclaimed, surprised. “Without Aura?!”

“I did.”


I spat the bullet aside again.

“Twice now. Are you cheating?”

Neo’s smile said everything I needed to know.

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