Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 31

Chapter 30 – F Ul Av Oo

“Dream Lotus…”

Shen Nanxing’s body fell backwards on the ground, she clutched the shattered crystal nucleus, and breathed heavily and with difficulty.

Consciousness became more and more blurred, in a trance, Yan Yu’s voice overlapped with a certain woman in memory.

That was one of her favorite dreams ever, the place where her consciousness was born.

The woman has a wife who is not in good health. She can’t get wind and rain. She lies on the rocking chair and coughs every day, and occasionally raises her thin arms to tease the birds.

The bird was clever and lively, with the fine hairs on its head raised slightly backwards, and occasionally it would imitate the words of the two of them, making them laugh out loud.

Shen Nanxing was not proficient in dreaming at first, and was always worried about being discovered by humans, so she only dared to steal a few of the bird’s dreams to eat, but soon she discovered that its dreams were unexpectedly delicious.

Sweet and soft, like cloud cotton candy that is fluffy and soft enough to bury people in.

She thought, it should be because the bird is in the hands of the two of them, eating and drinking without worrying about being silly and happy every day, so that they can have delicious dreams every day.

But the lifespan of a bird is still incomparable with that of a human, and it will die soon after.

I don’t know if it’s because of this, the woman and her wife quickly became depressed. They are always used to walking slowly to the birdcage after getting up in the morning, and then staring at the empty cage in a daze.

So Shen Nanxing transformed into a real body, changed into a similar appearance to that parrot bird, stayed around their house every day, and kept calling the words they had taught the bird, trying to get their attention.

The woman soon found her and said that it must be the dead bird reincarnated and came back to find them, so she happily took her back.

They fed her every day, groomed her with care, and always took a lot of patience and time to teach her some new one-liners.

But what made Shen Nanxing happiest was that she could make the two of them laugh just by chirping a few times.

She also began to live a life of falling asleep with sweet dreams every night, and even once thought that if she could live like this forever, it would be nice to be a parrot without being a dream demon.

A woman’s wife always has insomnia at night.

Later, the woman heard that putting fresh dream lotus flowers on the head of the bed has a sleeping effect, so she went to find the seeds of dream lotus flowers and began to fiddle with them in the yard.

The woman’s wife likes the smell of dream lotus very much, and so does Shen Nanxing.

Because only when people fall asleep, can they have sweet dreams to eat.

The dream lotus is light purple, and so is the delicious dream.

But the good times don’t last long. After two years, the frail and sickly woman also let go of the woman.

Shen Nanxing still accompanied the woman every day, she wanted to make her happy, but the woman’s smile was always far-fetched.

One day, she finally had the courage to enter a woman’s dream, thinking day and night, Shen Nanxing wanted to see what she was thinking.

But the dream of a woman who originally thought that the sour taste of tears would taste sweeter than that of a parrot.

The woman seems to only remember the goodness of his wife, or she only wants to remember the goodness of his wife. Every night in her dream, she keeps repeating the time when she met and accompanied her.

Shen Nanxing was somewhat addicted to her dreams, like a sweet addict, after eating the first piece of chocolate, he couldn’t help but empty the plate.

One morning, the woman woke up and sat on the bed, staring blankly at the empty recliner, and sighed softly, “Last night, I didn’t dream again…”

Shen Nanxing was stunned.

The woman is very strong, but she still hears loneliness from the other party’s sigh.

She finally understood why women were so unhappy.

Shen Nanxing greeted her with a smile, but the woman didn’t respond.

So she moved the reclining chair again, sat on it by herself, bowed her head and coughed like a woman’s wife.

“No, you’re not her.” Shen Nanxing heard the woman say this to her.

“But I look exactly like her, please don’t be unhappy.”

The woman shook her head.

“She smells like a dream lotus.”

“I have it too.”

“The smell on her body is not as weak as yours.” The woman looked at her face, as if she saw something that existed in nothingness through her, and then she added softly, “It’s not as strong as yours.”

“What does that mean?” Shen Nanxing was puzzled, isn’t this nonsense?

“It means that you are not her.”

The woman told Shen Nanxing the answer, but it took her a long time to really understand.

The smell of the flower is not important, what is important is that she is not “her”.

Shen Nanxing’s consciousness gradually faded away as the dreams in the crystal nucleus escaped one by one, and finally turned into a puff of light purple smoke, dissipating in front of Yan Yu’s eyes.

With her disappearance, the surrounding barriers were also canceled, and the people who fell into sleep slowly woke up, and Yan Yu finally relaxed, lay down on the ground, closed her eyes and rested.

“Does it hurt?”

A shadow covered the top of his head, Yan Yu’s eyelashes trembled, and he opened his eyes with difficulty.

She knew that she must look very embarrassed in Yin Beiqing’s eyes now, and this was just the result of her fight with a low-level dream monster.

She is indeed too weak.

“It hurts.” She struggled to squeeze out a word.

In addition to the skin trauma from being kicked by Shen Nanxing, maintaining the animal form for too long is the culprit that consumes a lot of her physical energy. This feeling of exhaustion, as if her lungs are about to explode with every breath .

Yin Beiqing knelt down beside her, put his fingers on her chin, and opened it slightly with force, “Open your mouth and take a deep breath.”

Yan Yu blinked in confusion, and tried to do so, but because she inhaled too hard, she immediately felt as if someone was using a knife to slash her throat and lungs. As for other injuries on her body, the pain was so severe that she couldn’t breathe for a while.

“Remember this feeling, even if it hurts so much that you want to die, you must win, you must live.”

Yan Yu didn’t have the strength to answer her words anymore, she looked at the sky slumped, and her breathing became lighter.

I won, but I wasn’t very happy.

Because it just made her face up to the fact that she was weak again.

“But you’ve done a good job.” Yin Beiqing suddenly smiled. Her eyes fell on Yan Yu’s pale lips, and she stretched out her finger to press it, and the blood stained on the corners of her lips was heavily smudged away. The second half of the sentence He softened his voice, “You are the one who protected us, Lady Goddess.”

She had already noticed Shen Nanxing’s identity, but chose to close her eyes and ignore it because of the fighting power of the opponent who couldn’t see enough.

In the enchantment just now, although she fell into a dream, she still had spiritual consciousness outside her body. As long as Yan Yu chooses to ask her for help, she can immediately take action.

But Yan Yu didn’t.

She knew that the woman who dared to threaten her with a hairpin on her neck was not an ordinary kind person.

I look forward to it more and more, and see her in the future, just like myself, with blood on her hands.

What could be more exciting than seeing a holy goddess degenerate into an executioner in a quagmire!

Yan Yu looked at her in surprise. It’s just like beating a dream monster. Yin Beiqing still praised herself?

She can remember the high demands of this man’s subordinates, but they are almost comparable to the National Defense Forces.

The original book gave an example. Teng Jingjie once went out to do a mission to fight with super evil spirits, and when she came back with a broken hand, she was punished to clean the toilet for three months.

There were many other things like this. Generally speaking, Yan Yu felt that according to Yin Beiqing’s normal standard, cleaning the toilet for half a year was not enough punishment for her performance today.

“Then are you willing to teach me spiritual methods?”

“It is of course a great honor to be able to serve Goddess.”

“…” She understood, this person must have lost his mind again today.

“Can you get up?”

Yan Yu’s eyeballs moved, and she really wanted to say “what do you think” back.

But soon, Yin Beiqing stretched out his hand in front of her as if he had a telepathic connection with her.

Without hesitation, Yan Yu raised her hand that was filled with mud and blood between the nails, held her firmly, and stood up with strength.


“Master, doesn’t it hurt?” Panpan, who had already released her animal form, jumped down and ran to her side, “I’ll heal you soon.”

Just as it stood on its toes and raised its paws to apply imperial techniques to Yan Yu’s abdomen, it suddenly found a certain woman behind Yan Yu staring at him coolly.

That expression seems to say “you try it”.

Panpan withdrew her claws aggrievedly, and was about to say that you don’t know imperial skills, why did you stop, then she saw the other party cast a disdainful glance at herself, lowered her head and pressed her palm to Yan Yu’s injured abdomen.

She stretched out her hands as if she was gently hugging Yan Yu from behind. Those who knew it could see that she wanted to heal her wounds, but those who didn’t know thought she was taking the opportunity to hug Yan Yu for flirtation.

Yin Beiqing doesn’t know imperial techniques, but he can transfer his soul power to Yan Yu through the palm of his hand, so as to improve her self-healing speed. The ice-type spiritual method can even relieve pain.

The little chubby was so angry that he wanted to roll on the ground, but his ear hairs were all scratched, and he still couldn’t think of an effective way to fight back against this smelly woman, so he could only sit on the side angrily, a bear sulking.

With Yin Beiqing’s help, Yan Yu quickly felt that the pain began to ease, and her breathing finally became smoother. She patted the other’s hand, “Enough is enough, stop, thank you.”

She still remembered that Yin Beiqing had just gone through a fierce battle during the day, and had already consumed a lot of soul power, so there was no need to add additional burdens for her.

But Yin Beiqing didn’t stop his movements. When he felt that it was almost done, he said in a commanding tone: “Open your mouth.”

Yan Yu did so subconsciously, and then a person behind her pinched and stuffed a dandan into her mouth.

Thinking of how expensive the elixir was, she couldn’t help but want to say that there was no need to waste it like this, but just as she was about to speak, Yin Beiqing pinched another one and stuffed it in.

“Well—” Before she swallowed one, she caught another one out of her guard, and the pill was so big that her cheeks were bulging, and she couldn’t speak clearly.

“Open your mouth.”

“No need…um—”

This time it seemed to be some other nourishing elixir, Yan Yu was forced to open his mouth to eat it without even seeing it clearly.

“Open your mouth.”


There is no end!

Yan Yu was so distressed, she thought that if Yin Beiqing was a doctor in modern times, and prescribing medicines like this, she would definitely be suspended by the patient’s complaint.

She was continuously fed various pills here, and the villagers who woke up over there immediately surrounded Yin Beiqing when they heard Yin Beiqing’s words.

“Goddess? Are you the Goddess?” Someone took the lead to ask.

“No… No way, Miss Shen said that she is the Goddess.”

“But Shen Nanxing caused us all to fall into a coma, so you still believe her!”

When they woke up just now, they all saw Shen Nanxing turning into smoke, which meant that she was definitely not human.

But Yin Beiqing, who was a beastman in front of him, called Yan Yu a goddess, which made them think too much.

“Look!” Li Zhao shouted from behind, “These corpses are the same as my father’s.”

The corpses here have been at least two or three months old, but they are still as “clean” as the ones just buried, with no signs of decay at all.

Even ordinary people know that this is impossible.

“Could it be that God… Ms. Shen is an evil spirit?” Li Zhao guessed in a low voice, “These corpses were sucked dry by her!”

“She’s not an evil spirit.” Yan Yu said, “It’s just a dream demon.”

“Meng Yao…” Apparently they had heard the story about Meng Yao, “Meng Yao is afraid of gold, no wonder she avoided like a snake when my father wanted to send coins to Miss Shen as a thank you.”

The gold production in this world is very high, especially the gold mines in the Kingdom of Jin are abundant, so the coins of various denominations circulated in the Kingdom of Jin are made by mixing gold of equivalent quality with other ores and metals according to the currency value.

In other words, as long as it is a coin circulating in the Kingdom of Jin, it contains gold.

But the clansmen all thought that Shen Nanxing did not charge the visit fee because of kindness and principles.

“Speaking of which, since Ms. Shen came to our tribe, I have rarely had dreams.” Someone suddenly thought.

Some people didn’t want to believe it, “No, Miss Shen is so kind and has helped us so much, how could she be a monster?”

“No matter what her identity is, these corpses sucked dry by the evil spirits are at least related to her.” Yan Yu woke everyone up with a word.

The clansmen bowed their heads and chatted again.

Li Zhao ran over first, “Sister, now that you get rid of Meng Yao, will my father be able to come back!”

“Li Zhao.” Yan Yu patted her on the shoulder and sighed, “Death cannot be brought back to life.”

Yin Beiqing, who was on the side, lingered on her hand on Li Zhao’s shoulder for a while, then turned back with a facial expression, “Let’s go.”

Li Zhao winked at her, “Where are you going?”

Yin Beiqing pinched the sleeve of Yan Yu’s arm, pulled her to his side, looked down at Li Zhao, “It has nothing to do with you, little one.”

Li Zhao: I always feel like I am hated.

Yin Beiqing and his party split into two groups, Zhong Pu went back to the hut to pick up the snow, and the rest went to the Broken Bridge.

If Shen Nanxing is not around, then the enchantment she built on the Broken Bridge should also disappear, so that their journey to Yaochi Mountain will be unhindered.

But the closer to that place, Yan Yu’s mood became more and more restless.

She felt inexplicably uneasy.

It all ended so easily, did she forget something, why does she always feel that there is still a strange atmosphere everywhere in the current Youzu tribe.

And when she raised her head under Teng Jingjie’s reminder, all these were answered.

“Look, what is that!”

I saw a “black air” barrier more than ten feet high beside the Holy Spirit Monument in front of the Broken Bridge, blocking their way firmly.

Even standing at such a long distance, you can clearly smell the foul-smelling swamp gas emanating from the barrier.

This methane gas is not only strong, but also has a very complex composition, like the smell of many evil spirits gathered together. Its concentration is much higher than that of the previous evil spirit with abnormal self-healing ability.

Even Teng Jingjie, who has experienced many battles, has never seen such a scene.

It’s just a little bit of smell from a distance, and some Youzu people who have poor tolerance lose control of their emotions and start to harm themselves.

“Take your people and run.” Yin Beiqing’s expression was unusually serious.

The patriarch made a decisive decision, knocked out the mad clansman, and organized the crowd to evacuate together with a few strong female clansmen.

“All follow me!”

Among the retreating crowd, only a tall woman came towards Yan Yu and the others against the current.

The visitor looked anxious, and the calmness of the past was gone.

“Zhong Pu?” Yan Yu asked suspiciously, “Where is Xueji?”

“Xueji… Xueji is gone!”

On this side, Shen Nanxing was unaware of the changes behind her, she lost her body and floated all the way, her only thought was to quickly find a place with dream lotus, settle down to accumulate dreams again, and then transform into a body.

Suddenly, a tall woman appeared in front of her. She stood in the middle of the road just blocking Shen Nanxing’s path, quietly looking at her who should not have been noticed by humans.

The woman has golden eyes and blond hair. Her hair is so long that it almost reaches her ankles. It exudes a lustrous texture under the moonlight. She has bare feet and wears a bell on her left ankle. Crisp sound.


The bell only rang three times, but the woman had already crossed the long street and stood in front of Shen Nanxing.

Shen Nanxing in the foggy state could not speak, but this woman threatened her instinctively with fear, and was about to flee around, but the other party smiled lightly.

“Where are you going?” The tone was casual, as if she was just asking what she had for dinner tonight.

Then she stretched out her light white finger to touch the cloud of mist, and Shen Nanxing turned into a human form again.

“Yu Fusang…you lied to me!” Shen Nanxing was angry and terrified, “You said that the goddess is just a fiction in the story and would not exist, but why would there be a person who looks exactly the same as in the precognitive dream?”

The woman stood firmly in place, her bare feet seemed to be on the ground, but they were actually suspended for a certain distance, so her feet were still clean and fair, but this cleanliness was extremely inconsistent with her temperament.

Because Shen Nanxing knows that Yu Fusang is like the black water swamp, whoever touches it will be dragged down heavily by her, the pool under the feet is bottomless, but by the time he reacts and wants to call for help, it is too late up.

She herself is now in the despair of just waking up and having no one to ask for help.

“Really?” Replied in a quiet tone, Yu Fusang approached Shen Nanxing eagerly, and scrutinized her face with his slightly narrowed golden eyes.

Shen Nanxing swallowed nervously, and unconsciously felt a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

“Don’t, don’t kill me.”

“Heh…” Yu Fusang laughed very lightly, raised his hand, and stroked Shen Nanxing’s hair one by one, as if treating a beloved pet, but his tone was a little careless, “My poor Nanxing, How could I treat you like that?”

Shen Nanxing was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but in the next second, Yu Fusang’s slender hands slammed onto her neck. Her hands quickly burst out with a strength that was extremely inconsistent with her thin appearance, pinching Shen Nanxing’s eyes. When he came out, his whole face turned into a liver color.

The woman smiled, and stared at Shen Nanxing’s painful expression without blinking her eyes, as if admiring her last struggle before dying.

“No! Don’t—don’t!” Shen Nanxing kept kicking in the air, desperately trying to escape.

“Shh.” Yu Fusang gave her a reproachful look, “You are always so noisy and unstable, of course everyone will find out that you are a fake.”

Shen Nanxing closed his mouth, but tears began to flow from the corners of his eyes.

Facing the absolute disparity in strength, she finally realized that all her struggles were futile.

Shen Nanxing’s tears hit the back of Yu Fusang’s hand, but she immediately shook it off with disgust on her face, and took out a small wooden box from behind her backhand, opened the buckle and lifted the wooden cover.

The things in the box scrambled out one after another, and burrowed into Shen Nanxing’s body one after another.

The veins under her skin began to bulge one by one, and something wriggled and moved around in her body, until finally it flowed to the brain along the limbs.

Shen Nanxing’s eyes were tightly closed, and when she opened them again, her whole body changed.

Her complexion was ghostly purple, her lips turned a terrifying blood-black, her eyes were cold and vicious, and a third eye grew on her forehead,

“Hahahaha! Killing! Killing! Hahahaha…” She read each word in a strange and cold tone, her voice became more and more high-pitched, as if trying to puncture someone’s eardrum, until Yu Fusang slapped her His face had to be turned away, and he managed to calm down.

“Let’s go, my Nan Xing.” Yu Fusang lightly raised his arms, and his whole body flew into the air, his long hair fluttering behind him with the evening wind, and the golden flowers blooming behind him.

She raised her chin and looked towards the source of the exclamation. She looked at the crowd scattered like birds and beasts, and looked forward to it, “Let’s meet the legendary Goddess who is invincible.”

The author has something to say:

Yan: Don’t touch me!

Yin: Don’t hit her!

(Small reminder: The phrase “Kill, kill, kill” should be quite familiar.)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-15 18:00:22~2021-07-16 18:00:22~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: Yueyue Yuenan 2; 35674037, by, it’s not curly huh~, [email protected] 胶1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 25 bottles of Luoluo who eat sugar; 19 bottles of Lixi; 5324975315 bottles; 10 bottles of Yueshangling, 33822040, Yueyue Yuenan, Changyu; 1 bottle of Sangjiazhigou, Zilijie, Yanyouhuang, Kangqiao Xuzhimo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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