start with scouting

Chapter 29 The Portland Conference

Chapter 29 The Portland Conference

Su Yang did what he said, and designed a set of tactics for the main team in 2 minutes.

"The specific steps are like this, Blake, you run the ball across the center line, give priority to Roy, but no longer cut along the free throw line, those off-ball screens are not necessary, you go straight to the bottom corner, quickly leave the upper line arc top space…

At the same time as the space at the top of the arc appeared, Roy rushed over with the ball, and with the double screen of Aldridge and Przybilla, he made a 45-degree cut, and then depending on the situation, he either misplaced and forced a jump shot, or broke the ball. double team...

At the same time as Roy breaks through, Aldridge is looking for an opportunity to go to the position. It is best to use Przybilla as a cover. If he cannot provide you with cover in time, you have to fight for the rhythm and try to form a threat with Roy...

Webster also squatted in the bottom corner ahead of time, he could see the opportunity to cut inside, or he could come out when Roy's offense was blocked, catch his pass and run to the top of the arc, and then use Pulzbilla to cover and move to the other side, depending on the situation Go inside or attack yourself.

Remember, everyone can actively seek opportunities, don't be afraid to make mistakes, and don't be afraid to shoot hard.

That's all for the time being, let's run it once to see the specific effect, and then make the next adjustment..."

After Su Yang finished speaking, he asked all the players if there was anything he didn't understand.

"It sounds like your tactic is not fundamentally different from the previous high-position double screen..." assistant coach Dimbolos retorted impatiently, with a smile on his lips, as if he had caught a loophole and could launch a big counterattack .

"Let's run and see, Jack will be responsible for defending Roy later, and Jones will switch to guard Blake."

Su Yang doesn't engage in verbal disputes. Basketball tactics are nothing more than running blocks and passes. There is an essential difference. The double-screen tactics he designed emphasizes rushing rhythm, saving time for running to the bottom corner, and will not give the defender too much. Take extra time to prepare.

And that time is the key, just like Jordan defending Iverson, only one palm away from blocking the shot.

"Try first..."

McMillan waved and the drill continued.

The main team kicked off from the backcourt. Blake took the ball across the center line, raised his hand and passed to Roy, and went straight to the bottom corner.

The double-screen formation was formed at the same time, but when Su Yang arranged tactics for the main force, the substitute players were also listening. Seeing Roy start, Frye stepped up without hesitation to block the breakthrough space, intending to buy more time for Jack to catch up .

But as soon as Frye stepped up to grab, Przybilla turned around and cut inside, and Roy immediately raised his hand to pass.

The basketball whizzed into the air and fell straight into the paint area. Mike Roberts quickly shrank to the basket to defend.

But Przybila did not take the ball, he threw the ball to the waist, just where Adelaide ran.

bass!The open mid-range shot easily hits the net.

"It's okay..." Su Yang nodded in satisfaction.

In this attack, the tactical effect successfully met expectations.Even if Frye didn't grab the position in advance, there is a high probability that Roy will not be able to prevent Roy's misplaced attack, and the key to success is to grab the rhythm, especially when Przybilla turned around and cut, which directly disrupted the defensive formation of the bench and created a new situation for Adelaide. The opportunity to catch the ball in a wide open area is too late for others to defend.

In a blink of an eye, the two teams attacked each other for several rounds. The scoring efficiency of the main team has greatly increased, and the substitute team has not fallen into weakness. The game looks like a high-level confrontation. trace.

The key two teams defended very hard, and the intensity of the confrontation had already reached the level of the game, and there were very few omissions or lack of defense.

McMillan stared straight at him, as if he couldn't believe what was happening on the field.

"Why can you achieve this effect? ​​This is simply a Hollywood movie. A tactical arrangement can greatly reverse the situation. If I didn't stay with them every day, I would suspect that you ordered them to deliberately act..."

"That's really not..."

Su Yang chuckled, but in his heart he also felt that Ade and the others might be passive and sabotage in the preseason game. After all, the summer league was played so freely and fun, but the preseason game returned to the strict execution of steps, just like a double break. Hugh, it's hard.

"To be honest, I am a little hard to accept. This is the opposite of my coaching philosophy for many years..." McMillan took a deep breath, as if determined, "But for the team to achieve better results, I will work hard to adapt."

"It's not as serious as you think..."

Su Yang waved his hand, "The main reason is that these players are stronger than you imagined. Tactics don't need to be so complicated. They can also make some decisions independently, which will make them play more comfortably, and their technical characteristics tend to be more free."

During the conversation between the two, the 24-minute simulation exercise ended, and all the players were in high spirits, as if they were invincible.

McMillan arranged free training, and then led Su Yang and five people into the conference room to discuss the new system.

The new season will start in two days, and it is impossible to train a complete offensive and defensive system from scratch. The focus of the meeting is on general direction adjustments.Su Yang spoke first, emphasizing the need to speed up, grab the rhythm, and simplify tactics.

With McMillan making the decision, Monty and other assistant coaches did not raise any objections, and the general direction was determined.

But such a transformation is not a one-day effort. Su Yang reminded that the opening record may be ugly. If there is a losing streak at that time, the coaching staff must maintain confidence, and at the same time give continuous encouragement to the players, and not give up halfway.

It is also necessary to publicly declare the construction of a new system to avoid pressure from fans, the media, and even the management.

After determining the general direction, Su Yang raised the issue of player role positioning, and bluntly hoped that Frye would be the starting center, so that through Frye's three-point threat, he could easily pull more inside space and greatly enhance the effect of pick-and-roll tactics.

McMillan agreed to try to get Frye to shoot [-]s, but did not agree to remove Przybilla from the starting lineup.

Su Yang doesn't argue, he knows that it is very troublesome to revoke a player's starting qualification in the NBA.

And on the defensive end, Frye's effect is indeed worse than Pulzby's, especially as a big center forward.As a defensive coach, McMillan must be difficult to accept. Even if Frye can make up the gap through zone defense, it will take some time.

Su Yang also proposed to focus on training Mike Roberts to make him the core of the offensive lineup.

McMillan also didn't agree, saying that after Oden returned from injury, the bench lineup would revolve around Alder.

Su Yang couldn't refute for a while, and instead proposed to increase Webster's shot power and design some tactics.

McMillan bit the bullet and agreed, and the meeting then entered a rotating discussion session, where everyone expressed their views.

Su Yang didn't get involved too much. Arranging the rotation reasonably is a very difficult thing for him. It involves players' personal data expectations, player health management and other issues. Many NBA coaches are difficult to handle. He thinks he needs to learn slowly.

The meeting lasted into the night, and general manager Kevin joined in, saying he was happy to see so many changes.At the end, Kevin said excitedly that this meeting is very likely to mark a major turning point in the next few years, and it is worth recording.

Everyone took photos and kept them. On a whim, Su Yang took a pen and wrote on the photos "the Portland Conference in history".

At noon the next day, the team boarded a flight to San Antonio, ready to challenge the Spurs in the opener.

(End of this chapter)

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