Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 313

Chapter 313

Chapter 306: Purification!

Alice lowered her head and sniffed the bouquet in her hand intoxicatedly.

Then, she looked at Li Mu with expectant eyes and hoped:

“I want to go look for those beautiful flowers… Do you want to come with me, big brother?

“Yeah~ Big brother, let’s go too~”

Nanali, who followed behind, also had the same expression.


Li Mu whispered to himself.

These two little girls, no matter how they looked at them, were poisoned by the sea of flowers before…

Then what should be done?

No matter how he thought about it, Li Mu didn’t think it was normal, especially even if the two little girls were caught by a stranger like him, they still looked forward to going to that sea of flowers, and even wanted him to follow him. Going together…

Obviously, their problems are not small at all.

But how to wake them up?

Li Mu didn’t have a clue.

Although I know that the two girls should be affected by the flower poison similar to Nen, but I don’t know how to cure, disperse, and eliminate…

Leave it alone? Or ask someone to help? If you are looking for someone, who should you go to?

Just as Li Mu was distressed, a rhythmic footstep sounded not far away.

“Alas… Has the guest encountered any difficulties?”

With a soft voice, a beautiful woman came over.

The woman has a pair of elf-like pointed ears and is wearing a magician’s suit similar to a fantasy story. It is the beautiful front desk who received Li Mu and Gon before.

She came to Li Mu and the two little girls and looked at them with interest.

Looking at each other, Li Mu asked hesitantly: “Do you know who these two children are?” “?”

“Well… these two lovely children seem to be the guests of room 506…”

Hearing Li Mu’s question, the beauty front desk replied without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, she asked curiously, “What happened to them? Are they lost?”

“Not lost. 99

Li Mu shook his head and explained: “They seem to be planning to sneak out of here, and they are going to find a sea of flowers together…”

Not sure whether the front desk of the beauty knew about the flower sea monster, Li Mu had to briefly recount what he knew.

“They seem to be confused by something…”

“Confused? Could it be those flowers…”

Hearing Li Mu’s words, the front desk of the beauty subconsciously put his eyes on the bouquet of flowers that Alice was holding.

“You know about flowers?!

Li Mu looked at the thoughtful beauty at the front desk in surprise.

“Well, it is…”

The beauty front desk nodded and explained:

“I could feel some addictive magic in the scent of that bouquet…”

“This is probably a certain type of ogre flower that lures people to its own body through the fragrance of flowers! Of course, I don’t know the specific information!”

Seeing the beauty, the front desk has almost understood the problem, and Li Mu stopped talking nonsense and asked directly:

“Then do you have any way to wake them up?”

“No problem, just leave it to me!”

The beauty front desk nodded confidently.

Then, she


In front of Alice, who held the bouquet tightly in her arms, she crouched down with a smile.

“Well, sister Alice, can you show me the flowers in your hand?

“Then, that… does eldest sister like flowers too?”

“Yeah~ My sister also likes flowers~”

“””Do you want to go to see the sea of flowers with us? 55′

“Okay~ As long as sister Alice lends me the flowers first, I’ll go with you!

“Only for a moment…”

Under the friendly attitude of the front desk of the beauty, Alice gave the bouquet in her hand to the other party even though her expression was very reluctant.

Immediately afterwards, the front desk of the beauty also started the next move after “cheating” the magic flower in the little girl’s hand.

I saw that she took out a small magic wand from out of nowhere, and then tapped it gently on the heads of the pair of sisters who were bewitched by the flower poison in front of her.


At the same time as the sound sounded, the tip of the small magic wand suddenly burst into an extremely soft bright (Li Zhao’s) light.

In the blink of an eye, the abnormal energy in the bodies of the two little girls was instantly purged.

The restlessness caused by the flower poison subsided immediately, and the two little girls stood there blankly for a while as if they didn’t understand the situation.

Seeming to have lost some of her previous memories, her sister Alice looked around hesitantly after being dazed for a while:

“Eh…where is this place? How am I here?”

The timid younger sister even hugged her sister’s waist and hid behind her as if in fear, crying with red eyes:

“Sister, elder sister… where is mom… woo woo woo…”

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