Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Chapter 289: Go! Go to Masadora!

When the pointer reaches eight in the morning, the sun shines on the earth, bringing a ray of vitality to all things in the world.

“Anyway, go to Martha Dora to buy spell cards””

“Go! GO! GO! GO!”

Gon and Killua, who had rested for a night, had recovered their spirits, and the two were chatting with each other excitedly.

Not far from the two, there was Li Mu who had just packed up his things. He smiled and agreed, “Yes, it’s time for us to go too!”

“Well, also…”

Seeing the excited expressions of Gon and Killua, Bisji also nodded. She raised her hand and raised her index finger “five five three” while saying:

“Then move on to Masadora now!


After a cheer, Gon stepped forward and was ready to stride forward.

But when his foot was about to land, he seemed to remember something, and panicked: “Number 2!

“Although it’s a bit slower, it’s still counted as you pass!”

After staring at Gon for a while, Bisqui nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, she turned her head and squinted at Killua, and ordered in a cold and stern tone:

“As for Killua who didn’t answer, you will be punished…”

“Well, let’s do five hundred frog leaps first!

“Damn! I actually started playing this set without being reminded…”

Although he understood the “meaning” of Bizki, Killua still retorted with a displeased expression: “Dissent! This time doesn’t count!

“Hmph, objection is invalid!”

Bizki mercilessly denied Killua’s “rebelliousness”, and raised an index finger again on her own.

Bai Luoluo

Killua, who still wanted to argue, was obviously still in a daze, but Gon had already entered the state.

“Number two!” he said quickly.


The corners of Bizji’s mouth twitched and she smiled slightly, she was very satisfied with Gon’s obedience.

As for Killua, who didn’t answer again, naturally, he didn’t get a good face.

I saw her face up quickly, pointing to a stone beside her, and said coldly to Killua:

“Punishment for both crimes!

“Killua, you give me five hundred leapfrog leaps with this rock on my back!

“Damn! Talk to yourself, who will do it?!”

Naturally, Bishke’s decision could not be easily accepted by Killua, and he couldn’t help but argue:

“You didn’t say start before, these two times don’t count at all!

However, resistance also depends on the size of the fist!

Facing Killua who didn’t cooperate, I saw Bisji with a gloomy expression, and sneered:

“Are you really going to say no?

“Yes! Anyway, these two times don’t count!?”

Although he was a little nervous in his heart, Killua still raised his voice with a stiff neck.

“Then I will personally punish you!

Bisji raised her small fist as she spoke, her meaning was self-evident.

“Humph! Come if you want! Old woman!”

It’s sunny and the rain has stopped! Killua thinks it’s okay!

Killua, who thought he had grown a lot, slowly took out his hand from his trouser pocket, looking full of confidence.

Li Mu, who watched this “funny” scene, was speechless.

No, no, no…

Killua doesn’t really think that he will be able to compete with Bishki by winning Dinoto!?

Isn’t he too naive!?

Li Mu couldn’t help but evoke a smile, and looked at the “tragedy” that was about to happen in front of him with amusement

Sure enough, after hearing Killua call herself “old woman” again, Bisqui was also annoyed.

So, the battle began, and soon ended again.

Killua was defeated again without a fight!

He was beaten mercilessly by Bishiji, and all of a sudden, the dream of turning over and calling the shots was shattered!

After a while.

After killing Killua, Bishke pointed her finger forward with a refreshing look and said:

“There are still about 70 kilometers left from Masadora, 70 kilometers, um… three hours should be more than enough!

“Three hours? Really or not!?”

“Eh! That means we’re going to run… 23 kilometers every hour?”

Gon and Killua were surprised when they heard Bisqui’s words.

“of course it’s true!

Glancing at the two of them, Bisji continued calmly:

“During this period of time, you must not only take into account the speed, but also pay attention to the movements around you…”

“Anyway, as long as I put up a finger, 2.2 you will immediately cast ‘congeal’, and then say the number you have seen aloud! 39


At the same time as the words fell, before Gon and Killua could react, Bisji raised her fingers again without warning.

“Number seven! 999

This time, Gon and Killua answered quickly.

However, Bisji was still somewhat dissatisfied.

She said coldly: “It’s still a little slow… In short, let’s run first!”5

Just like this, the group of four set off in the direction of Masadora.

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