Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Life finally got my hands on this lovely wooden ball

The First Pass Reward is an optional Potential Enhancer that increases the potential of one of Pokémon’s abilities, This potion is made from rare Berry, and the price is relatively expensive.

After Ye Chuan chose a bottle of Protein, there was a sound similar to a self-service beverage machine from the instrument, and a small bottle of potion appeared in the groove below, Ye Chuan picked it up , unscrew the cap and hand it to Charmander beside him.

“Gah.” Charmander took it and drank it, and it seemed to taste okay.

At this point Charmander’s body moved slightly Miriam, then it burped, Spit Up a mouthful of flames.

Ye Chuan took a closer look at the Charmander, but did not see any obvious changes. After all, it is a potion that enhances the potential, and the specific effect will be known later.

As for the record-breaking reward-

Among the dazzling prizes, Ye Chuan locked on one of the Ability rewards at a glance.

“Dragon Claw”

Dragon Type’s Physical Attack Ability!

After pressing exchange, the TM was spat out by the instrument and fell into Ye Chuan’s hands.

“It’s a pity that Charmander can’t learn Ice Punch.” Ye Chuan said, but he was still very satisfied with the Dragon ClawTM. After all, as a descendant of Dragon Type Pokémon, Charmander did not learn it. The Dragon Type’s attacking ability is not justified.

The most important thing is that this Ability formidable power is not bad, and it will look good when released.

Whether it is strong or not is only a temporary issue, but being handsome is a matter of a lifetime.

After training in free mode for a while, the phone in his pocket rang, Ye Chuan took a look and found that it was a message from An Shiyu.

Shiyu: Aye, are you ready?

Seeing this message, Ye Chuan reacted, speaking of which is going to accompany her to see Rowlet’s physical condition today.

“I don’t know why Rowlet is so fat.” Ye Chuan said, Charmander beside him suddenly groaned and averted his eyes.

“en?” Ye Chuan noticed Charmander’s reaction, and curiously asked:

“Charmander, do you know anything?”

Charmander immediately looked the head , a look that I don’t know anything about.

“Really?” Although Ye Chuan felt that Charmander was hiding something from himself, he didn’t doubt anything.

After packing up a little and leaving the virtual training room, Ye Chuan came to the school gate to meet An Shiyu.

“Let’s go.” Seeing Ye Chuan coming out, An Shiyu said with a smile.

“Go to the nearest Pokémon Center?”


After getting on the tram, Ye Chuan saw An Shiyu beside him He was wearing headphones, his body swayed slightly with the rhythm, and he was holding a chubby Rowlet in his arms.

“What are you listening to?” Ye Chuan took off one of An Shiyu’s earphones.

“Hey, wait!” An Shiyu immediately wanted to stop Ye Chuan, but it was obviously too late, because he had already put on his earphones——

【I like you How do you want to talk about your feelings, don’t always turn away from me, make me worry about gains and losses…]

A string of silver bell-like voices entered Ye Chuan’s ears from the earphones.

Ye Chuan listened for a while and found that An Shiyu’s face was flushed. She looked down at her canvas shoes and pinched the skirt with her fingers.

“Shiyu has reached this age.” Ye Chuan said, putting the earphones back on her ears, and then let out a sigh.

“Don’t say this in such an old father’s tone.” An Shiyu said loudly with a blushing face.

“Shh.” Ye Chuan put a finger on An Shiyu’s lips, said with a smile:

“What’s in the car, we’ll talk when we get home. .”

An Shiyu looked around subconsciously, and found that everyone on the tram looked over. After all, it was so quiet in the tram that An Shiyu suddenly called out, and it was inevitable that she would not be stunned. people noticed.

“On purpose.” An Shiyu muttered softly with a bulging face.

“Maybe?” Ye Chuan said with a faint smile.

Of course, in exchange for An Shiyu’s weak pink fist attack.

The tram soon came to the Pokémon Center stop. After they got off the bus, they went directly to the Pokémon Center to find the medical staff. After registering for more than 20 minutes, it was their turn.

In the Medical Room, an old man in a white coat glanced at Rowlet in An Shiyu’s arms, and then asked, “What’s wrong with Pokémon?”

An After Shi Yu explained the general situation, the medical staff next to him took Rowlet to check.

In their spare time, the doctor chatted with An Shiyu: “little girl, are you a Pokémon breeder?”

“No, but I recently took the Pokémon breeder exam. plan.” An Shiyu said with a wave of his hand.

Pokémon breed masters focus on breeding and Pokémon health. It is the most common thing to customize special food for each Pokémon. For example, Pokémon Doctor, Pokémon Coordinator Trainer, and Pokémon Research Scholar are basically derivatives of this profession.

And the duel between Pokémon breed masters will not fight like the Trainer when they meet their eyes. They will test the health status of their breed Pokémon, the softness and smoothness of the hair, etc. If the trainer is coordinated , will study the collocation between the abilities to create a more Contest performance effect.

“You can tell from what you just said, your knowledge reserve in this area is very good, and you will be a good Pokémon breed teacher in the future” Doctor said with a smile.

“Thank you.”

At this time, the medical staff also returned with Rowlet.

“Show me the examination report.” The doctor took a list and looked at it. After a few seconds, he showed a strange expression:

“From the examination, Rowlet’s Everything is normal, but there is a bit of excess nutrition, probably eating too much.”

Eating too much?

In an instant, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu’s eyes fell on Rowlet.


The next second, Rowlet was caught by An Shiyu.

“Say, what’s going on?” An Shiyu looked at Rowlet.

Rowlet was pinned to the table and made a sound.

Finally, life has touched my lovely wooden wooden ball.

“Really, if you eat like this, it may be difficult for you to evolve.” An Shiyu let go of her hand and looked a little angry at Rowlet.

Rowlet’s head turned 180 degrees, not daring to look at the Master’s eyes.

Since it was clear that Rowlet didn’t know where to steal the food, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu felt relieved and planned to leave, but before leaving, Ye Chuan noticed that there were several doctors and nurses in the distance. The cart passes by.

“Emergency, here are two Pokémon who have been severely Astonish and are now in a coma!”

“Send to ER 2 and we’ll arrange for staff right away.”



Greatly Astonish?

Ye Chuan didn’t know why he suddenly remembered that Gastly Youyou, but thinking about it carefully, its scary tricks are not too scary, and there is no ability to scare Pokémon into a coma.

(End of this chapter)

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