Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 The first commission

The commission point is on a farm in the suburbs, and it only takes half an hour to go out by city rail.

Soon, Ye Chuan came to the entrusted place——

The farm is not big and grows all kinds of agricultural products, a fat uncle warmly received Ye Chuan: “Finally Someone is here, you are a student of Yinshan Middle School, right?”

“Yes, I am Ye Chuan from the first class of Pokémon Section of Yinshan Middle School.” Ye Chuan introduced himself.

“Father, why did you call someone here again?”

From the door next to it, a girl who looked fourteen or fifteen years old came out, looking at it with a scrutiny. Looking at Ye Chuan: “It’s another one.”

Fat uncle showed an embarrassed expression: “I’m rude, Xiaoguo, how can you talk like this.”

“It was.” That one The girl muttered.

Seeing Ye Chuan’s curious expression, Fat Uncle quickly explained: “Sorry, this is my daughter Xiaoguo, she has a wild personality, so she is so rude.”

“It’s okay, listen to what you just said, you have already called someone to solve the Rattata matter?” Ye Chuan asked.

“Yes, those guys appeared recently, and I don’t know why they harassed the farm frequently, again and again.” Fat uncle helplessly said:

“I have called before. A few Trainers came over, but after driving them away, the Rattatas would run over again in a day.”

“We had no choice, we heard that the Silver Mountain Middle School accepted the entrustment of residents to conduct trials for students, so we had to try I’m going to entrust one.”

Ye Chuan thought slightly: “This way…”

“What’s the use of asking students.” The girl named Xiaoguo said, and seemed to disagree. Not optimistic about Ye Chuan.

The fat uncle looked at his daughter, frowned.

“ding ding ding~.” At this time, the bell hanging on the door suddenly rang, Xiaoguo’s complexion changed, clenched his teeth and picked up the rake next to him: “That group of guys It’s here again!”

Then Fat Uncle and his daughter Xiaoguo ran out immediately, and Ye Chuan followed along after seeing this.

At this time, in a cornfield, there are seven or eight purple silhouettes, making the sound of zhi zhi zhi.

That’s Rattata, the rodent Pokémon, half a meter in size, with hard front teeth, can easily destroy crops, and Thief who often steals food.

“Damn Thief, get me out of here!” Xiaoguo raised her rake and moved towards Rattata, but was easily dodged by them, and she herself was surrounded by several Rattatas.

“Xiaoguo!” When the fat uncle picked up the tool and was about to save his daughter, Ye Chuan extended the hand to stop him, and then took out the Poké Ball:

” Charmander.”

white light flashed, Charmander appears, Spit Up Ember directly.

sparks flying in all directions, Rattata scattered everywhere, and Xiaoguo also took the opportunity to run back.

“Be careful, don’t act recklessly.” Ye Chuan said, looking at Xiaoguo, who was a little pale.

“Thank you, thank you.” Although Xiaoguo had a bad attitude just now, she was obediently and honestly thanking Ye Chuan who saved her.

“The strength is not strong.” Looking at these Rattatas, Ye Chuan gave an order: “Claw attack!”

Charmander’s attack is extremely fierce, relying on his own continuous Repel the few Rattatas in front of them. Unlike Charmander’s training, these Rattatas are just Thiefs on the farm. Naturally, the impossible will be Charmander’s opponents.

After a few rounds, Ye Chuan suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because this group of Rattata didn’t fight back, and didn’t mean to run away, they kept moving towards Ye Chuan’s side with zhi zhi zhi Growl, as if they were saying something.

Ye Chuan thought for a while and said, “Come back, Charmander.”

After hearing Ye Chuan’s voice, Charmander stopped his attack and turned back to Ye Standing beside Chuan.

“Why don’t you continue to drive them away?” Xiaoguo looked at Ye Chuan anxiously after seeing this scene.

“There is something I want to confirm.” Ye Chuan finished, and Charmander moved towards the group of Rattata.

When he came to the leading Rattata, the other party raised his head and looked at Ye Chuan. Although he subconsciously took two steps back because of fear, he still did not run away, but made a zhi zhi zhi sound.

Ye Chuan watched Rattata for a while, then he squatted down to extend the hand and stopped about ten centimeters away from Rattata’s head. Rattata squeaked and didn’t dare to move.

Aura’s power slowly radiated from Ye Chuan’s hand —

The special emotion passed from Rattata’s body to Ye Chuan’s side through Aura.

Complex emotions of pleading, sadness, and help poured into Ye Chuan’s heart, he was stunned for a moment, then stared blankly at Rattata in front of him: “This is.”

” Father, what is he doing?” Seeing this scene, Xiaoguo turned her head to look at her father.

“This… I don’t know.” Fat uncle shook the head.

Ordinary person can’t see Aura, and from their point of view, Ye Chuan seems to be touching Rattata’s head.

Soon, Ye Chuan stood up and said, “I probably understand what you mean.”

A few Rattata zhi zhi zhi barked, and then surrounded Stayed at Ye Chuan.

“Be careful!” In the distance, Xiaoguo shouted.

“It’s okay, they just want to take me somewhere.” After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he smiled slightly: “Don’t worry about me.”

“This.” Xiao Guohe The fat uncle looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then, the group of Rattata seemed to lead Ye Chuan to Normal, walking in a hurry, looking up at him from time to time, as if they were afraid that Ye Chuan would not come along.

Ye Chuan left the farm with the Rattatas and walked for about 20 minutes before they walked into a forest.

In the depths of a cave, Ye Chuan saw a huge brown rat Pokémon lying on the weeds, lying on the edge of the weeds. Cracks, the wound has scabbed, but there is purple pus flowing out, and there is a fishy smell.

It is the evolution of Rattata, Raticate.

“Is it for me to save it?” Ye Chuan understood and looked at the few Rattatas.

Hearing Ye Chuan say this, the Rattatas suddenly made a zhi zhi zhi voice.

“I’ll take a look.”

Ye Chuan walked over to Raticate to check the situation. At this point, it had fallen into a coma, and its body was even weaker. If it weren’t for Pokémon Super strong self-healing power, if you change to an ordinary creature, it is estimated that it has died.

“Have you been attacked by Poison Type Pokémon?” Ye Chuan looked at the wound, then turned around and put down his backpack. Pokémon Trainer Normal will carry some emergency medicine with him. So as not to be too late to go to a medical point like the Pokémon Center.

Ye Chuan was no exception. He took out the potion he had prepared. Although it is only the size of a test tube, it is enough for one use.

After pouring the antidote into Raticate’s mouth, the latter moved his limbs, and the venom oozing from his wound began to increase until the color of the discharged blood turned to normal red, Ye Chuan said. Knowing that the toxin has been removed, Raticate’s complexion is much better at this time.

Ye Chuan took out a spray bottle of Potion, sprayed it on Raticate’s wound, took a few Pokéblocks that Charmander uses to restore his strength, and put it into Raticate’s mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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