Start: Summon a Daji

Page 891

"According to the rules, accepting a thousand taels of silver will be punished by death, right?"

Nie Xiao tapped his head, looking very headache.

Wu Zhenxiong was overjoyed. He made the right bet. Although this Admiral Nie was a bit cynical, he did things in accordance with the rules. He used to be called the Iron Admiral.

Nie Xiao quickly restrained his smile, and said solemnly: "Not bad! This method comes from the eighth sentence of No. 12."

"But if you framed your colleagues and accepted tens of thousands of silver taels from others, what crime should you be? Master Wu."

Nie Xiao looked at Wu Zhenxiong jokingly, and he was completely stunned by the sound of Master Wu.

Snapped! !

Several thick confessions were thrown at Wu Zhenxiong's feet. Wu Zhenxiong picked them up tremblingly and looked at them. They were all confessions from his wife and several mistresses.

Not only that, but it also recorded in detail that there were tens of thousands of taels of silver hidden in his cellar.

Nie Xiao sneered and said, "I haven't returned to kill demons for a few years, do you think that I have forgotten all my business methods? The title of Admiral is not for nothing."

Wu Zhenxiong's face was ashen, and he knelt on the knees weakly, his lips moved as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it after all.

Yes, he still has a backer!It's just that there are too many people now, so it's not appropriate to speak out.

A glimmer of hope rekindled in Wu Zhenxiong's heart, as long as he can hold on, he doesn't necessarily have to die!

"Aren't you going to untie Brother Qin Feng? Also, tie this guy up again." Nie Xiao said lazily, but everyone was surprised. Admiral Nie actually called him a brother?

The first thousand and 360 nine chapters are brave or not

The situation is getting more and more difficult.

Countless people died of starvation in the city, and food and grass on the front lines were also in short supply.

The night fell, and the starry sky fell.

Chi Na stood on the city wall with his hands behind his back. After several months of fighting, no matter how much the blood was washed away, the city wall was still red, which was dyed red by the blood of the soldiers.

He looked down, and there were tents stationed all over a mile away, and the enemy army formed a siege, and I don't know how many times the number of people in the city.

"King! It's time for you to rest."

Qin Feng, who was on duty, comforted him, Chi Na shook his head, and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, is it really wrong? This city has long since lost its meaning of existence, and you and others suffer together with me."

Qin Feng remained silent, China smiled wryly and said: "But this is already the last territory of this king, and it is the last hope for a comeback!"

"Any king who takes the lead and protects his last territory for his own country is not wrong."

Qin Feng sighed softly, as someone close to the king, he already knew the whole situation.

This city is already isolated and helpless.

There are no reinforcements, no food, no support, nothing, but the enemy has everything, and the number of them is several times that of them.

Whether you keep it or not, the final result is a dead end.

Chi Na was silent for a long time, and said in a deep voice, "I figured it out."


Qin Feng knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists. He didn't want to see his king. In order to protect himself and others, he was willing to surrender to the enemy.

"You're mistaken, I want to fight to the death!"

Chi Na's eyes were murderous, and the bones of his hands creaked. Qin Feng was shocked suddenly. He had been waiting for this order for too long.

"Chen, I will take the lead in the charge!"

Qin Feng's eyes were full of sincerity, and his heart was full of raging anger.

"Hahaha, it's not your turn to take the lead, you are in second place." Chi Na smiled boldly and patted Qin Feng on the shoulder. When he made this decision, he felt as if he let out a foul breath and said I can't feel comfortable.

That night, China distributed the last bit of food in the warehouse, so that every soldier could have a full meal.

The next day.

China ordered: "Open the city gate!"

With a thick voice, the city gate was slowly opened.

All the soldiers held a bowl of wine in their hands, and China said: "It's my fault that I let you brothers fall to this point, but! This king is still not reconciled, and wants to fight the enemy in the end!

At this time, if anyone wants to quit, they can quit. "

Three thousand soldiers, no one responded.

Chi Na smiled, at the last moment, there were still three thousand brothers who were willing to give their lives to him, it was worth it!


Chi Na raised his head and drank the strong wine, roaring angrily: "You and I will go out with me and kill the enemy!"

With a bang, the wine bowl fell to pieces on the ground.

"Kill the enemy!"

All the soldiers spoke in unison and threw the wine bowls to the ground neatly.

Chi Na was the first to rush out riding a war horse, holding a long knife in his hand, followed by Qin Feng holding a sword, and then the three thousand soldiers.

A figure chased out of the gate, and it was Tuya who got the news. She stood at the gate in a daze, looking at the dust flying outside the gate.

The enemy army was overjoyed. They had been surrounded for so long. Originally, the opponent occupied a good location and it was not easy to attack. They suffered a lot. Now they can finally face it head-on.


China's roar pierced the sky, and his heart was filled with anger, and he turned his strength into cutting the big knife towards the enemy's head.

Qin Feng is no less than a king, or every warrior is like this. They have been standing in the city for several months, and they have also been looking forward to this battle for a long time.

The sounds of fighting, roaring, hooves of war horses, all kinds of sounds merged into the melody of the battlefield.

Holding a rusty iron sword in his hand, Qin Feng harvested the life of the enemy like melons and vegetables, but the number of enemies was too many, and after one wave of death, another wave appeared again.

Suddenly, Chi Na, who was the first to bear the brunt, was hit by an arrow!

As the commander and king, he was willing to rush to the forefront of the team, so he naturally became the enemy's primary target. He had already done a good job, beheading hundreds of enemy troops before the accident happened.

This arrow pierced his heart impartially.

Chi Na fell off his horse with a grunt, and the enemy leader laughed loudly and said, "Your king has already been defeated, and if you don't hurry to capture him, we will deal with you lightly."

As a result, no one responded, and every soldier seemed to have nothing happened, no, or became more brave.

This is a very unreasonable thing. The death of the commander will definitely lose the morale of the army. It seems that this law does not work for these three thousand soldiers.

Because they already knew the result.

But so what, even if it is death, we must fight to the end!

Qin Feng took the lead and took advantage of this gap to break through from the side. Before the leader of the enemy general could react, he was killed by a flying axe.

Qin Feng looked up to the sky and said with a long smile: "My lord, I have avenged you!"

Immediately, all the enemies around surrounded him and surrounded Qin Feng in the team.

Qin Feng killed one man, one horse and one sword, and the wounds on his body became more and more, until finally he couldn't hold on anymore.

He turned his head towards the city gate and shouted with all his strength: "Big crotch, are you brave for your husband?"

"Bravely crown the three armies!"

Tuya answered with tears, but unfortunately Qin Feng could no longer hear him, and he was pierced through the body by the enemy's spear.

In an instant, time seemed to freeze, and everything around him disappeared.

So, is this what it feels like to die?

With tears in her eyes, Tuya hung a sling with white silk, and she stuck her head in tremblingly.


Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, and in front of him was a gazebo. Inside the gazebo was a mysterious man whose face could not be seen clearly, playing a game of chess.

The mysterious man said: "Little friend, have you forgotten?"

These words seemed to have some kind of magical power, which made Qin Feng wake up instantly.

Isn't this the place where he played a game of chess with Yan Luo's consciousness in the space of consciousness?

and many more!

Taking this as an opportunity, Qin Feng instantly recalled all his memories. His name is not Saleh, nor did he grow up in the grassland.

At the same time, he also remembered that it was no wonder he was so familiar with Tuya. The one named Tuya, also known as the big crotch, was actually the wife of the leader of Bailian, Nalanbi!

"Now that you've remembered everything, go and complete your unfinished mission."

Yan Luo waved his hand lightly, and the surrounding scenery began to change. It was no longer a bloody battlefield, but a peaceful small village.

Tuya was still standing beside her, no, Nalanbi!

"Husband, am I dreaming?"

Nalanbi stared blankly at Qin Feng, thinking it was an illusion, and the next moment her memory came back.

She blushed immediately, and wanted to take her hand out of Qin Feng's, but was held firmly by Qin Feng: "Since it's already like this, let it be, what do you think of the big crotch?"


As for why Nalanbi’s Mongolian name is Moon, because... I couldn’t find any other alternative words. I originally wanted to use gemstones, but I couldn’t find them online.

Chapter 370 Nine Heavens Respond to Yuan Thunder and Universalize Tianzun

Nalanbi's hand struggled for a while, but she still couldn't escape Qin Feng's palm, and finally calmed down slowly and compromised.

She blushed and spat softly: "Don't call me big crotch again from now on!"

"Good crotch."

"You still call?"

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