Star Wars: Merek Skywalker

Chapter 7: Chapter 5 - The Wookie and The Mayor


Chapter 5 - The Wookie and The Mayor

- Merek Skywalker -

The following weeks after killing Taka were extremely busy, for starters Vantoo proved his worth immediately. During our strategy meeting so to speak he came up with the idea to seek out the remaining members of Shunn-Vos' gang.

Apparently Taka had a smaller crew and assassinated Shunn-Vos so he didn't have to wipe out the entire gang. Nearly all of them agreed due to our familiarity with each other.

This bolstered only crew from the 12 left over to 37 which now includes the previous injured folk. Then I had to spend another week getting rid of the more... Undesirable members lowering the number to a total of 31.

These remain 31 had to be divided according to their skill sets. The divisions went as so, first is Vantoo as my new Logistics Advisor, 3 mechanics, 1 kind of doctor and 2 pilots. The rest have no major skills, so I decided to give the remaining 24 the basics in military training from Earth.

Mostly in consisted of hand to hand combat, shooting drills and uniform marching. The mar hing was mostly to help promote unity between them.

Other then dealing the my new gang, I also took all the assets of Shunn-Vos and Taka, which were surprisingly bountiful. The most valuable items were the two Ships, nothing special as Shunn-Vos was a bounty and Taka a pirate, so they had alright offensive ability, to in defensive but decent mobility.

When I first got the Ships I was tempted to get Anakin and Mom, and simple leave Tatooine behind. But The Force nudged me to stay, it didn't force the issue it was more of a feeling. Like stay and something good will come but you are free to do as you wish.

It was bizarre but I figured it hasn't don't me wrong and I'll just have to have a little faith.

Now the ships where taken in my two mechanics, Anakin and my own cars. Refitting them and giving them a new paint job of Orange and Blue, we are also currently working on creating better shielding for the two Ships but it's a work in progress.

I sold the rest of the assets as I didn't have a use for them, betting me a decent sum of credits. Which I already have plans for but it's not quite ready to be implemented just yet.

*Knock Knock*

"Its open" I say from my work bench. I feel a presence I'm starting to become familiar with, "What is it Vantoo?"

"Sorry for the interruption Sir, but I've received word that Mayor Klintz wishes to meet with you" Vantoo informs me.

Mayor Klintz is a stange Weequay due to the fact that he actually prefers to speak unlike many of his race. "I'm free..." I feel a faint pulse in the Force,"Tomorrow"

"Yeah I'm free tomorrow, I shall be busy the rest of today" I say to Vantoo.

"Of course Sir, I shall get back to work" Vantoo nods and leaves.

I pack up my tools and leave my workshop locking it up behind me. "Let's see where you take me". I wonder about Mos Espa trying to find what the Force wishes me too, it's mostly trail and error until I come to the one place in the city I normally avoid.

The Slave market.

Slavery, having enough in my first life and in this life I can confidently say there's not thing I abhor then Slavery.

"What" I mutter as a group of slavers drag out a huge pile of fur that fights them every single step.

A Wookie, a gaint one at that. He looks to be well over 2 metres tall, think brown fur but with hints of gray showing his age and lastly he is missing an arm. That's strange.

I watch as The Wookie backhands one of the slavers, launching him back a couple of feet. Only to be relentlessly electrocuted in return, when the slavers don't stop I approach.

"You shouldn't damage the merchandise" I say a smile on my face, "it's bad business"

They paused briefly to turn to me, my clothes I believe give of the idea that I come from a rich family. "Ah yes I suppose your right, why don't you buy it lad. Your family could no doubt do with a good bodyguard" the head slavery I believe steps ups to say.

I pause and make a show of thinking about it. "Father did say we need a new guard. Very well I'll take it" I eventually say.

"A slave of this caliber and strength is worth 1,250, but for you lad I'll take 1,100" The Head Slavery offers with great kindness no doubt.

"Really! Okay" I say excited and pull out a bag of credits and toss him the amount. He quickly passes the chains to me.

I take them without hesitation, I lean down and place my hand on the Wookie. I know that they have honour so I'm not to worried about him attack me, a child. I channel a small amount of the force I to the Wookie to help sooth him it won't heal him over he calm him. But it does ease pain.

"Come now, time to leave" I say still maintaining my facade, I silently wait for the Wookie to stand before we make our way out of the slave market.

There's no words passed between for the next few minutes before we are well away from the Slave market and I'm sure we aren't being followed.

"I'm sorry for your suffering" I say being completely sincere, "When we get to my workshop I shall free you"

I can feel the surprise from the Wookie. "Grraaahhh" he growls back

"Sorry I don't speak your language but I have a translator at the shop. But I can feel your doubt and I can promise you I will free you" I put as much conviction as I could in my voice.

It seems to work as the doubt I felt from the Wookie decreases but doesn't disappear. It takes a minute but we do arrive at my workshop, entering I show the Wookie to my work station so I can remove his chains.

"Hmm let's see, just chains is it?' I mutter seeing no additional precautions. I simply remove the chains, "There free" I tell him.

"Hhugrraa Graah" The Wookie says but I felt his curiosity.

(A/N: This is probably the only chapter I'll include the roars and growls of the Wookies as actual speech, unless you people prefer otherwise)

"Ah right hold on" I say before fetching my translator. "It's a work in progress but I've got millions of Languages on here, so go ahead"

"Hhugrraa Graah"

I quickly read what comes up on the translator, I haven't installed an audio system yet. "Ah. I'm Merek Skywalker it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Rhhagg Agrrra" The Wookie says in return.

"Krawwn Shalvok, Elder of the Strongfist Clan" I repeat what it says in the translator. Krawwn nods showing I've gotten it right.

I hold out my hand. "It's nice to meet you Krawwn". Krawwn shakes my hand with surprising gentleness with his remain arm.

"I would offer to take your home Krawwn but my Ship is being refitted and it might take a couple months to complete. So I would like to offer you a place too stay" I say to him.

The two ship will take a while to be completed, plus Kashyyyk is half way across the galaxy and making that type of trip without preparation is simply stupid.

"Rrrawwrr, hrrrghh wrrarrr" Krawwn says almost waving me off.

"You have no debt to me" I reply to the Wookie.

"Arrrrgh! Urrrgh, raaaah oowh" Krawwn returns completely sure of himself. I could tell I wasn't ever going to change his mind so I decided to simply move past it.

"Can you tell of your people?, I've heard a lot about the Wookies and your home. Like it's filled with gaintic trees" I ask not even trying to hide my curiosity and excitement. I mean who wouldn't Wookies are awesome.

Krawwn seems to laugh at my excitement before diving into what I'd call Elder mode and gives me a riveting lecture in his people and their ways.

We talk long into the night and are only stopped by my mom coming to get me. It was definitely an experience introducing Krawwn to her but she took it in stride and agreed the Krawwn is welcome into our home.


"Mayor Klintz will see you now" the secretary says opening the door.

"Thank you" I said as I walked by her maintaining my politeness.

I see the Weequay sitting on his throne in the middle of the room but when he sees me his face lights up in a smile, one that I dont even need the Force to tell it's Fake.

"Ah young Skywalker I've heard of you recent exploits and I'm impressed" Klintz says standing up to greet me.

"Mayor Klintz its good to finally meet you" I say taking a seat across from him.

There's a minute or so of small talke before I got bored, "Mayor perhaps it's best to move onto some real business"

"Of course of course" He replys with a smile. "I'm sure you new that those of us from Mos Espa pay tribute to The Great Jabba for his protection"

"Of course, something we are all greatful for" I agree easily.

The Mayor frowns slightly probably trying to come up with a way to ask for my help with seemingly insulting me.

"There's no need to worry dear Mayor. I know as the Crime Boss of Mos Espa I have to pay tribute to Jabba as well, if you wish I shall handle the meeting too" I say playing the part of a kind servant to Jabba.

I know Klintz will accept me handling Jabba, because he's terrified of the fat slug. Shunn-Vos used to always say what a coward the mayor was and he was only I'm power because Shunn-Vos was his backer.

That responsible now falls to me until I find a more suitable Mayor.

"You sense of duty is admirable young Skywalker" Klintz says

I nod in thanks, "Mos Espa is my home I wish to see it prosper"

"I look forward to working with you then" The Mayor holds out his hand.

"And I with you" I shake his hand already think that I should probably just get Vantoo to become Mayor or something.


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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