Star Railway: The First Commander of Joy

Chapter 19

The sound of the explosion was so loud that the space station was in chaos.


A figure fell into the space station in a mess.

The huge noise attracted everyone's attention.

Since the beginning, the space was completely distorted by the chaotic energy, and it was impossible to see what was happening outside from inside the space station.

This also made everyone's heart feel like being burned on fire.

And now the sudden movement also tightened everyone's nerves at the first time.

Everyone stared at the uninvited guest who suddenly broke in nervously, holding their weapons tightly in their hands to prevent accidents.

When the dust was slightly dispersed, a girl with wounds all over her body and flaxen hair fell to the ground.

The clothes on her body were torn by the sharp thorns, revealing her hideous scaly skin.

Monsters from the Antimatter Corps?!

Everyone was shocked, and some even picked up their weapons and prepared to fight.

However, some sharp-eyed people recognized who was lying on the ground at a glance.

"Is it Ms. Black Tower?!"

Suddenly, someone seemed to recognize who the uninvited guest was and shouted loudly.

"Ms. Black Tower?"

"How is it possible? What happened to Ms. Black Tower?"

Everyone looked closely and it seemed that except for the strange scales and spikes on the body, the face and clothes of this person were almost exactly the same as the Black Tower dolls that can be seen everywhere in the space station.

It was completely an enlarged version of Black Tower.

"It's Black Tower, for sure." Ji Zi, who often dealt with Black Tower, also immediately recognized Black Tower's identity.

Immediately stepped forward to help Black Tower up from the ground and leaned on her shoulder.

"How could this happen? Wasn't Burning Wind defeated?" She frowned and asked.

Black Tower shook his head with great effort and said weakly:

"Fenfeng was defeated, but... He is here."

"He?" Walter, who was observing the changes in Black Tower, immediately realized what He was talking about.

"Yes, He is here, the Star God of Destruction, Nanook."

"Don't worry about the changes in my body. It is caused by His power. It is absolutely impossible to deal with it with the technology of the space station alone." Black Tower said to the medical staff who wanted to treat him but were worried about the symptoms on Black Tower.

The transformation of the body by chaotic energy is theoretically irreversible. Even Black Tower has no way to reverse this change in a short period of time.


Hearing this, everyone took a breath.

March 7 was so scared that he didn't even hold the bow in his hand firmly and dropped it directly to the ground. This, this, this, is too exciting? !

The cold-faced little blue dragon who was hiding and drawing circles was also scared pale. Fortunately, he didn't go up to fight, otherwise he might have opened another small account.

How could this happen? ! The Star God has descended? !

"It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be..."

Walter frowned after getting the answer from Black Tower and kept muttering to himself.

Even the extinction lord who was hunted by the patrol ranger did not cause Nanook to attack, and the burning wind was obviously just emptied of its essence, not really dead, and only needed to wait for a long time to return to the peak.

What reason did Nanook have to attack Black Tower and Su Yun?

As a theorist, Walter could not understand Nanook's motives at all.

"Yes... What is the reason for His action?"

As the genius club #83, Black Tower did not understand why he attracted Nanook's attention?

Whether from the calculation results or the unspoken rule that the Star God will not interfere too much in the struggle between the emissaries, Nanook has no reason to target me and Su.

This is also the reason why I agreed to help him obtain the origin. Even if we kill Fenfeng, Nanook will not even look at us.

But why did Nanook break common sense?

She couldn't figure it out, and no "person" could figure it out.

Because they are just clowns fooled by fate.

Everything has a set law, and no one can escape the web of fate.

"Where is Su?"

Ji Zi suddenly realized something, and there was another person they had forgotten.

Yes, where is Mr. Su?

Everyone suddenly remembered that in the previous battle, Su Yun was playing with Fenfeng like an elegant magician.

Why didn't he come back?

"He stayed to protect me..."


! "Hearing Heita's answer, Ji Zi was struck by lightning.

Aishida, who was standing by, covered her mouth in fear.

"You said Su chose to face the Star God directly? !" Ji Zi tried her best to control her emotions, but her voice couldn't help shaking.

She couldn't imagine how Su Yun, who faced the Star God alone, would survive?

We just met again, and we just found you. Are you going to disappear again?!

Seeing Ji Zi's emotions so intense, Heita patted her back despite his physical discomfort and comforted her:

"Don't... be too pessimistic. This time it's not the real body that came, and since Mr. Su said he has a way to deal with Him, there is still a glimmer of hope. "

"He asked me to go first not just to protect me, but more like he disliked me for dragging him down. "

Heita recalled the scene at that time and smiled bitterly.

I didn't expect that I would become a burden to others.

You know, she has never encountered such a situation in her life, but the despair and powerlessness when facing Nanook once again made her realize the gap between the envoy and the star god.

This escape from a desperate situation also stimulated her competitive spirit. If she can further gain the attention of the [Wisdom] Star God Boshizun, will she have a chance to resist the attack of Nanook's clone?

After hearing Heita's explanation, Ji Zi's heart was at least slow.

She understood that even the phantom of the star god could not be defeated by human power.

But he was different. There seemed to be a cloud of mist on his body, making it difficult to understand. It was precisely because of this mystery that Ji Zi fell in love with him.

If it was him, he might really be able to create a miracle.

You must come back. I haven't delivered the gift to you yet.

Ji Zi closed her eyes and prayed. Esta also prayed. She didn't want her prince to disappear so suddenly.

He broke in so suddenly! You can't leave. So sudden!

The young lady...seems to care about Mr. Su a lot.

Alan, who had been guarding beside Esta, looked at his young lady silently and thought to himself.

But it is true, it seems that it is time for his young lady to find a lover? The family has been urging her, and even asked me to help the young lady find a candidate. Thinking about it, could it be that the young lady has taken a fancy to Mr. Su?

Alan thought about it for a while, and felt that he might have found the answer.

But Mr. Su is indeed handsome and strong. He is also thinking about asking him for advice on fighting skills after this matter is over. .

Mr. Su, please don't get into trouble! For the love of our lady, you must survive!

No matter how Esta thought later, she would never have thought that Alan had already planned to pack himself up for Su Yun at this time.

Time passed slowly, and the space station was so quiet.

They were not only waiting for Su Yun, but also waiting for their own fate.

Because they didn't know whether Nanook would attack them, but in front of the power of the star god, all the ideas of survival were so ridiculous.

"Look! The darkness seems to be dispelled?!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

Walter, who had been staring at the front, also noticed the movement at the first time.

Indeed, the darkness was being dispelled, no, that's not right.

Walter immediately gave his own judgment:

"No, it's better to say that the space is stable than to say that the darkness is dispelled. The darkness in front of us is not the black we usually think of, but because of the fluctuation of space that makes us unable to see things. "

A researcher who is good at this also nodded and agreed with Walter's statement.

Hearing the news, Ji Zi opened her eyes immediately.

And Esta also coincidentally met her eyes.

The two were slightly stunned, and immediately understood that the other party was concerned about Su Yun, but at the moment they didn't care about why the other party cared about Su Yun, but quickly looked at that area.

The darkness dissipated, revealing the empty and silent starry sky.

Except for the distant stars emitting light, there was nothing else.

"How could it be...... "Ji Zi's eyes were instantly filled with tears.

How could she not understand what this meant when she saw this scene?

Esther also closed her eyes slightly. Her feelings for Su Yun were not as deep as Ji Zi's, but she couldn't help but feel a little sad in her heart. After all, this was the real first love of a young girl.

"It seems that Mr. Su..." Heita sighed slightly, forcing himself to endure the discomfort of his body, "Didn't escape it..."

Heita, who had never had any empathy, felt a little uncomfortable at this moment.

After all, no matter what

So, he died because of me.

She could still recall the way Su Yun pressed on her without hesitation. Uh, why does this statement feel so strange?

In fact, he could have escaped by himself, right?

Heita was a little stunned.

For a while, there was only sobbing in the space station.

Mr. Su left us forever to save the Heita space station.

Everyone did not have the joy of surviving the disaster, but only the complex emotions of sadness and despair.

"Don't be so sad, smile, at least we survived."

Suddenly, an unsociable voice sounded in the crowd.

Who? ! Don't you see that everyone is so sad now? Will you look at the atmosphere?

Some of the older brothers with more irritable tempers glared at him directly, wanting to see which ignorant boy it was.

"Fuck you..." The older brother who was closer started with a very polite greeting, ready to be real with the other party.

However, before he finished the next sentence, he was frightened and screamed.


This scream was like a starter, and then there were continuous screams.

Because they saw him.

They saw a person who should not be there.

"Although the performance just now was slightly wrong, I am still very happy to present my specialty to everyone, and to transform people."

"Now, it's time to witness the miracle."

Bathed in the surprised eyes of everyone, the magician took off his hat, put it on his chest, and saluted slightly.

His face was full of smiles, as if the crisis just now had never happened.

He was like a magician, creating miracles one after another.

From miraculously repelling the antimatter army, to playing tricks on the Lord of Extinction, and finally even surviving in front of the Star God.

Isn't this shocking enough?

"Let me introduce myself again, the chief magician of the Galaxy Circus, Su, presenting you the most exciting magic in the universe~"

"Su! Su! Su!"

I don't know who took the lead, everyone shouted Su Yun's name, their eyes full of enthusiasm.

The energy of joy filled the whole area.

Bathed in the cheers of the crowd, Su Yun, who escaped death, had an unprecedented smile on his face. He could feel that he had advanced a lot on the road of joy.

No one has ever escaped the web of fate.

But there will always be challengers trying to escape.

And Su Yun became a challenger without his knowledge.

Perhaps, he can really become the only variable.

In the darkness, the mask of the clown who secretly observed everything gradually disappeared, and no one knew where it went.

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