Star In The Bird's Nest


Mingmei was thinking about the work and suddenly she remembered her story. She hasn't updated it in last few days. She immediately opened her laptop and started typing.

"Here's a big sorry to you guys as I haven't updated further story, as I have been busy


Life's always full of surprises! Hope you guys find your surprise as Emily found Jack..."

I'll be back soon with story update. Lots of love: Starbird"

As soon as she updated status, she was full of comments:

"Looks like our Starbird feels Emily!" wrote one fan.

"My dear Starbird, it seems lately you have been receiving surprises!" wrote another fan.

"For me greatest surprise would be just meeting you! Would you..." wrote another.

She was reading all those comments, and a message popped up in her inbox. It was from her biggest fan, 'wish me love'!

"Exactly what I would also want to feel!" said Wish me love.

"Well, that's a long road ahead. Let's just hope for the best." replied Mingmei.

"Yes. Waiting for the story update" replied Wish me love.

"Coming soon. Till then take care bye" replied Mingmei.

"Bye. Take care" replied Wish me love.

Mingmei went to sleep.

Next day, she was working in the office, a message popped up,

"Hey! It's Wang Lie. Hope I'm not disturbing you," said Wang Lie.

"Not at all! I'm actually so delighted to receive your message" replied Mingmei.

"Actually, I wanted to ask if you are free in evening. We could have met over a meal…if that's fine with you..." he replied.

After reading the message she immediately wanted to say yes! But she realized the fact that she is actually busy with a meeting in


"Thank you so much for asking me over a meal. I would actually love to come, but I'm tied with some work today" she replied.

"That's fine. May be we could meet some other day" he replied.

"I'm really sorry for today. But sure, for next time" she replied.

"It's ok... There's nothing to be sorry about.

Continue with your work then" he replied.

"Bye. Take care" she replied.

She was thinking over the message, meanwhile Zhang Wei came to her.

"Meimei, we'll leave in 15 mins. I hope you are fine with it...?" said Zhang Wei.

"15 mins! That's absolutely fine by me," said Mingmei.

Later both of them left together for the meeting. They arrived at the venue. Mr. Wu has already been there for a while. As they went in, Mr. Wu's assistant came in front to greet them.

"Hello Mr. Zhang. Hello Ms. Zheng, I'm Mr. Wu's assistant. Nice to meet you," said the assistant.

"Hello. Nice to meet you too" said they both.

"Mr. Wu is waiting for you. This way please," said assistant.

"Hello Mr. Wu. I'm Zhang Wei and this is my partner Zheng Mingmei. Nice to meet you," said Zhang Wei.

"Hello Mr. Zhang and Ms. Zheng. Nice to meet you, please have a seat," said Mr. Wu.

"So, about this meeting and the project," said Zhang Wei.

"Sorry to interrupt you in between, but I think we should talk while having meal" said Mr. Wu interrupting Zhang Wei with a smile.

"Absolutely fine with it," said Zhang Wei.

"So, what would you like to have? Also, Ms. Zheng, I hope you are comfortable," said Mr. Wu.

"Thank you, I'm fine," said Mingmei.

All of them then ordered food.

"So, as about the project, Chairman Mrs. He gave the idea about the event, as for the details she said you'd personally talk," said

Zhang Wei.

"Oh right. As you know this event is being organized on the eve of 50th anniversary of my company. This event should be a grand one. But this is not the only reason to celebrate, there's something more," said Mr. Wu.

"And what's that...?" asked Mingmei.

"I want to propose my friend and business partner on the day. Our friendship has been since 10 years. It was never only friendship...

Things have always been different and kind of special between us..." (smiling) said Mr. Wu.

"That's a great idea. The occasion would be just perfect for it!" said Mingmei.

"This is kind of a surprise proposal. So, I had to organize the meeting personally. As for the details, you can ask anything about the company and this relationship important for the event," said Mr. Wu.

"We would like to know about the history of your company, and also some more information about your relationship...," said Zhang Wei.

After having the discussion and meal they were about to leave.

"I'll take your leave now. It was nice meeting you.And yes, manage the things accordingly for I want a great event," said Mr. Wu.

"Sure. We shall let you know the complete planning in 3 days and thank you for being open to share the information," said Zhang Wei.

"Thank you. See you soon," said Mingmei.

Later Zhang Wei dropped Mingmei at her home and left.

She was still thinking about Wang Lie's offer for the dinner.

"Meimei... Wang Lie himself asked for the dinner, and you just denied... what he might be thinking about you... What kind of a fan I'm..." she was mumbling and talking to herself. Thinking about it, she messaged him,

"I'm really sorry for today. I wouldn't have denied if I weren't tied up..."

"It's all right. You don't need to say sorry" replied Lie.

"Thanks a lot. Perhaps if we could meet another day" she replied.

"Actually, the other day can be tomorrow itself. If that's fine by you. I might be tied up later" he replied.

"Sure. I'm absolutely free tomorrow" (excited) she replied.

"Fine. See you then. I shall pick you up from home" he replied.

"Great. See you then. Good night!" she replied.

"Good night" he replied.

She said good night, but she couldn't sleep. Coz the excitement to meet Wang Lie was more than anything.

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