Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 12

Star Burst Of Sector 2814

Chapter 12

By: BigToFu




Green Lantern Commander

Domonic Wolf




Standing inside of the armory, I pressed my hand against one of the open walls and waited for the biometrics to read me and open the panel. Once the vibration of the scanner finished, I got three beeps in reply followed along by three green dots flashing to life above the panel. The door appeared as the panel slid sideways into the wall allowing me entry into the Gundam Armor bay.


Walking through the entry door and into the bay, I found ten custom-built mobile armored suits all gleaming in full battle rattle and ready for wars that this Universe would hope to never see. Ignoring the gasp of those behind me, I walked up to the gleaming green, black, and gold armor that stood in the middle of the room. My version of the Full Frontal armor was a beast of a thing built with all the transmutation and advanced technology that I had at my fingertips.


As I walked up to my armor, the chest, thighs, and legs opened up for me to step in and get suited up. Hanging on the rack were two beam rifles, my own version of a miniaturized mega particle cannon capable of outputting one point nine megawatts of power with each pull of the trigger. Along with that, sat my shield; this shield wasn’t like the one from the anime. No, this shield was like the one the Unicorn used with the twin gatlings strapped to the underside with its own power plant and flight systems because a shield you just throw away was stupid. Also, why would I run around in a super high-tech battle suit and just carry a hunk of metal on my arm that was only good for blocking.


With my additions, my shield could now fire back or work in tandem with my ring's AI system to protect me from any attempt to blindside me. It also helps that the armor attachments link the power planets. Checking over the shoulder blade-mounted thruster packs, I double-checked the funnel system along with what would be my life support pack. Connected underneath the life support pack and thruster pack were what should be two massive propellent tanks, but with me solving the power plant issue with a more advanced miniaturized fusion reaction, they would be tasked to another job entirely. 


The packs would work as extra funnel storage along with weapon storage since you could never have too many beam rifles and swords. Plus, I wasn’t too happy with only carrying the two swords hidden inside my arm bracers. The tanks also acted as my way station with it being connected to my rings storage and carried more than a few items that I felt were of notable interest.


Activating my ring dressed me in a form-fitting suit made of hyper fabrics made to help the wearer keep equilibrium in any weather or condition. The suit was all green with black accents with the lantern corps logo placed over my heart. Located at each wrist was a smart device that gave biometrics and other particulars that a person might need, retractable gloves and boots of course. Along my body, arms, and legs were small plugs linked to the suit’s neural interlaced webbing system.


The neural lace webbing was another super material that I took from the Kryptonian data banks. Rhodium was easy to get along with the red solar lamps, the other materials though took a few trial and errors with the material transmutation.


The collar was made of a hard yet flexible smart material that doubled as a shield and breather if I was to ever lose my helmet. Next to my ear appeared a Bluetooth device that would double as my scouter that was totally not copied from the Dragon Ball Z series at all. The device wrapped around the back of my head and settled over the other ear also allowing me to wear what looked like a set of smart lenses that would shift between clear and a green tint, almost like the ones Sage wore in the comics.


The only real reason I was wearing a scouter other than it was a damn clever idea. Was the fact that I was still leery about replacing my eyeballs with cybernetic equivalents. I was very much of the mindset that flesh made us who we are, and I had no plans to replace any of my parts with cold super alloys any time soon. The only exception I had for any type of improvements was if I could get my hands on a sample of the techno-organic virus or if I could create viable nanomachines.


For now, though, that was on the back burner and all the diagnostics came back clean for my suit.


As I walked around to the front of my armor, I had to ignore the informational pop-up that alerted me of Jessica Drew trying to send out a video signal. That same signal, of course, was jammed, and now I felt like being an asshole and taking her with me. Maybe meeting the Brood horde and they’re extremely uncanny resembles the Xenomorphs might have her change allegiances.


Ignoring that and the little pin that carried the micro camera tied to the video recording and broadcasting system in her belt, I stepped into my armor for what would be the second time since its creation.


Stepping into my armor was once again an experience that was just far to out there to describe. Hands and fingers slotted in nice and snug, the boots were comfy with no slack even as the armored calves, thighs, and waist panels slide into place. Shifting one way then the other found no issues even as I did a knee raise then kicked out with a leg.


Stepping backward, I held my arms out and waited for the rest of the mechanical arms to don me within my full war armor. Arms came together first with a chest bracer unit, then came my chest piece along with the back mounts and life support units. With the main body of my armor placed correctly, the helm was brought and placed over my head.


There was a moment of silence as the seals activated and I was cut off from the rest of the Universe because that was just how crazy I had made this thing. If my calculations were correct, I could face Galactus himself in this thing and survive to tell the tale along with video evidence to back it up.


[Full Frontal Mobile Suit Armor…. Online.]


That was all I needed as I flexed, my will flowing outwards the armor, illuminating green as multiple ports all across my body opened to show weapon bays of all types. My will flexed once more as a lancer blade appeared in one hand clear with engravings of lions, panthers, and a decorative cross guard.


Then in my other hand, my forearm bracer shifted as by beam saber hilt flew forward the magnetic grips assisting with me catching and activating the thing. Dismissing the sword form from my will, I popped out my other beam saber hilt. With both swords in hand, I went through a few katas before slamming their ends together combining them into a double-bladed beam saber. I then did a full rotating to the front and back before deactivating both and putting them away.


From the outside, it might look as if I was just being flashy, but for those in the know like Diana, each move and motion of my body was putting my suit through full range of motion. While also making sure that my back-mounted life system and other apparatus didn’t get it the way. I was positive that it wouldn’t, but I was about to go into a weapons hot war zone. I would rather be OCD about it now than take any chances later.


With my beam sabers put away, I summoned over my shield and pulled out the beam ax that sat right behind the head. I gave it a few swings before pulling out the other beam axe, then combined them both. After going through another set of motions, I popped the funnels weapon system off my back and had them run through the motions. Weapons testing could wait until I was outside at least.


I was happy with this at least, popping my neck to the left. I let out some air from my chest before giving the mental command. There was a half-second of nothing before everything happened at once.


Instead of the mechanical arms coming down and undressing me, the armor that enclosed my body miniaturized and shrunk onto itself while rearranging. Within thirty seconds, what I would call my full battle rattle had pulled back and left me with a hard shell over my hyper fabric soft suit.


Once I was finished, I accepted the tablet that Diana was holding for me. On the front were the current preparations for aid that was going to be given along with my assistance. Checking off a few things, I looked up and realized that I very much had an audience watching. May and Ben were looking a little worried while Peter the poor kid had stars in his eyes. Jessica Drew was giving me an appraising look while Jessica Silvers was clearly more interested in the other armors on the racks.


With a shake of the head, I brought both arms around clapping them and catching everyone’s attention with a nice resounding smack sound.


“Alright folks, plans have changed,” I stated seriously as I made a motion and started to move towards another section of the armory. “Now that I have an extinction-level threat to deal with, I will no longer be able to do your training myself.”


“Excuse me,” Ben interjected even as I had a hand hover over one of the activation panels. “But shouldn’t we come with you?”


At that statement, I cringed hard, “That’s not going to be possible.” I said with a shake of my head. “There is no possible way am I going to sanction trainees to help out with what turn from an aid mission to all-out survival as we try and evacuate the planet.”


“These brood thingies can’t be that bad, right?” Peter asked with wide eyes.


Looking at him, my head tilted to the side before I snapped my fingers as things clicked, “Think Xenomorphs, but without the laying eggs or face-huggers bit. So yes, that means chest bursters but also due to their nature as parasites, they can also take over the host.”


That was the clincher as their faces went grim and I could even see May holding onto Ben for support. With that said, I activated the panel my hand was previously over, opening the display to show what a lot of people would describe as N7 armor. The armor was sleek, form-fitting, and made strong enough to receive tank rounds to the chest. Instead of the usual greys, blues, and black. The armor was a nice green and red with a dash of grey here and there to accent come of the finer pieces.


“Agent Drew, say hello to the Lantern corps, N7 armor,” I quipped even as I tossed her a focus to catch and place over one ear, “Get suited, the VI will help direct you to the ship bay once ready.”


Before she could say anything else, I made sure to usher everyone else out of the room to give her some privacy. As we made our way towards the ship bay, the other Jessica decided to pull me to the side.


Jessica waited until the few people walking with us passed into the bay before speaking, “I want to go with.”


Shaking my head, I looked her in the eyes, “Denied,” She went to speak, but I held up a hand to forestall her, “I get it, you want to be in the thick of things, but I’m not about to put you into a situation where you will jump in and die or sit on your hands and grow resentful because of it.”


She huffed and crossed her arms, “I earned my ring.”


“True,” I popped, then shifted tactics, “Look, Kilowog will train you up, get the all-clear from him and I will take you out on a patrol or send you with one of the more senior members of the core.”


“And who is Kilowog?” Jessica Silvers asked with a glower on her face directed at me.


There was a massive thump that sent a little shockwave through the bay which caused us to turn towards the commotion.


“I am,” The massive Bolovaxian stated as he stood tall from her little three-point landing. “Heard I’ll be looking after some poozers hoping to join my beloved corp.”


With a chuckle, I walked over and clasped hands with my massive drill instructor.


“Yeah, I have two fresh ones for you,” I stated as I pulled the big man in close so I could share a little of what I know, “The older one is ex-military and has a steel personality behind his genial smile and the chick seems to be a firecracker.”


The giant Bolovaxian snorted at me, “Leaving me with these poozers so you can go have all the fun.”


I snorted at him, “Only you would call the possibility of dealing with chest bursters fun.”


“Haha!” The big man rumbled with a laugh, “It ain’t nuttin a little elbow grease can’t fix, at least it ain’t my momma stew. Had my chest rumbling for weeks.”


“Its disturbing to know you compare world-ending parasitic creatures to your mothers cooking.” I replied with a full-body shudder, “Come on, let me introduce you.”


The family of three looked on with wide eyes of wonder while Jessica Silvers took two steps back from what could only be described as a very large pigman. It really wasn’t Kilowog’s fault that his people look like a rendition of our cartoon pigs.


Brushing that thought aside, I made a motion towards Jessica Silvers and started my introductions. “Kilowog, this is the Firestarter I was telling you about, Jess meet my Cores trainee instructor.”


The big man loomed, but Jess kept her back straight even as I noticed her gulping in fear, that was good.


Kilowog snorted, “Good, you might be a poozer looking to join my beloved core, but at least you got spine.” He grunted then with a huff and smile. “Let’s hope you don’t break it during training.”


Shaking my own head and chuckling, I then made motion towards the little family and started to walk their way with him in tow. Jessica on the other hand looked a little pale as she left the ship bay, mehh she’ll be fine.


“Kilowog, meet the Parkers.” I said with a motion. May was slightly behind Ben and the way Peter stepped forward made me and Kilowog smile. The both of us were being very non-threating, but the kid was a fast one and it was clear that family came first for him.


Kilowog on the other hand paid the kid no mind as he locked eyes with Ben Parker who didn’t even bat an eyelid at meeting such an intimidating figure. “Joining my beloved core won’t be easy.” Kilowog rumbled.


“Nothing in life ever is,” Ben Parker replied, the look in his eyes firm.


Kilowog held the firm look for a little longer before grunting in affirmation, then waved a hand at Peter. “Who’s the pyjacks that stand before me?”


Ben’s eyes lit up, “Ohh, where are my manners, this is my nephew Peter, and this lovely lady right here is my wife May.”


That was all that I needed to see that things were in order as I turned around. Giving my own parting goodbye’s, I made my way over to my ship and found Diana prepped and ready in her own armor set along with Jessica Drew. Both ladies were sporting very intimidating looks and I had to once more remind myself that it would be the height of foolishness to stick my dick in the crazy super spy. Plus, with the type of shit looming before me right now, I had no urges to even consider it.


Diana’s was a combination of the Wing Mobile suit and her Golden Valkyrie armor from the comics. The feathers that made up the ups were capable of being used as projectiles that could be called back. The larger sections could be made to break away and shoot from a distance of course before then also being called back. The entire armor was not only made for war, but also protection and nothing on it was just for fancy aesthetics. Efficiency in design and modularity in a lot of the parts made sure of that.


Making my way to the cockpit, I sat my ass down in my captain’s chair before allowing myself to relax as my hands started to flow across the controls. Even as I tried to lose myself in the return to something familiar, I felt that I should at least speak up to help ease some of her fears.


“When we get to Sector C67 of the Shi’ar empire, you will be staying on the ship,” I spoke up even as I pulled back lightly on the flight stick, the outside shifting as the ship hovered upwards.


The communications line light up as Jessica found the active reply function. “Might I ask why?”


I brought us out of the hanger bay slowly even as I spoke up, “An extra eye on the radar is never a bad thing, plus you’re not here to fight our battles.”


From the co-pilot seat, Diana shook her head. “What my illustrious leader is trying to say is that we don’t want to endanger your life and would rather you stay on the ship and support us by relaying information.”


My head bobbed in affirmation even as I flicked a switch to pull in the landing struts. Bringing the ship around, I had us circle the mountain throne before leaving the atmosphere at speeds. We were out past Saturn and her moons, on the way by Titan though, my radar pinged something, but it would have to wait for later.


What I did do was make a note for further investigations and kicked it over to Kilowog to check when he had time. Athena also dispatched a probe for investigation and that was the end of that for now at least.


As we got closer to the edges of the Sol system, I started to lay the course in but before I decided to punch it. I, like any other paranoid nut, ran another systems check on the food, oxygen, and the other resources that would be able to keep us alive for months on end if needs be. When everything came back clear across the board, I rested my hand on the throttle, a mental command turning on communications.


“Alright Drew, this is the final call,” I spoke up my voice firm. “Once you leave this solar system as one of my people, there will be no going back.”


Over the communication line, Drew straightens her back, firm in her resolve before deciding to speak, eyes and posture assured. “I’m with you.”   [ Will 83% ]


If only she knew…


Looking her in the eyes, I gave a firm nod in reply, “Alrighty then, no regrets.”


Shutting down the channel, I threw us into a geo-orbital position around Pluto using gravitational forces to slingshot us out towards the Kuiper belt. My angle of escape would throw us a nice forty-two degrees north of the belt’s axis allowing us to miss all those nice asteroids worth trillions.


“Coordinates laid in Commander,” Diana spoke up from the side. That was all the cue that I needed as I flicked the wormhole generator on. Then with a push, I had the throttle going from thirty percent power all the way up to seventy as we shot cleanly out of the Sol system.


With us aimed in the general direction of where we needed to be. Three switches were flipped closing shutters, bulkheads, activating CQ weapons, and much more. With everything set and our speed increased, I hit the transition trigger.


The world outside the cockpit warped as a rainbow of greens and yellows bloomed to life. The stick vibrated in my grip and I kept it steady while my other hand reached over and hit the switch to turn over control to my ring's AI.


My seat pulled back a little and I settled in since the countdown only have five minutes on its face. Closing my eyes for a moment, I released a sigh while gathering my thoughts and Will. Across my body, the two could see a green aura shift and flow around me as if it was alive.


Diana put on some light music at the side, and I continued my medication ignoring the Universe at large. We were like this for some time before the shimmer that ran through the ship decided to fuck with my Zen.






When we dropped out of the wormhole, the communications flared to life with calls from all over the system. Ships were jumping out trying to escape with everything in pandemonium from the meteor that had crashed into the planet. From the scans, that same planet was at least three times the size of the Earth and it showed its peculiarity by not being the shades of blue and green that we were used to from earth.


Planet V’ra was a lot more browns and greens than it was blue and that showed with the size of the landmasses. Grabbing the flight stick once more, I pulled us around and went for the far moon where my forces were gathering as the teams came through their own transition wormholes.


For now, I ignored the calls for help and those who were running away because I already knew why. No one wanted to go down there and deal with the Brood when the chance of infection was so high. Hell, even Thor and his hyper-dense biology couldn’t prevent them from infecting him in the comics.


Pulling up to the moon nice and slow, Diana hit the switch for the cargo bay letting in the lanterns who were able to gather here at the appropriate time. With everyone together, I then took us over to the planet. On the west side was the largest continent with a massive crater the size of Texas clearly visible from space smack dab in the center.


Putting the ship back on autopilot, I gave Athena her marching orders before getting up from my seat.


“Alright, let me show you to the CIC,” I said while making a motion for Jessica Drew to follow along. She followed me a little bit until we came to a large room with massive holograms of data ranging from basic topographic maps of the planet to genetic breakdowns of planets and mammals.


All of that was too much of course so with a hand swiping across, I cleared it all. Then with another motion of the hand, I had the ships VI bring up basic ship movements and the current mission along with medical scans. On the side was a breakdown of the Shi’ar Empire and all the other basic information that she would need in a situation like this one.


Jessica sat down and I could see that she was surprised in how intuitive the controls were as she was able to get right to work. Seeing that she had everything in order, I turned around with a wave to leave but was stopped by a hand on my forearm.


“I just want you to know that I appreciate you bringing me along,” Jessica spoke up while giving me steady eye contact. 


“Just keep your eyes and ears open,” I replied with a nod of my head. Then with Diana at my back, I made my way over to the cargo bay. My light footfalls turned into something heavy and commanding. My armor wrapped my form, my stature changed along with the shadows I cast shifting. The hallway shifted green as my power ring flared to life, casting its glow upon the grey, white and blue interior of the ship. 


Strolling into the cargo bay with a green aura blazing around me like a living flame, I held my hands out as if I was a performer on stage. “Alright ladies and gents, BIG PAPPA is here!”


I dropped my arms with a chuckle as thirty of my lanterns looked back at me with various expressions.


“Ahh, you’re nuts Commander!”




“Get off the stage!”


With a chuckle, I dropped my arms and walked into the bay sharing a few words with my people. Standing before the drop bay, I turned around to give my people a straight face but was interrupted by a meow.




Looking down, I smiled at Dexstar, such a good kitty. With a smile, I reached down and picked him up. Now I had a Lantern resting in my arms and I was really hoping that I didn’t come off as one of those evil overlords as I turned around and pet the kitty in front of the masses.


“Alright folks,” I stared as a hand trailed down Dexstar’s back, also making sure to get behind the ears. “You all know why we are here…. The Brood has landed planetside and you know what that means. Full evacuation for the people and eradication of parasitic lifeforms.”


They all stood straighter as the jovial attitude drained out of the room.


“Let’s keep things nice and tight, watch your sectors and keep environmental shields at max all times, no going lower than thirty percent charge. Keep things at teams of two and let’s try and keep the spirit of Universal cooperation alive, please.” I stated before turning my head towards a red-skinned youth with long flowing white hair. “That means you don’t go around trying to seduce wives Jace, yeah, I’m talking and looking right at you.”


“Come on Commander, that was like a month ago and she was grateful for my rescue,” Jace replied trying to play the affronted card. 


I shook my head at him, “No getting your dick wet with any would-be grateful damsel that you might rescue today. Keep it in your pants and ill think about not having a chaperone tail you during the after-party.”


“Co... Commander!”


Ignoring him, I put Dexstar up onto my left shoulder before activating my helmet. There was a split second of darkness before color and the world came back to life all outlined with a wireframe as my systems automatically cataloged everything and gave it labels and threat levels. I raised a hand and ran it over the armored cat even as I stood in the drop bay.


“Alright people, call sign Full Frontal or Commander, you know the drill,” I spoke, my voice coming out with a slight mechanical tilt to it. Standing in my ready position, I waited for everyone else to get themselves in place also before hitting the drop button. Dexstar propped himself up against my shoulder plate, rubbing his own armored helm against my own even as Diana took a position at my right. Hmmm, I should get a lantern dog next, maybe the Savage Lands had a Direwolf that wanted to be a good boy.


“On your mark Commander,” Diana spoke up her own voice coming out with a mechanical tilt.


With a swift and smooth motion, I slammed a fist into the drop button opening all the drop bays. We fell like bright and shining meteors, my hands shot out as I floated those sweet few seconds of weightlessness that being in space gave before my stomach dropped with gravities embrace.


Staring down the approaching planet, I kept my own feelings on the situation at bay even as orange threatened to override my vision. Everyone around me glowed a uniform shade of green, yet I kept firm in my approach, the chest of my armor heating slightly.


[Hive Lord detected.

[Anomalous energy detected.]

[Anomalous energy detected.]

[Anomalous energy detected.]

[Fear detected.]

[Fear detected.]

[Fear detected.]

[Fear detected.]

[Hive Lord detected.]

[Anomalous energy detected.]


Eyes hard, my hands curled into fist as a raging inferno of green wrapped my body within its power. My thruster came alive as I shot downwards with the intensity and drive of a raging dragon whose horde was stolen.


Bringing my shield around the front, I positioned that on my left even as if readied my blaster rifle in the right and prepared a charge shot. Parallax was about to fuck around and find out that he picked the wrong battle this day. I wasn’t some spandex-clad fucking moron going up against a primal emotional cosmic entity.


It was time to bring FEAR to heel.



{Scene Shift}



Ava’Dara Naganandini




Ever since she could remember, Ava had been raised with the glory of the Shi’ar Empire. Before she could even speak she had worked for the glory of the Empire in their war factories building rifles for the army, because she was of the Shi’ar.


Her life has always been for the Empire even her birth was for the Empire as she was one of the thousands of eggs fertilized from the thousands of eggs collected with the body tax the Empire imposed on its servitor races.


She was made by the Empire for the Empire, and she was raised on doing the best she could for the Empire. So, when she was dispatched to learn of why communications were shut off. Ava felt that things were just another routine mission. That was until the Brood was discovered planet side, that was until the infections started, until she witnessed the conversion farms.


Her reports were met with scuffs of incredulity due to the treaty in place with the Brood queen. She was commanded to send back proof, but even then, the command that came down the line was that it was a so-called rogue faction. Ava couldn’t understand how that was possible since the Brood was a hivemind species.


The fools above wanted to bombard the planet due to the presence of the Brood, but how could she give that order? That would only throw the creatures further across the continent and push particulates into the atmosphere. That order alone would cause them to lose the planet and her being here would be a lost cause.


Growling, her sword slashed out bisecting a Brood hatchling that made an attempt to get past her position. It wasn’t her place to say, but this felt arranged. She was a royal guard tasked to protect her lady and the brood just happen to strike when the fleet was away. No, Ava was certain that a plot was made to take her Lady’s life.




Her head snapped around to stare at a beast far larger than the rest glowing in a strange sickly yellow color. Narrowing her eyes at the thing, she pressed her communications device and ordered one of the gunners to cut it down.




The beast roared once more as the weapon emplacement cut into it, but from her vantage point, even Ava could tell that it was only negligible damage. Before she could give another order, her coms officer brought her attention to something that was happening up above.


Looking up and ignoring all of the fleeing cowards, Ava narrowed her eyes as she was green meteors burst through the cloud layer. Their armors weren’t as uninformed as her own Warbird exo-suit, but what they did share in common was the green aura that marked them as a unit.


Her eyes zeroed in on the central figure as he rocketed downwards faster and faster appearing as if his one true purpose was to splatter against the ground. The others around him separated into pairs and she watched as he came to a hard stop, his back flaring with power. Her helm spoke of the power output which she balked at because there was no way a person could just carry around something with the same power as one of their ships main guns.


Then she watched as he pressed the trigger and she had to reevaluate as the upper half of the massive Brood was vaporized. She looked on as he stood imposingly in front of her line and fired off shots that gauged out large portions of the land. He placed what could be a scout ship's main guns onto a position on his back, brought the shield around only for her to discover that it also had hidden guns.


The back-mounted things opened up to reveal more remote-controlled weapons systems and Ava had to admit that just maybe, weapons were part of his religion.


Ignoring that thought and jumping down from her perch, Ava walked forward with purpose,  her eyes hard. The stranger that fell from the sky’s and saved her squad hovered there before her, protecting them all. Gaze hard she walked over to the man before her, the helm that protected his head pulled back to reveal dark features. She noticed his oddly colored eyes along with the shield protection around his head. Ignoring his handsome features and that curious glint in his eyes, Warbird brought up her sword and held it to his throat.


“Who are you?” She growled; her sword poised to strike.


Before Ava could press the issue, a sword appeared from her back and was placed underneath her own throat. The handsome man before her just smiled, his strangely colored eyes glowing with intensity. The female champion that had so effortlessly taken her back, pressed in close enough for the hard armor that covered her chest to pressed into Ava’s back.


“Easy now pretty little bird,” The female at her back spoke, “Pointing sharp objects at my Commander might cost you your pretty little head.”

Authors Note: Since this site allows images, here and have fun!


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