Chapter 11: Trouble incoming!
The large bedroom suddenly felt smaller with the tension building between them, the afternoon light casting long shadows across the polished wooden floors.
"What's your name?" Larry asked, studying the girl Gable had introduced. She brushed off her clothes with quick, irritated movements, shooting him an annoyed look that suggested she'd rather be anywhere else. Her crisp business attire contrasted sharply with her seemingly perpetual scowl.
"I'm Hime," she declared, straightening her posture with practiced precision.
"I'll be your assistant from now on, but don't expect me to babysit you." Her voice carried the kind of authority usually reserved for someone far more senior, making Larry wonder about her background.
Larry felt his eye twitch at her tone but maintained his composure, reminding himself that he was now in a position of authority and needed to act accordingly.
"Hi, I'm Larry, and I'm an adult, so no need for babysitting." He tried to inject a note of firmness into his voice, though the effect was somewhat undermined by the visible fatigue in his stance.
"Splendid, let's get to work then," Hime replied, already reaching for some papers on a nearby desk. The efficiency of her movements suggested years of experience, despite her youthful appearance.
"Can we do it a bit later after I've rested?" Larry asked, feeling the weight of his recent battles in every muscle. The various bruises and cuts from his fight with Gable were making themselves known with increasing intensity.
Hime's response was sharp and immediate, her eyes narrowing with disapproval. "What did I say about babysitting?"
Larry let out a weary sigh, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "I get it. Just two hours then I'll be up and running." He could feel a headache building behind his eyes, the stress of the day taking its toll.
"Fine! Weakass," Hime muttered, turning on her heel and striding toward the door. The sharp click of her heels against the floor emphasized each step of her exit.
Larry's nerves tightened in anger at the insult, his fingers curling into fists at his sides, but he bit back any retort. Getting into an argument with his newly assigned assistant about her yandere attitude wouldn't solve anything, especially when his mind was preoccupied with a more pressing matter.
As he gazed out the window at the bustling city outside, a question that had been nagging at him demanded attention: Why had Blond lied about Gable's power being fear itself?
The windows of his bedroom provided a panoramic view of the territory now under his control, a constant reminder of the responsibility he'd inherited. Making a decision, Larry called for a maid stationed outside his room, her uniform bearing the Gamblo family crest. "Could you please fetch Raxa and Blond for me?"
Several minutes passed before both men arrived, their presence filling the room with an air of authority that Larry was still getting used to. Raxa's confident stride and Blond's measured steps created an interesting contrast as they approached his desk. He didn't waste time with pleasantries, the question burning in his mind.
"Why did you lie about Gable's power being fear?" Larry asked Blond directly, studying the man's face for any reaction.
Raxa's lips curled into a knowing smile, his eyes glinting with amusement. "You haven't figured it out, it seems." He glanced at Blond, signaling him to explain, his casual posture suggesting he was enjoying the moment.
"It's not because I didn't want you to win," Blond began, his voice carrying a note of pride that seemed genuine. "Instead, it's because I wanted you to win with a fair fight. And my god, I'm amazed that you have such battle potential." His words held a weight of sincerity that surprised Larry.
"Oh, that's why!" Larry's eyes widened with understanding, pieces of the puzzle finally falling into place. The deception had been a test of sorts, one he'd unknowingly passed.
Blond nodded, satisfaction evident in his expression as he watched Larry process this revelation.
"I don't think I'm fit for battle that much, but I try to do my best hopefully," Larry admitted, scratching the back of his head. The memory of his recent fight with Gable was still fresh, every ache in his body a reminder of how close that battle had been.
"I know," Raxa replied, his voice carrying a weight of certainty that seemed to fill the room. "That's why I've chosen you." The simple statement held layers of meaning Larry wasn't sure he fully understood yet.
Larry thanked them both, then politely dismissed them so he could get some rest.
As they left, their footsteps echoing down the hallway, he couldn't help but feel there was more to their exchange than he currently understood. Sleep claimed him quickly, his mind drifting into a vivid dream of riding across open plains like a cowboy, saving citizens from fugitives while roaming from town to town.
It was a pleasant escape from the reality of gang politics and mysterious powers, the kind of straightforward heroism that seemed so far removed from his current situation.
The dream shattered when Hime's voice cut through his consciousness, accompanied by rough shaking of his arm. The sudden movement sent waves of pain through his battle wounds, causing him to let out a howling yell that echoed off the walls. The sound brought several people rushing to his room, their worried faces appearing in the doorway, but Hime waved them away with practiced authority, assuring everyone he was just dealing with aching wounds.
"What the hell?" Larry demanded once they were alone, his voice still rough with sleep and pain.
"Two hours are over, hotshot. Get ready to work," Hime replied matter-of-factly, checking her watch with exaggerated precision.
Larry glanced at the clock, shocked to realize she had indeed waited exactly two hours, not a minute more or less. His new assistant was nothing if not precise. With a groan, he stood and gathered his new clothes while Hime waited outside, her impatient tapping audible through the door.
When he emerged from his room, freshly dressed but still feeling the effects of his injuries, he found himself surrounded by bowing Gamblo family members, including Gable himself. The sight made him uncomfortable, the display of deference feeling foreign and unnatural.
"Please, raise your heads," Larry said, gesturing for them to stand. "There's no need to bow to me. Save that for god." The words came naturally, reflecting his honest beliefs despite his new position of authority.
He noticed some dubious looks among those gathered, particularly from those who seemed to hold little faith in any higher power. Their expressions suggested they placed more faith in concrete power than divine authority. Rather than press the issue, Larry let it slide, not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable with religious discussions. The hallway gradually cleared as people returned to their duties, though he could hear them whispering among themselves about their new leader's unusual attitude.
As they walked to his private room, Larry spotted Raxa waiting in the hallway, his imposing figure leaning casually against the wall. Larry's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected encounter, still not entirely comfortable with the man's intimidating presence.
"Do you need something?" Larry asked, trying to keep his voice steady despite his surprise.
Raxa circled him slowly, like a predator examining its territory, his movements deliberate and measured. "Nope! Just here to see if you're alright!" With that cryptic response, he departed as suddenly as he'd appeared, leaving Larry to wonder about the true purpose of the brief interaction.
Settling behind his new desk, Larry couldn't help but marvel at the turn his life had taken. The polished wood surface gleamed in the afternoon light, various documents and folders arranged neatly thanks to Hime's earlier organization. 'An errand boy of the gang is now a gang manager, talk about up and above,' he thought to himself.
A wave of gratitude toward Raxa washed over him – none of this would have been possible without him, though he still wasn't entirely sure why he'd been chosen for this role.
"Stop daydreaming and focus on current issues," Hime's sharp voice cut through his reverie, her sudden appearance making him jump slightly. "The Gamblo family is under you, so our problem is your problem." She stood with perfect posture, a stack of files clutched to her chest.
Larry felt his irritation rise at having his moment of reflection interrupted, but he swallowed it down, recognizing the truth in her words despite her abrasive delivery. "Yeah, I'm aware of it."
"Great, let's jump right into business," Hime said, producing a thick file from her stack with a flourish that suggested its importance.
Taking his seat at the desk with newfound resolve, Larry looked at Hime. "Hand over the files that need to be taken care of." He tried to project an air of authority, though he suspected Hime saw right through it.
The file she presented made his eyes twitch – it detailed the submission of the Gamblo family to Psycho Mania. Of all the gangs they could have been dealing with, it had to be them. The merger was now ruined thanks to his interference. He let out a troubled breath, the implications of this situation beginning to dawn on him.
"We are now the target of the second biggest gang in the city, Psycho Mania, and you are to solve that issue," Hime stated plainly, her tone suggesting this was just another item on a to-do list rather than a potential gang war.
"Why not let Gable handle it?" Larry asked, hoping to find an easy way out. "He was the one to do this previously."
"He can't!" Hime shot back, her voice tinged with exasperation. "The Psycho Mania leader is sort of a friend of his. That's why he wanted to join hands, but you defeated Gable and claimed him as your own." She emphasized the last few words with a hint of mockery.
Larry's frustration bubbled over. "He's not a girl that I made him my own!" The words came out louder than he'd intended, echoing slightly in the spacious office.
"Don't expect babysitting! Have you forgotten?" Hime retorted, her expression suggesting she was thoroughly unimpressed by his outburst.
"Yeah, leave the whole war on me while you yourself say yada yada," Larry grumbled, slumping slightly in his chair.
"Do as you wish," Hime replied coldly before leaving, her heels clicking against the floor as she claimed she had other work to attend to.
Left alone, Larry felt more lost than ever. Opening the file revealed shocking details – the kill counts of both the Gamblo family and the Psycho Mania gang made him shiver.
The numbers were far higher than he'd expected, each figure representing lives lost in this endless cycle of gang warfare. After flipping through several pages, he discovered a sealed letter bearing the Psycho Mania gang's emblem, its wax seal gleaming ominously in the afternoon light.
The sight of the emblem reminded him that his own gang still lacked one – something they'd need to represent themselves properly in this world of symbols and power. He made a mental note to discuss it with Raxa and the others later, but for now, his hands were full with more pressing matters.
The weight of leadership settled heavy on his shoulders as he stared at the sealed letter, wondering what fresh complications it would bring to his already chaotic life.
Looking at the growing stack of papers on his desk, Larry couldn't help but think that Hime's presence in his life, as abrasive as it was, might be exactly what he needed to navigate these treacherous waters. Though he'd never admit it to her face, her no-nonsense attitude and strict scheduling could prove valuable in the days to come. But first, he needed to deal with whatever message that sealed letter contained, and hope it wouldn't add yet another layer of complexity to his rapidly evolving situation.
The afternoon sun cast long shadows across his desk, a reminder that time was passing and decisions would need to be made soon.