Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 227: The awkwardness

After Elaina fixed herself, she walked inside the hall, followed by Mia. She easily spotted Li Wei and seeing him, suddenly her cheeks flared up. But Elaina managed to keep herself normal, and with an expressionless face, she went to greet the couple of the evening.

Mr. Erik and his family were standing with Li Wei and seemed to have a very joyous conversation. As Elaina came to the group, she was welcomed by the couple.

"Now that, Miss Song is here as well, I should start," Mr. Erik said, as he took a glass of drink from a waiter, and then started to lightly hit the spoon at the side of the glass, to get the attention of the people.

When all the eyes were on him, he said, "Today, I would like to also announce something. Vertex corporation has successfully signed the deals of collaboration, with the Song Industries and the Li Corporations, on this same day. We have Li Corporations' C.E.O., Mr. Aiden Li, and the representative of the Song Industries, Miss Elaina present at the celebrations, as our guests of honor."

As Erik said this, the spotlight that was earlier on him, made way to shine on the spot where Li Wei and Elaina were standing. It came as a surprise to both of them, but soon they retained their expressions and smiled, after which, they were presented a glass of wine by the waiter.

After they took one each, Mr. Erik said, "I would like to present a toast to both the partners of the Vertex corporation. May our collaboration be successful," as he showed his glass of wine, and did a toast to both of them.

Elaina and Li Wei also drank the wine that was in the glass in return, after the did all of the crowd, that was standing, followed by sounds of applause.

Next, Li Wei said, "I would thank, Mr. Erik that he invited me and Miss Song to this wonderful evening. You did a really great job, Mr. Erik. Here's to Mr. Erik and Mrs. Mariya, the wonderful couple and our lovely and gracious hosts," as he made a toast to the silver jubilee couple.

Elaina followed him, as she silently made a toast to both of them, after which all the other guests drank the wine.

Erik, after sipping wine, continued, "We have the dinner served, so I would request all the guests to enjoy it."

Because, Erik and Mariya were the host and the hostess of the banquet, they need to enter the dining hall first, with their family. They were followed by Elaina and Li Wei because they were the guests of honor.

The tables were of six seats each, and Elaina and Li Wei's seats were with the host and his family. The seats were allotted, and after the host settled, along with Elaina and Li Wei, the other guests also sat down.

The meal started to serve one by one, and now, only the sounds of utensils were heard in the big hall. After almost an hour, all courses of feasts were finished, with some small conversations, the dinner came to an end. As the empty dessert plates started to be taken by the waiters, suddenly, Lisa asked, "Mr. Li, may I ask where are you staying in Moscow?"

The question caught Li Wei off guard, but because he could not ignore it as well, he answered, "Russian heights."

"Oh my. Isn't it the same place, where Miss Song is staying?" Erik exclaimed, catching Elaina off guard. Elaina who was in the middle of using the napkin was dumbfounded by this sudden conversation.

She looked at Mr. Erik, and then at Li Wei. All the eyes of the people sitting at that table were on her, clearing her throat, she said, "Y-Yes, that's right. I had no idea that Mr. Li is staying at Russian heights as well."

Li Wei looked at Elaina, with little confusion and speechlessness. "Oh my, that is a coincidence," Mariya said.

Li Wei came to his senses, and then looking at Elaina, with a devilish smirk he said, "Indeed, that is an amazing coincidence."

Elaina coughed twice, and then breaking the eye contact of a moment, that she had with Li Wei, she took her glass and drank some water.

After this small conversation, it was time for them to leave. Elaina and Li Wei went out one by one. Li Wei went out first, after which Elaina came out to the basement, followed by Mia.

As Elaina was going to open her car door, when she felt her hand being held by someone, she turned around to see, it was Li Wei.

"W-What-," Elaina didn't get to protest and she was led to Li Wei's car.

"We are going to the same place which we found out by coincidence," Li Wei said, with a smile, and Elaina knew that she was doomed for sure.

Li Wei sat at the driver's seat, and Elaina sat at co pilot's seat. Li Wei didn't start the car, it was quiet till some moment, when he suddenly said, "Russian heights, golden floor, Room no. 2003, Miss Elaina Song, do you have anything to say?"

Elaina looked at Li Wei with shock, she said, "How did you get my room number?"

"The way you got mine," Li Wei answered.

Elaina gulped, cursing in her heart she said, "W-What are you talking about?"

Li Wei smiled and then said, "You hacked my phone and took my location. After taking my location, you searched the hotel, and then hacked its system, looked for reservations on my name and you found my room number, do you remember now, what am I talking about?"

"H-How did you know? Don't tell me it was you-" Elaina was cut off by Li Wei who said, "Wife, if you do this much to find where am I staying, don't you think, as your husband, I can spare some efforts to know how you did so?"

It was easy for Li Wei to find out how Elaina looked for his location. But, indeed, it was a surprise to him as well because it was not easy at all to find out his location, and by hacking his phone, impossible! He was sure impressed by his wife.

"Y-YES! Fine! I did! You did the same didn't you?" Eliana, suddenly, said with a raised voice, and then turned her head to look out of the window.

"And your reason for doing so?" Li Wei asked.

Eliana turned around to him, and then said, "Mr. Li, now that you have found out this much, you can go and find why did I do so. I am sure you are capable to do so," with a slight smile.

"Hmm, let me guess, you did so because you thought I was having fun with Oriel?" Li Wei stopped, and then coming close to Elaina, he whispered in her ear, "In short, Mrs. Li, you were jealous."

Elaina didn't say anything, her head was still looking at the window, her hand was covering her lower face, but Li Wei smiled when he saw Elaina's ear turning beet red.

"Nonsense," Elaina mumbled under her breath, after which, Li Wei went to his position, and started the car. The atmosphere had become awkward without anyone doing anything.

Li Wei, who was the flirtiest person between them, couldn't find any words to say. Elaina on the other hand felt too embarrassed to say something.

Thus, through the whole journey, no one said a thing.

After almost twenty minutes, they both reached the hotel. Giving the car for parking, Li Wei and Elaina proceeded towards the elevator. The atmosphere between them was still awkward, Elaina gulped, so did Li Wei.

As they entered the elevator, their heavy breathing was the only sound that went through their ears. Li Wei took a deep breath. This was the first time that he felt so awkward around Elaina, and it shouldn't be the case when she had already accepted him.

Elaina on the other hand was surprised by Li Wei's reaction, even if she was not nervous, Li Wei's reaction made nervousness crept into her heart.

Suddenly, Li Wei's and Elaina's hands touched, even if it was for a brief moment, it sent sparks to their bodies, and the moment after their hands touched, Li Wei grabbed Elaina's palm and took into his big and warm hand.

Elaina could feel her cheeks flaring up, biting her lower lip, she grabbed Li Wei's hand tightly that was holding her hand. Elaina's move, made Li Wei's heartbeat reach high. Li Wei turned towards Elaina, but before he could do anything, the elevator had already come to their floor.

The doors of the elevator opened, and when Elaina noticed Li Wei seeing her, she felt that it was the time when she should tell him the words that he would want to listen, but as Elaina opened her mouth, Li Wei said, "We are at our floor, I will walk you to your room."

Elaina: "..."

The disappointment that Elaina felt at that time was immense.

'Just what is he trying to do,' Elaina almost screamed in her mind, but on the outside, she nodded, and then they both got out of the elevator and proceeded towards her room, their hands were still in each other.

Within a minute, they reached the door of her room.

"W-We are here," Elaina said, and continued, "I should go in?"

Whether she was asking or she was telling this, Li Wei was not sure, and Elaina herself was not sure.

"You should go in," Li Wei said with a nod.

"T-Then I will go in, Good night," Elaina said.

"Good night," Li Wei said, with an expressionless face, but inside, he was screaming his heart out. He was not sure what to do, he was afraid, that if he would something which Elaina would not like. And now, when she had just accepted him, he didn't want to take any risk at this moment.

Elaina opened the door of her room, and she went to it. Li Wei who was behind her, gestured to her, that he will close the door, and when she got in, he did close the door.

As Elaina got inside the room, and as Li Wei closed the door of her room, they felt immensely disappointed. Something inside them was restless and it was too much for them to handle.


Both of them cursed in their minds.

Elaina turned towards her door, and with heavy yet fast steps, she went towards the door.

Li Wei turned towards Elaina's door, with heavy yet fast steps, he stood in front of her door.

'I wish he is still there.'

'I wish she is still there.'

Thinking this she put her hand on the handle and then opened the door.

Li Wei did the same.


They both opened the door at the same time, and they were equally surprised. Li Wei's hand that was on the handle left it when he saw Elaina there.

Elaina's hand gripped the handle of the door, that was now open when she found that Li Wei was still there.

Their eyes met.

"I don't want you to regret it," Li Wei said.

"I won't, I am sure," Elaina said as she gulped, and at that moment, she and Li Wei knew, that this night won't be like any other. 

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