Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 217: The accident site

At 3 pm, at the place where Feng Jing called Elaina to come was a cafe that was situated at the outskirts of the city. It was safe and so Feng Jing and Elaina could talk there without any hindrance.

Both Elaina and Feng Jing reached at the same time. Taking a seat at the most secluded table in the cafe, soon the waiter came for their order.

"Two coffee," Feng Jing said as he waited for the waiter to go back and then handed over some documents to Elaina. Elaina took some time to read some documents, till the time their order had arrived.

Finally, Feng Jing started, "The biggest part played in all this was of Li Wei. Not even us and the Wens could have done, what Li Wei did single-handedly. The first one to reach at that site before anyone of the family members was Li Wei."

Elaina took a sip of coffee and she digested each and every word that Feng Jing. But her inner self was in turmoil. On seeing no response from Elaina, Feng Jing continued, "The news of your accident soon turned into a big gossip, of course, we tried our best to conceal all the possible information, but as you know, the Feng Corporation is not so strong in the field of handling media, Li Wei also played a great role in that manner."


One year ago, at the site of the accident

The site had been fenced with yellow cautionary tape belonging to the police, as much as thirty policemen were at the site. Some of them were senior police officers, who were investigating the site, while some were there with police dogs trying to get through every single clue they can find. After the police officers, the most number of people were the bodyguards that were not less than fifty people, who were standing blocking the road and the site, so that no one could get inside and know what was going.

Some reporters that had tried to get in were mercilessly thrown away from the site and were forbidden to leak out any information about what had happened, it was because no other than Li Corporation's C.E.O. Li Wei had been looking like a bloodshot wild beast that could kill anyone, who tried to talk to him.


A black Audi stopped at the site, and coming out of them were an old couple, that was the Wens. Wen Peng and his wife Madam Wen came out of the car. Anyone could tell that they were beyond anxious. Madam Wen had a tear-stained face and as for Wen Peng he was no better. Seeing the policemen and the bodyguards gathered, made their hearts sink deep.

They were anxious. Soon they found Mu Shufen who was the one who called them, there was Li Wei's car as well. Li Wei was standing supporting his back to the car as well.

The Wen Couple rushed to them, and they could sense the dark and threatening aura from Li Wei. An ominous feeling crept into their hearts.

Madam Wen was the first one to say.

"W-Where is Yu Yan?" Madam Wen asked Mu Shufen and Li Wei with her shuttering voice. No one answered. Mu Shufen wanted to say something but couldn't bear to say anything. As for Li Wei, because his head was facing down, his expression could not be seen clearly.

"What happened, Li Wei? What happened?! Where is Yu Yan?" Wen Peng asked as every moment of silence added to the misery of the couple.

No answer again.

"That Madam-" before Mu Shufen could say anything, Madam Wen approached Li Wei and then holding his arms, she asked with a raised voice, "WHAT HAPPENED TO YU YAN! WHERE IS SHE? WHY ARE YOU NOT ANSWERING?!" as Madam Wen with all her energy tired to shake Li Wei to get some words out of his mouth.


In this much, several cars together came and out of them, came out the Li Couple, The Fengs including Feng Jing and Feng Ji, Feng Shen, and Li Lian. The elders of the family weren't here. They all rushed to Li Wei and the Wen Couple, as they spotted them together.

"Where is Yu Yan? Is she ok?"

"What happened? Where is Yu Yan?!"

"H-How is Yu Yan?"

Soon hundreds of questions like this were bombarded, but there seemed only questions and question, instead of an answer.

"Secretary Mu, what is wrong? Why are you both not saying anything?" Liu Roulan said in a raised voice.

"T-That Madam Mu, they say Miss Yu Yan's body is nowhere to be found in the surrounding. The blast was so intense, that the police suspect that Miss Yu Yan had died."

No sooner did Mu Shufen said this, loud gasps could be heard.

Madam Wen who was still holding Li Wei had her hands slipped and tears were flowing through her cheeks. The same went for everyone else who was present there. Madam Li was in utter shock, and Madam Feng was no good.

The men standing were in dilemma trying to understand what they had heard.

"What are you saying, Mu Shufen! Do you even understand what are you speaking?" Madam Li said as she looked devastated.

"M-Madam Li, this is the truth," Mu Shufen said.

"H-Honey, are you listening! How can this happen?" Liu Roulan said as she referred to Li Qiang who rushed to his wife's side so that he could support her.

Madam Wen had been only standing straight because Wen Peng was holding her. As for Li Lian, she had buried her face in his husband's chest, her sobs were heard clearly. Feng Shen had been patting her back and there were tears in his eyes as well. The husbands tried their best to keep themselves calm, but it wasn't easy for them to do it. Seeing their wives like this, they knew that it was not a time that they could feel weak.

Feng Jing and Feng Ji were shocked. They had found Wang Yu Yan just a few days ago, and now this happened. It seemed that she had left them and went to a place where if they all try, she wouldn't come back. But there was no way, that Feng Jing was going to accept, he said, "Because they haven't found her body, it can't be said that she has died. I will talk with the police, regarding this matter. There is no way that I can accept this, without even trying to look into it," and he went away from the group to talk with the police officer. Feng Ji nodded, he was agreed with his brother, "I will go as well," as he followed Feng Jing.

"I want to see that accident site!" Liu Roulan said abruptly.

"T-That Madam Li! I ask of you to not see the site. It isn't-" Mu Shufen was cut off by Liu Roulan who said, "No need to tell me, what I should do, Secretary Mu. I want to see it, and I will," she said.

In the end, all of them went to see the accident site. Every step that lessened their distance with the site, made everyone's heart sink deeper. Every step that was taken was requiring every courage and everyone seemed to have been trying their best to harden their heart for others, but what happened when they reached the site was the opposite. 

As soon as they reached the site, in front of them, was a car that had been bumped into a tree trunk and the half tree had fallen on it, the car was burnt, it would be difficult for someone to even say a burnt car as 'car' because from no angle that seemed like a car, first from the front it had been destroyed by the tree trunk and then the fallen tree part had sunk the upper roof of the car. It was not only this, the car had been hit by a big truck, that seemed to have carried some flammable thing in it. The car was hit to such an extent, that it was squished to its other end. The truck, as well as the car, were burnt, and there didn't seem any possibility for any human to be alive after suffering such as an accident.

Madam Wen dropped on the road on seeing this, she couldn't bear to see it. Even others who had tried to harden their heart, couldn't hold back, and in no time, sobs were heard. Everyone was crying, their tears were the presentation of the sadness, the heartache, and the misery they all were going through.

How can they even bring themselves to see this situation a person dear to them was in? The site was horrible and was in a situation in which no one wanted to see even their enemies in. 

In midst there was someone who hadn't shed a tear till now, and it was Li Wei. 

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