Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Three. Chapter Sixty-Nine. Curiosity Killed The Cat

Suitably chastised, Peter had spent the day with Aunt May. With Liv settled and everything calmed down, he made time and went to visit her.

They had shopped. Stopped to take lunch at a small restaurant. Laughed as they argued over who paid and then hugged before heading back to their lives.

He felt Aunt May seemed happier than before. That his being away had actually given her more purpose and drive than if she was still taking care of him. It had been bittersweet to see but he was glad she was happy.

It wasn’t until he got home that his mood changed.

Gwen was waiting for him, phone in hand, “Felicia cancelled. She wants to meet you, Usual place, she said wear a suit, so I guess she means Venom,”

Peter sighed, “tonight?” to which Gwen nodded, Rubbing a hand through his hair, “fine, tell her I’ll be there.”

Gwen rubbed a hand down his arm, “please. She’s stopped taking my calls, and refuses to see me.”

Peter’s face fell, and he gritted his teeth, “She what?”

Gwen nodded, her eyes slightly moist as she tried not to cry. Peter pulled her into his embrace and she nuzzled against his neck

“I’ll make sure she’s here if I have to beat her ass and drag her back here myself.”

Gwen sniffed, “if you do anything with her ass, I want to watch.”

Peter laughed as Gwen half giggled, half sobbed into his chest. “Pervert.”

Venom took a breath, tasting the odour of the night, a mix of car fumes and desperation.

Sunset Park was its normal busyness. Even at the start of the autumn weather, it was still warm enough that the crowds gathered. While it made getting to their spot harder, it was practice, and he knew he needed it. Sometimes being as quiet and unobtrusive as possible was best.

He had only stopped once to stop a mugging. A pickpocket was working their way through the crowd. Once they were far enough away in the trees Venom pounced.

Making an entrance he spun and landed on his feet in front of a dishevelled man. He was dressed plainly, expecting his attire would blend in easily. A simple grey hoodie pulled up to cover his face. He back peddled as he saw Venom land but pulled out a set of knuckle dusters.

They’re getting braver, he thought, but not good enough

"You know, those are illegal in the state of New York." Venom stretched up to his full height and leered down at the thief. "So I don't need a duster." The mugger swung at him and Venom caught his hand and squeezed the metal with his claws. "But you can have the sandwich," before ramming his fist into the thief's face. "Get it? knuckle duster, knuckle sandwich, eh, everyone’s a critic."

Black Cat sarcastically slow clapping at his joke.

"Yeah, make a joke while you break someone's hand, real classy, Venom," she stopped a few feet away from him. Venom headbutted the guy and dropped him.

“Nice of you to show. You made a few people unhappy, Cat.”

Black Cat shrugged a shoulder, and moved over, “Concussion, broken hand, and well, a lot of wallets. Drag him to the tree line and web him up there. Someone will find him. Leave the wallets and it’ll give the cops enough to make sure he stays in jail.”

Venom huffed, “Yes Boss.” He grabbed the thief by one foot and dragged him through the underbrush. “You like this at home?”

Black Cat laughed, “Quit whining and get it done. I want to talk, and not with an audience.”

The pair gathered a crowd. It wasn't every day that you saw two supers together, “Call the cops.” Venom said with a huge grin, ignoring the camera flashes.

Black Cat had stayed back but a few of the braver witnesses spotted her. As soon as the first flash went, she vanished up into the tree line.

Once he was finished, he did the same. Finding a large enough tree he peat between the branches following the trail she had left for him.

Once they were back in the residential area, Black Cat headed to the fire escape of a nearby building. Venom followed and found her sitting on a metal air vent.

“So talk,” he asked the waiting Black Cat. She looked nervous and he could smell her panic. Was she about to admit she had set him up or was this going to be a relationship talk?

“You took care of Sandman, Ock and Electro. You know about Rhino?” Black Cat asked as she sat on an air vent.

“I figured who he was yeah.” It was going to be that kind of talk.

“And you're okay with that?”

Venom shook his head, “I'll get proof first. I’m not gonna barge into his office and start a brawl if that's what you mean.”

It wasn't, but she still pressed it, “So, not on his side?”

Venom laughed, “Oh yeah, the guy who pulled a building down on me. No, if he is, then he pays. Just like the rest.”

Black Cat smirked and shook her head, “yeah, I uh, should go. Wait til you’re.”

Venom interrupted her, “Hell no. You get your ass to her, and you explain why. I spent most of my night comforting a very upset person. We’re mad at you.”

Black Cat crossed her fingers and stared at them as she fidgeted, “upset?”

Venom shook his head, “not for this, for avoiding her. She doesn't care, she just wants you there, and not skulking on a rooftop. What's next, brooding on a gargoyle?”

Black Cat laughed, “yeah, I'm sure Spider-Man would love that. Me bent over, showing everyone my chest.” His mask shifted and she guessed he had raised an eyebrow. “Fine. Fine.“ She sighed, “I’ll go there now, okay?”

Venom stood and stretched, “It’s not me that’s upset at you. I figured it out a while ago, I just never said anything.”

Black Cat frowned, “you did?”

Venom nodded, “the first time I got a really good smell. Your uh perfume is unique.” Black Cat sniffed her hand, “Try lower.”

Her face wrinkled in annoyance, “pervert.”

Venom laughed. “Yeah.” He stood and stretched, “So, we good?” to which she nodded, “I’ll meet you there. I need to make a stop first.”

He thwipped out a web line and stood on the edge of the building, “Dont make her mad. She has powers now.” He laughed as he swung away into the night.

“Yeah yeah, asshole, I did see the suit,” she shouted as he disappeared into the night.

Shaking her head she undid her grapple gun and fired off her own line. She couldn't hide from Gwen any longer. She just hoped she would forgive her.

Black Cat was running across the roofs, she knew Venom wasn't following her but that didn't mean that no one else was. Leaping over an air conditioning vent she didn't even hear the shot.

It pierced into her gut and out through her back. She was sent spinning as her legs gave out from under her. She could only hake in pain as she scrambled back against a vent, trying to catch her breath.

She sat until the pain began to radiate outwards. Her stomach was on fire and her lungs refused to work. Her hands shook as she fumbled with her belt. It was impossible to remove her medical supplies with blood-soaked hands.

She heard a mic click. "We got her boss, uh-huh, confirming now,"

They had found her, and she slid down onto the rooftop. She lay still as the shooter dragged her onto her back.

She heard the click of his gun as he readied it.

He must be a double-tap guy. So she acted.

Hissing in pain, she kicked his legs out. She grabbed the gun. Trying her best to ignore the agonising pain from the gut shot, she drove her clawed hand up into his armpit. Twisting his arm, she severed the muscles. Then she pulled him down, spun and landed on top of him, and before he could shout drove the same hand into his throat.

Pushing herself off the man, she stayed low. He had backup, as he didn’t smell of gunpowder from a freshly fired weapon. If he had more friends, she was unwilling to present any body part for the sniper to put another bullet in.

Crawling to the edge of the roof she groaned as each movement tore more of the wound. With one shaking hand, she pressed down on it, trying to stop as much blood from leaking out as possible.

She needed help, and while Peter was busy, she knew that Gwen had powers. The warehouse was only a few blocks from here.

She knew dragging a firefight into his home was going to piss him off. Looking down as the wound spurted more blood, she had no choice. It was either stay alive and have them mad at her or bleed out on this rooftop.

She winced in pain once more as she tried to get her supplies from her belt.

Groaning, she took several painkillers out from her belt, it didn't matter if she took them all.

The amount of blood she was losing meant she'd be dead in an hour anyway. Overdosing wouldn't make that happen any quicker.

She ripped open several packages with her teeth before dropping them on her lap. They were shaped like tampons and soaked in drugs and glue. Designed to plug a wound before surgery, these were black-market medical supplies. Horribly illegal but life savers.  She stuffed the superglue-soaked cotton wadding into the wound. before wrapping herself up as tightly as she could. The wound now felt cold, and on shaking legs she hissed as she stood.

She skulked to the edge of the building before easing herself over the parapet onto the fire escape. The pain was fading but so was her strength.

Screw it.

She took out an emergency vial she carried. One she hoped she would never need, and breaking the cap off took a deep breath and drank the whole vial.

A liquid fire raged through her veins and she felt fucking great! Bleeding to death could wait, she needed to get to Parker and now.

The military-grade amphetamines coursed through her veins, making her feel superhuman. As long as she could get help she would deal with the side effects later.

Ignoring the warm sensation dripping down her thighs she dropped to the street.

"It's only a few blocks," she whispered to herself and then began the slow limp towards hope.

A few minutes later the sniper arrived. He was similarly dressed. Covered with tactical gear and hidden by a balaclava and night vision goggles.

He knelt down and examined his fallen comrade.

Clicking on his radio. "Target is gone. Assessing now."

Finding a slashed open throat he took a breath. After lifting the balaclava and seeing his open eyes, dead and staring at him, he shook his head and felt for a pulse. After failing to find it he swore.

He clicked the side of his radio, "Yes Sir. One is down, no sign of the target. I have a blood trail but it ends at the wall. Orders Sir?" He crouched by the body, listening to his orders.

The man had been his mentor, taking him from the academy into the agency. He was calm right now though, but that bitch would pay for killing him.

"Affirmative. One for clean-up. Track and trace in progress."

He flipped the fallen man onto his back and pulled out a vial from his vest. Carefully uncapping it he poured it over the man's face. It bubbled and hissed as the black liquid sank into his face. It was always gross to watch, but it was better than being dead. That's what they had told him anyway.

"Collection Thirty-Fourth and Maple Rooftop. The beacon has been activated."

Finding the other agent's radio he pressed a switch on its side and a red light flashed twice and then lit up. With the tracker active he could leave the body and resume his mission.

Capping the vial, he left it on the body. Urban infiltration required a less armoured approach. Undoing his own vest and tugging off his mask, he lay them both down next to the body. Next was his sniper rifle and spare ammo. All he would have was a pistol and a combat knife.

He knew the cleanup crew would take care of any evidence they had been there. The drizzle of rain would make it harder to track her but she was losing enough blood that she wouldn’t get far. The best place to hide would be the park but would draw attention to herself. His bet was the warehouse district. The blood ended at a free escape that led to that area.

As long as he could keep her in the industrial district and away from any people his job would be a lot easier. As he checked his knife he smiled. If he caught her quickly and got her somewhere quiet, he could be as messy as he wanted.

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