Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc One. Chapter Fourteen. Damsel In Distress

Nothing could dent Peter’s good mood.

Not even when he saw Flash scowling at him as he grabbed his books from his bag.

Not even the ball of paper he felt coming. He pretended to drop and pick something up so that it hit the person in front of him.

That one gave him a smile, and as they turned, saw Peter picking up a pen and a confused Flash.

For once he got yelled at, and not Peter. He guessed that maybe there were some good teachers after all.

The school day went quietly. He had chemistry first period, a class he shared with Gwen. While they sat, pretending to work, their hands intertwined under the table.

His second period was Math, and Felicia, Flash, Harry and MJ all joined them. Flash and his friends sat at another table, MJ joining them. They soon grew bored with the lesson and began their normal antics.

Harry looked at the pair, “Finally huh?” and gave Peter a small grin.

Felicia on the other hand pinched Peter on the leg with a small scowl and pulled Gwen to the other side of the table. He tried to ignore their conversation, about abs and kisses.

As the lesson went on they got to work. Peter helped Harry, and Felicia gave Peter daggers. It wasn't long before the torment began.

While he was still adjusting to his new senses, the room was quiet enough that he heard Flash whisper,

“Hey, watch this.” and a spitball, a small wad of paper chewed and then spat from an empty pen, was fired at him

Peter could feel the air shift as it flew towards him, and leaned back and stretched, making it miss and hit the wall.

That was, uh, weird. Peter thought, avoiding another one.

Flash grew increasingly frustrated and Peter could see him getting angry.

Do I have a danger sense? He questioned, and as he leant back he closed his eyes.

Gwen was whispering to Felicia about his toned chest and strange new muscles.

The teacher had his back to the chalkboard. To busy as he wrote out an algebraic formula for their maths exam practice.

Flash was lining up an eraser. He make sure the teacher wasn’t paying attention and then he turned ad launched it at Peter.

He could feel it. The air shifted, the smell of the rubber and even where it would hit him. If he didn’t move, on the side of the head. Flash had a decent enough aim but Peter stretched out a hand, caught the eraser out of the air and launched it back. All before returning his arm to its resting position behind his head.

Flash yelled out “What the fuck Parker?” as the eraser smacked off the side of his head causing him to rock unsteadily in his chair.

The teacher turned, “Mr Thompson. Do not yell curse words in my class.”

“Sir, he threw an eraser at me.”

As the teacher turned to raise an eyebrow at Peter, he leaned forwards and lifted the eraser he had on his desk to show.

“I was sitting here listening. I never did a thing.” Peter answered innocently.

Harry smirked and shook his head, “He’s right Sir. We’re just studying here.” before looking over at Flash, “Eugene just doesn't like Peter.”

Flash gritted his teeth “Don’t call me Eugene, Osborn.”

Harry grinned and shrugged, “Well, after what we heard, done in a flash seems more like an insult.”

Flash balled his fists and stood, “Say that again!” he yelled.

“Mr Thompson!” The teacher shouted, “This is a classroom, not a brawling ring.” He slid a pad from his desk, scribbled a few notes on it and then tore off a form. “For disruption my class. Please take this to the main office. One week's detention.”

Flash stomped his way to the front, he snatched the note and slammed the door on the way out.

“Mr Osborn. Antogonsig him will earn you detention next. I understand you are standing up for your friend, but that was uncalled for.”

Harry tried to look serious but it was obvious he was still grinning, “Yes sir, sorry sir.” before he looked over and winked at Peter.

The rest of the day went smoothly. Flash never raised his voice, or drew attention to himself, even at lunchtime. His favourite time to torment Peter.

As he stashed his books for the last period, a note was waiting for him,

‘Flash is planning to get you after school’

While Peter would normally have shaken his head, and made plans to avoid him. This time there was a small flower drawn at the bottom. Something he knew MJ used to do in kindergarten, he knew this was serious enough that she’d go against Flash to warn him.

No, screw him, and screw this stupid nonsense. And as Peter grabbed everything from his locker. He headed to his last class.

Peter saw Flash and his group hanging around the bike rack. He had a small group of his friends, as usual. Flash was bigger than Peter, but he always had friends with him when he bullied him.

One of them pointed over at him and Flash snarled, “Parker, don’t make me come over there.”

Peter smirked and shook his head, slowly walking over to the group.

“What? I’ve got work.” Peter asked glibly. The rack was hidden from the street, to deter thieves but the school budget didn’t extend to cameras. A lot of extra-curricular activities went on back here. The ground was littered with cigarette butts and open condom packets, it wasn’t hard to see what they were.

“You made me look like an idiot, and I got a week's detention. So, how you gonna pay me back?” Flash asked with a smirk and a snort.

Peter shook his head, “Well, these guys look like they already gave you a handjob, so how about you ask one of them.”

“What the fuck you say?” Flash reach forwards and grabbed Peter's shirt,

“I don’t want to go to Prom with you Flash. I'm sure one of them will though. Maybe this time you’ll actually get laid,” and Flash slugged him in the stomach.

Peter fell to his knees in surprise, wrapping his arms around himself,

What the hell?

Flash snorted, “Yeah, thought so. Smart ass. Hold him up.”

Two of his friends grabbed Peter under the arms and lifted him. Flash looked behind him and lay a punch in one side of his guts, and then another. Satisfied he made his point, he grabbed Peter's hair and leaned in close.

“I told you you'd regret this.”

So Peter head-butted him.

Flash staggered back, holding his nose as blood streamed down his face. Peter elbowed one of the two holding him in the side. Now his arm was free, he grabbed and threw the other into the bike rack.

The two he had hidden, supposedly recording this to upload to viewtube later joined in. One tackled Peter to the ground while the other lay kicks into his ribs.

Peter roared and lifted himself, throwing his suppressor away. As the foot came at him again, he grabbed it and pulled the second boy from his feet.

Flash watched as the normally quiet and docile Peter snarled and became a madman. He reached around to his bag but he felt a hand on his shoulder and another at his wrist.

“If you take out what I think you have, I’ll make sure you never use that hand again,” Felicia whispered in his ear. She forced his arm back and he winced in pain. “Now. If you touch him again. I will end you and I don’t give a shit about who your father is. Do you understand?”

Flash nodded and Felicia let him go.

His friends picked themselves up and looked at Flash warily. He wiped the blood from his face, and glared at Parker, “this isn’t over.” He spat a wad of blood on the ground before he and his cronies stormed off.

Felicia helped Peter from the ground, “You know. When MJ of all people told me you were in shit, I really didn’t expect you to be beating the crap out of him.”

Peter laughed, “thanks, Felicia. Are you sure though? I mean, Flash leaves everyone else alone.”

Felicia snorted, “Piece of work Parker. You get wailed on and you’re worried about me?”

Peter shrugged, “I don’t want anyone to get hurt is all.”

Felicia looked at the blood on the ground, and the group limping away, “yeah. A bit late for that Pete.” She lifted his bag, brushed the dust from his shoulders, and frowned as she gave them a quick squeeze,

Damn, Gwen wasn't lying

“Take care, Pete.” She said before she patted him on the shoulder and turned to leave.

He didn't see the whistful look on her face, I am so getting details from Gwen, she thought, there is no way they just ate burgers.

Aunt May knew not to expect him back until late. He had work tonight and as he walked there he was upset at Flash but buzzing with excitement.

He knew he had powers, but with life and mainly Flash getting in the way he had never really tested them. With the strange black armour he had, he could actually make a difference.

Report of the new Fearsome Four was rising. They had robbed a bank, a jewellery store and an armoured truck so far.  The Bugle called them a poison eating at the heart of the city. With powers, he would be able to help stop them.

He had an hour before he started work. So he headed to the warehouse first, made sure the door was locked behind him and stripped.

He stood looking down at his stomach, and there was nothing. No mark, no bruise and no evidence at all that Flash had punched him. Even pressing the area wasn’t tender.

Peter frowned, so another power? And he tensed and punched himself in the gut.

Oww, what gives?

It had hurt, not much but it was definitely more painful than when Flash had punched him. Peter frowned and rubbed his chin,

So, I can hurt myself but Flash can’t? That seems dumb.

Peter stopped for a moment. Looking around he saw the pile of metal connecting plates used to bolt the walls in the homes in place.

Right, dumb experiment number one.

Peter held the plate at arm's length and tossed it in the air. He led still as it fell and watched as just before it hit his arm a thick black liquid seemed to spread over his wrist.

As the plate hit, he felt nothing. The black had protected him, and he guessed that was what happened at the school.

Right, so black ooze armour, great, he thought sarcastically. But, uh, not great if I need to.

Armour on! But there was nothing.

Go-Go super armour! But still nothing.

Oh Screw this, and forgetting he was naked, turned to kick the wall panels he had attached to the floor.

The thick armour spread over his barefoot and the panel lifted and shuddered as he kicked it.

Peter grinned. Right, so anger, easy enough.

He focused on all the times Flash had made his life miserable for no reason. Every time he had to explain to Aunt May why he needed a new bag or pencil case. The hurt look on her face, and the hidden frustration.

Fuck you Flash, and the liquid seemed to spread over him. It was strange as it covered his face, blinding him but then his senses felt more alive than before. He could feel the air current around him, the humidity and temperature of the air. He blinked a few times and squinted.

The bright lights shone like lighthouses suspended from the ceiling. and the water gurgled under his feet from the sweater line that ran through the warehouse.

It was tolerable but would take some getting used to.

“This is awesome!” He shouted, shot out a web line and pulled himself up into the rafters. Now he owned the place he had no worry about a nosey security guard. He shouted with joy as he leapt from rafter to rafter, giving the armour one final test.

As he leapt from the highest point, he struck a t-pose and landed with a heavy thud on the ground.

It hadn’t hurt, his insides felt like they had been smashed against a wall but it hadn’t hurt.

He lay on the floor, laughing as the armour slid back from him.

He picked himself up and clenched his fists in celebration.

A sudden look of worry crossed his face and he grabbed his bag. He took the recorder out he had on at school and rewound it back to when he started his little experiments.

Yeah, Don’t want anyone to know about that. As he grabbed his clothes and started to dress. “Crap, I'm late,” he realised and he hurriedly finished dressing.

Smiling as he jogged to Aleksei’s he even thought of a name.

If they are poison, then we are their Venom.

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