Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Eighteen. Chapter Five Hundred Thirty-Two. Two Parties

"I am afraid, as Agent Summers is no longer in contact, that he has been compromised. As Head of AEGIS it falls to me to ensure his mission is a success.

Agent Freeman. As the commander of the forces on site, I rescind Order 66. It is now imperative that you apprehend and either detain or eliminate Peter Parker. Charles Xavier out."

The agent in question, standing behind a young girl nodded, "Orders received. Freeman out." He raised his pistol, "Parker. You have till the count of ten to surrender." There was a whine as his pistol charged up to full power. "Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five." At this range, it would disintegrate her head and most of her torso. It was a small sacrifice to ensure the safety of the Multiverse.

Peter looked at Gwen, who had her eyes closed and was biting her bottom lip. He knew she was scared, a lot of the Spiders looked scared. "I'm right here," he shouted and stood, "let them go, and I'll come quietly."

"Keep guns on targets. Move out where I can see you." Freeman moved towards Peter who was moving into one of the clear spaces where trash was dumped. Freeman kept his pistol trained on Peter. He knew he was powered, and wasn't taking any chances.

"I know I know. No sudden moves right," Peter wasn't about to risk anyone else.

"My orders are to contain you, but I've been keeping a note of Cable's mission. You escaped the last Sphere, and are known to be more powerful than you let on." Freeman raised the pistol and pointed it at Peter's head. "I promise it will be quick and that nobody else will get hurt."

Peter shrugged. "Save the speech d-bag. You're a thug. You dress like a thug and you act like a thug. Don't pretend you're anything more than some ass-kissing Nazi." Peter turned his head slightly. "Cool last words right, better than I'll be back or this isn't the last of me."

Freeman was stunned for a moment. Did Parker not realise his very existence could destroy billions of worlds? "No, nobody will remember them, nobody who matters."

Peter shrugged, "Oh, I wasn't talking to you." He pointed with one of his raised hands, "I was talking to him."

Freeman frowned and turned his head. Deadpool was standing there, with his pistol pointed at his head. "Meh, could be worse. His were much cooler," and then he fired. "Of course, he didn't realise those were his last words." Deadpool raised his hands. "WAIT! I know you're all wearing the brown pants, but it's only us you want. Let the kids go free and we'll come peacefully."

Gwen stood, "No, we're Spiders, we can fight."

Peter shook his head, "Gwen. I need you to get the Spiders who can't fight to safety." And kick the crap out of any of the TVA douchebags who don't listen. We don't know our way around, you do.

Gwen huffed. Fine, guilt trip me then. "We agree. Spiders. No one retaliates. Their fight isn't with us, and Miguel isn't here. We head to the bunkers."

More TVA agents arrived, but they did let the younger Spiders go. "So, roshambo? Best of three, but uh, I always choose rock." Deadpool leaned over and loudly whispered, "It looks like I'm masturbating."

He was rewarded by the agents opening fire. "No fair, gun beats everything!"

The control room had a large meeting area and its table sank into the floor to give the two men room to fight.

"You have my word everyone will be safe," Cable said as he stretched. He had no doubt this wasn't going to take long.

"And you have my word your men can leave once I'm through with you. Lyla, lock this room down. Nothing in or out unless I say so." Miguel was also stretching. Jessica kept him active even though it was rare he went out on missions.

"Big mouth, want to back that up," Cable lifted his hands, "You spider punks always talk a big game."

Miguel snarled and rushed forward. He swung out a left followed by a right. Cable brought his arms up and blocked them but it was still like being hit by a truck. "Because we aren't mutants. You were born lucky, you were born with your gifts." Miguel swung low to catch Cable in the stomach and followed it with a right hook to his jaw. "We are made. We are forged by suffering and sacrifice." Miguel stepped back and kicked forward, driving Cable back. "We earned our powers."

Cable snorted. Fighting Miguel was going to be easier than he expected. Like most Spider-Men he wasn't trained. None of them ever bothered. Instead, they relied on speed and power to win. As he stood, he did feel the dull ache in his stomach where he had just been kicked. Speed and power might not be that great against training, but it still hurt.

Cable stood and rubbed his stomach, "not bad, not bad." He rolled his shoulders and raised his fists, "but now it's my turn."

Peter and Deadpool ducked away from the fire. Deadpool sliced through one of the table pillars and they hid behind it. Peter learned long ago not to let anyone shoot you, not every gun fired bullets. "You have guns, shoot back!" He yelled.

Deadpool slid his sword back into its scabbard and gave him a thumbs up. Deadpool rolled out from behind the barricade and shot two agents in the foot. As they fell he rolled forward and drove his swords through their backs. "And you can help!"

His armour coated him, and with a leap, Venom scaled the ceiling. If he was honest, Deadpool didn't really need him. He healed fast enough that even being shot he would just kill the attacker with a sword, and shoot someone else. There looked like forty men, all armed with Hydra Pulse pistols. The only thing that looked different was that they glowed orange rather than blue. He saw a group level them at Deadpool and he decided to intervene.

"Hey, those are my bad guys!" Deadpool shouted as Venom swung down from the ceiling. He barreled into a group and as the shots went wild they disintegrated a table. "Oh, uh never mind." Deadpool turned and stabbed a baton-wielding agent. He fired twice under his helmet before kicking him free of the blade. "Hey, I need a new sword."

Venom had created two large blades from each arm and added to the body count when he spun. One blade came free, impaling an agent through the chest. "Thanks!" Deadpool shouted as he pulled free through the agent. "It slices!" He swung, taking the arms off one man, "It dices!" He swung the sword in an X pattern, chopping another into four pieces. "Venom's Massive Sword!" He drove the blade through the neck armour of one man, "Satisfaction guaranteed." He lifted the blade, covered in the blood of the TVA agents, he compared it to his Katana. "Nah. I don't like the colour," before he tossed it over his shoulder. It stabbed through an Agent about to clobber him with his stun baton. "I would say oops, but we all know I meant to do that."

Gwen grumbled to herself as she led the group through the Citadel. Avoiding the invaders was easy. Every Spider could either climb walls or had something they could use to scale them. Miguel had designed the corridors with walkways over the ceilings, and no one ever looked up.

You know I can hear you, right? She almost stumbled when she heard Peter in her head.

No, I did not. Thanks, asshole, she thought to herself, oh right, you can hear me.

It's one of my powers. I need skin contact but not with Symbiotes I've created.

So, great, she thought sarcastically, so, how's the fight, having fun?

Gwen, You are taking those who can't fight somewhere safe. I don't know my way around. Sometimes fighting isn't the answer, sometimes it is, and sometimes it's the only answer. You're doing something good. Don't forget that keeping people safe is sometimes all we can do.

Yeah yeah, but we want to hit something! Stitch shouted, or, do that thing you don't want to talk about because you are OLD!

Peter laughed. Yeah, if you visit, you're not allowed to talk to Liv, but, just checking in. Talk more later.

Yeah yeah, thanks. Oh great job Gwen, here have a cookie and a pat on the head, now go sit in the corner with the other kids.

I can still hear you, you know, plus, I don't have...oh wait, I do. Ha! I have my emergency Gwen cookie. Want it?

Peter, from the bottom of my heart, with every fibre of my being...I hope someone stabs you.

IN THE GROIN!!! Stitch added.

"Hey wait, rewind that," Mobius was standing in the TVA control room, watching the action in the Citadel. It was normally outside his jurisdiction, as it wasn't in any universe, but Cable took his men. It didn't matter that they were dying. Variants could be rewound as many times as needed. It was the great thing about them, they were unbound by the Sacred Time Line.

"So, you want to destroy any evidence of how badly you screwed up."

"Pause it there." Mobius stood, thinking. What the hell did that mean?

"Can we rewind? See if you can get the monitor he was looking at on screen." Mobius stepped down into the control station of the agent, "There, right there, bring that up and spin it. I want to know what he was looking at."

Mobius looked at the inversions happening on screen. Cable had been right. The lead dimension was leaching energy, but it hadn't caused the inversions. AEGIS had detonated the Spheres around the main one to stop it from spreading.

"Recall every Agent still alive right now." Mobius slid his tempad out of his pocket and tapped out a message. He waited and nodded when his tempad beeped. He had a response from 'Upstairs.' The Time-Keepers normally aided AEGIS. They helped keep the sacred timeline in multiple Spheres from inverting. To actively cause them was against their basic tenets.

"Agent Cable is now the enemy of the TVA."

Miguel finally surrendered. One of his arms was broken, and he knew that several ribs were definitely shattered. He could feel shards digging into his lungs as he breathed.

Cable wasn't much better. His technorganic arm was twisted the wrong way and would hurt like a bitch to straighten. He gingerly touched his bleeding chest. His armour hadn't stopped those damn claws at all.

"You're a tough son of a bitch O'Hara, but a deal is a deal." Cable pressed his cuff and the shield around his rifle and earpiece shimmered and died. Cable lifted the earbud and hooked it into place, "Parker. The Spider group won't stop me from taking you. I have O'Hara here. Surrender and."

"Uh yeah, Hello, is this on?" Cable heard and he shook his head.


"Uh yeah, we killed all your guys, send more. It's kinda boring listening to you talk."

"Stand down Deadpool. You won't win now I have control of things." Cable lifted his rifle, "And I'm not one of those TVA pussies."

Miguel coughed. Cable had disrupted his healing enough that he was out of the fight. "No, that wasn't the deal. I said, if you win I'd let Parker go with you to a safe dimension, not help you capture him. He is still one of us. Lyla, send Parker home."

"As you wish Miguel, oh and Mister Cable. I have taken the liberty of disabling your weapon. Sucks to be you."

Deadpool and Venom were standing in the cafeteria, "So uh, you think he'll surrender?" Venom asked.

"Nah, he's a grunt, a jarhead, a soldier, a man with a mission, a man with a movie deal, a movie deal with a free hotdog. A free hotdog with a...Wait! What is that!" Deadpool pointed.

"Yeah Yeah. Not falling for your stupid trick Deadpool. You know I have..."

An orange tube opened behind Venom, sucking him in. Deadpool looked around, shrugged, and then jumped in after him.


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