Chapter 130: Invisible Women
Basement floor—Dr. Alistair Smythe's private laboratory. According to SHIELD's database, which he now had access to, the whole mansion was built off of this lab. Originally, it had been a testing site for bombs in the 1900s, the location itself being isolated for that reason. After over a century, the lab had been built and covered up with a mansion of over three generations of wealth and intellect.
'Inncoooming transmission from Herbiie.'
Oh? That came as a surprise. His phone was nearby. As long as it was in a twenty foot radius, he could always be in contact with Herbie.
'Go ahead.'
Felix stiffened. 'Who?'
There was a pause, then the AI's voice came again, softer this time. "Susan Storm."
Felix's breath hitched. He turned away from his workstation, eyes wide. 'That's…impossible.'
Carol was watching him and wondering why he had stopped typing. Did he come with a new idea? Felix pretended to by striking a thinking pose.
'Damn… We need to act fast. Alert the locals, make sure she's stable. I'll contact SHIELD and have her transported here.'
"Hey, can I go to the bathroom?" Felix asked, getting up.
"Of course," said Carol.
He wasn't faking either. He did have to go.
Minutes later, Felix let out a sigh of relief as he stood at the urinal, one hand bracing the tiled wall, the other doing what nature intended. He had been holding it in for hours while running calculations and coordinating with SHIELD—turns out, saving a radiation-ravaged city didn't leave much time for bathroom breaks.
The sound of steady breathing behind him made it impossible to relax though.
"You know," Felix said, glancing over his shoulder at Samantha Wilson, aka Captain America, standing rigidly just a few feet away staring directly at him. "I appreciate the whole 'VIP protection' thing, but I think I can handle this part solo."
Captain America stood with her hands folded behind her like a soldier. "Negative. You're a VIP among VIPs, Dr. Faeth. Any change in your health, no matter how minor, needs to be observed and recorded. That includes your urine output."
"I…really wish you'd phrase that differently."
"I'm just doing my job. If you die, New York will look much different. That is not me saying it on behalf of the government, I personally believe it too. If your body starts breaking down from radiation exposure or some other unforeseen side effect, the first signs will appear in your urine. Color, consistency, volume, even your—" She motioned vaguely downward. "—your penis."
A silence stretched between them, filled only by the sound of, well, exactly what was happening. Felix cleared his throat.
"You're really just… watching the whole thing, huh?"
Samantha didn't blink. "Yes."
This was serious business. Don't be intimidated, Felix.
"Hm?" In came Carol who whispered something in Captain Wilson's ear. Felix might not have enhanced hearing but he figured what was being told. Sue Storm—the celebrity superhero—was found.
"Dr. Faeth," Samantha called out, "SHIELD requires your advice on something. A VIP that requires high-level treatment."
"Why? Who is this special person," Felix said, pretending to be ignorant.
"Sue Storm, the Invisible Woman. She was blasted by a Gamma Breath—"
"Gamma Breath? Tell SHIELD in the most gravest words to send her here. I'll set up a cryochamber for her." Felix zipped up his pants. "How far is she?"
"She is currently on route to a helicopter to the Helicarrer—"
"Cancel it. Tell them to bring her here ASAP."
"I understand." The captain turned and did just that. "Doctor, she will be here in twenty minutes."
"Twenty? Alright, let me take a shower first. Better to be safe than sorry."
The cryochamber was used by Spencer Smythe and kept in an otherwise abandoned room on the third floor. Apparently, Spencer was sick and used the cryochamber to prolong the sickness.
"Er…" Felix was washing his hands and waiting for the captain to leave. "Do you mind?"
Captain Wilson's face flushed for the first time. The soldier almost stammered as she said, "Like I said, I must watch over you."
"...what? Even while I'm showering?"
Captain America went over and opened the glass door of the shower. "Keep this open too."
"T-the water is going to splatter—"
"A small price to pay."
"C-come on, this is inhumane—actually, you know what, nevermind. Whatever."
He tugged on his pants, sighing. He heard Captain America's breath hitching as soon as his boxers dropped.
He didn't think she would be that interested in the male anatomy. Come on, she was a war hero and a super soldier.
"Going in," Felix said as if he were a soldier reporting to their leader. Having to cover his dick in front of a literal war hero that he read about in the history books was damn nerve-wracking. Felix without his powers felt more vulnerable than ever. This woman could probably beat him in a fight and in…nevermind. He turned on the shower handle, trying to ignore the legendary black chick eyeing his bare butt, and showered.
He relaxed.
Up until the door opened.
"Captain, what is—oh. Oh wow."
Monica Rambeau, the U.S Army representative. Goddammit.
"I was going to ask what was taking Dr. Faeth so long." Monica settled beside Captain America and crossed her arms to watch the man shower. "Did you inform him of Sue Storm's condition?"
"Briefly, yes. He said he would set up a cryochamber for her."
"Ah, on the third floor? I saw that."
The water was hot, the pressure just right. Felix enjoyed it as much as a guy could while getting eyed up by two military ladies.
They were like a pair of overly serious lifeguards. Both were watching him with the focus of professionals.
Felix let out a long sigh as he scrubbed shampoo into his hair. "So, just to be clear—you two are gonna watch me through this entire shower?"
Samantha nodded. "Yes."
"Security protocol," Monica added. "Pretend we are not here. Invisible women."
Felix tried to be nonchalant as he rubbed his temples. "You know, when people say they want to be surrounded by beautiful women in the shower, this is not what they mean."
"Sorry, but you're a national asset," Monica said, smirking just a bit. "Can't risk you getting assassinated mid-shampoo."
Felix grumbled, rinsing the suds out of his hair. "And what, exactly, do you think is going to happen? A ninja's gonna crawl out of the drain?"
"Wouldn't be the weirdest thing Cap has seen," Monica said.
"Let's at least make this less awkward. Monica, tell me something about yourself."
Monica did not blink. "Like what?"
"Favourite food—or maybe favourite food type."
Felix turned, pretty much having no choice but to flash them with his dick. Monica's gaze dipped quite low and she had to do a double-take. "Alright, alright. Uh… let's see. I love spicy food—"
As Felix turned to reach for the soap, there was an unfortunate thwap sound as his anatomy made… contact. A wet, unmistakably loud slap against his thigh. That ended that little conversation.
Monica let out a low whistle. "Whew. Damn, Felix. You sure you ain't part horse?"
Felix suppressed a sigh. Goddammit. Again. He had barely started rinsing off when Monica stepped forward and leaned casually against the shower's entrance.
"So, Felix," Monica began, smirking. "You single?"
Monica gave a knowing nod. "Mmhmm. Smart. A man like you, all important, all mysterious. Keeping your options open."
Felix opened his mouth to respond, but a voice cut through the moment like a knife.
Captain America—Samantha Wilson—stood with arms crossed, looking entirely unimpressed.
Monica turned her head slowly. "S-sorry, Captain." If this was anyone else, she might have made a skinny white boy joke. Not with Captain America. Not with a woman born in 1918.
"You're flirting," Samantha corrected. "And we are on duty."
Monica saluted her, suddenly obedient. "Yes, Captain. Apologies, Captain."
Samantha exhaled, long and slow. "Out. Now."
Monica saluted the captain, immediately devoid of her previous whims, and sauntered off to guard the door.
The second the door shut, silence fell. Felix breathed, expecting to relax again.
Until the sound of clothing dropped to the floor.
Felix froze. His brain scrambled for logic, for reason, but there was none. Because standing in front of him, stepping under the hot stream of water, was Captain America herself—Samantha Wilson.
Felix's mouth went dry.
Samantha, for all her discipline and authority, was blushing.
"This is for security," Samantha declared, straight-backed, muscles taut and boobs out. She was an ebony woman that was simply hot without trying. The facial features, the booty, the dark complexion—everything about her had no flaws. She was the sublime example of a muscle mommy. "Physical closeness improves reaction time in case of an attack. Without two of us, one of us will be have to closer."
Felix stared. Her boobs were way bigger than what he had expected. D-cups, no freaking doubt about it. "You—what—huh?"
'You did NOT do this when we were alone.'
Samantha didn't waver. "I'm not repeating myself."
Felix was still processing this when she grabbed a washcloth and lathered it with soap.
"I'll do your back," Samantha said, completely serious.
"Uh… you sure? I can—"
She didn't let him finish. Strong, calloused hands—hands that had wielded the shield of Captain America, hands that had fought in wars, saved lives—were now running over his back, firm but gentle.
Felix exhaled sharply.
Samantha Wilson was, objectively, stunning. Her dark skin glowed under the water, muscles carved like a warrior goddess. She was power wrapped in grace, all sharp angles and strong curves—fuck it, might as well say it, a toned ass. A gym ass that a woman trained after years in the gym. A glorious heart-shaped booty and big tits that had been hidden in her military clothes. It was like her full potential as a woman had been unleashed.
Despite her usual no-nonsense demeanor, there was something… soft in the way she moved.
Felix glanced over his shoulder. Samantha was seriously sexy when she was focused. Felix was doing his best to stay cool. It wasn't every day you found yourself showering with Captain America, after all. They had fought once but come on. A celebrity was a celebrity.
Her muscles flexed subtly as she ran the washcloth over his back. Felix was struggling to form a coherent thought.
"Relax," Samantha said evenly. "You're stiff."
In a panic, he looked down—and sighed in relief. This was Captain America and he was in the middle of a disaster; there was a time and place. With her foot, Samantha kicked over a mini-stool. Felix tentatively tried to sit down.
The universe had other plans.
One moment, his legs were bending. The next—
Felix's foot hit a patch of slippery soap. He tried to balance himself and instead he launched backward. Arms flailing, legs kicking, dick slapping, he let out a very undignified yelp as gravity did its thing.
Samantha turned just in time for Felix to crash directly into her—face-first into her chest.
A full, warm, very soft chest. His hands instinctively went to grab them to anchor himself.
There was a moment of absolute silence.
Felix didn't move. He couldn't. His face was currently nestled between two of the strongest pectorals—no, breasts—in American history.
Samantha stared down at him, her lips parted slightly in shock.
Felix made a noise. A muffled, panicked, somewhat appreciative noise.
"A-ahem." Felix played it cool and removed his face from her chest. He looked her in the eye. "Apologies, Cap."
Then he realized his hands were currently on her waist. The Captain's ears were definitely pink. Without his powers though, he couldn't tell if she was pissed or embarrassed or wanted to ride him. By complete accident, lacking Spider-powers and slipping like any normal person would, he went lower and slapped her black ass.
They were close. Too close. Eyes wide, they could have kissed.
Squeeze, squeeze. As much as his horny mind wanted to, he elected not to risk it. "We should get back to work," he said.
Removing her hands from her delicious booty and covering his dick, Felix waddled out of the shower and grabbed a towel.
"Could you tell Luke and Carol to get ready to pick up Sue?"
"Y-yes, of course…"
That was the end of that. His little shower adventure with Captain America.
"F-for his protection," Felix swore he heard her mutter. He wasn't sure whether to hope that it came from his imagination or not.
The cryochamber room on the third floor of Felix Faeth's mansion was sterile, brightly lit, and humming with the low drone of active machinery. The walls were lined with reinforced lead panels and the ventilation system whirred as it cycled specialized filters to trap lingering radiation particles.
At the center of the room, a cryochamber stood waiting, its reinforced glass fogged over from the pre-chilling process.
Felix adjusted his yellow radiative protective suit, checking the seals on his gloves as he watched Luke carry the burned and injured body of Susan Storm in his arms.
Everybody in his team was filled with his vaccine. Even with the antidote coursing through them, everybody was wary of carrying someone hit with direct Gamma Ray Breath from Creature Z. The radiation levels were off the charts. Felix could feel the warning sensors in his suit vibrating, alerting him to danger even through layers of protection.
"Move slow," Felix instructed as Luke approached the cryochamber. "We don't want to jostle her."
Luke huffed, carefully stepping forward. "You do know she weighs, like, nothing, right?"
Felix side-eyed him through the protective faceplate. "Doesn't mean we should go tossing her around like a ragdoll."
Luke exhaled but followed instructions, setting Sue gently onto the metal platform inside the chamber.
Felix immediately went to work, checking her vitals through the monitoring system. The readings flickered erratically. 'Heart rate weak. Oxygen levels compromised. Cellular degradation in progress.'
Felix grimaced. He knew the signs of severe radiation poisoning when he saw them but this...this was bad.
"She's stabilizing," Felix announced, "but only barely."
From across the room, Samantha and Carol watched the process carefully. Neither was in protective suits, standing behind a reinforced lead-lined barrier to avoid unnecessary exposure.
Carol frowned, arms crossed. "I still don't get why you wanted her here, Doctor. SHIELD could've taken her."
Felix didn't even look up as he adjusted the chamber's temperature controls. "Because she wouldn't have survived transport."
Felix tapped a few commands into the console. The cryochamber's mist began to swirl, dropping the internal temperature even further. -180°C and falling.
"It's been days. Days of no food or water or exercise. What does that mean? Her body is still actively irradiated," Felix said, voice clipped. "And you know what that means?"
Carol's brows furrowed. "Apologies, Doctor. I don't."
"It means she is being mutated and that she is still emitting radiation," Felix said. "Her cells are literally breaking down from the inside out. Her mitochondria, her DNA strands—everything is degrading by the second. Even with her healing factor, she can't keep up. If we tried to move her outside this controlled environment, she'd die before we even got her to a SHIELD facility, much less the Helicarrier."
Luke exhaled through his nose. "Damn."
Felix pressed a few more buttons, initiating the seep gas infusion.
A soft hiss filled the room as a specialized vapor began slowly releasing into the chamber, settling around Sue's body in fine, shimmering mist.
"What's that?" Samantha asked.
Felix watched the readings. "A low-dose introduction of heavy argon gas. Since radiation particles travel through air, I'm flooding her chamber with a denser medium. It'll force any free-floating radioactive particles out of her system—while her cells focus on repairing themselves in a low-energy state."
"Fancy way of saying 'gas bath'?" Luke joked.
"Pretty much."
Samantha crossed her arms, impressed. "Excellent work. How long will it take for her to fully heal?"
Felix adjusted the flow rate. "After this, I'll introduce her to the vaccine. That way, her body will start rejecting the radiation. I suspect it will take a few…months."
Luke choked. "M-months!? Did I hear months?"
"...I say that as a generous estimate. It could be years before her body adjusts. It's a miracle she's alive at all."
'Even I wouldn't have been able to survive one of those Gamma Breaths without my insane healing factor. I doubt anything in the world could—aside from maybe Adamantium.'
They all went silent, watching as Susan Storm's body lay in the mist, her burns slowly fading under the sub-zero temperatures.
"She's stable," Captain America said. "Let us hope she gets better."
Let us hope everyone gets better were her unspoken words.