Special Years

Chapter 1365 - Take back 1 city

The sergeant’s footsteps froze.

Countless thoughts quickly flashed through my mind.

He even threw himself into the present scene.

Maybe turning around is “death”, maybe it’s just a misunderstanding…

“Why didn’t you leave?”

“Lieutenant”‘s voice was still so cold.

The sergeant finally made up his mind and raised his gun sharply – he didn’t even turn around, just wanted to shoot into the sky.

Although the gun was empty, it was still very loud.

There are other guard posts around here, as well as wandering posts.

As long as their guns go off, they can definitely hear them.

As long as they could hear, the entire force was on guard.

Dog day!

I actually ran into a scout from the Red Army!

However, before he had time to raise the muzzle, the engagement system on his body immediately beeped.

Drop drop drop-

it’s over…

The sergeant’s eyes were dark.

The hand still subconsciously pulled the trigger.

The gun didn’t go off.

The individual engagement system apparently received the lasers fired at the receiver, then determined that it was “dead”, and then quickly locked its firing system.

The laser launcher mounted on the Type 95 automatic rifle has ceased to work, which is the death of the exercise.


A slight eruption sounded.

The smoking can on the sergeant’s helmet began to spew red smoke.

Looking at the side, the two comrades in arms are also confused, don’t even know what happened, you look at me, I look at you.

Turning around, the non-commissioned officer saw a few soldiers behind the “Lieutenant” holding a pistol with a silencer in his hand, and slowly retracted it into his holster.

That’s right.

I didn’t hear the gunshots just now, and it really was because these people had silenced weapons in their hands.

Sure enough, they were not soldiers of an engineer platoon, and soldiers of an engineer platoon would not have silenced pistols.

No wonder he was shot just now without even hearing the sound of gunfire.

One short chess move and one shortfall.

The non-commissioned officer originally thought of pretending to be calm and looking for an opportunity to fire the gun, but unfortunately he could not hide it from the reconnaissance officer of the Red Army brigade in front of him.

“You are not sappers, you are from the Red Army brigade.” He took off his helmet and looked at the group of people in front of him sadly.

“Lieutenant” stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder and said, “You are good boy.”

A Red Army brigade reconnaissance company commander came over and said in a low voice, “Batch commander, what should we do next?”

Xu Xingguo pointed to the front and said, “It is estimated that there is an artillery company in front. You organize a raid yourself. By the way, there must be sentries in front of you. Pay attention to yourself. After finding them, don’t alarm them, just call the artillery fire to cover them.”

“Understood, knowing that they are here, it’s easy to handle.” The company commander turned around, made a “follow me” gesture to the others behind him, and said in a low voice, “According to the original group, search for the sentinels, and raid the artillery positions. .”

Xu Xingguo did not participate in the battle.

He doesn’t need to be involved.

At this time, it is handed over to the soldiers below to do it.

He turned back to a car, opened the map, studied it, and picked up his phone.

“011, I’m a lone wolf, please answer when you hear me.”

“I’m 011, Lone Wolf, please speak.”

“Just found a blue army artillery position, it is estimated that it is a company level, and it is undergoing a raid operation. It is expected to obtain some new information.”

“Very good, please pay attention to operational safety. At present, our frontline troops have retreated for adjustment. 010 means to continue a new round of offensive before dawn. You must provide more intelligence information for the brigade’s next combat plan. “

“Okay, I understand.” Xu Xingguo said: “011, if their artillery positions are destroyed, I guess the previous password will be invalid.”

“I see, the electronic countermeasures team will keep in touch with you, and once we hear that the other party has changed the latest password, we will notify you in the shortest possible time.”

“Understood, 011, the call is over.”

“call ended.”

After sitting in the car for about twenty minutes, the reconnaissance company commander returned.

“How’s the situation?” Xu Xingguo asked.

The company commander looked very excited and said, “It’s so fun! The whole company was smoking, and the remaining two gun trucks wanted to escape, but we used rocket launchers to clear them up.”

“All annihilated?” Xu Xingguo asked.

The company commander nodded: “Yes.”

Xu Xingguo said: “Then why are you still here? Go to their camp to have a look, collect information, and then get in the car right away. Move quickly. I guess the anti-search team of the Blue Army will come soon.”

“Yes!” The company commander saluted, turned and ran away.

“What!? The artillery position of the third company was attacked?”

In the command car, a staff officer held a microphone and couldn’t believe his ears.

“Are there still people alive?”

Then he was listening with the receiver.

After listening for a while, his face became even more ugly.

“Okay, here I know.”

Putting down the microphone, he hesitantly glanced at Chen Manzhi, the brigade commander who was taking the time to close his eyes and rest not far away.

After thinking about it, he moved over and pushed his arm.

“Brigade Commander, there is an emergency.”

Chen Manzhi moved suddenly, he woke up, opened his eyes and saw the staff in front of him, and asked, “What happened?”

“The artillery position of the third company was covered by the artillery fire of the Red Army brigade, and the entire army was wiped out.” The further the staff officer said, the lower his voice.

Chen Manzhi sat in the chair for a while before asking, “Is it covered by artillery fire?”


“It seems that it was found by the infiltration team of the Red Army Brigade.” Chen Manzhi rubbed his temples to wake himself up quickly: “Have you informed Commander Zhuang of the situation?”

“Not yet,” the staff officer said.

Chen Manzhi said: “You hurry to inform him and let him figure out what’s going on.”

“Okay, I’ll notify Camp Commander Zhuang immediately,” the staff officer said.

“Wait.” Chen Manzhi stopped the staff officer: “You ask Camp Commander Zhuang to come and see if you find anything.”


Regarding the annihilation of the entire army by the enemy’s attack on the third company of the artillery battalion, Zhuang Yan immediately thought of Xu Xingguo.

The “Dark Sword” plan was launched before, which turned the tide of the battle. Now that the Third Artillery Company has been destroyed, the Red Army brigade can be regarded as regaining a city.

Zhuang Yan can almost conclude that according to Lao Xu’s temperament, he will definitely lead the team to infiltrate in person.

His goal is not only to win, but also to kill himself.

Now, he’s in his defense zone.

How to find him is the question.

Chen Manzhi asked him to personally lead the team to the position of the third company of the artillery battalion to see if there were any clues.

He went.

Taking a closer look, I realized that something was wrong.

What’s wrong?

In a word, too clean.

The artillery positions were strictly guarded, but Sanlian did not respond at all, and was wiped out all at once.

What does this mean?

It means that Lao Xu’s infiltration team locked the third company without knowing it, and then summoned long-range artillery fire to focus the fire, killing the entire third company at once.

It will be so simple and straightforward.

War is often agile and cruel.

The lethal power of a large-caliber artillery shell varies according to different types of shells, but it has a killing range of at least tens of meters. If a company is targeted by a scout, it is estimated that two rounds of salvos can be instantaneous.

What makes Zhuang Yan puzzled is that the artillery position is not only guarded, but also has an auxiliary weapon system on the top of the sports car of the self-propelled artillery, which is a 12.7MM high-level machine gun.

There is only one reason for being completely wiped out so quickly. They didn’t find the enemy at all.

How did Lao Xu approach the artillery position through the heavy warning?

Did you really get here?

“The battalion commander~www.mtlnovel.com~ the chief of staff is looking for you online.” The signal soldier ran over with the radio behind his back.

Find yourself now?

Did something happen again?


This old Xu, really suddenly broke up?


Second more.

Ask for a monthly ticket!

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