Special Years

Chapter 1361 - Start the \\\"Dark Sword\\\" program

The technical team in the electronic countermeasures unit is Chen Manzhi’s secret weapon.

The “Dark Sword” plan is the trump card in the hands of the blue army brigade in this exercise.

Invading the other party’s network is an extremely secretive thing.

But this approach is time-sensitive.

Completely invading the other party’s communication system can of course cause huge chaos to the other party, which is why Chen Manzhi still sits firmly in the Diaoyutai under the current passive situation.

You have the goods in your hand, and you are not in a hurry.

But the “Dark Sword” plan is time-sensitive.

Once activated, although the opponent will become confused in command for a period of time, the top and bottom will not be able to communicate, and the combat units will lose coordination and communication.

But he also exposed himself.

With a front-line ace brigade such as the C Brigade, they have enough ability to rebuild and restore their communications in a short period of time.

There is no military commander in a battle without any backup plans.

Of course, Captain He couldn’t be the master. Even if he really broke through the communication network of the C brigade, detected the communication frequency of the other party, and started the entire interference plan, Chen Manzhi had the final say.

Zhuang Yan found Chen Manzhi.

“Brigade commander, I need the cooperation of the electronic countermeasures unit.”

“What’s the matter?” Chen Manzhi asked.

Zhuang Yan said: “The 4th Battalion of the C Brigade has no trace so far. I personally judge that they can definitely avoid all the roads and entrances and exits that we may monitor. I have ordered the infiltration team to expand the scope of investigation, but in the current weather, I am afraid that the harvest will not be obtained. It is very big, and the fighting on the left flank is very fierce now. Before our support unit arrives, if the 4th Battalion arrives first, I am afraid that the Moon Mountain Heights will fall.”

Chen Manzhi pondered for a moment and asked, “Do you have a way to find the 4th Battalion?”

Zhuang Yan said without hesitation: “Yes, I asked Captain He just now, and he said that they have already detected each other’s communication frequency and broke through their communication network. If possible, I suggest Brigade Commander that you allow me to activate the ‘Dark Sword’. ‘plan.”

Chen Manzhi pondered for a moment, and he also felt that it was all right to start the “Dark Sword” plan now.

The situation on the left wing of the Moon Mountain Heights was critical, and the front was entangled by the troops of the Red Army brigade. The right wing did not dare to send people to support, because no one knew whether the Red Army brigade would choose to suddenly land on the right wing.

Defense is sometimes not an easy task.

Especially when the opponent is very strong.

For the C brigade, Chen Manzhi feels that it is much stronger than the Red Army brigade that participated in the first two rounds of exercises this year.

After all, this is the second year of the C brigade, and the first two troops are only participating in this kind of exercise for the first time, which is much easier to deal with.

The C brigade suffered a loss here last year, because the battlefield reconnaissance was very poor, but the combat effectiveness of the troops is absolutely unquestionable.

Now that they are making a comeback, they have already experienced the terrain and combat mode, and they are ashamed. Compared with the two Red Army brigades before, their bravery is definitely a grade higher.

The “Dark Sword” operation, which was originally intended to be used as the finale, seems to be able to start early.

“Okay, I agree with you to start the ‘Dark Sword’ operation, but you have to tell me your purpose and plan.” Chen Manzhi was a little interested in how Zhuang Yan wanted to find the 4th Battalion.

With a solemn smile, he briefly explained his plan.

Chen Manzhi laughed when he heard it, and finally made a decision: “Okay, then you can just let it go. It’s okay, you can try it if you succeed or not.”

Late at night, the time came to 10:35.

In the exercise area, on a hillside about 30 kilometers away from the Moon Mountain Heights, Hu Zhonghua, the battalion commander of the 4th Battalion of the C Brigade, stood with his hips akimbo in the heavy rain, anxiously watching the engineer in front driving the retired plane to the flood. A section of the road is filled with soil.

Looking at his watch, he ran to the front and grabbed the engineer platoon leader who was in charge of the on-site construction command.

The engineer platoon had water all over his head and face, and a lot of yellow mud was splashed on his body. He was as anxious as a man outside the delivery room waiting for his wife to give birth to her first child.

“Can you guys hurry up! Hurry up!”

Hu Zhonghua grabbed him, the engineer platoon leader turned around, saw Hu Zhonghua, and hurriedly saluted: “4 battalion commander, what’s the matter?”

Hu Zhonghua pointed to the watch: “How long did you say it would take?”

“Fifteen minutes.” Even though the engineer platoon leader tried to speak in a low voice, his voice was quickly drowned out by the rain and darkness.

“No! It’s definitely more than fifteen minutes!” Hu Zhonghua was more anxious than him: “You are too procrastinating! It’s been eighteen minutes now!”

The engineer platoon leader knew that he was wrong, and said with a bitter face: “4 battalion commander, you don’t know, it’s raining too much, the mud has been soaked for a day, and it’s soft. Push it down and let the water wash away.”

“I don’t care! I don’t care what method you use!” Hu Zhonghua said angrily: “I have to get to the Moon Mountain Heights before 11 o’clock, otherwise I will delay the military plane! It’s a real war, and this is going to a military court! Not to mention the brothers in front of us. We are still waiting for our reinforcements, if we can’t join the battle before the blue army brigade reinforcements reach Moon Mountain, this battle will lose the opportunity, you understand?! Can you afford it?!”

The engineer platoon leader stood stunned in the rain.

Hu Zhonghua’s words slammed into his heart like a huge stone.

“Oh shit!”

He turned and rushed towards the bulldozer, standing under the car and shouting, “Get down, let me come!”


The battle in the frontal direction continues.

Taking advantage of the heavy rain and darkness, although the C brigade did not have an advantage in force, it dared to fight and fight and strangled together with the two brigades of the blue army deployed in the frontal direction.

Due to the terrain and the slushy mud, the armored forces on both sides were unable to exert their normal mobility. Many tanks even got stuck in the mud. Some of them moved faster and slipped out of control.

We fought for hours, tired and exhausted.

Instead, the C Brigade stepped up its offensive, because the longer it dragged on, the worse it would be for them.

On the Moon Hill Heights in the direction of the left flank, the Blue Army troops in charge of defense were a little overwhelmed.

The 2nd Battalion and 3rd Battalion of the C Brigade, one left and one right, continuously attacked the Moon Mountain Heights from different directions.

The blue army brigade was divided into two sides, and the enemy suffered heavy losses.

The battalion commander of the Blue Army battalion in command of the scene broke his throat on the radio and kept asking when the reinforcements would arrive.

The answer he got made him a little desperate.

The bridge on the only way was blown up by the scouts of the Red Army brigade. The engineers repaired the bridge there, but the ground on both sides of the bridge was a little loose due to the rain of the day. When the bridge was built for the first time, the bridge fell into the river ditch. I went there and had to start the second bridge…

Putting down the radio microphone, the blue army battalion commander was a little desperate.

In the absence of reinforcements, I am afraid that it will be the end of the calf.

Fortunately, the brigade provided them with an airborne landing and sent a company of infantry.

However, the Red Army brigade is full of armored units, tanks and personnel carriers, and the pure infantry can only last for a while~www.mtlnovel.com~ Heavy equipment can’t be delivered. After a long time, it will be finished.

If the Moon Hill Heights are lost, the Blues’ left flank is in great danger.

Occupying the heights of Moon Mountain, the Red Army can command a commanding position and launch a charge against the Red Army’s defense area relying on favorable terrain.

It can be said that as long as the Moon Mountain is won, the whole exercise is half won.

Both Red and Blue knew the importance of the Moon Mountain Heights, so one party vowed to defend it, and the other party vowed to capture it.

When the war was at its most intense, suddenly, something unexpected and incredulous happened.


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