Special Forces: Guarding the border for ten years, my family was in ruins when I returned

Chapter 592 After One Eye

After Wu Zhiqiang and the members of the Taipan Snake Special Forces had loaded their ammunition and returned to the original place, Gu Tiancai slowly walked forward with the members of the Wolf Fang Special Forces and filled his own ammunition.

Since the referee did not know what kind of weapons the American-made special operations team would use, they did not prepare magazines for the special operations team members, so each special operations team was asked to load them by themselves.

Gu Tian and the members of the Langya Special Forces quickly loaded their bullets and returned to their original location. Under the guidance of the referee, they boarded a car. The two teams of the Langya Special Forces and the Taipan Snake Special Forces were assigned to one. on top of a car.

Gu Tian and Wu Zhiqiang were sitting across from each other, but neither of them spoke first, which made the atmosphere in the car a bit stiff.

However, this stiff atmosphere did not last long before it was broken by Gu Tian, ​​who sighed silently and said to Wu Zhiqiang.

"Wu Zhiqiang, I know that you want to win honor for the country, and I can understand your behavior, but I want to advise you that you must not destroy your conscience at any time."

Wu Zhiqiang nodded slowly after hearing Gu Tian's words, took a deep look at Gu Tian, ​​and said to Gu Tian.

"I know, but I think my own conscience is nothing compared to the country's honor. If I can win honor for the country, I can even sacrifice my own life."

Gu Tian and Wu Zhiqiang were like two proud big roosters, refusing to bow to anyone. The two of them continued in a stalemate until they reached their destination.

After arriving at the destination, the Langya Special Forces and the Taipan Snake Special Forces got off the car and gathered, and were then led by Gu Tian and Wu Zhiqiang in two different directions.

After the Langya Special Forces and the Taipan Snake Special Forces separated, Gu Tian gave instructions to the members of the Langya Special Forces.

"After entering the village as planned, you must abide by one principle, that is, you must not shoot at unarmed villagers. This is the bottom line of the country and the bottom line of life. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

Six serious voices echoed in the forest. Although their voices were not loud, they seemed extremely serious. Gu Tian watched with satisfaction as the members of the Langya Special Forces nodded, and then led the members of the Langya Special Forces. members, rushing towards the village.

In order to avoid overestimating the situation, the course team members chose to get off the bus about five kilometers away from their destination. Therefore, after getting off the bus, Gu Tian and others still had to walk five kilometers on the mountain road before entering the village.

Since there were so many villages this time, the referee divided the special forces from each country into many groups. Every two special forces were divided into one group and attacked a village together.

Gu Tian originally wanted to team up with Wu Zhiqiang, but was rejected by Wu Zhiqiang because the two had different ideas and there was no need to continue performing tasks together.

So Gu Tian chose another kind-hearted team. After a simple exchange with their captain, Gu Tian found that their captain didn't seem to want to kill innocent people, so the two special forces hit it off and chose a village.

The distance of five kilometers is neither far nor close. Even on the rugged and difficult mountain road, the Langya Special Forces led by Gu Tian only walked for half an hour.

Gu Tian led the members of the Wolf Fang Special Forces to ambush at the entrance of the village and used radio to contact another special force.

"Mike, Mike, please answer if you hear me, over."

Soon, Gu Tian's headset recalled Mike's voice.

"Copy that! Gu Tian, ​​have you arrived at the village? It's over."

"Yes, we have hidden ourselves in the east of the village. How long will it take for you to reach the village? Over."

After hearing Gu Tian's words, Mike expressed surprise at Gu Tian's speed, because mountain roads are much more difficult to walk than flat roads. A simple five-kilometer cross-country trip would not take half an hour, but a quick march on a mountain road would be much slower.

"We still have about five minutes to get to the west of the village. I'll contact you when I get to the village. Over."

After Gu Tian heard the voice of the microphone coming from the headset, he used hand signals to tell the surrounding members of the Wolf Fang Special Forces to ambush, and then whispered to the members of the Wolf Fang Special Forces.

"Mike and the others still have five minutes to get to the west of the village, so we still have some time. Now we are at a high altitude and try to hit the layout of the village and possible dangers as much as possible."

After Gu Tian finished speaking, he used the scope on the gun to observe carefully.

The villages here are extremely poor. Most of the houses in the villages are adobe houses. According to Gu Tian's observation, these adobe houses are very thin and cannot be used as bunkers.

After learning about this situation, Gu Tian felt that this mission was not as simple as he had imagined.

The members of the Wolf Fang Special Forces also observed this through the scope, and began to quickly look for a location that could be used as a bunker. ..

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