Special Forces: Guarding the border for ten years, my family was in ruins when I returned

Chapter 588 The prescribed time

Several special teams players who touched the water glass looked at the water glass that fell on the ground with regretful expressions. The referee immediately walked over after seeing this scene.

The referee arrived in front of the special teams players who had dropped their water cups. He bent down to pick up the water cups and looked at the special teams players with a fierce look on his face.

"As soon as I finished speaking, you knocked down the water glass and didn't care about my words at all. If that's the case, then I'll punish you by starving today."

The few special teams players who touched the water cup suddenly felt uncomfortable after hearing the referee's words, but even if they were punished by the referee, they could only grit their teeth and endure it.

After all, those few special teams players have learned from the past. If they dare to resist the referee's decision, they may be kicked out of the King of Dragons match by the referee.

Time passed by minute by second, and soon it was two hours. The referee was sitting in the car leisurely blowing the air conditioner, drinking an ice-cold Coke in his hand.

He raised his arm and glanced at the time, and found that it had reached the time specified by him, so he walked down slowly, carefully checked the water glass above the head of each special operations team member, and said loudly.

"Yes, they are indeed the special operations elites selected by each country. Except for the four people who touched the water glass at the beginning, no one touched the water glass."

Gu Tian listened calmly to the referee's words without any expression. This level of training was extremely simple for him.

Because when Gu Tian was performing a mission, he lay on the ground motionless for two whole days, and finally succeeded in killing the leader of a terrorist organization and escaped unscathed.

Although standing in a military posture consumes more energy than lying on the ground, this is still within Gu Tian's tolerance.

After checking again, the referee determined that there was no problem and said loudly to the special teams members.

"Okay, everyone, let's take a rest. This is our first meeting. I hope you can remember my love for you in the future."

After hearing the referee's order, the special team members immediately relaxed. Gu Tian carefully took off the water cup filled with water on his head. Because the weather was too hot, some of the water in the water cup had evaporated.

Gu Tian took off the water glass and gently placed it next to his feet, then slowly sat down and rested.

After the members of the Wolf Fang Special Team and the Taipan Snake Special Team saw Gu Tian's actions, they also followed Gu Tian's actions.

When they finished all this, they were surprised to find that all the sudden team members' eyes were focused on them, and these special operations team members from different countries followed him and carefully took off the water glasses on their heads.

After the referee saw this scene, he felt a little disappointed in his heart, because according to his plan, he could still lose his temper by touching the water glass.

But he didn't expect that Gu Tian would disrupt his plan, so he glared at Gu Tian fiercely and turned away.

After Gu Tian felt the referee's gaze, he didn't show any emotion. He just sat quietly on the ground and rested.

After resting for about ten minutes, the referee who had just disappeared had put on neat equipment and stood in front of the special teams team members.

"Everyone listens to my order - stand up!"

All the special teams members stood up the moment they heard the order. After seeing the referee's uniform, the expressions on their faces couldn't help but twitch.

Because they judge by the equipment carried by the referee, the next training subject is likely to be a five-kilometer cross-country.

Although it is not difficult for the special forces team members here to complete the five-kilometer cross-country with excellent results, judging from the referee's previous behavior style, I am afraid that this five-kilometer run will not be easy.

"Everyone put on their equipment immediately and then started a five-kilometer cross-country training."

After hearing the order, Gu Tian and others had no choice but to return to their dormitory resignedly. After getting their equipment, they gathered in front of the referee.

After the referee said a few simple words, he explained clearly the system of the King of Dragons match.

All participating team members will adopt a points system during the King of Dragons competition. Regardless of any training, winning the top three will increase different points.

The last three in training will have points deducted appropriately. The special operations team in the middle will neither gain nor lose points. The initial value of points for each special operations team is one hundred.

Once the points are deducted, you must immediately leave the King of Dragons competition and return to your home country.

After the King of One Hundred Dragons competition ends, the player with the most points will be the champion of the first King of One Hundred Dragons competition.

After Gu Tian and Wu Zhiqiang figured out the rules of the King of Dragons competition, they looked at each other and saw smiles in each other's eyes.

The rules of this kind of competition are both fair and unfair, but for Gu Tian and Wu Zhiqiang, it is a very advantageous condition because they have both undergone specialized training in this area. ..

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