Space Marine in Star Wars (Warhammer X Star Wars)

Chapter 6: 6. Tatooine

A/N: confession time. I'm trying a new thing. I've decided to run my text through chat GPT for the purpose of cleaning up the text. Nothing more. I wrote the chapter, and simply said "clean this up a little" and this was the result.

I know a lot of people might be skeptical, as I've seen authors use A.I. to write their books, but all I had it do was clean it up.

Please tell me your impressions, and whether or not you like it. Please also tell me if you think I should stop using it. I would greatly like to know your thoughts.


"I understand your fears and frustrations, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said to his Padawan, who had been quietly voicing his angry complaints. "But you cannot let them control you. Temper yourself in this time of strife."

Obi-Wan, still fuming, responded, "You must see the foolishness in this plan, Master. How can we just sit by and let this monster reunite with his kin? I must protest."

Qui-Gon said nothing in reply. The sound of heavy footsteps filled the air, signaling the arrival of the very being they had been discussing.

Maximus entered the hangar bay, accompanied by the Queen and her retinue. The group consisted of the Queen, Captain Panaka, and a few handmaids. Other attendants would remain behind for now.

"We're ready," Captain Panaka said, gesturing toward one of the ships.

It was a sleek, silver vessel—one Maximus had never seen before. He thought it looked primitive, lacking the weapons and technology he was used to. There were only a few cannons, and no tech priests to bless the ship for flight.

"Emperor, protect us," he muttered under his breath, switching off his vox to ensure no one could hear.

"Come on, Mr. Droid Man!" Nira chirped, tugging at his left greave. She and her mother had been asked to accompany the Queen as part of her entourage. While her mother was willing, Nira's excitement was fueled by her fascination with Maximus, whom she had taken to calling "Mr. Droid Man" in her childlike way.

Maximus looked down at the child before hefting his ammo crate. It had grown lighter over the past week, though he still had enough supplies to last for a few more days.

"Come, little one. Let's not keep your mother waiting." he said, stepping forward into the ship's boarding ramp. He had to duck as he entered, and once inside, he realized he would need to hunch over for the journey or at least remain seated for most of it.

"Wait for mesa!" a voice called from behind.

An insufferable Xeno appeared at the top of the ramp, and it took every ounce of Maximus' self-control not to rip its oversized ears off and smash its skull against his knee. His red optics locked onto the being—soon to be known as Jar Jar Binks—with pure hatred. But he knew if he wanted to continue this journey to find his brother, he would have to endure the unbearable presence of this filthy creature.

"Soon... very soon," he promised himself, tearing his eyes away.

As he did, Maximus watched the pilots preparing the ship. He observed which buttons they pressed and which switches they flipped to get the ship moving. It was all completely foreign to him, but after a few moments, he realized it wasn't as complicated as it appeared.

The ship lifted off, and within moments, they were airborne, entering low orbit. Then, the ship began to shudder.

"We're taking fire!" one of the pilots shouted as they scrambled with the controls.

The ship shook violently as enemy lasers struck, causing everyone but Maximus to cling to whatever they could for support. Maximus, having chosen to kneel, remained steady, watching as several droids were dispatched to help repair the ship—though he wasn't sure what they could accomplish.

After what seemed like an eternity, the blockade was broken, and the ship was on its way to Coruscant. But not everything had gone according to plan.

"The damage is worse than the droids could handle," one of the pilots reported, motioning to a nearby console displaying a map. "We'll need to make an unscheduled stop for repairs."

The younger Jedi took charge, scanning the map for a suitable location. He found a desert planet.

"I've located a place. It's out of the way, and the Federation shouldn't be able to track us there," the Jedi said, pointing to the planet on the hologram.

"Hm… What planet?" Captain Panaka asked, glancing at the hologram.

"Tatooine," Obi-Wan answered.

Panaka turned, visibly disturbed by the revelation.

"Absolutely not. That's Hutt territory. If they find the Queen, all hope is lost. Find another option," he commanded.

"But I have. That's all there is," the young Jedi replied.

"It wouldn't be any different than landing on a planet controlled by the Federation," Qui-Gon said, looking toward the ship's captain. "But the Hutts aren't looking for her. It's our only option."

Panaka's expression darkened, but as his gaze shifted to Maximus, who knelt nearby, his displeasure gave way to thoughtfulness.

"Lieutenant Maximus, would you be willing to protect the Queen as we make our way to Coruscant?" he asked, his eyes fixed on the towering, armored figure who knelt outside of the cockpit.

Maximus remained silent for a few moments, then slowly turned his head to meet Panaka's gaze.

"If protecting her will quicken our journey, then yes. I will protect the Queen," he answered.

Panaka sighed in relief and turned his seat back toward the front of the ship.

"Very well. We'll stop at Tatooine," he finally conceded.

"Now then, I think we need to bring that astromech droid to the Queen. She requested its presence once we were out of the Federation's grip." He stood and walked past Maximus.

A moment later, Padmé—disguised as a handmaiden—entered the main room and took a seat next to Maximus at one of the nearby tables. Though he didn't acknowledge her presence, she knew he was aware of her sitting beside him.

"Maximus," she began, her voice calm but curious. "Will you tell me about this… Emperor of yours? Who is he, and what does he do?"

Maximus paused, sensing this was an opportunity to share the teachings of the Emperor. His gauntleted hand rested on his left knee, and his helmeted gaze fixed on her, as if evaluating her worthiness with the question itself. The air around them seemed to thrum with his presence.

"The Emperor... He is not just a leader, or a man. He is the God-Emperor of Mankind—our Creator, our Protector, and our eternal guide," he said, reverence filling his voice.

Padmé frowned, clearly perplexed by the gravity of the title.

"A god? But… How can a man be a god? Aren't gods… something else? Something... different?"

Maximus straightened, his posture hardening, his voice now firm with the conviction of a hundred battles.

"The Emperor is a God. Though He walked among us as flesh and bone, He is more than a mere man. He is divine, and His will is absolute. He is the light that guides humanity."

Padmé's brow furrowed as she processed his words, carefully considering her response, wary not to provoke the warrior.

"I… I don't understand. I've never heard of such a powerful being," she said softly.

Maximus' eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice softened, his tone imbued with deep reverence.

"His divine glory hasn't yet reached this galaxy. But when it does, you will see the Imperium in all its brilliance."

Padmé tilted her head, her curiosity piqued.

"But… if He is a god, where is He? Has He abandoned you here?"

Maximus' gaze hardened, and his voice, though calm, held an undercurrent of danger.

"Watch your words, mortal. Do not speak of such heresy."

"I—I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend," she stammered, her voice tinged with panic. "I just… don't know anything about this being. I only wish to understand."

Maximus grunted, shifting slightly as he relaxed his grip on the hilt of his chainsword, which he had instinctively placed there at her misstep.

"We know the Emperor is a god because we feel His presence. We know because we have witnessed the miracles He wrought in His name. His power is beyond comprehension, and His grace is what sustains us. There is no doubt. The Emperor is our god, our protector, and through Him, humanity will survive."

Padmé swallowed hard, her expression a mix of humility and awe at the depth of his belief.

"So... He's not just a leader; He's everything?" she asked, her voice quiet.

"Exactly," Maximus replied reverently. "The Emperor is all that we are and all that we will ever be. He is the heart of the Imperium, and through Him, humanity will endure."

Padmé nodded slowly, her mind reeling with the enormity of what he had said.

"I see. Thank you for speaking to me about this," she said, before standing and walking away, her thoughts heavy with the weight of the conversation.

The journey to Tatooine came to an end, and Maximus strode down the ramp, his boots sinking into the soft sand. His helmet zoomed in on the distant city a few miles away.

A new world…

He activated his Vox and spoke into it with a flicker of hope.

"This is Lieutenant Maximus of the Ultramarines. Can anyone hear me?"

Silence. He let out a long sigh, the faint hope of finding his brothers on this Emperor-forsaken planet slipping away.

Then, suddenly, static crackled through his helmet, and his gaze snapped to the city.

"Lieutenant Maximus! This is Raxor of the Salamanders, come in!"

Maximus's two hearts skipped a beat. The voice he thought he'd never hear again.

"Brother? Where are you?"

"A city called Mos Espa," Raxor replied. "It's the biggest trading hub on the planet. Where are you?"

"Just outside the city. Stay put. I'll come to you." Maximus's voice was firm, but a rush of joy filled him. He had found one of his lost brothers, but caution still reigned.

He turned back to see the older Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn, walking toward him with the insufferable Jar Jar Binks in tow.

"I would appreciate it if you left the filthy creature behind," Maximus said bluntly.

Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow. "That's somewhat rude."

"What's rude," Maximus retorted, "is the offense it offers to my eyes."

"Is he talkin' 'bout mesa?" Jar Jar asked, his ears drooping.

Qui-Gon gestured for him to be quiet, then turned back to Maximus. "Why do you dislike him so much?"

Maximus clenched his fists, turning his gaze back to the Gungan. "Enough. I'll speak no more of this. Leave it behind, or I'll rip its skull off its shoulders." His tone was cold, the threat unmistakable.

Qui-Gon was taken aback but quickly realized the man before him was no ordinary warrior. If Maximus was anything like the other warrior from the temple, he stood no chance. At least this one was willing to converse.

"I think it's best you stay behind for now, Jar Jar," Qui-Gon said gently, though the Gungan's eyes drooped in sadness.

Jar Jar trudged back toward the ship, leaving Qui-Gon to walk with Maximus toward the city.

"I still don't understand your animosity toward the Gungan," Qui-Gon ventured, hoping to make sense of Maximus's reaction, but the warrior remained true to his word.

"Mr. Droid Man!" called a young voice from behind them.

Maximus turned to see Padmé walking toward them, flanked by Lyra and Captain Panaka, with Nira running ahead of them. The little girl was waving her arms excitedly, but after a moment, she tripped and fell face-first into the sand.

She quickly picked herself up and continued running forward, undeterred.

"Nira, be careful!" Lyra called from behind, still limping from the blaster bolt she had taken to her leg.

Maximus realized his reunion with his brother might take longer than expected, but he wasn't worried. If he knew anything about his brothers, it was that, if they were alive, they were likely wreaking havoc wherever they went.


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