space fisherman

Chapter 1 Subsea Cleaners

Chapter 1 Subsea Cleaners

Landao City is a coastal city located in Huaguo.

At six o'clock in the morning, Ye Yuan lost sleepiness and stared out the window in a daze.

He has been in this city for almost five years. He went to university here, and then stayed after graduation.

Ye Yuan's university is the best school in Landao City, Landao Ocean University, majoring in marine science.
Due to professional reasons, it has been difficult to find a job after graduation.

I grew up in a fishing village, and my water skills are relatively good. I learned diving professionally in school.

The teacher who was taught diving introduced it to an ocean playground to do underwater cleaning.

Don't think this job sounds like much, but the boss gives a basic salary of [-] a month.Six thousand may not be a high salary in a big city, but it is quite a lot for a student who has just graduated from university, and the most important thing is the accommodation here.

Looking at the sea outside the window, I remembered what my mother said on the phone last night.

Ye Yuan's home is on an island more than 200 kilometers away from Landao City.

Due to overfishing in the past few years, the offshore fishery resources are almost exhausted. Many young fishermen no longer go fishing at sea, but go out to work in some large and medium-sized cities, and some middle-aged and elderly people stay at home.

In view of this situation, the fishing village where Ye Yuan's family is located was decided to be relocated by the local county government, and the relocated island will be open to public bidding as a whole.

Mother Ye called Ye Yuan yesterday because of the relocation.I want to ask Ye Yuan to go back, he is a college student after all.People of the older generation still believe in cultured people.

This is also where Ye Yuan is worried, because the relocation will not start until the fishing moratorium, but there are still more than two months before the moratorium, but since the local government wants to finalize this matter as soon as possible, it will start in the next few days Before the signing of the contract before the relocation, if the family can sign the relocation agreement this month, they will get a compensation.

It's easy to go back, but what about signing the agreement?Although there is a two-month buffer, the housing issue and other things cannot be negotiated in a few days.

Since the ocean playground where he is located is relatively small and there are not many tourists, it is not necessary to use too many people to clean up the garbage on the seabed.

Ye Yuan and Brother Zhao, who is a few years older than him, are the only ones in the playground.

Brother Zhao's family is also in the rural area of ​​Landao. Because of his age, the family told a relative, and Brother Zhao took a week's leave to go home.

At present, it can be said that Ye Yuan cleans up all the seabed in the playground by himself. Don't think that cleaning up the garbage on the seabed is a very easy task. He is completely different from cleaning up on land.In this way, if I also ask for leave to go home, will the amusement park agree?
Many people don't know what kind of work seabed cleaning is. Seabed cleaning is mainly to salvage things that some tourists accidentally drop into the sea and garbage thrown into the ocean by some tourists. Of course, it is still very difficult to achieve accurate salvage. of.

For example, the last time a tourist accidentally dropped a ring, Ye Yuan and Brother Zhao searched for the place where the ring was dropped for three days but couldn't find it.Later, the tourist left without having time to wait, and half a month later, Brother Zhao found the ring one kilometer away from the place where the ring was dropped, and then sent it by post.

This is just a small thing they have salvaged many times. Ye Yuan has been working here for almost ten months, and the cellphones, cameras, DVs, selfie sticks he salvaged are countless.

Since these things cannot be used again after entering the water, not many tourists ask to salvage them.However, some precious jewelry still needs to be salvaged, and it does not mean that everything can be salvaged, after all, the seabed is not as good as the land.

Don't think about these things for now, it's a big deal to quit, and I can't make my parents worry.Seeing that it was almost seven o'clock, Ye Yuan got up and washed up and went to the staff restaurant in the playground to have some breakfast.I wanted to talk to the manager, but the manager wasn't there, so I had to wait until evening.

When I came to the beach, I changed into a diving suit. Because yesterday, in No. [-] sea area, a tourist accidentally dropped a diamond bracelet while taking a selfie beside the yacht. Today, Ye Yuan is going to clean up the underwater garbage in No. [-] sea area, and help the tourists find it by the way. Bracelet.

I drove the speedboat to the No. 30 sea area, put on my diving equipment, and fell down directly with my back to the sea.Area No. [-] is a relatively deep sea area in the entire ocean playground, and the deepest place can reach about [-] meters.

At the bottom of the sea, looking at the colorful little fish swimming beside him, Ye Yuan's mood improved a lot. Maybe it's because he grew up in a fishing village, Ye Yuan has a deep affection for the sea.

When Ye Yuan was carefully observing the bottom of the sea, he found a red crab passing by. It was quite normal to see a crab on the bottom of the sea, but the size of this crab attracted Ye Yuan's attention.

The red crab is very different from other crabs, so it is very easy to distinguish. Its shell is smooth and has yellow markings, and its two fingers and claws are extended.A normal red crab is only the size of an adult's palm, but this one is as big as two palms. The most important thing is that the red crab's claws are also holding a round stone bead.

Ye Yuan approached slowly, and tapped the big red crab lightly with the iron rod in his hand. He thought that the red crab would throw away the stone beads and run away, but what he didn't expect was that the big red crab speeded up, but the crab claws The stone beads on the top did not mean to be thrown down at all.

Generally, children who grow up by the sea don't like to eat red crabs.Because it has less crab paste and the quality of the meat is not that good, so this is why Ye Yuan didn't prepare to catch it immediately.

But seeing the red crab tightly holding on to the stone bead, Ye Yuan's interest was also aroused by it, he followed the red crab and kept beating, finally the red crab had no choice but to let go of the crab claws.

Ye Yuan reached out and picked up the stone bead thrown by the red crab in the sea sand. Since the light on the bottom of the sea was not very good, Ye Yuan didn't look carefully and directly put the stone bead into the net pocket on his waist and continued his work.

In the blink of an eye, I have been on the bottom of the sea for 10 minutes, and I have to go up to take a rest. During this period, Ye Yuan found three mobile phones on the bottom of the sea.and some metal bottles.These metal bottles are the packaging of some high-end drinks, and some tourists just throw them into the sea.

Back on the speedboat, unload the oxygen cylinder, open the mineral water on the speedboat and drink in big gulps.

After resting for a while, he took out the stone beads he had just found on the bottom of the sea.

There is a cool feeling in the hands of stone beads, which is very comfortable.

But at this moment, I felt an indescribable force, as if something was being extracted from my body, and my body felt tired like never before. Immediately after my eyes went dark, I didn't know anything.

At the last moment when Ye Yuan lost his senses, a cold mechanical voice sounded beside his ear: "Host binding is successful."

(End of this chapter)

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