Space Core

Chapter 21: Another’s life.

Hey guys, might want to be careful with this chapter, it might be a bit... uncomfortable.


POV: Harry Terria

I was once again in the shed, blood going down in a small trickle from my nose. I bet I don't look pretty; Even if some say I am, I really don't understand why deep blue eyes are 'beautiful'.

I sighed slightly and looked around the shed, not that I'd find anything new. There was that old shovel, clearly only one stray breeze away from breaking apart. And right over there in the corner is that surprisingly solid and compact chunk of metal. And finally, right above the door sat an old wood owl, its feathers split into splinters.

It was boring here, and of course I also had no food to eat. I really don't understand what I did wrong. I was just cleaning the old wooden table when I got screamed at for stealing a toy from the neighbor; I don't even like toys!

I wanted to cry, but I just didn't have the energy for it. I was tired.

And so I curled myself up onto the rags that served as my bed, and went to sleep.


POV: Antier Egos

I was having a really rough day today. The paperwork just kept on pilling up! I really just can't handle it all; I try to pass some of it off to subordinates, but most of what the higher-ups give me are some important documents that only I can sign! This was all so tiring! If only I could have a break right now...

Well, on the bright side, I don't seem to have as many documents to go through than at the start of the day. My eyes widened at the thought, oh no... why did I think this! I slapped myself on the forehead.

I waited in complete and utter silence for a full minute, and when the door didn't open I took my quill back from the ink well I had put it in, and went to continue signing the documents.

The door to my office opened with such force that the room trembled for a little bit. It was Herald.

He looked so much more panicked than usual that I would've thought him dead. "Sir! Sir! We got a problem! The army department has requested approval to send in a Mage with their forces!"

I looked at the paperwork in Heralds hands and fought the urge to claw my own eyes out.

I had yet to notice that my door was broken too.


POV: Jerome

I was still there, my back to the floor while the beast stayed on me, not moving a muscle. At first, he'd found it scary, really scary, but now he was just too used to it. After hours of being there like that, I couldn't really keep being scared. The worst part was the strange vibration it made, it was almost exactly like the purr of a cat... but different. It was way to weird, the fact that this strange purr actually helped me relax.

And apart from occasional needle like pierces into his body, that... 'cat' didn't hurt him. It felt strange. And all of that was without talking about the creature's eyes... they were an incredibly deep and complex shade of purple; One that nobles would pay thousands of gold on.


POV: Certe

It was incredible. Being in complete control of the situation, not needing to fear for something unexpected; Already knowing I could do whatever I wanted, my brother not being there to keep me from doing anything.

In the past few... hours? Days? I found the man's face slowly changing and morphing into one of peace and mild contentment. Of course, I made sure to let my claws out a few times to remind him that I was the one in control.

But after so long... I was bored, I needed to make him suffer just a little bit more. And so I stood up and began slowly moving towards the man's neck, letting him fill with fear and dread. And once close enough, I let my claws show, their gleaming edge ready to cut anything.

I readied both my space and time affinities, and slowly pierced into his neck. Letting my time magic heal any damage done right after. I basked in the screams of pain of the man, and then began writing. That's how I wrote ever so slowly the rune for ownership, the one that someone might put onto their pets.

Unfortunately, he passed out before I finished, but the resulting scar on his neck made it all perfect.


POV: 3rd Person

Terse was usually quite a calm individual, but today things seemed to be different. He had a panicked look on his face while looking everywhere he could around the realm of the gods. His sister was missing, she wasn't there! Who knew what kind of trouble she could've made for him in during all this time!

He even looked briefly at the mortal world, but didn't find much of anything in terms of divinity. He did find a rather strange cat, but he dismissed it, it was probably one of the lesser gods.

And so he continued looking, and never took any kind of rest. He had to find her, he couldn't let her go and do something that might endanger him somehow!

He had to find her! He didn't even answer to prayers anymore in his desire to find her. And it's not like the church would die without his help, they were strong enough on their own.


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