Chapter 761: Chapter 740 ( Verbergen situation - II )

The sages frowned, even Mika was annoyed at these words.

"Let's better leave that for another time, now we have many things to talk about" - Ulfric said as he took a step forward - "First, I want to know the general report of damages, food and valuables we managed to take before the evacuation."

"The damage is clear, we lost our home and much of our wealth, food wise..." - Guze said as he looked at Ursa, after all, his clan was in charge of basic supplies.

"The food we have is enough to feed our people for two months at most, after that we will have to hunt or gather directly from the forest" - replied Ursa as he shook his head - "Losing our crops affected us more than you may think."

"Do we have seeds?" - Ulfric asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, but even with the blessing of the forest, it will take them at least four to five months to become fit for consumption" - Ursa answered seriously - "As for the animals, we have more than enough to be able to start with their reproduction, though we may have to kill them in order to survive longer unless we find a way to get food naturally."

"The forest is not an option, the animals possess a powerful corrosive mana that prevents their consumption, and the plants are not edible" - muttered Mika as he started to think - "Our best option would be to contact humans, but that would go against our pride."

"Impossible, our people won't accept human "charity", even if we pay for the food" - said Guze while shaking his head - "To lower us goes against all the values our ancestors instilled in us"

"Yes, but our pride cannot overcome our duty as leaders who need to maintain the welfare of our people" - said Ulfric as he let out a sigh - "Ok, let's leave that for another day, later we can talk about food, now let's focus on the second topic of conversation"

"That would come to be the reconnaissance of the area and its dangers" - said Mika while looking at Mao, who was frowning - "Is something wrong, Miss Mao?"

"The truth is that our situation is not so good" - Mao replied while shaking her head - "The central tree is surrounded by many dangerous areas, which are difficult to circumvent"

"Please be more specific" - Ulfric said as he watched the harpy take out a map and put it on the table.

"As you can see, our camp is right here, next to the big tree" - Mao said while using her wing to point towards the image of a tree - "To the north side is the dark forest, known for poisonous insects and swamps full of dangers..."

"The distance is not that great, so it is possible that many of those insects will migrate to this place after sensing our presence..." - Ursa muttered while frowning - "Possibly for our food."

"Exactly, we don't know for sure the feeding behavior of those insects, we don't have an expert on the subject either" - said Mao while shaking her head - "But that's the least of our problems..."

"How encouraging" - Guze snorted as he let out a puff of smoke - "I guess you have to be talking about the eternal jungle?"

"Yes, that place is east of the big tree" - said Mao as she pointed her wing at the huge circle that was marked . "The eternal jungle, so called because any inhabitant of Verbergen who is unlucky enough to enter there, is not going to be able to return for all eternity."

"The monsters in that place are dangerous, although it is fortunate that there is a barrier made by our ancestors that prevents those beasts from coming out to destroy us" - Ursa said while nodding.

"Yes, the problem is that that barrier is starting to fail" - said Mao as she started to think - "No, it is better to say that the territory inside that barrier is starting to expand, that can be identified by the fog that covers that place".

The area inside the eternal forest barrier, was covered by an endless fog, one that was very different from the protection of the sea of trees.

"West of the big tree, it's a "safe" zone, the problem is that this place connects directly to the empire's territory, and everyone here knows what those bastards are like" - Mao said neutrally.

The sages and the representatives, frowned because you didn't have to be a genius to understand the context of the harpy's words.

"Slaves..." - Ursa muttered as she gritted her teeth - "And the worst thing is that now we don't have the protection of the mist, that means the humans will be able to go much deeper into the sea of trees."

"That's a possibility, and the worst thing is that the biggest danger is not the humans, nor the expansion of the eternal forest, or the insects in the black forest" - Mika said neutrally - "The biggest danger we currently have are the demons to the south of us"

"Exactly" - nodded Mao while marking on the map the former location of Verbergen - "With the capture of Verbergen by the demons, our situation is precarious and our food is scarce, not to mention that the water we manage to transport is not necessarily sufficient for our survival."

Ulfric was self-conscious after hearing all this because the situation was much worse than he thought. Yes, he was aware of all these problems, but he didn't think they would be so pressing - "Do you have any solutions?"

"Our main idea was to talk to the Haulia clan so that they would help with the training of our troops, incidentally get some of their weapons so we could study them" - Mao said as she saw how Guze nodded - "The problem is that the rabbits disappeared, without leaving a trace and warning the reason"

"The reason is clear" - said Ursa as she looked at Ulfric, who quickly ducked his head - "Although I would like to know more about the context of the situation."

The sages looked at Ulfric, who could only let out a sigh - "Ok, I'll tell you the motive, the truth is simple yet complex..."

"You mean the rumor about how you attacked that human?" - Mika asked while raising an eyebrow.

"The truth is that Cloud-dono is not a human, it's another species, though I'm not entirely sure" - Ulfric said while frowning.

"Do you have any hypothesis about his species?" - Mao asked curiously.

"Yes, I sense that it is a dragon" - Ulfric replied seriously - "Or at least that is what the spirits of the forest have been expressing to me."

"It is possible that they are confused, after all, it has been centuries since a dragon made an appearance" - Guze said as he tugged at his long beard - "Although that would explain why that woman of the dragon men race, was so helpful to that blond stranger."

"If I remember correctly, that dragon woman's golden eyes are proof that she is royalty of her species" - Ulfric said as he took a long sigh - "That's why I didn't rule out the possibility that he was a dragon."

"And you still planned to attack him?" - Mao asked with a frown - "Now I'm more curious to know the reason for your actions."

"Yggdrasil" - Ulfric answered seriously as he noticed how his companions' expressions changed drastically.

"I see... that would explain why you acted so firmly despite the consequences" - Guze muttered as he tapped the table with his calloused finger - "Information about the world tree."

"No, he knows where the world tree is" - said Ulfric while gritting his teeth.

"Impossible" - said Guze as he tapped the table firmly, almost destroying it in the process - "You and I both know that Yggdrasil does not exist in this world, in fact, the birth of your race is due to the miracle that a seed managed to germinate for a few days before withering away"

"How do you know about that?" - Ursa asked with surprise.

"Because the dwarves also have a similar origin to my race" - said Ulfric as he shook his head - "Not to mention that the first dwarves of this dimension must have left an ancient record that directly accounts for their instincts for seeking the mother stone."

"Ulfric is not lying, just as the elves seek Yggdrasil, we dwarves seek the mother stone" - said Guze as he shook his head - "That is why I can understand Ulfric's actions."

"Ok, we understand the context of the situation, and why you did not continue the attack, but there is something I want to know" - said Ursa as she took a long breath - "What were you planning to do if that stranger told you the information you wanted?"

Ulfric was silent before slowly opening his mouth.

The other sages waited in silence for what the elf was going to say, though Guze slowly closed his eyes, after all, from his perspective the answer was simple.



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