Souls Unlimited Online: A Free Unique Skill For Everyone!!

Chapter 21: Gothra Actually Has Friends.

< Player: Fira Dragonir >

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I look at the sky, seeing how the sun has almost set.

[Hey Gothra. Sorry I'm late. I'm here. Meet up in the fountain.]

[Gotcha. We're on our way! Wait for as long as you must.]

Is she trying to get back at me...?

Yeah, she's totally that type of petty. But, eh, she's not wrong that I took a long time. I was reading Megamachia, and I had my perception and thoughts sped up, but I think that just ended up in me being even more late because it made me feel that I had the leeway.

After a short wait, Githra arrived with someone in tow.

She wore a colorful warrior garb, with an insignia that looked familiar.

And her face... Yep, that's Kawaii Valkjure.


No, no. What am I saying? It's gotta be a look-a-like. The System actually prevents that to an extent because of impersonation stuff, but if you're born with it, that's a different story. Or if you come up with the look on your own, there is also more leeway. This is mostly meant for famous people anyway.

"Ah, hello there!" She bowed, "So you're Gothra's friend? Nice to meet you. And yes, my identity is as you've guessed. Kawaii Valkjure!"

She seemed a bit reserved at first but then started posing and doing swings once she said her name.

It really is Kawaii Valkjure AAAAAHHHHH!!!

Now I'm not a superfan or a Valkjurling or anything, I never even watch her streams just because I don't watch streams in general, but I've definitely seen her content. She posts like the big chunks and segments of youtube, and if I particularly like an anime then I'd want to watch it with her reaction too. The games... I prefer to play myself, maybe just watch a bit of her playthroughs. But still! It's a big streamer! Why is she here!? Why's she with Gothra!? This is crazy!

"Pftt!" I ended up laughing...

"What? What is so funny err... Fira? I think my fighting style is very cool!"

Why did laugh at her!? But I do know she's playing it up as half a joke. But still!

"Ah, Sorry! I've actually seen your content, and it was funny seeing you do that in real life."

"It is not funny, it is cool!" She fumed! "Kidding, it is pretty funny. Both funny and cool."

"Hahaha! Yes."

"Fira, don't be rude," said Gothra, taking the opportunity to rib at me for something, "Be like an adult like me. Also this is not real life."

I looked at Gothra and... HUH!?

"What the fuck are you wearing!?" I couldn't help but shout out!

Although after calming down, I realized it is definitely something she'd wear, similar themes to the ones she wears in the real world save for a few details that made it look more like a proper piece of armor. But I was expecting her villager clothes! So I was surprised.

"Cough! Nevermind, that outfit makes sense." And then I noticed her ears. She had a second pair of ears on top of her head...

"Those Neko Ears... can I pet them?"

That was the first thing that came to mind, so I just threw out the question without thinking. Shit. That was a blunder. But they were so cute!

"Here you go." Gothra took a seat beside me, and then pointed her head right at me.

Oh, she's not making a joke out of it and even letting me pet her cute Neko Ears. Nice.

Pat, pat.

"Heh. Furry." Gothra chuckled.

"I'm not. You're the one wearing the furry garb."

"Hahaha! But that was the first thing you asked for. Quit denying it."

Other than the Neko Ears, Gothra had an elegant Gothic Lolita dress that really had a presence.

"Well, what do you want me to do, pat down your dress? Pervert. I think I'd blue-ball you no matter when I call."

"Ahahahahaha! Of course you would. You're spying on me after all."

"Am not! But also, weren't you going to buy a gun? You'd really waste your gold on this?"

"What!? These are high-quality cosmetics that really enhance the gaming experience!" She pointed to her neko ears, and then to her warrior dress, "And this is a fine piece of equipment on top of being stylish as hell. Not that I expected any sort of sense from you."

"Oi, I do have fashion sense! Kinda. Maybe. But that's not the point. Is it okay to wasting your gold like that? Huh?"

"I--" Gothra was about to say something, but Kawaii Valkjure spoke instead.

"Hey... I think that's a bit too harsh. Weren't you supposed to be her friend? Let her enjoy the game however she wants."

"Oh! Sorry, sorry, Valkjure. It's not that! She's the one who asked me to babysit her until she can get a gun so I was expecting her to prioritize that. Though I guess she's already plenty strong even with her temporary build, so I was overreacting. But I was also joking there!"

"Hahaha! Don't worry about it Fira. I'm used to you being wrong! Just another usual day."

"Sure..." Eh, fine I'll give her that. Child.

"...Babysit?" Valkjure asked.

"Yeah, cos she's basically a big baby. Right Gothra?"

"Fira, why are you so interested in babies? Perhaps that's what you're mad about? Instead of a gothic lolita outfit, I could be soiling my diapers right now. And you'll get off on the fucking smell!"

"What the fuck, Gothra! Ew! Also, that was needlessly graphic! It's clearly your thing, so stop projecting it on me!"

"I am not projecting! You're the one who wants to sit on babies!"

"That's not what babysitting is!"

"Ummm..." Valkjure seemed to be timidly raising her hand. "Is this a lover's quarrel?"


"With her!? No way!"

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean!?"

"...Yeah I thought so. I've seen couples that fight, but not this stupid."


Wow, now we were actual babies being scolded. We both just naturally assumed the position of kneeling on the floor and listening to our sensei.

"Anyway," Valkjure continued, "I don't know why Gothra hasn't mentioned it yet, but she didn't really spend her own money so there is no problem."

"Eh? Did you steal them, Gothra!? You thief!"

"I did. For my poor starving father, and alcoholic gambling mother..."

Uuuuhhh... well, if she's cool with joking about it, then okay!

"Is your mother not starving then? Is the alchohol that filling?"

"Yes. We use those ones that say 70% alchohol. Very effective."

"Too effective! They kill germs, but now your mom is a germ too!"

"Oh she is," she showed a genuinely dark smile for a second.


"So! You brought them a gothic lolita outfit and a pair of Neko Ears...? What are they supposed to do, eat them?" I asked.

"Exactly! It has potent healing properties that shall ease their stress and pain."

"They're cosmetics. They won't do anything."

"Nuh-uh! Haven't you heard, Fira? Beauty heals the heart, and soothes the soul!"

"Heart and soul. Nothing for the mind. I can see that it is stupid."

"Only if you say that it's stupid to fight a righteous God in the name of love!"

"It's stupid to fight a righteous God in the name of love."

"Ughh... I can't believe you..."

"Umm, you two..."

"Yo." Gothra returned Valkjure's greeting.

"Y-yes?" I asked.

"Err, well. It's not much. Everyone's loving this anyway. But let's get moving shall we?"

"Hmmm... okay. Can we stop by some skill shops first though? I'm not saving for anything after all! Gahahahaha!" I rubbed it in Gothra's face!

"Grrr...! You're saying that on purpose! Fuck you!"


"Gothra, if you want, I can buy you more stuff," said Valkjure.

"Eh!? Really?" Gothra's face suddenly lit up.

Oh so that's how she got her new gear. By being shameless!

"But... I don't know. That might be too much. You already bought this outfit and my cute Neko Ears. So..."

"Oh, you actually held back? Gold star, Gothra. Gold star!" I gave her a big laughing grin.

"Geh...! It's just the normal response! I don't want her just giving everything to me..."

"Oh... you sure Gothra? I really don't mind, you know?" Valkjure was looking at her very cutely.

"Ugghhh... But I don't wanna take advantage of you, so that'll have to be a no!" Oh wow, she's got more willpower than me. I mean it's Valkjure offering, you know? Valkjure!

"Oh before I forget," Valkjure walked up to me, "Ummm, I am streaming. You know, always. So if I'm tagging along with you then you'd always be on stream too, so..."

Hmmmm... this game has actual Unique Skills, and revealing those would be a bit... Wasn't it Gothra who told me to be more careful? Why is she the one totally fine with this? That hypocrite! Hahahahaha!

But it's not like I actually think we'd be top players or anything. I don't really mind. And if it's Valkjure asking...

"Alright. I guess."

"Really? Thanks!"

And like that, we went on to a shop selling grimoires to buy some skills I've been wanting to get. I can't start the mage aspect of my build without it!

Let's go best battle mage!


[Name: Fira Draconir]

[Level: 13/99]

{Status Effects: None]

[HP: 140/140]

[MP: 255/255]

[Strength: 57}

[Magic: 57]

[Defense: 31]

[Resilience: 18]

[Speed: 57]

[Stat Points: 0]


[Camping] [Wilderness] [Survival] [Arsonist] [Cooking] [Butcher] [Fire Resistance] [Meteor Drop] [Hammer User] [Mob Destroyer] [Hammer: Secondary Shockwave] [Unchivalrous Battle] [Last Stand] [Balance Breaker] [Haunted] [Exorcist] [Exorcism] [Hammer Batter] [Fire Magic (1)] [Weapon: Fire Coating] [...]

[Unique Skill:]

[System Reverence]


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