
Chapter 5

The hunt for the wild beasts was fun and confirmed the fact that their souls are indeed being taken away. Normally shinigami are keeping the balance so such a thing should be seen as something wrong by them, but they consider this normal. Something like a skip because after death they will just go to my sword anyway. So it's like they are skipping a part of the road, but are still on track.
I was holding back with how many of them were killed since I didn't want to destroy the ecosystem in the surroundings. Such a thing would cause too many problems which cannot be correctly predicted.
The activity also showed me that even if I am strong, I can't use the sword well. No there is no technique or anything while personally of course I do not know since my expertise is limited to using game mechanics. I will not ask any of the captains to train me even if without a doubt they would do it. The reason is simple, it would show them that I am unreliable and I don't want to destroy their super high image of me.
There is only one being who is competent enough to train me in it while not causing problems. I need to feed more souls to the sword and contact my zanapakuto. I refuse to believe that the being inside cannot teach me. The real problem is if it will want to, but if it does I will be able to both learn how to use it and get closer to it—two birds with one stone.
When I got back to Soul Society through a senkaimon I was surprised by something.
The souls of natives started appearing some more and the two ex-knights that appeared first after transmission to this world got comfortable enough to talk.
I decided to talk with them myself. Of course, as a good ruler, I allowed and gave time for my subjects to question them before me.
So after coming late on purpose, I stood before a good-looking small building. Despite it being an interrogation room located nearby 2nd division barracks it gives a friendly and generally good vibes. The reason for such an arrangement is simple. If it looks safe and people feel more at home then it's easier to get them to talk, isn't it?
I knocked on the door to let know the people inside that I arrived. Without a doubt, the shinigami assigned to questioning is already aware, but it doesn't mean that I can forget about proper decorum.
"Now be silent and only answer when needed."
I heard a whisper most likely of the shinigami assigned for it trying to be quiet thinking that I wouldn't hear to warn them. They think that I will scold them for the smallest mistakes or something. It helps in keeping order, but I think it's detrimental in the long run.
Maybe I should be giving some rewards to them to take care of that.
The door slid to the side revealing the room with some table and two men sitting near it. I looked at the shinigami who opened the door before walking inside.
"Great seeing you Soi Fon."
She tried, but I noticed the small smile on her face. Heh.
"You too my lady. I just finished questioning them."
"Very well then. Come sit with me."
I look at the two I will be doing some 'interview'. They are both men, one is middle-aged with a small beard while the other one looks young around 20 years old. They are slightly muscular and are wearing traditional white Japanese kimono. If I remember correctly colour white is associated with death in Asia.
After that, I sat down on the opposite side of those guys. They look at me like a fish with the wide eyes unblinking.
Don't laugh Atsune, you need to maintain your image.
Thankfully they stopped once I sat down. In turn, now they are sweating a lot. I wonder what makes them so nervous.
I started talking while also glancing from time to time at Soi Fon to see expressions and get a feel if I was doing something wrong here.
"Let's start. Who are you and how did you die?"
They started talking at the same time and I just raised my hand to stop them.
"One at a time."
Both men stopped, looked at each other and the older one started explaining.
"We were soldiers of slane theocracy and were killed by some monstrous being."
Slane Theocracy huh? I should remember it, I won't ask them for details. It's Soi Fon's job after all and need to appear as if I am busy to avoid... I mean to continue my other work.
"What were you doing before it happened?"
They lowered their heads. Seems to be a sensitive question. I also noticed the girl next to me clench her fists quietly. It seems she knows and isn't happy.
"We were posing as knights of another nation and murdering civilians in a village."
Oh shit.
"And you were not against..."
I wasn't able to finish it before the younger one shouted.
"Of course we didn't! But we were a minority. Most went with it because they are infidels and all the stupid bullshit! So we couldn't even say anything to not be punished for even voicing it out."
I grabbed Soi Fon's arm to stop her from decapitating them. It is super easy to guess what she will do since she is trembling while trying to reach her weapon. She is even growling... It's kinda cute looking at that.
My actions seem to calm her down or at least make her realise that killing them is not what I want.
But holy hell! It seems I need to add this whole theocracy as a no-go zone. They seem to be your typical evil religious people. Overused template but who am I to judge?
"Very well then. What was the being that killed you?"
They flinched a little at the memory but started describing the creature anyway.
"We saw a huge monster, a skeleton wrapped in purple robes. The worst was that It was talking to us and killing us with some powerful and dark magic. It crushed my heart and cooked him with thunder."
Looking at their expressions and reaction they seem to be having some PTSD. Will have to ask Unohana or someone to take care of that. I don't want them to go insane and cause problems. Good thing I made them take care of Rukongai instead of not caring like in the original.
But... skeleton mage in purple robes? There are a few options but what if it's that guy... what was his name again? He was called like a car I've seen in a museum... ah right, Suzuki Satoru. I hope it's him. We played at a party from time to time.
I pointed at the older one.
"Show me where it was."
I said, but forgot how he could show it to me. Thankfully Soi Fon magically took out a map out of somewhere and laid it on the table.
The man then pointed at a spot on the map. It's somewhere around the border of the Re-Estize Kingdom and the Baharuth Empire. Hopefully less messed up than theocracy.
Now that I think about it I haven't asked them about their names.
"Soi Fon. We are going there. Notify your captain and also... arrange for those two to get examined for Shin'ō Academy. I feel like they should be having enough reikyoku to enter."
She got slightly troubled at my proposition.
"Shouldn't Lady Yoruchi be better or any other captain as a bodyguard?"
I just shook my head and answered.
"No. It should be you. It would be problematic if any captain were to come instead."
And it's not some bullshit on my part here. The greater the spiritual power of a shiningami or spiritual being the easier for a normal human to see us. On Soi Fon's level, it should be only those around level 30-40 to notice her. I wear a ring that nullifies the effect and I can achieve something similar, but it takes some mana or reikyoku from me so I am not using it too often.
I waited for her to send a butterfly and we both shunpoed toward Senkaimon. Of course, I reached it before her and had to wait due to the difference in expertise in this technique.
Nonetheless, we went to see this village and hopefully see if the being they talked about was my friend Skele-boi.

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