
Chapter 18

The first one to arrive was Kyouraku, holding two bottles of alcohol. From his expression, I guess he drank at least one before coming here.

While he was tumbling around, I decided to ask about the sword still being with me.

"Why is the zanpakuto not merged with the doll?"

"I am not really here. It's just a small part of me, and I am way weaker than I should be, so you can still use the sword as if nothing has changed. On the other hand, It feels fucking weird to be in two places at the same time."

Yeah, I can imagine.

Kyouraku seems to realise what is going on. He went in front of my zanpakuto, and when I wanted to stop him in case he decided to fight, he did something that left both Urahara and me gobsmacked. I mean, we should have expected that to happen, but we didn't.

"Here, have a drink."

He said, offering one of the bottles. Yasuragi took it, and they both started drinking like old friends straight from the bottle. Kyouraku gave him a few more bottles. I stopped trying to guess where he was hiding them.

"Finally, a good drinking buddy."

Death wanted to take another dose of alcohol. He stopped mid-way, noticing my hard haze on him. He looked at me, smiled, and drank anyway, which annoyed me. Wait, why am I acting like some wife who tries to stop her rebellious husband from getting wasted. Damn it!

Suddenly, Kyouraku was bumped in the head by his lieutenant. How did she get here without me noticing? Oh, Yoruichi is also here.

"Stand down, everything is fine. Especially if you will stop drinking!"

I said the other part to my zanpakuto, who completely ignored it and continued drinking while looking at me. He is doing this on purpose just to annoy me.

How is it even possible for death to act like some sort of alcoholic!? Of course not. That would be dumb, so that means he is just trying to make everyone less wary of him and integrate better.

Both kenpachis appeared, with Zaraki grinning, ready to fight. Sorry, little psycho, nothing to fight here.

"Well, what now? What are you even planning anyway?"

Huh. He doesn't know? Wasn't he the one to tell me about them spying on me?

"We will get rid of theocracy, but we need a plan. Aizen is taking care of that."

I noticed some shinigami looking at each other. It seems that they didn't get the memo.

"It's not that hard tho. The problematic part is how to stop some randoms from just creating something similar."

Glancing around I noticed that some of the crowd left to do their thing while some of them remained just in case.

"Ah, right. Do you know someone who can fight with a glaive or something similar?"

"There is one I can think of, but why?"

Hearing that, his grin slightly faltered.

"It seems you have not tested the shikai yet."

What could shikai have to, damn it? Is it a polearm? Not only I don't know how to fight with a sword, but now a polearm too. Perfect.

"Ah, come with me."

I opened a gate to the place near Nazarick. We stepped through it along with... Is that Toshiro and Rangiku? This is the first time I have seen them since the initial meeting, right after we appeared here.

"Captain, I am not needed here. I want to laz... I mean, I have a lot of paperwork to do."

Ah yes a classic Rangiku.

"I already finished it all before."

The look on her face was priceless.

Ok, let's see the shikai. I took my katana and, guided by instinct, it changed into a shikai form.

It really is one big naginata with a handle made out of metal instead of wood, like in a normal weapon of this type. The blue blade that seems to be made out of energy or something is also sharp and less curved than in naginata. This weapon is weird. Its size is telling naginata while the handle and the blade are more like that of a guandao.

Oh well, nothing will change that, so there is no real biggie other than the fact that I need to learn how to use it now.

"What are the special abilities or something?"

I asked, knowing full well that zanpakuto should have those things. I wonder what sort of cool moves my has.

"It stops regeneration by cutting the soul directly."

Huh? That's all?

As if reading my thoughts, he replied to that.

"You just got a shinkai. It was the most I could do. If you want more, then give me something nice and fat to eat, woman."

It's not me not giving you souls! It's that you are eating too much, you glutton!

I swinged around with the new weapon to get a feel and was content with it. A perfect fit. I am not an expert of course it just felt right in terms of weight, size and all.

We also made a simple spar. I mean, we just attacked and blocked a few times, which was not a real thing, but it gave us an idea about our strength. What surprised me, tho, is that he seems to be around level 70. To be fair, he doesn't need much more to outgrow me. I also can feel that he started going into dark magic a little bit. That actually made me happy since this is a similar path to the one I took, and the fact that he can become stronger than me? Don't make me laugh it was obvious.

After that we arrived in Nazarick, this time Ainz didn't made us a shortcut. He might be busy.

Thankfully, someone came to guide us through the tomb. If I was alone, I would have, without a doubt, lost my way a few times in there.

"Hello, Follow me. I will take you to the boss."

Said the werewolf maid who then glanced at the Yasuragi and went stiff. Then turned around and started leading us with this stiff and carefull movements while looking behind her from time to time. I think that due to her being partly a beast, her survival instincts are screaming to run.

It took some time, but we arrived near the throne room. During the way, I tried to calm her while Yasuragi was even joking and using his normal idiocy. It didn't work. I hoped that him showing his stupid side would help, but it seems that making her more comfortable with him might take some time.

She left us near the door while going away with other maids. The dullahan servant wearing glasses seemed to fight to not bow before my partner here. They went away and when they thought we can't see them werewolf girl named Lupusregina Beta plopped on the ground and started crying.

"Waaah! It was so scary! CZ comfort me!"

We ignored them, especially after I saw my zanpakuto grin and had fun with it.

Once in front of the door, I heard the skele-boi's voice.

"Huh? Albedo, what are you doing?"

The doors opened on their own once we got close enough. No idea how that works, maybe it's enchanted?

It appears that we are intruding on some kind of a meeting since most of the floor overseers are here. They are basically a bosses of assigned floors and are managing the monsters on them.

They were on either side of the room with a single exception. Albedo was basically lying on the floor right in front of the entrance, her eyes shining, looking at us. She looks creepy like that, to be honest.

She only needs to crawl out of a well to make it worse.

"Atsune, what's up?"

Said Ainz right before noticing Yasuragi right next to me, at which point the fire in his eye sockets got brighter.


I am trying so hard not to facepalm.

He takes out two bottles and starts drinking from one.

"Want some?"

Seriously where do they hide those. There are no pockets big enough and even if it should be noticeable enough due to the size. Is it some sort of pocket dimension for storing beer and stuff. The hell?

I couldn't stop myself anymore and facepalmed. He and Kyouraku are gonna the best friends possible. Why would literal death be friends with an alcoholic womaniser?

Looking around, I see Toshirou looking expressionless with judging eyes at him while Rangiku couldn't stop herself either and was rolling on the ground laughing.

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