Soul Drive: Ignition

Chapter 2: Crumble

The air inside the laboratory was filled with the faint scent of burnt ozone, a byproduct of Yutaka's tireless efforts. Months had passed, and Yutaka had finally managed to create a program that disguised the Machs as other electronic items such as headphones, cellphones, tablets, cameras, and game systems. The once menacing cybernetic suits were now indistinguishable from everyday gadgets.

"Excellent work, Yutaka," Tadashi said, his voice tinged with awe as he examined a Mach-disguised tablet. "Now we can transport them out of here without any being the wiser."

"Thank you, Tadashi," Yutaka replied, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. His heart swelled with pride, so he bothered to ask what Tadashi had meant by his transporting comment. He also didn't notice Tadashi had a look of calculation spreading across his face as if analyzing every possible detail of an unsaid plan.

Mary arrived, her face flushed from rushing back to the lab after dropping Hiro off at the sitter's. She made sure Yutaka was out of earshot before speaking to Tadashi. "We're ready then?" she asked as she looked over the unassuming Mach armor devices with awe, "Time to hide these Machs away from the government and anyone else who would use them for war?"

"Indeed. The bug we planted on General Tao, has recorded some very disturbing plans for securing our western border," Tadashi glanced at Yutaka, who was blissfully unaware of what was about to happen. Would he be blamed for the missing tech? Tadashi couldn't let this possibility stop them. "Let's get to it."

The moment those words left Tadashi's lips, a massive explosion rocked the facility. The shockwave shattered test tubes and sent equipment flying in all directions. As alarms blared, soldiers burst through the breached wall, guns blazing.

"I have to wipe the hard drives!" Tadashi screamed, as he rushed off into the smoke.

"Yutaka!" Mary shouted over the deafening sound of gunfire. "Take the Machs and run! I'll buy us some time!"

"Mary, no! You should—" Yutaka began to protest, but she cut him off, her eyes fierce and determined. She furiously began typing away at the keyboard, diverting power to the shields that flickered over the doors.

"I'm not leaving without Tadashi!" She ducked behind a toppled workstation, and retrieved a hidden laser. "Now go!"

With a nod, Yutaka grabbed the disguised Machs and fled through a hidden exit, one they had hot-marked on any map of the facility. As he dashed down the dimly lit corridor, the chilling echoes of gunshots reverberated through his very core. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, each beat like a drum urging him to move faster. His fear response was in full gear as he raced down the hallway.

In his haste, Yutaka tripped, sending a few of the Machs skidding across the floor. Panic seized him, and instead of retrieving them, he continued to run, driven by a primal fear for his life.

As he turned a corner, he collided with more soldiers. The icy grip of terror squeezed his lungs as he raised his hands in surrender. "Please, this doesn't make sense, Why would you do this to us?" he whispered, his voice trembling. "How did you know about the tunnel?"

A cold, merciless smile spread across the soldier's face before the deafening sound of a single gunshot filled Yutaka's ears. Darkness engulfed him as the Machs were taken from his grasp and the facility was set ablaze.


Days later, the airwaves buzzed with news of Tadashi and Mary's disappearance. Mr. Stark, a stern-faced Canadian Ambassador, sat behind his polished oak desk, eyes glued to the coverage as he engaged in a tense video chat with a nervous-looking Japanese government representative, Ami.

"Tell me," Mr. Stark began, his voice cold and measured, "do you realize that Mary is one of our own? We loaned her to you for this project, and now you're claiming she's vanished along with her husband."

The Japanese representative swallowed hard, sweat glistening on her brow. "Mr. Stark, I assure you, we are doing everything within our power to locate them. They possess vital information that could be catastrophic if it falls into the wrong hands."

"Is that so?" Mr. Stark leaned back in his chair, a disbelieving smirk playing on his lips. "You see, I recently received a package from your government containing five Mach units. Care to explain why these two world-renowned scientists would leave the very thing you claimed they tried to hide from you behind?"

"Sir, we were able to recover—" Ami stammered, but Mr. Stark cut her off.

"Let me be clear," he said icily. "If you're attempting to breach our contract, I can think of numerous ways to ensure mutual destruction."

"Mr. Stark, please," Ami pleaded, desperation creeping into her voice. "We aren't trying to deceive you. The devices were sent as a sign of good faith, after they were recovered from the lab fire."

"Good faith, my ass," Mr. Stark muttered before abruptly ending the call.


In Osaka, Goro, stood in the doorway of his modest home, face etched with concern as two somber government employees presented him with Hiro, swaddled in a blanket. Their words echoed in his ears: "He's the only family either Tadashi or Mary had. Hiro is yours now."

"Mine?" Goro's voice cracked, the weight of the situation settling on his shoulders. He extended his arms, taking Hiro from the employees and cradling him close to his chest.

"Thank you," Goro whispered, choking back tears as he closed the door behind them. With unsteady hands, he wiped the tears that clung to his cheeks, trying to maintain a brave face for Hiro. "I'll take care of you, little one. I promise."

Hiro gazed up at him with wide, innocent eyes, unaware of the tragedy that had befallen his parents. Goro's heart ached as he held the one-year-old, mourning the disappearance of his brother while silently vowing to protect and love Hiro as his own.


Fifteen years had dissolved like mist under the sun, and Masato Tanaka found himself seated in his sterile office, surrounded by documents and blueprints of the once-illustrious Mach project. The walls were adorned with various schematics, a testament to his dedication and obsession with cracking the code that would unlock the true potential of these cybernetic suits.

"Useless," he muttered under his breath as he skimmed through yet another file of a military-trained pilot who'd failed the rigorous Mach testing. He tossed the folder onto the ever-growing discard pile and rubbed his temples, frustration mounting. Each one is a reminder of the failing program.

"Dammit," he mumbled, pushing back from his desk. "It's not their physical capabilities that matter—it's their damned mental fortitude! These machines destroy anyone who doesn't have the willpower to control them."

Masato's eyes flicked over to the phone on his desk, an idea stirring in the depths of his mind. He needed minds that wouldn't bend to the power of the Machs. He picked up the receiver, dialing a number he knew would lead him down an unconventional path.

"Hello? Yes, this is Masato Tanaka. I need the authorization to expand our search for potential Mach pilots," he said firmly, his voice laced with conviction. "I want access to all the psych wards in the country."

The voice on the other end hesitated "Your request has been granted on the condition send detailed reports on your findings." He hung up the phone, a determined glint in his eyes.

"Time to find the minds that can handle these suits," he whispered to himself as he gathered his things and left his office.

Masato spent days visiting psychiatric facilities, sifting through medical records, and conducting interviews. It was during one such visit that he stumbled upon a file that piqued his interest—Nori Aoki, a 16-year-old with anger issues and a history of escaping most institutions.

"Interesting," he mused, examining the contents of Nori's file. "Such defiance and willpower. This might be exactly what we need."

Masato made his way to Nori's room and glanced through the small window, finding the teenager sitting alone, a stormy expression etched onto his shaved head. His muscular frame exuded raw power, but it was the fire in his eyes that intrigued Masato the most.

Masato turned to the boy's doctor "So this is Nori," he began, trying to keep his tone neutral. "My name is Masato Tanaka. I've been looking for someone with his... unique set of skills."

"Skills?" The doctor scoffed, eyeing Masato warily. "You mean my anger issues?"

"Of course not," Masato replied without missing a beat. "I believe that his emotional intensity could be the key to unlocking the true potential of a project we are working on, one to improve the mental health of thousands of soldiers."

"Are you serious?" the doctor asked skeptically, his brow furrowing. "Why him?"

"Because," Masato explained, leaning in to emphasize his point, "those who adhere to the status quo will never be able to push the boundaries of what's possible. It's people like him, those who are misunderstood and cast out of society—that can change the world."

The doctor stared at him for a moment, considering the man. There was something about the way Masato presented himself and the authority he held that made the doctor believe his words.

"Alright," the doctor agreed, his voice firm with determination. "You may speak to the boy, but I doubt you will still consider him for your project when he is done with you."

"Excellent," Masato said, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I have my ways of motivating people when I need to. Nori is going to make history."

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