Soul Drive: Ignition

Chapter 18: A Pawn

Hiro's heart pounded in his chest as he burst from the guestroom, his face flushed with a mix of fear and determination. Yutaka looked up from the small table where he was scrolling through online chatter, startled by Hiro's sudden entrance.

"Yutaka!" Hiro gasped, struggling to catch his breath. "The Canadian government has Kimiko! They plan to kill her once they figure out what she knows about Machs!"

"Slow down, Hiro," Yutaka said, setting down his tools and giving his full attention to the young man before him. "How did you discover this?"

"Osamu," Hiro replied, still panting. "He's a Canadian agent I allied with. He tipped me off about Kimiko's capture."

Yutaka's eyes darkened in skepticism. "And you trust this Osamu? This sounds like a trap to me, Hiro. You know as well as I do that we cannot trust anyone except for each other. That agent's orders would be to kill all enemy Mach users, including you."

Hiro's mind raced, considering Yutaka's words. The older man could be right – just walking into the Embassy would lead to his capture. But the alternative, leaving Kimiko to die, was unthinkable. Hiro clenched his fists, his resolve hardening, he would have Osamu's help so he would be able to avoid capture he thought.

"I have to risk it, Yutaka," Hiro insisted, his eyes pleading. "Kimiko's life is at stake. I have to trust Osamu will help me save her, he seemed reasonable before."

"Kimiko isn't your friend," Yutaka countered, bitterness tinging his words. "She just wants power like everyone else. She stole my Mach and attacked a school and you."

"But I can save her," Hiro replied, his voice firm yet laced with desperation.

Yutaka stared at Hiro for a moment, then sighed, releasing his own tension. "Go on, then. Just... be careful, alright?" As Hiro turned to leave, Yutaka added, "I swear, you better make it back in one piece, or I'll never forgive you."

Hiro offered a small smile before dashing out the door, his thoughts consumed by the dangerous mission ahead.


The crisp edges of the contract pressed into Prime Minister Mamoru's hands as his secretary handed it to him, her eyes downcast in a practiced display of deference. The sterile lighting of the office cast stark shadows on the official emblem embossed at the top of the document – an unwelcome reminder of the United Nations interference in Japan's affairs.

"Thank you," Mamoru muttered, his voice barely audible. With a nod, his secretary retreated, leaving him alone with the weighty decision before him.

As he began to read through the contract, frustration bubbled within him. Termination of the Mach project and surrender of all its assets – how could they demand such a sacrifice after all his country had invested? He knew they would all attempt to start their own program using the seized Japanese assets. He felt the warmth of indignation spread throughout his chest as his grip tightened around the pen in his hand.

"Is there any way out?" Mamoru mused aloud, his mind racing with possibilities. A loophole, perhaps, that would allow them to retain some part of the program?

His eyes scanned the pages with renewed focus, searching for anything that might offer hope. A slow smile crept across his face as he reached the section regarding the destruction of the Machs.

"Interesting... very interesting," he murmured. The contract said nothing about how the Machs were to be destroyed, only that it needed to happen by year's end. This could be the opportunity he'd been looking for – a year was enough time to bring the Canadians and the rest of the world to their knees, to demonstrate the true power of the Machs.

With a newfound sense of resolve, Mamoru signed the contract, each stroke of his pen deliberate and resolute. He called his secretary back and handed the documents to her as she re-entered the room.

"Deliver this to our good friends at the UN," he instructed, his tone firm. As she left to carry out his orders, he made his way to the secluded screening room, ready to set his plan in motion.

"Time to make a call," Mamoru whispered to himself, the gravity of his decision bearing down on him.

The dim lighting in the screening room cast eerie, flickering shadows on the walls as Prime Minister Mamoru closed the heavy door behind him. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his decision pressing down on his chest. Allowing himself a moment to collect his thoughts, he strode across the room to the secure phone at the far end.

"Connect me with Mao," he ordered, his voice steady. The line clicked and buzzed before Mao's calm, measured voice filled the room.

"Prime Minister, you have news from the UN?" she inquired, her tone betraying a hint of curiosity.

Mamoru leaned against the wall, his fingers gripping the edge of the table as he explained the situation to her. "The contract demands our Machs be destroyed by year's end. Which gives us time to change their minds. I have a plan, but I need your help."

"Of course, sir," Mao replied without hesitation. "What do you require?"

"We need a Mach pilot," Mamoru said, pausing briefly to consider his words. "Someone who can be easily manipulated into believing they're acting for the greater good. We need the world to turn their attention to Masato so they won't see us coming."

"Ah, I understand," Mao said thoughtfully. "I know just the person. I'll make the call immediately."

"Thank you, Mao. Your service to our nation is invaluable." With that, Mamoru hung up the phone, his heart pounding in his ears. He stared at the dark screen across the room, envisioning the chaos his plan would unleash.


Meanwhile, Mao wasted no time contacting Atsuko, a dedicated worker for the Japanese government and head of their charity fund. She knew Atsuko's loyalty was unwavering, and her naivety could be exploited for their cause. She was desperate to help reform Japan as a socialist nation.

"Atsuko, this is Mao," she began, her voice conveying the urgency of the situation. "The Prime Minister himself has requested your assistance in stopping rogue Machs and the destruction they're causing."

"Me?" Atsuko gasped, disbelief evident in her voice. "I'll do whatever I can to help. Where should we meet?"

"Come to my office at once," Mao replied, a sly smile gracing her lips. "Time is of the essence."

"Understood, I'm on my way," Atsuko affirmed before hanging up, her heart swelling with pride at the prospect of serving her country.


Atsuko entered the Mach facility, her eyes widening at the sight of the advanced technology around her. The hum of machinery and the faint scent of oil filled the air as she followed Mao to a secured area.

"Here it is," Mao announced, presenting Atsuko with Mach 12. At first glance, it resembled an old portable speaker, worn and unassuming. However, Atsuko knew better than to underestimate its power. She reached out tentatively, her fingers brushing against the cool metal surface.

"Canada has been secretly developing their own Machs," Mao explained, her voice laced with concern. "You have no doubt heard of the several Mach attacks recently?" Atsuko nodded and Mao continued "They were responsible for them all trying to get our program shut down and they are succeeding. Luckily, we have reason to believe they're hiding some Machs at their embassy. Your mission is to destroy these Machs before they carry out more attacks on our country."

Atsuko's heart raced as she considered the gravity of her task. "I won't let our country down," she vowed, determination shining in her eyes.

"Activate your Mach, Atsuko," Mao commanded, stepping back to give her room. "Show them that Japan won't be defeated so easily."

As she activated Mach 12, Atsuko felt the brown cybernetic armor envelop her body, each piece locking into place with a satisfying click. Energy surged through her veins, amplifying her senses and granting her incredible physical prowess.

"Remember, time is of the essence," Mao reminded her, watching as Atsuko flexed her newly armored limbs. "You must act quickly and decisively."

"Understood," Atsuko replied, her voice now tinged with an electronic edge. She glanced down at her armored hands, marveling at their newfound strength. This is it, she thought. I'll save Japan and they will finally have to listen to me.

"Good luck, Atsuko," Mao called after her as she took to the sky, her thoughts focused solely on her mission. Each powerful beat of her wings propelled her faster through the air, she knew she had to end the Canadian program before her beloved country was destroyed by them.

"I will defeat the Canadian and protect my country," Atsuko vowed, her resolve unwavering. She had thought about a mission like this for a long time, a chance to prove her worth. For her country, for her people, and for the greater good, she would rise to the challenge – and emerge victorious.

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