Sorcerer from Another World

A New House

"Escort him to Marius’s old room. It is the Sorcerer’s now.” He answered immediately, still staring at the sword.

The friendly warrior, whose name was Boblain, led me to a wide hut, a roundhouse, noticeably bigger than many of the other buildings at over ten metres in diameter but constructed in the same style.

The Roundhouse was built with wooden posts joined by wattle-and-daub panels and topped with a conical thatched roof. There was a single entrance inside in the form of a porch like chamber with a door made of sheets.

“Here you are, Master Sorcerer.” my Escort said. “Marius lived alone after his shield-brother and partner passed five summers ago, he barely slept here himself. Always had an excuse to go out.”

He added. “I’m glad you are here. We fight, but most of the warriors and wizards left to face the Romans with King Arthur.”

“I am happy too. I look forward to fighting by your side.” I said with a smile.

He smiled back and left with a warm, “Good day.”

I stood inside the porch and waved goodbye to the warrior. Once he was gone and out of curiosity I looked further inside. It was dark inside with most of the light coming in by sun rays through the entranceway. There was a central fire with a large cooking cauldron but no smoke hole.

There was a bow, sword and shield on a weapons rack. To the left was a hay bed mixed with animal skin and fabric sheets. It was spacious but bare of the impression of being lived in.

“Home? I guess.” I scratched my chin. “What do I without the internet? I said aloud.

Read a book? Do they even have books here? I should go find Morgana and see if she is okay. She seemed surprised by seeing Galen and Meredith. It was not hard to find them once locked on the sensations of their mana. But I took a circuitous route, strolled around and took in the sights of the hillfort first.

Ferisdarm was packed with a mass of people who all produced a constant stream of noise. The people who sat on the pathways were homeless and looked it. At least they were lively and spared the worst of a long siege so far. My introverted brain hated the overwhelming sounds, but I was compassionate enough not to blame them for living. No one wanted to be here, and yet here we all were.

Iris and Morgana stood on the palisade wall arguing. Iris seemed angry and Morgana was trying to placate her as I walked up to them. Iris’s shoulders were up to her ears and she was half turned away from her lover and had her back to me as she looked out into the distance.

Morgana nodded weakly in my direction as I approached. “Hi.”

“You alright?” I asked.

She rushed close and wrapped her arms around me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her in turn and patted her on the back. 

“You suck at this.” she complained. 


“It’s strange but your awkward patting, your smell of iron, blood and sweat, It’s all so comforting.”

“I’m glad.”

“It doesn’t mean anything, to you least of all, my Paragon from another world.” she claimed.

I realised then, that I was beginning to fall for her. I noticed the smell of iron on her too and of sweat. There was little body contact in this awkward hug as we both wore chain armour. I perceived the braiding of her raven hair with more clarity and beauty than I had ever done anything prior in my life. She was sublime. I would live for her and if need be, die. The fact that Iris also aroused similar feelings made the matter dizzyingly confusing.

I glanced over at the little firecracker, our buxom beauty. I gestured to her to join the hug, but she crossed her arms stubbornly and turned away, her face dewy with tears. I flinched. I felt a surge of anger at her unfair treatment.

 What had I done?

But I breathe through it. I understood she was in pain. Morgana’s secret had hurt her because it meant that her lover and best friend in the whole world lied to her. What else could be a lie? Iris did not yet have the perspective to realise that the secret had nothing to do with her, it was about Morgana. The lie had no malice, but Iris’ hurt was genuine and valid.

I had no magic words to solve the issue.

Morgana broke off the hug.

“Iris, I am sorry I never told you. Okay.” Morgana apologised.

“You’ve lied to me all this time.” Iris replied coldly.

Morgana paused, looked down but her expression remained impassive.

I was painfully conscious of their divide. In reality, out of the romance spun lust fuelled delusions, I barely knew them. I didn’t feel comfortable being here let alone trying to interfere and pick a side. I understood both sides, but empathy alone wasn’t enough to bridge the gap. I was rather horrified when I came to the conclusion that based on my promise to keep them safe. Should I side with Iris if things between them went catastrophic? 

Clenching her jaw, Morgana asked, “Can you stay, Damain. I need a walk to clear my head, please?”

“Alright. Our place is Marius’s old hut, so ask any locals for directions when you’re done.” I replied with a small smile. She nodded and squeezed my hand before walking away.

I stepped over to Iris.

“How are you?” I asked.

“Upset, obviously.” She snapped.

“Right.” I thought for a bit. “I get you are upset. She had family she never told you about. Important people but I don’t understand why…” I winced and gestured to her tears.

“She is bound by a prophecy you know. She said when you met that she never met her Brother. She told me the same. If Galen speaks true she lied. All these years, she never sought any sympathy for her situation or credit of her status.” She explained.

“By her own words, it meant nothing to her. You do, Iris, you mean everything to her. She is devastated at hurting you.” I told her.

She was silent at that.

“How about we head to our new house? It has been a long couple of days.”


I linked my arm with hers and walked her to our new house. We walked slowly, and I pondered that Iris’s temper on one hand drove a divide between her and Morgana but without it we would likely be dead from last night's ambush. She could be as passionate and wild as the fire she cast. 

The calm, detached Morgana was a near perfect opposite. I was more similar to Morgana than Iris. The latter could probably do with someone of a more similar temperament as a friend. It would not do for two close a couple to part during so miserable a time. I would support both as best I could and by empowerment enable them to choose their happiest person.

I pushed aside the sheets and we entered the Roundhouse.  

We were alone, but I knew that. I sensed Morgana was out and about town. Umbra seemed to be near the Druid. I once again came to the problem of what to do? Iris decided for me and we cuddled. After taking off cumbersome layers without going full birthday suit. My touch seemed to soothe her, while her hot body electrified my senses.

However, I could honestly admit to not being in the mood. Listening, I sympathised as she proceeded to vent for more time than I care to count. I frowned and the tension cemented across my temples. I caressed the hairs along the length of her exquisite arm in an attempt to pacify her. I tried and failed not to be bothered by the sound of my beating heart or the bitter spat between the only people I cared about in this shithole. 

Morgana had paced for what felt like a good hour outside the house before I had enough. 

“I’m going outside. See you in a bit.” I told Iris. I unwrapped an arm from her waist.

She turned her head back to look at me. “In a bit?” She asked crossly. In her favour a lot of her bark had eased. “What’s a bit?”

I stood up, “It means soon.”

“See you soon.” she said

I went outside and waved hello. Morgana was pacing back and forth with a pouch in one hand and a slab of meat in the other.

“Dinner.” She said, raising the items in her hands.

“Let me take those off you.” I said taking the meat and what turned out to be a hide bag of fresh herbs. “Tell me, what is wrong?”

“She hates me. What am I to do?” she whispered downcast.

“She is angry for you as much as at you. Give her time and kindness then friend and lover you shall be again.” I told her truthfully albeit with a fair bit of speculation.

“Do you really think so?”

“Closer than ever, Morgana.” I promised. Then placing my hand on the small of her back gently pushed her inside.

I paced outside the house. I traced Morgana’s footstep hoping that if I did so I could get further into her mindset and might be able to help resolve the situation. Nothing came to mind. Blank. Well not blank, I could guess her worry and fret; hope and gifts. 

Umbra came over and I brought her up to date on the gossip between Morgana and Iris. The situation even fresher on my mind, I couldn’t wait any longer. We poked our heads in.

“I’m sorry for getting mad, darling. Can you forgive me?” Iris pleaded. 

“Nothing to forgive. I’m sorry again for not saying anything.”

Wait. Was this healthy communication? 

“I was annoyed about how it means so little to you, yet it is very important and you just want to forget about it…” Iris explained. 

“Well that’s a letdown, would have been more funny if they had been screaming.” Umbra whispered. She wasn’t wrong for all the sadism of her words. 

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