Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 19: The Invite arrives.

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(Angel's P.O.V)

"Young Master, the preparations are complete, all the executives are waiting for you on the Island."

Shade stated, prompting a sigh of equal parts relief and equal parts frustration out of me.

"Which Island? The one with the herb garden or the one with the nice beach?"

I questioned. Father owned a couple of Private Islands and as his heir, naturally that property was passed down to me.

"The latter sir."

Shade answered.

"Thank God I don't have to keep doing this."

I breathed out, sliding aside the large stack of papers.

Who knew being the scion of a multi-billion dollar company required so much paperwork to be signed.

Half of this shit wasn't even top priority.

They had me signing off on employee vacations, procurement dossiers and who knew goons had a risk allowance? I mean it made sense but good Lord.

"I too need a vacation after this Shade."

I ran a hand down my face, leaning back on my chair.

"That's not possible Young Master. The Lazarus Tournament begins in 3 days."

My ever helpful right hand man supplied.

There was that too. I was expecting an invitation sooner or later from Ra's Al Ghul, if my source was to be believed.

I threw a scathing look at the Shadow to my side.

"Do you have any good news for me?"

The stack of reports sank into its shadow and out of it, a large platter filled with Bacon, Eggs, Steaks and lots of Chicken along with a pitcher of Orange Juice, a plate of warm cookies, spaghetti and meatballs and lastly a glass of hot chocolate milk, appeared.

"Bon Apetit Young Master."

Shade presented and despite my mental exhaustion, I couldn't help the smile that stretched across my face.

"Shade, I think a bump up in your salary is required."

"Any more salary increases and you run the risk of being poor, Young Master."

The cheeky bastard replied.

"That's the thing Shade,"

I grabbed a drumstick and bit into the whole thing, bones and all.

"Even if that were to happen, I'd still be the wealthiest poor person in the world."


1 hour later, I was dressed in a comfortable suit with a half coat on in place of the typical blazer.

The clothes were from my own company's line of clothes, Savage Collections. And I gotta say, whoever the lead Designer is, they're most definitely keeping their job.

I couldn't help but admire my reflection on the mirror.

My hair was slinked back with a decent amount of gel, otherwise the unruly locks would be sticking out every way.

I had a silver watch on my right hand, that was actually a communication and tracking device, that would let Candie alert me incase of an emergency.

I was not taking chances with her safety, even if Bane was acting as her bodyguard.

Speaking of, he became amenable to my proposal after I showed him how much richer I could make him. That and I promised him a very high position overseeing my Criminal Empire if...he worked hard to impress me.

But the real caveat was promising to help stabilize and enhance the properties of Venom.

Addiction was a bitch and a half to deal with. Especially when it was an addiction to a Super Steroid like Venom.

Already I had Ivo working on it alongside the Fatherbox project. Still, it was clear that even with my nigh-unlimited funds fueling the Professor's research, I needed more than one Mad Genius to figure this out.

In any case, that was a problem for after the Lazarus Tournament. Most of my headaches would be resolved after I dealt with the migraine that was The Light.

For now, everything was moving according to plan. And after today, my schedule would hopefully loosen up that I could even go back to my training.

The loose tooth on my jaw and my healing ribs were a testament to that.

"Shade, I'm ready, let's boogie."

In response, my body sank into my shadow, the familiar sensation of passing through a veil of cool water washing through my skin.

The Shadow dimension was...strange.

Imagine a world of darkness. Everywhere you look there's nothing but a suffocating void of emptiness.

The first time I ever arrived here, it felt like eyes were watching me from everywhere.

That's why we never stayed for long. The sensation of being watched always seemed to increase the more time that passed.

We moved through the dimension and emerged from the shadow of a palm tree on a sandy beach.

A gentle warmth from the sun above hit my face, along with a soft breeze from the ocean that smelled of salt.

The waves of said ocean gently lapped on the shores of the wide beach.

We were on an Island in the Western Visayas in the region of Phillipines, called Boracay.

It used to be a resort island until Father somehow bought it and now it served as a sort of vacation home.

The entire beach was off limits with a 24 hour security patrolling the area.

That could be attributed to the two glass statues elected right in the middle of the beach.

Turns out when you superheat sand and instantly cool it with Ice, you can shape it and create wonderful constructs or in this case statues.

"I haven't been here since..."

I trailed off, gazing at both statues, intertwined in a loving embrace.


"Since you managed to beat both of your teachers at the same time."

Shade finished, reforming from the shadow behind me.

I felt his hand land on my shoulder, the two of us staring up at Fire and Ice's statues.

"It goes without saying, but they were both extremely proud of you Young Master."

That was 2 years ago...

It's funny how time flies.

I shrugged off his hold, adjusting my tie.

"What's with this sappy crap Shade? I have an image to protect."

He stepped back with a head bow.

"Apologies Young Master."

"It's fine."

I stared up at the stairway leading upto the resort. A column of maidservants waited for us at the top. We were the last to arrive.

"Let's get this over with."

Shade silently returned to my Shadow.


The second I reached the top of the stairway, I instantly realized that something was wrong.

There was a lingering scent of blood hanging in the air. And the maidservants along with the staff, were all people I didn't recognize.

Not too strange...but unusual.

To meet me was the groundskeeper. Someone who had been working for me for the last 3 years. A woman I knew I could trust. She owed me her life after all.

"Young Master."

She bowed at me, but I could see the tension on her shoulders.


"Agnes, how long has it been?"

I asked.

"2 years, 2 months and 10 days."

She replied.

"Young Master, we have company."

Shade informed me, following it up by giving me the number of enemies.

'So 70 people. Mmh, almost double the forces that were in Santa Prisca. They're finally taking me seriously.'

"That long?"

I made the action of cleaning my ear with my pinky finger. Shade got the message.

"2 snipers. 1 on the second floor of the Villa and another hiding behind the bushes along the side of the pool. It's another trap."

Shade reported, his voice coming through the shadow under my ear. He had used his powers to scan the entire resort.

I tapped my chin once. A sign for 'Wait for my signal.'

"How is your daughter? The last time we talked you told me she was finishing high school."

I made small talk with her as she led me into the Villa.

"She finally joined College, majoring in bio-chemistry."

Agnes responded.

"She wants to be like her father."

A maidservant opened the door for us.

"That's good news. For her internship, contact Shade, he'll organize a position for her in the company."

She stopped before entering.

"I couldn't've already done so much for me, Young Master I..."

"It's not a problem, Agnes. I reward loyalty and you've never done anything to make me question yours."

Until now.

Her shoulders shook, and then she straightened up.

"Young Master, I need to tell you something. You're not safe-"

"It's fine,"

I passed by her, hands in my pockets.

"I already know we have company."

"Wait! But..."

Her voice was cut off by the door behind us closing shut with an audible click.

The maidservant that had opened it for us had inserted a key and locked it, trapping me inside the Villa. And now, they were pressing a blade against Agnes' neck.

I ignored her whimper of fear for now. My focus was on the figure sitting at the head of the long dinner table.

A dinner table that was neatly arranged with the heads of all the top executives of my companies. About 15 people.

Their bodies remained on the seats, blood leaking to the floor.

That's going to be a bitch and a half to clean up.

"What are you doing here Deathstroke?"

I questioned the red and silver clad mercenary, who had his feet propped up on the table.

For his part, the Terminator shrugged.

"Running an errand."

He held up a brown colored parchment.

"This invite is addressed to one, Angel Savage. That's you."

"I see."

I walked down the steps leading to the dining area.

"You could have just mailed it. Or left it with dear Agnes but you went through all the trouble to bring it yourself."

He swung his legs down, turning so that he faced me fully.

"I had to see an old friend. The last time we were together, you took my eye."

"Good times."

I nodded.

"But I also remember warning you as well. Last time, Rose was there to save your life when you stuck your nose in my business."


He slammed a hand on the table.

"Daddy's Business. Back then, I remember you were his little bitch."

"And now I call the shots."

I stopped on the last step, mostly owing to the Assassin who had a blade pressed to my neck, not unlike Agnes.

"And as the top dog, I have a reputation to uphold. So tell me why I should spare you and the 70 Assassins intruding on my property?"

The conversation stalled as we watched each other.

"Tsk tsk. As quick to violence as ever I see."

Deathstroke laughed.

"Unfortunately, I'm not here to fight, merely to extend an Invitation. However..."

His head shifted to the Assassin on my right.

"To get the invite, you have to defeat a chosen champion in single combat. No powers, no weapons, just straight fists on fists."

The Assassin who was my height, withdrew the dagger from my neck, stepping a few paces back.

"Young Master, say the world and I'll have them all incapacitated faster than they can blink."

Shade's voice reached my ears.

I scratched my chin.

"I understand."

He stated and I sensed his presence fade away.

"I'll humor you then."

I threw at Deathstroke.

Who knows, this could be fun. Too bad about the executive from Savage Collections though, I rather liked the style.

"Just keep in mind Terminator, that I always fulfill my promises."

I might have imagined it, but I think he gulped. 

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