Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 17: Good, I Can’t Wait For Payback.

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(General P.O.V)

Right as Angel was having his ass kicked by an Android that could copy and use his abilities, a meeting of supreme importance was happening more than a few hundred miles above the ground.

(The Watchtower)

The Zeta-tube lit up, followed by the computer announcing the arrival of 2 League members.

"Recognized, 02 Batman, 04 Flash."

The light died down, revealing Batman in his iconic suit and the Flash, dressed in a white T-shirt, a jacket and gray pants walking slightly behind him.

"Barry, you're back!"

Black Canary walked over and hugged the Flash, who hugged her back, if a bit loosely.

[He's thinner. What did they do to him?]

Shazam couldn't help but project the thought, through the mind link they all shared, sustained by Martian Manhunter.

[Rude. If not true]

Green Arrow commented, but the two of them went quiet with a glare from Wonder Woman.

The Speedster, unaware of his colleagues' private conversation, chuckled weakly.

"Back? You talk as if I was ever truly gone. You can't get rid of me that easily Dinah."

"Of course."

Canary played along with a soft smile.

"But I'm still happy to see you. All of us are."

"As am I."

Barry responded, his words meant for everyone in the meeting hall.

The relieved and happy faces of his friends met him. Barry looked behind him, sharing a look with Batman who nodded.

Immediately a serious expression fell upon the Flash's pale and sickly face. He stepped away from Canary into the view of the rest. 

"A lot has happened during this past month. And I would like it if you could hear me out."

He told them.

Superman walked over and patted his shoulder.

"Let's all sit first. And then we'll listen."

A few minutes later, the table in the middle of the meeting Hall was occupied by the world's finest superheroes.

"Before the Flash begins, I would like to say something."

Batman stated, being the only one standing while everyone else was on their seats.

There was a pause.

"I want to apologize."

The Dark Knight finally said, to the shock of everyone present.

"Pay up."

Green Arrow slapped the table, holding out his hand towards Green Lantern.

Hal Jordan, the only Lantern present, sighed, using his ring to place 50 dollars on Arrow's open palm.

"What?" The Archer shrugged at the stares he was getting.

"A bet's a bet. And with how Batsy usually is, no one thought we would ever hear him say sorry."

"To clarify," The Dark Knight continued.

"I was wrong to try and interrogate Angel Savage without doing a thorough background check. Anything that happened to the Flash, I am directly responsible and will accept any punishment that the League agrees is necessary."

"That won't be needed Batman."

Barry cut in, rising from his seat.

"The only one that should be blamed is...him. That kid. He killed Fire and Ice and he..."

Closing his eyes, the Flash visibily struggled with his next words.

"...he stole my powers. Him and that magician kid...I could feel them grab the connection to my Speed and just wrench it out. It was horrible..."

No one had the wherewithal to say anything.


Barry sighed.

"With some help from Star Labs, I was able to get my powers back, but they feel weaker. As if a portion of them is lost forever..."

"Don't say that Flash."

Black Canary comforted, 

"It's only been a month, I'm sure you will be back to peak form in no time at all."

"Thanks Black Canary." Barry muttered. 

"But you don't understand..."

He raised his vibrating hand, the streaks of electricity surging across the palm not as erratic or as great in number as before.

"...It almost feels as if, the faster he grows with them, the slower I will get. As if he's..."

"Stealing them away."

Zatara finished.

"Conquering the Speed Force."


The Flash blinked at him in question.

"How do you know that?"

Every eye turned to face Zatara, who had a grim visage on his face.

"I've heard chatter across the mystical community. There is a rare subspecies of Homo Magi, humans blessed with the ability to do magic that can Siphon away and use other energies. Maybe young Angel Savage can do the same?"


Barry shook his head, staring at the table with a far away look.

"He didn't do it himself, he had help from magic users. One of them was a kid with a cat and red eyes."

Zatara narrowed his eyes.


The Martian Manhunter turned to Barry.

"Flash may I?"

Barry nodded, scrunching his brow has he felt the Martian reach into his head, and retrieve memories of the ordeal before feeding them into the minds of every league member present. 

"Poseidon's Beard!"

Aquaman slammed his hand on the table with anger.

"I recognize those hooded figures, a cult of Atlantean Mages hellbent on bringing back the true king of Atlantis. They're a bunch of extremists and terrorists. A blight on the sea kingdoms! If they're working with this...Son of Vandal Savage, I fear we face an enemy more dangerous than the Immortal ever was."

"Aquaman is right."

Zatara took over.

"I also recognize the Magic user with the cat familiar. He is known as Klarion, a Chaos Lord who has been around just as long if not longer, than Vandal Savage. With his chaos magic...I now understand how it was possible they were able to steal your powers, Flash."

"And that's not all."

Batman interjected.

"Computer pull up file no: 322."

"Accessing File no: 322."

The Watchtower computer stated in a female voice.

Above the table they were gathered on, a feed with newspaper articles appeared.

Most of them were in Spanish, but one was in english, with a headline that read,

'Mysterious Deaths Occur in a Secret Criminal Factory on the Island Country of Santa Prisca. The Flaming-Ice devil strikes again!'

There were accompanying pictures which showed a factory surrounded by burnt trees and police tape around the scene of the crime. 

"Santa Prisca. That name sounds familiar."

Hawkman muttered.

"It's an independent island country in the Northeastern Caribbean, renowned for its political corruption and an equally infamous Prison, Peña Duro."

Black Canary answered him, throwing a knowing look Batman's way.

"The Island effectively belongs to Bane. Someone you have frequently tangled with, Batman."


Green Lantern sat up straighter.

"That's the guy that broke the Bat's back, right?"

"He paid for it."

Batman said grouchily.

"In any case, that's not the point Lantern. The point is that some of the bodies found along with Bane's men, were part of the League of Shadows."

Green Arrow whistled.

"Now those guys are tough."


Batman continued.

"And yet, someone burned and turned the whole squad into popsicles. And the way they were attacked...matches the same method as a few past cases."

He waved his hand over the projection, pulling up more news articles.

"From 2001 to now,"

He started reading them out loud, swiping over the articles which displayed scorched crime scenes, buildings on fire and towering ice crystals,

"'Moscow Mystery: Cryo-Flames Terrorize Red Square!', '2 villains!? Pyro-Cryo Duo strike Tokyo!, 'Queenbee asserts her rule with assistance from FLaming-Ice!..."

And there were more that Batman skipped over.

Each article made reference to the death toll but not the identity of the one responsible.

"All these cases remained unsolved."

Batman explained.

"But the one thing they have in common is..."

"They were committed by the same people."

Superman took over, fingers interlocked before his face.

"Or Person."

The Dark Knight nodded.

"I believe, this to be the work of Angel Savage. And I also believe him to be the one that attacked Santa Prisca and Kidnapped Bane."

"At risk of sounding skeptical, how can you be sure of any of this?" Captain Atom intervened.

"Following your logic Batman, he would be 5 years when he started killing."

"I have considered that."

Batman acquisced.

"Which is why I made sure to investigate each location separately. And the few eye-witnesses I managed to find, all said the same thing. A boy with black hair, brown skin and dark eyes who could control both fire and ice was responsible."

"And why didn't they come forward then?"

Hawkwoman asked.

"Why now?"

"Because they were afraid. And also because I offered them money."

Batman responded.

"Ookay. Moving on, why was the League of Shadows in Santa Prisca at the same time as him then?"

Green Arrow followed up with another question.

To answer, Batman typed on his wrist computer, pulling up new data that was projected for all of them to see.

A flyer, showcasing a fighting ring set in a forest with a title written in bold. 

"The Lazarus tournament?"

Wonder Woman read, a questioning note in her voice.

"It's a tournament hosted every few years by the League of Shadows, to recruit young martial artists with great potential to join their ranks. The reward usually changes but it is said the Winner can ask for anything. Even the resurrection of a loved one. The next one is in a week."

Batman explained. 

"And this is important why?"

Shazam questioned. 

"I'm going to use it as an excuse and send in Robin to investigate why Ra's Al Ghul sent his people to die in Santa Prisca."

The Dark Knight revealed. 

"But that's not all, is it?"

Superman guessed.

"You're hoping Angel might attend. And if he does..."

"Robin will sound the alarm, and call us in."

Batman finished.


The Flash stated in a tone that surprised everyone due to how ominous it sounded.

"I can't wait for Payback."

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