Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Chapter 12: Young Master…Are You Okay?

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Chapter 12: Young Master...Are you okay?

(General P.O.V)

This...was not how he was expecting things to go.

For all intents and purposes, he was actually losing to his son. His 10 year old son!

Savage dodged yet another cold fire blast from the sky, leaving a wide groove on the floor that he just barely dodged with a roll.

And then he was up again, running around the sparring room with his adamantine sword flashing out, to sweep away and split apart the storm of elements coming from the center of the Sparring room.

Angel, standing in the eye of said storm, had a maniacal grin on his face.

"Keep jumping like a monkey father! Run for your life! But that won't change the outcome of this battle! You will die here!"

With Frost in his left hand, Angel brought it swinging down, creating a vertical slash of cold fire that flew towards Savage in a tall arc.

Angel then repeated the motion, this time slashing out horizontally, ending with him creating a criss crossing arc of white fire.

Caught in between the Ice wall Angel had created and the end of the Spar chamber, Vandal had no choice but to stand his ground and take the attack head on.

A yellow energy seemed to coat his body, flowing down his blade and shrouding it in an aura of gold.

"I've only ever used Chi 3 times in a battle, boy. Consider yourself worthy."

With that claim, Savage raised his hands, both gripped on the handle of his weapon.

And then he too, swung down.

The very air screamed in front of him, a wide arc of Chi leaving the blade in the same manner of attack as Angel's Cold Fire slashes.

That said, Savage's own attack was not only bigger but it carried with it an energy Angel had only sensed once.

It was different from mana. Or a Metahuman's ability. Chi, was the lifeforce of a being.

Both attacks met in the middle, crashing and straining against each other before both energies exploded outwards.

Numerous slashes appeared on the walls, floor and ceiling of the chamber.

Savage found himself thrown back, the entire front of his body was now covered in slash marks and wounds that looked like burns, except the afflicted flesh was disintegrating into ash.

His back slammed onto the furthest wall, expelling all the air in his lungs before he fell to the floor. 

His hair came undone, the strands falling over his eyes.

The weight of his sword in his hand felt off. Looking down, Savage growled in anger.

His sword. Something he had had for thousands of years, created from the strongest metal in the planet...was chipped and cracked.

Even during battles with the justice society, justice League, the New Gods and some of the most powerful beings in the world, it had never quite sustained this amount of damage.


The sword clattered as the Immortal discarded it on the floor. It was useless to him now.

"I'll make you hurt in places you never thought you could."

The Immortal hissed out, pushing himself to his feet.

Once upright, Savage found himself tilting unsteadily. That's when he realized his right hand was missing from the elbow down.

And it wasn't healing...

Not only that, the arm itself seemed to be disintegrating into dust, the flesh, blood and bone flaking off as if burning in an invisible flame. And if it didn't stop...he remembered the wall from before, how it had turned into ash.

That was the fate awaiting him. Unless he did something. Like cutting off his entire arm from the shoulder.

Looking around for his discarded sword, Savage's anger only grew when he spotted Angel's foot on the blade.

"I told you, there's no running from this. Or surviving it."

Angel drawled.

"And once I'm done...not even your immortality will save you."

Vandal took a deep breath, giving the impression that he was calming himself down. But really, his anger had turned from fiery to cold.

"I had planned to only break your jaw, maybe cut off an arm or leg."

The immortal said in a low and dangerous tone. 

"With Ivo's expertise, you would have replaced it with a cybernetic one. But... You have truly angered me, Son. And now, your life is forfeit."

Angel stayed silent, tilting his head to the side in quiet contemplation.

"Nah, I'd win."

The younger Savage quipped casually, propping Frost on his shoulder and kicking the weapon on the ground towards Vandal. 

The latter stared at the weapon at his feet, before turning a baleful stare at his son.

"Have you learned nothing boy?"

Savage inquired while picking the blade up.

"The first rule of being a conqueror is to never show mercy to your enemies."

(Angel's Actual P.O.V)

I feel a smile stretch out across my face.


I repeat.

What a funny thing to say.

"I believe you're mistaken Father. The reason I allow you a blade is because, it's a disgrace for a warrior to die without a weapon."

Saying so, I hoist Frost off my shoulder before holding it with the tip facing down.

The time for talk is over. 

It's in my demeanor. And I see that he understands the same, his feet spread slightly apart, with the left one a few inches in front of the other.

Before attacking, he raises the blade in his hand and instantly cuts off his arm from the shoulder.

Smart. Had he not done that, the Cold Fire would have consumed it all and more.

While someone else would have had a type of reaction to losing an entire arm due to the pain, Father merely grunts, before steel flashes in his eyes.

And that's the cue.

Instead of shooting forward at crazy speeds like before, this time I try something different.

I take a step forward and just instantly and without warning, appear at his side, too fast for him to notice the sparks of blue and red lightning covering my form. And also too fast for him to dodge.

Especially when I've already pushed Frost into his chest, piercing his heart in a single breath.

For the first time ever, I see fear in his eyes. Fear and confusion as to how I was able to move so fast he couldn't perceive me.

"Your biggest mistake, was trying to control me."

I'm surprised by the sheer venom in my tone.

"But you forget Father, you can't control a living thing unless you kill what's alive about it."

And then I twist Frost while it's inside his chest. And the first indications of pain appear as the agony replaces the fear from before.


The Immortal stutters.

Initially I don't feel like answering. 

And then it occurs to me that this was what a villain would do- start monologuing to the hero at their mercy, only for the hero to take advantage of that and stall for time, before ultimately turning the tables around.

But Savage is far from a hero. 

And besides the pleasure of seeing his facial expression change as I reveal to him the real reason I kidnapped the Flash, there's also a benefit to him stalling for time.

Namely, it makes me look good when he tries a last ditch effort and I still end up killing him. 

And even more importantly, it will give him a chance to pull out the ace up his sleeve. Something I've been looking for.

And so I answer him, leaning closer so he can hear me whisper.

"How? Easy, I just did what you've been afraid to do all these years, win."

Suddenly there is a sleek and futuristic cuboid device with intricate patterns or symbols in his left hand.

Jackpot. The Fatherbox

However, before he can activate it and portal away, Frost flashes across his body in hundreds of criss crossing slashes that split his body into several chunks of disintegrating flesh.

With my right hand, I grab the Fatherbox and immediately throw it into a shadow to my side.

I don't have time to study it now or even form a bond with it, as all other Fatherboxes and Motherboxes do.

I return my gaze to my Father's remains and decapitated head, where the flesh on the neck is flaking off under the effects of Cold Fire.

I know that Shade has a camera recording the whole thing. From the time I entered the spar room to the end of the Immortal.

The whole battle has been captured and will soon be sent to a few notable figures, namely Father's business associates.

This will no doubt cause an uproar in the Villain world, but it's all a part of the plan.

Meanwhile, I consider what to say to the man who had contributed to bringing me into this world.

I could tell him that this is payback for killing my birth mother, or my sister Olympia or the fucked up tasks he made me do for him.

I can even accuse him of Fire and Ice's deaths. Yes, they died in my hands but if it wasn't for him...

I stop myself before falling into those memories. Memories and a Lesson from dear old dad, I would rather forget.

In the end, I say nothing as the light leaves his eyes, and the Immortal finally dies.

I don't leave my place before his entire body has turned to ash.

And still I keep on standing there, lost in thought. 

After 3 years of secretly planning his death, it almost feels surreal that he's gone.

"Young Master...are you okay?"

I sense Shade's presence behind me.

And this time, I don't have even take a second to answer.

"Yeah. I am."

It feels as if a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"I'm definitely okay now."

I echo with a sigh.

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