Setting and Setup. Not a Chapter.
Primary Setting will be an Alternate Universe Night City and Surrounding Wastes.
New buildings and zones with be introduced, however they will not be a main focus at first, with the sole exception of the MCs starting point.
I am playing with some ideas for Orbit and the Moon, we will see if those work out.
As the story continues the setting will expand to include new cities, some OC and some not.
There will be no Dimension hopping or greater Cosmic Conflict.
Any New Game Sets will be brought into and merge with this World Setting.
The primary conceit of this Story is that an Unknown Multiversal Company, has received some bad PR. They are trying to change their image by using people, who are about to die and won't be missed, to clean up various environmentally challenged Worlds.
The MC is forced into signing a contract and given access to powers, but only those deemed useful to cleaning things up and protecting himself.
He will receive limited support buildings and troops to protect and expand the Company's project. These will be theme based.
He will start with a theme appropriate companion to act as a guide and mentor while reporting back to the Company.
He will earn Company Points as he completes tasks. These can be exchanged for Powers and Items.