Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 31

Greetings all, have a joyous day.


It was with some small trepidation that I entered the Khalai Forge.

I ran my hands over the Matrix Engraver, the machine that burns a Psi circuit into a Crystal.

I turned to the Material Disassembler which breaks, pretty much anything, down to it basic molecules.

The various Assemblers to turn those molecules into Metal, Psi Crystal, and Solidified Energy.

The Nano Forges to build and shape materials into final products.

While the new knowledge rolled violently in my head, I now had an intuitive connection to these machines. I could now alter templates and create the things I needed from them.

Ah, now I got the primary difference between the types of Smiths. The Phase-Smith could create new templates, I would only be able to alter ones I already had or found.

I had a suspicion that the Scans the Probes had been so prolific in performing, would serve as templates. If so, did that mean I could alter then forge human tech?

Reaching out through the Psi field I touched the signatures of Probes. A couple dozen different personalities of Wisp Infused Probes were active, yet only two had been named. This made them stand out. I called Scuff and Fix to the Forge.

They arrived and I gave them pats. They seemed to like that. No clue if they really felt it, or just liked the attention. One thing was becoming clear though, Khalai Robots developed their own form of life after a time and the Wisp Infusions enhanced and accelerated this process.

They quickly uploaded all their scans. I thanked them and they returned to their tasks.

I reviewed the data. Yes, these would work as templates indeed. I quickly pulled up the scan of my Omaha. The circuitry to integrate with smart gun technology was simplistic by Khalai standards and full of unnecessary components. I used the template of the Photon Cannon for example of targeting circuits. Then I realized that no, that wouldn't do.

Cannon circuits were designed for fix platform targeting. I needed something from a mobile platform, there the Dragoon. I slightly more complex circuit with a certain level of adaptability baked in. Perfect. Of course, several parameters would have to be tweaked, plasma would not behave like a solid projectile. Usually.

The chassis and barrel of the Omaha could be redone in the Khalai Alloy a very complex metallic molecule. It came in several variants, we would go with one of the medium strength ones here. Its tolerances far beyond most alloys available to humans. This would in turn allow for new ammo designs.

Yes, the propellant could be minute amounts of solidified energy. The bullet itself a lighter Khalai Alloy. A finned design for better aerodynamics. Good.

I could convert it to fire plasma rounds but the gun would have to be larger and I already had a hard time handling it.

Compile. One prototype template.

Alina ran the template through several simulations. It looked viable.

I had the Forge assemble one and then a hundred rounds of ammo.

The gun was heavier, by about a pound and a half. A brass colored version of the Omaha, a few tweaks making it a bit sleeker.

When the ammo was done, I headed to the edge of the Valley.

I would be shooting the mountainside, for the most part. This was a stress test.

Readying myself for heavy recoil. I braced and squeezed the trigger.

It kicked like a mule, but I managed to avoid getting kissed again. Maybe pull back on the propellant a tad, or figure out a better recoil compensation system.

After a few dozen rounds. I was growing to love it. I had a feeling it would shed most things I'd meet in the city.

Well we could test that.

Back at the forge, I printed up a couple of armored plated. One representing the best armor the Probes had scanned. The other a light variant of the Khalai alloy roughly the same as what the Probes were rocking.

Testing showed that while both failed to stop the bullets. The human armor failed more dramatically. Heh.

Well, the real armor of the Khalai was their shielding technology. I'd have to figure that out next.



[ Omaha Khalai Variant - Prototype

Range: 40 yards

Damage: 10

Ammo: 9 round magazine +1 round in the chamber ]


Not bad for my first attempt.

I took a break to grab some fruit to eat. This time a golden pear like fruit off of one of the blue leaved trees. Very firm texture, crispy and tart not too dissimilar to the apple but with is own distinct flair. Like the apple one fruit filled my belly. I was sure it had something to do with the mana.

I spent some time walking around and just enjoying the Valley. It was coming along nicely.

I thought of what the Corpos would do if they found it. That could not be allowed.

I marched back to the Forge to spend the day designing new ways to protect this peace.

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