Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 15

I do want him to get some detes before I drop some gangoons on him.

Hmm. Where to go? Who to introduce?

How far should he get stuck in his first foray?


Argh, the lights were a bright too bright, as the rattle of the beaded curtain filled my ears.

When my vision adapted a bit. There was a counter off to my right. Purples and pinks undercut with blue everywhere.

There was a pounding beat, but it was muffled out here. I could see sound insulating panels, so it was probably going to be deafening in the actual club.

"Hey, a new face. Not too scop either." This was the girl manning the counter.

I was taken aback by the neon behind her proclaiming, "Fuck to Death!"

Ah, What? I was in trouble I didn't understand yet.

She was a chipper little thing, maybe 5' even, pink hair blazing with light. Her eyes where like two purple hearts, no I mean literally.

I didn't get it, but okay.

A green and purple leotard, her only clothing, barely covered the important bits. Well, I guess she had nothing to be ashamed of. though I could tell she had a lot of little mods.

So these things, were as much fashion as functional? Disturbing.

There where coats behind her all green and purple with some pink highlights. Yeah, I was getting the theme.

"Hello, could you give me the name of someone who'd be willing to give me the run down on this City. I'm from Out of Town."

Her eyes flashed at me.

"Bennie, eh, and 100% Ganic too," She let out a manic giggle, "Temped to take you into the back and play in meatspace, just to see the difference."

"Oookay?" I'm sure I looked totally lost, felt it, didn't I. I slowly placed my Omaha on the counter, like I was afraid she take a bite out of my arm. Or lick it.

"Oh, that's a nice piece, needs a little color though. I wonder if your other Iron needs some color?" She glanced down at my dick. Like she could see it through my pants, or was really trying to.

I'm no prude but this was creeping me out. Then again, I've never been the center of this kind of attention. Faltering and Sickening all at once, is that a thing?

Thankfully, I was saved.

A lady with one of the largest 'fros I'd ever seen, stuck her head out a door to the left. "Kimmie, you are there to help people get detes not hit on them," She glanced me over, "Sorry newbie, she's still getting use to things." She nodded her head like that was enough and vanished back into that room.

Kimmie gave me an apologetic grin, "Sorry, too much? I just get sooo excited. But to answer your earlier question, Mateo at the bar can set you up. He knows most everyone."

"No you're adorable, but yeah, dial it back a tad. I still don't even understand what I've gotten myself into yet." I shook my head.

"Alright, have a good time." She seemed to deflate a bit, but shrugged it off in a second.

I went through another beaded curtain, marveling how more sound didn't pour into the entryway.

A large space full of contrasts, Too bright and too dark all at the same time. Some kind of laser light show off to one side. Holograms dancing at tables.

The people gathered around those tables, talking, drinking, were an eclectic mix of styles and colors. I couldn't get a read on what was normal, of course it was a Club, people were probably dressed in their "best".

I felt like I was in an insane music video. The music wasn't bad though. A little too beat heavy, but hey, get that heart rate up.

I was really out of my element as I passed another lady who was scanning the crowd like a hawk. Bouncer I supposed. She focused on me for a moment.


She gestured with her head.


She nodded and went back to her job.

I wove through the dancing people trying not to touch anyone. Not out of some, "ew, gross" sense, more out of a "I don't want problems." sense.

I took a seat at the bar, like it was a life preserver. Felt a touch calmer over here.

"You look lost." A man had come over, I would have called his fashion Miami Casual back home. The vibes he put out were kind of like the guy who stole your girlfriend, then wondered why you were upset.

"You could say that. I'm from Out of Town, looking to get a rundown on how thing work around here, people pointed me this way."

"I'm Mateo, and I can get one of the Girls to hook you up. She'll dance and answer questions, nothing more, alright?" He seemed chill, unflappable. A little smug. I really didn't like him. Muscles were probably fake.

"Ryan." I gave him a Bro nod.

He returned it, okay maybe not so bad a dude.

I bought a coffee and a pretzel like thing, while I waited. Neither was great by my standards, but no where near as horrid as Buck a Slice.

Maybe Meadran could figure out a way to produce fruits and veggies. I could make a killing feeding people actual fucking food.

If I could keep them from killing me over it.

Mateo set me up with a dancer called Sinnamin. A brute of a woman, who looked down at me with boredom, but maybe apathy was better than the alternative.

$20 for 5 minute of dancing and questions. I threw down $340 for 85 minutes. I required info more than cash right now, and it should be enough time to get at least the basics.

Sinnamin guided me into one of the back booths, it was a little quieter. I leaned back and asked her to start at the beginning.


Fun Times.

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