Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 13

Are you having a good day? I hope you are.


Okay, there was a problem.

With their fins, the Probes were not going to fit into the Galena. Not both at the same time, anyway.

Their top speed was maybe 30-40 Mph, not enough for the observed speeds.

I turn to them, "Do you have some way to attach yourself to the top, or can you be towed?"

In response, One of the Probes landed on the roof and did something with it hover field, that magnetically? locked it down. I pushed and prodded at it, the connection seemed solid.

The other one locked in right behind it, I wouldn't be able to open the hatchback, and I'd have to be care of the fins when getting in or out, but it was a good enough solution for now.

It when here we made a critical discovery.

One of the Wisps circling around me ran into the first probe. energies sparked and the Wisp disappeared into the Probe.

My BTC shuddered,


[ Adjusting...]

[ Khalai Probe

Construction and Maintenance Unit

Armor: 2

Shields: 10

Damage: 6

An A.I. Controlled Robot for Harvesting Materials. ]


[ Infused Khalai Probe

Unknown Unit

Armor: 2 +2

Shields: 10 +5 (Shields now block Spells)

Damage: 6 +4 (May affect Incorporeal Beings)

The Combination of an Elder Wisp and a Khalai Probe. This Unit has partial Stealth. ]


"Are you okay?" As neat as those gains seemed I didn't want anything to happen to my little Robo-Buddy. This one still had a scuff on it's armor. Hmm. Scuff sure I started think of this one as Scuff.

Scuff beeped at me, "We are fine, Executor." The "we" part was a little troubling, but it seemed more coherent. More alive than before.

I glanced at the other Probe and had the still hovering Elder Wisp fuse with it. This is the one that was repairing Scuff in the fight. So Fix? Good enough.

"You okay back there?"

"Of course, Executor." Well, Alright.

'Meadran, checking in.'

'We are at the edge of the range of our connection, Young One.'

Really? I gazed back toward the Mountains I had come from. I had walked more than 50 miles? I guess the Regrowth did the body good.

I filled Meadran in on current events. He was troubled at the levels of violence, but it wasn't unexpected.

He was greatly pleased by the discovery of fusion between Khalai and Kaldorei paradigms. He said he would experiment back at the Valley.

'Be cautious, Young One.'

'I will, Meadran.'

I got into the car. I laughed, that was a lot of buttons.

I did see one labeled start, so I pushed it. The engine purred into life. I rubbed the dash.

The radio came on blasting some kind of Techno Pop. I turned it off. Maybe later, I could experience their culture.

I revved it a little trying to get a feel for the sound of this engine, it was different, I couldn't yet qualify those differences. Later I'd have to get in there and see how it was put together.

Now, let's take it for a spin.

Hmm, automatic, disappointing.

I shrugged it off, Beggars can't be Choosers.

I still couldn't guess what half the buttons were for, but heck time to enjoy the ride.


People here drove like fucking savages. And I had yet to see a speed limit sign. I'd even almost got hit just getting out of the parking lot.

It would take more than some aggressive punks to mess up my driving though.

I'd always found a sense of peace, and freedom while driving. Everything else could just melt away in the wind.

Even fools trying to get somewhere at warp speeds didn't harsh that meditative nature to my driving. Something else did that.

A few minutes into the drive, I was focusing on the ever increasing size of the Buildings I was driving towards, with what appeared to be Holographs dancing around them.

A glint of light off of something had me glance to my left, towards that mountain...which wasn't a mountain. It was a humongous pile of garbage and scrap.

"What the Hell?"

I pulled over for a moment, while I processed that. That fucking bothered me.

They don't burn it, recycle it, bury it, something, anything more useful than just pile it up.

I was more bothered by that Monument to Absurdity, than I was at someone shooting at me.

Well, I was here to clean things up, but I'd never would have imagined this.

This place was fucked up.

Night City, huh?

Maybe, I should just burn it all down.


Seeing all the Trash Mountains for the First time, hit me pretty hard too.

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