Some Warpunk in Cybercraft! [Fanfiction]

Chapter 11

Again, I am writing for my own entertainment, I make no promises of Quality, Quantity, Organization and/or Specific Schedules.

No, I can't keep up the pace of the last couple of days. I have work and responsibilities.

However, right now this is more fun to me than other entertainment options. Plus free therapy.

From here things are going to get more improvised. I was only working on outlines and notes for a week.

Most of that was more focused on where all of this is going, not how we get there.

I have three different endings written out. I guess we'll see which one makes the cut.


I had a theory brewing in the back of my head that this was some kind of post-post apocalyptic situation.

Some Great War? Sudden Nukes? Chemical Attacks? Bioweapon gone wrong? (AN: This was fun to write, This Guy!)

As I stared at the few patrons of the questionable establishment, the idea cemented in my brain that something was deeply wrong with this place.

I decided that it wasn't worth fighting the Bartender over the Probes, so I had them wait outside.

Everyone in here had augments? Cybernetics? just like the other folks I had seen. Weird lines on the faces, some people had odd circles of metal, looked sort of like jack ports or in some cases USB ports. Why?

"Wait in the parking lot. If anyone messes with you, put them down." A said, with an attempt at a menacing tone.

They went off to wander around outside.

Of course, I'm not an idiot, the Elder Wisps were right by my side. Nobody seemed to notice them, which was a mixed bag. I had the impression that looking dangerous, was almost as important as actually being dangerous.

But I need answers, and had to start interacting with people somewhere.

I stepped over to the counter and sat on a stool. The Bartender had kept his eye on me the whole way.

Something told me, he didn't trust me.

"Excuse me, I seem to be lost? Been out in the wastes a while, and have gotten all turned around." Going for firm but non-offensive.

The air get tense, I could feel everyone's attention on me.

The look he gave me. Hatred, disgust, and a few other emotions I could make out all rolled into one.

"You a Corpo?" His hand moved under the Bar.

Shit, what did I do?

"What's a Corpo?" Genuine confusion. Which is probably why he calmed down, a little. I could hear the other people in here ease up as well.

"Do you work for a Corporation, like Arasaka, or Militech?" He said it slow, like I was mentally feeble.

Ah, I just tripped over common knowledge.

"No idea what those are? No I don't work for anyone but myself right now." Not exactly true, but he didn't need to know the details.

His hand came back into sight, nothing in it. Whew.

"Ya Gonk, why'd ya talk like that 'en? I almost pulled Iron." He had a half smile, already ignoring the previous situation.

That right there told me a lot, about how screwed I really was. If I wasn't already worried out of my skull, I'd have missed it.

Violence was common. Common enough to not be a big deal.

What a few bullet between friends, right?

That kind of place.

"Parents were teachers, taught me to be polite." True enough.

"Well, maybe toughen up a bit, eh? Polite gets you shot more often 'en not around here. Anyway, you're right by Night City, Choom. That help?" He seemed like a completely different guy now. Almost Friendly. Talk about whiplash.

"Nope." I said grinning. I took a chance, "What State am I in?" I figured I was in America by the way he spoke.

"State? You from the NUSA?"

Huh? Just roll with it.

"Sure, how bad am I fucked?" I was reminded of trying to buy things off of Craigslist, give nothing away, hope they did have the goods you wanted.

"Nah, not too bad. Most peeps have gotten over it, except 'em Dogtown gonks. Anyway, Night city is it's own thing, ya must really be from the sticks to 've never heard of it."

"Oh, very isolated. What do you use for currency? I was looking to buy a drink." Whelp, I was sure my money was useless now.

"Huh? Oh we use Eddies jus' like everywhere else." He started with the fish eye again.

I sighed.

"Do you take trades, I don't have any 'Eddies' on me now."

"What'd ya get rolled?"

"Yeah, you could say that. Barely got away with my clothes and walking stick."

He nodded as he noticed my staff for the first time, "Hey is that real wood?"

He tried to hide it, but I caught the moment an expression of pure greed.

Wood is rare. Wood is rare.

Likely Water too.

Thinking of the trip here. What if that was the way the World looked everywhere.

I could grow new Trees. That's why I'm here.

I controlled a rare vital resource. I was going to be rich.

I had to make sure the Valley stayed hidden.

People would destroy it, intentionally or not.

"Yes, an heirloom of better time."

Dealing with a Used Car Salesman mode activated. I liked to restore cars in my spare time. I've had to do a lot of haggling over the years, I had a system.

"$1000, and a drink on the house."

I gave him my patented, "Don't Even." The expression really sells it and it works more often then not.

Dealing is all about let them think they had gotten the better deal, while still getting what you wanted. The Staff while useful wasn't necessary for my plans. I was sure I could get another later. A good rule to follow, never take the first offer. No matter how good it seems.

He pursed his lips. "Alright $3000 and a few drinks for the road."

The second offer is never the best either. Sometime you have to take it though, if the person on the other side is too hostile. But I think I had a read on this guy.

I pulled back on the "Bitch, What" expression, and slightly shook my head. This said I was almost but not quite there.

He sighed, "$4000, a few drinks an' I'll throw in this Iron that was left. You look like you need it. Best Offer."

Yeah, the third offer wasn't the best offer, but you rarely ever push pass this point, unless you are very familiar with the person.

I nodded while looking unhappy. Everyone likes to believe they got the best of you, and that parting with your items or money was making you suffer. I've been on both sides I know.

My BTC twitched.


[ Gained Skill Bargaining at Rank 1 ]

[ Gained +1 Rank in Concentration ]


Nice. I liked this feeling I got when the numbers went up. Even if I wasn't sure what they did.

His eyes flashed. Like with actual light. Creepy.

"Ya aren't chipped." He looked shocked, "Ya really are from the booneys. Your lucky I've enough script. Hold on."

He went through the door in the back. I looked around. Too many people had paid attention.

Shit. Someone was going to try to jump me.

He came back in a couple of minutes. Set a stack of bills, I didn't recognize in front of me, a gun, and a box of ammo.

I quickly put the bills away into my robe's inner left pocket.

I picked up the gun.

My experience with guns was limited, just a couple of hunting trips with dad in my teens. And a couple of trip to a range with friends to do some plinking.

I kept it pointed down at the floor, cleared it, and dropped the mag to check if it was loaded. It was. I reset the mag and pulled a round from the box, loaded the chamber, while looking at the other folks in here. I switch the safety on and was about to put in in the right inner pocket of my robe when

My BTC shook,



[ Militech M-76e Omaha

Range: 30 yards

Damage: 8

Ammo: 9 round magazine +1 round in the chamber ]


As I put in away, I hoped I looked competent. The gun felt a lot like some of the .45s I had handled but heavier.

"Name's Ryan, by the Way."

"I'm Greg, I work for Noah."

I shook his hand. Then handed him his new staff.

He wasted no time in making it vanish back there.

He pointed at the list above the Bar, "Pick something out."

Yeah, I had been increasing going into "Foreign Country" mode. You know, pay attention. Watch your back. Trust no one. and one I wished I had known on a trip to Mexico once. Don't Drink The Water!

"Just give me a selection of Colas." They tended to be highly processed, while my waistline and kidneys might get pissed off at me, probably the best option in this circumstance.

He put a dozen colorful cans in a backpack for me. Free backpack, score.

"On the house." He winked at me, he knew what was going to happen, probably set it up on purpose.

I sighed. I grabbed one of the cans at random.

NiCola, with a simple design in white and black and some pink lettering. A girl seemed to be wagging her butt at me. I shook my head, popped the tab and took a sip.

I winced, an unholy mixture of Pepsi-like soda and Cough Syrup. I chugged the rest, because I was thirsty, and I didn't want to taste it more than I had to.

So far, this place failed to impress me.

Greg chuckled at my pain. "Don't like the Love huh?"

"Could be better." Scrapping my tongue with my teeth. "Thanks for the trade, Greg."

"Careful out there Ryan."

I nodded as I got up and walk to the door. The Probes zipped over to flank me again. The Wisps had the lead.

I walked out of the Bar ready for trouble.


I'm just going to use $ for Eddies, because of laziness.

Prices and stats are not going to be the same as canon.

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